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FULL NAME: ……………………………………………..

Class: Date:

HANDOUT 14.3.2024 - KEY



1. Demand, require, need call for

2. Cancel call off
3. Become brighter and better (weather) clear up
4. Make the place impossible/ difficult to enter cut off
5. Become less noisy, powerful, or active die down
6. Repair, paint, improve do up
7. Accept something and try to deal with it face up with
8. Make somebody feel sad or lose hope get smb down
9. Suggest that something is result of put down to
10. Make something stop burning put out
11. Start and be likely to continue for a while set in
12. Represent, put up with stand for
13. Destroy or remove (for building/ statue) tear down
14. Get rid of, discard throw away

Exercise 2. Find one word to fill in 3 sentences

I forgot my .................................... list.
She's very independent and does all her own .................................... and cooking.
The store is open for late night.......... responsibility...... on Wednesdays. Ca đêm
2 ___SHOWER______
They are in.................................... to the bank. Be in shower = take a shower
I should be able to clear my .................................... once I get a decent job, công việc tốt
The new leader acknowledged a .................................... of gratitude to his supporters who had
helped him get elected. A shower of = mass = a large number of
3 _____EFFECT____
The .................................... for electrical goods remains constant.
The new software is much in .................................... The hotel will supply an iron on **..
In effect = in fact/ in practice = being used/ active
4 ________END_______
That's ...................................., Peter. Give those toys back, please.
Are there pencils for everyone?
She told me it was brand new and I was stupid .................................... to believe her.
5 ______FLOOR_________
She makes a big .................................... from selling waste material to textile companies. = open
A lot of companies will .................................... from the fall in interest rates.
Hit someone/ surprise, confuse
Spending on new technology will severely limit .................................... growth in the short term.
6 _______WEATHER________
No one believed her, .................................... of all the police. = deal with / air condition
It will be £200 at the very ..................................... = right weather
You'll have to wait at .................................... an hour.
Weather = to deal successfully with a difficult situation or problem
7 _____WORLD__________
We went on holiday at my father's ....................................
It's silly to go to the .................................... of buying new clothes when you don't really need
He claimed that the restaurant bill was a legitimate business ....................................
8 _____LONG__________
You can make a .................................... out of junk if you call it 'antiques.
This dress cost a small .....................................
At the fair, there was a lady who told your .....................................
9 _______MESS________
He had to borrow money to .................................... his business. You'll....................................
time if you take the car.
Can you .................................... it for later?
10 _______FUSS________
There were 39, 000 new cases last year an.................................... of 7 per cent.
Any .................................... in production would be helpful.
Homelessness is on the .................................... in many cities.
11 _______SIGHT________
They didn't deliver the right .................................... of sand.
Radical remarks like this .................................... to heresy for most members of the Republican
The new tax caused a huge .................................... of public anger.
12 _____WASTE__________
Who will be in .................................... of the department when Sophie leaves?
His boss asked him to take .................................... of the office for a few days while she was
away. What do you .................................... for a haircut and blow-dry?
13 _______________
He said that he was in boxing for the....................................
We spent so much .................................... redecorating the house that we didn't have any left
over for a holiday.
How much .................................... do you earn?
14 _______________
My boss gave me a month's .....................................
I asked him to drive more slowly, but he didn't take any....................................
I can't cancel my arrangements at such short .....................................

STT English Collocations Vietnamese meanings
1 Weather forecast dự báo thời tiết
2 Shine brightly nắng chói chang
3 Clear sky bầu trời trong xanh không một gợn mây
4 Bask in the sunshine = soak up the tắm nắng
5 Oppressively hot = scorching hot = nắng gắt, nắng như đổ ỉửa
swelteringly hot
6 Partly cloudy khi có sự pha trộn của bầu trời xanh và
Scattered clouds mây rải rác
Heavy clouds mây dày
7 Light rain mưa rào nhẹ
Heavy rain mưa to
Torrential rain mưa xối xả, mưa như trút nước
Continuous rain/constant rain mưa dầm
Intermittent rain/scattered showers mưa rải rác
8 Light/slight wind gió nhẹ
High/strong wind gió to
Fierce wind/gale-force wind gió dữ dội
Blast of wind/a gust of wind gió mạnh và đột ngột
9 Gloomy/dismal weather tiết trời ảm đạm
10 Muggy/sultry weather tiết trời nóng ẩm
11 Mild / calm weather thời tiết đẹp
12 Harsh/severe/wild weather thời tiết khắc nghiệt
13 Come down in torrent = Rain cats and mưa xối xả, mưa như trút nước
dogs = bucket down = pour down
14 Be a breeze rất dễ dàng
15 Under the weather không được khỏe
= off - colour
16 As right as rain cảm thấy rất khỏe khoắn
17 Be snowed under ngập trong công việc
18 Break the ice phá vỡ sự ngại ngần, im lặng trong giao
19 Calm before the storm sự yên lặng
20 Chase rainbows theo đuổi ảo mộng, viển vông
21 Come rain or shine cho dù chuyện gì xảy ra
22 Every cloud has a silver lining trong cái rủi có cái may
23 Fair-weather friend bạn cơ hội (người bạn chỉ xuất hiện khi
bạn ở điều kiện thuận lợi, còn khó khăn
thì không thẫy đâu)
24 Get wind of nghe lỏm được, nghe phong phanh được
25 Have your head in the clouds để đầu óc ở trên mây, không thực tế
26 It never rains but it pours họa vô đơn chí
27 On cloud nine rất sung sướng
28 Put on ice trì hoãn một việc gì đó
29 Ray of hope tia hi vọng
30 Save for a rainy day dành dụm phòng khi túng thiếu
31 Steal someone thunder đánh cắp công lao của ai đó, giành hết sự
chú ý của mọi người cho người nào đó
32 Storm in a teacup việc bé xé ra to
33 Storm is brewing sắp có chuyện rồi
34 Take a rain check quyết định nhưng chưa làm được ngay,
khất lãn sau
35 Throw caution to the wind liều lĩnh, không quan tâm tới lời cảnh
36 Face like thunder tức nổ đom đóm
37 Make hay while the sun shines khi có cơ hội hãy nắm bắt lấy
38 Rain on one’s parade phá hỏng kế hoạch của một ai đó
39 In a fog mất phương hướng
40 A stormy relationship mối quan hệ bất hòa/sóng gió
41 Be under a cloud không được tin tưởng bởi vì người ta
nghĩ bạn đã làm việc gì sai trái
42 Weather the storm xử lý thành công một vấn đề khó khăn
43 A snowball's chance rất ít cơ hội
44 Blow hot and cold hay thay đổi ý kiến
45 Brass-monkey weather thời tiết rất lạnh
46 Full of hot air nói suông
47 See which way the wind blows phân tích tình hình trước khi làm điều gì
48 Keep one’s weather eye open cảnh giác cao độ
49 Make heavy weather of doing st câu giờ, trì hoãn khi làm việc gì
50 Lightning fast nhanh như chớp

Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences

Question 1: My boss keeps promising to give me a pay rise but the extra money never comes.
He is full of________air!
A. hot B. cold C. warm D. wet
Question 2: Oh, I’m snowed________at work now. I have no time go shopping with you.
A. bellow B. under C. underneath D. in
Question 3: I'm going to see which way the________before asking her about a raise.
A. sun rises B. sun shines
C. water freezes D. wind blows
Question 4: They're blowing________over this issue. It's impossible to know what they want!
A. dry and wet B. warm and cool
C. hot and cold D. light and heavy
Question 5: He smiled and gave me a cup of coffee to________the ice. He’s really friendly.
A. take B. teal C. break D. hit
Question 6: Oh, enjoy the calm before the________. Tomorrow the kids will come back and
you will be mad with them.
A. storm B. typhoon C. hurricane D. rain
Question 7: They told me that I'm________rainbows, but I don't care, I believe myself.
A. seeking B. chasing C. pursuing D. hunting
Question 8: I’ll be there with you come rain shine, don't worry.
A. and B. but C. for D. or
Question 9: I was laid off from work yesterday, but every cloud has a________lining and now I
can spend more time writing my book.
A. gold B. silver C. diamond D. copper
Question 10: ________friend is not much helpful when you get trouble.
A. Fair-weather B. Ill-weather C. Off-weather D. weathered
Question 11: They got________of the cutting staffs plan, so they are looking for new jobs.
A. sun B. rain C. wind D. cloud
Question 12: She always has her head in the________. She has done nothing successful until
A. clouds B. sky C. heavens D. winds
Question 13: It’ll be interesting to see which businesses manage to weather the storm of this
economic crisis.
A. get over B. get off C. get through D. get on
Question 14: He lost his job and lost love. It never rains but it________.
A. pours B. buckets C. flows D. erodes
Question 15: Roger was accused of shoplifting once. When some money went missing in the
office, he was under a cloud until they found the person who stole it.
A. deceived B. suspected C. misunderstood D. blamed
Question 16: She's just get a big scholarship, so she is now on cloud________.
A. three B. five C. nine D. ten
Question 17: The project has been put on ice until our boss decides what to do next.
A. delayed B. changed C. planned D. conducted
Question 18: Don't worry too much, there is a________of hope after all.
A. flash B. flicker C. ray D. rope
Question 19: Don't spend your entire wage in one night. You should save for a rainy day.
A. put aside B. put out C. put up D. put away
Question 20: I’m sorry to________on your parade, but you’re not allowed to have food or
drinks in the theater.
A. flood B. rain C. dry D. ruin
Question 21: I just got a good job for the summer- I don't know if I'll have one this fall, but I’ll
make________while the sun shines and save up for the winter.
A. grass B. weed C. hay D. bush
Question 22: Don't spend too much time on that argument. It’s just a storm in a________.
A. teapot B. teamilk C. teaseed D. teacup
Question 23:I love that dress, but could I can't buy it now. Could I________a rain
check on that?
A. take B. make C. do D. give
Question 24: Don't throw caution to the wind. You know you will lose your job if you do that.
A. take a risk B. be brave C. be stupid D. have a go
Question 25: If the weather forecast says the sun will be shining________, with________skies
and high temperatures, then it's a good day to go to the beach and________in the sunshine.
A. bright/blue/bathe B. brightly/clear/soak
C. oppressively/cloudy/bask D. brightly/clear/bask

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