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The Blended learning book review: A study on Content Development

Course Code: HRM 5201

Course Title: Training and Development
Program Name: MBA in HRM

Submitted To

Dr. Sumayya Begum

Associate Professor

Submitted By

Group 08
Name ID
MD TOHIDUL ISLAM 23243404051
KANIZ FATAMA MIM 23243404007

Department of Business Administration in Management Studies

Bangladesh University of Professionals

Date of Submission: March 21, 2024

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction...............................................................................................................................2
Overview of "The Blended Learning Book"........................................................................................... 2
Summary of Chapter 8: Content Development....................................................................................... 2
Detailed Breakdown of the Content Development Process.....................................................................3
Chapter 2: Literature Review..................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 3: Methodology..............................................................................................................................7
Chapter 4: Findings & Analysis..................................................................................................................8
The Instructional Design Team................................................................................................................9
Typical Content Development Challenges............................................................................................ 10
Developing a Program Plan................................................................................................................... 11
The Instructional Plan............................................................................................................................12
Developing Standards............................................................................................................................12
Making Content Reusable..................................................................................................................... 12
E-Learning Content Development Process............................................................................................13
Working with SMEs.............................................................................................................................. 13
Developing Webinar or Live E-Learning Content.................................................................................14
Development Tools................................................................................................................................15
Simulations............................................................................................................................................ 15
Content Development Tips and Techniques.......................................................................................... 16
Outsourcing Content Development....................................................................................................... 17
Lessons Learned in This Chapter.......................................................................................................... 18
This example incorporates all the key takeaways in the chapter and demonstrates a comprehensive
approach to program development for public speaking in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Application in the Bangladesh Context................................................................................................. 20

Strategies for Effective Content Development in Bangladesh.............................................................. 21
Chapter 5: Recommendations and Conclusion......................................................................23
Conclusion............................................................................................................................. 24
References................................................................................................................................................... 25
Chapter 1: Introduction
Josh Bersin’s "The Blended Learning Book: Best Practices, Proven Methodologies, and Lessons
Learned" is an authoritative guide that provides a deep dive into the methodologies of blended
learning, a method that combines online digital media with traditional classroom methods to
provide a more integrated approach to learning. This review specifically focuses on Chapter 8,
"Content Development," which is central to creating effective blended learning experiences. This
chapter is analyzed in detail, especially in the context of Bangladesh, to understand how its
principles can be applied in a developing country's educational landscape.

Overview of "The Blended Learning Book"

● Author: Josh Bersin, a renowned expert in corporate training, learning, and HR
● Publication Details: Published in the mid-2000s, the book captures a critical time in the
evolution of educational methodologies, making it a seminal text for understanding
blended learning.
● Structure and Scope: The book covers various aspects of blended learning, from design
and implementation to evaluation and adaptation, offering a comprehensive roadmap for
educators and trainers.

Summary of Chapter 8: Content Development

Key Themes and Objectives

Chapter 8 of Bersin's book focuses on the development of educational content that is suited for
blended learning environments. The chapter aims to equip educators with the skills and
knowledge needed to create effective and engaging learning materials that cater to diverse
learning preferences and technological capabilities.

● Core Focus:
● The chapter outlines the process of developing content that is not only informative
but also interactive and adaptable to various learning platforms.

● Bersin emphasizes the importance of understanding the learners' needs and the
technological infrastructure available to them.
● Strategic Content Development:
● Bersin introduces a step-by-step approach to content development, starting from
the analysis of learning objectives to the actual creation and implementation of the
● The chapter discusses different types of content, including textual, multimedia,
interactive simulations, and assessments.

Detailed Breakdown of the Content Development Process

1. Understanding Learner Needs:

● Bersin stresses the importance of aligning content with the learners' needs and
backgrounds. This involves conducting thorough needs assessments to tailor
content that addresses specific skill gaps and learning preferences.
2. Designing Learning Experiences:
● The chapter guides readers through designing effective learning modules by
combining various instructional strategies such as storytelling, problem-solving,
and scenario-based learning.
● It highlights the role of instructional design theories and models, like ADDIE
(Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation), in crafting
impactful content.
3. Creating Interactive and Engaging Materials:
● Bersin advocates for the creation of interactive content that encourages active
learning. This includes the use of multimedia elements such as videos,
animations, and interactive quizzes.
● The chapter provides tips on leveraging technology to create immersive learning
experiences, such as virtual labs, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR)
4. Technology Integration:

● A significant portion of the chapter is dedicated to explaining how to integrate
technology effectively in blended learning content. This covers a range of tools
from Learning Management Systems (LMS) to mobile learning applications.
● Bersin also discusses the importance of making content accessible and responsive,
ensuring that learners can access materials across different devices and platforms.
5. Evaluation and Feedback:
● The chapter concludes with strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the
developed content. Bersin introduces various feedback mechanisms and data
analytics tools that can be used to measure learner engagement and content
● The use of formative and summative assessments to refine and improve learning
materials is also covered.

Chapter 2: Literature Review
"The Blended Learning Book" by Josh Bersin serves as a practical guide for educators and
trainers to implement blended learning strategies effectively. Published in 2004, the book
captures a critical time in the evolution of digital learning, offering a comprehensive roadmap for
enhancing educational practices through blended learning. Bersin defines blended learning as an
educational approach that combines online digital instruction with traditional face-to-face
classroom methods. He emphasizes the need for a strategic blend that maximizes the strengths of
both digital and physical learning environments, outlining best practices for designing,
implementing, and sustaining effective blended learning programs. The book introduces several
instructional design frameworks and models, including ADDIE, to guide the systematic
development of blended learning programs and discusses various digital tools, from Learning
Management Systems (LMS) to interactive multimedia. In the Chapter 8 of his book, titled
"Content Development," Bersin articulates the need for understanding the demographic,
educational background, and learning preferences of the audience to tailor content effectively. He
presents a detailed discussion on designing learning experiences that combine various
instructional strategies like storytelling and scenario-based learning, which keep learners
engaged and facilitate deeper understanding.

Bersin highlights the significance of creating interactive and engaging materials using different
forms of media, including text, video, and interactive simulations, to cater to diverse learning
styles. He stresses the role of technology in making learning more accessible and flexible,
reviewing the use of digital tools and how they can be integrated into learning experiences. The
chapter concludes with strategies for evaluating the effectiveness of the content developed and
making necessary adjustments based on feedback. This includes both formative and summative
assessments and the use of analytics to improve content delivery. Bersin's comprehensive
coverage of content development in blended learning environments is lauded for its depth and
practicality. The blend of theoretical insights and practical advice provides a robust foundation
for educators and trainers. By integrating case studies and real-world examples, Bersin makes the
concepts accessible and applicable across various educational settings.

His focus on practical strategies and user-centered design is particularly noteworthy. Bersin’s
emphasis on understanding the learners’ needs before designing educational programs ensures
that blended learning initiatives are tailored to specific contexts and challenges, enhancing their
effectiveness and impact. The discussion on technology integration is another highlight. Bersin’s
analysis of various digital tools and platforms helps educators make informed decisions about
technology adoption. However, critics suggest that the rapid evolution of technology means that
specific tools discussed might become outdated, pointing to a need for continuous updates to the
content. Bersin’s work contributes significantly to educational theory by framing blended
learning as a transformative approach that integrates the best aspects of traditional and digital
education. The book supports a learner-centered paradigm, which is increasingly advocated in
contemporary educational research. Practically, the book is a valuable resource for educators and
trainers implementing blended learning. The strategic advice, best practices, and practical tips
can significantly enhance the quality and effectiveness of educational programs.

While the book lays a solid foundation, it also opens avenues for further research, particularly in
exploring the long-term impacts of blended learning on educational outcomes, especially in
non-Western contexts like Bangladesh.

Chapter 3: Methodology
The research conducted did not involve the collection of primary data or the establishment of a
specific sample size. Instead, the majority of the material presented in this study is derived from
secondary sources. The absence of primary data collection suggests that the research did not
require the use of surveys or direct gathering of first-hand information from participants or

In this context, "secondary sources" refers to information, literature, and materials previously
acquired by other researchers, groups, or institutions. The selection of this technique was based
on several factors. These factors include the availability of comprehensive and relevant data in
the public domain, the convenience of accessing such data, and the alignment of these existing
sources with the study's objectives.

This study has the potential to enhance the efficiency of data collection, minimize resource
consumption, and expedite the analysis phase through the utilization of secondary data.
Moreover, this facilitated the study's ability to access a diverse range of credible sources,
enhancing the comprehensiveness and credibility of the research findings.

The choice to forgo primary data collection and sampling was eventually driven by the
recognition that the available secondary source (Josh Bersin’s "The Blended Learning Book")
sufficiently addressed the research inquiries and goals, rendering the acquisition of fresh data
superfluous within the confines of this study.

Chapter 4: Findings & Analysis
Content development encompasses the process of creating, refining, and organizing content for
various purposes and platforms, such as websites, social media, educational materials, marketing
campaigns, and more. It involves understanding the target audience, defining objectives,
researching and gathering information, structuring the content, writing or producing it, and
finally, editing and optimizing it for delivery.

Content development in Bangladesh is crucial in various sectors such as education, marketing,

and media. It plays a pivotal role in improving the country's education system by creating
culturally relevant, accessible, and engaging content. The government's initiative to introduce
multimedia content in classrooms is a significant step in this direction. Effective marketing
content is essential for reaching and engaging with consumers, especially through social media
platforms like Facebook and Instagram. Bangladeshi clothing brands often leverage social media
influencers to create authentic and relatable content. The media industry in Bangladesh produces
news articles, TV shows, documentaries, and online content that informs and entertains the
public. Content developers ensure their materials are available in multiple languages, including
Bengali and English, to cater to the linguistic diversity in the country.

Cultural content development is also vital in preserving and promoting Bangladesh's rich cultural
heritage through literature, art, music, and films. Overall, content development in Bangladesh
aims to educate, inform, and entertain the population while promoting the country's cultural
heritage and economic growth.

Fig 1.1 Illustrates Content Development is in the Development & Test Phase.

The Instructional Design Team

In Bangladesh, an instructional design team consists of professionals who collaborate to create
effective educational materials and programs tailored to the needs of learners. The team members
include a program manager, project manager, instructional designer, subject-matter expert
(SME), and web developer.

The program manager oversees the project and ensures content development in Bangladesh is
crucial in various sectors such as education, marketing, and media. It plays a pivotal role in
improving the country's education system by creating culturally relevant, accessible, and
engaging content. The government's initiative to introduce multimedia content in classrooms is a
significant step in this direction. Effective marketing content is essential for reaching and
engaging with consumers, especially through social media platforms like Facebook and
Instagram. Bangladeshi clothing brands often leverage social media influencers to create
authentic and relatable content. The media industry in Bangladesh produces news articles, TV
shows, documentaries, and online content that informs and entertains the public. Content

developers ensure their materials are available in multiple languages, including Bengali and
English, to cater to the linguistic diversity in the country. Cultural content development is also
vital in preserving and promoting Bangladesh's rich cultural heritage through literature, art,
music, and films. Overall, content development in Bangladesh aims to educate, inform, and
entertain the population while promoting the country's cultural heritage and economic growing it
stays on schedule, within budget, and meets desired objectives. The project manager is
responsible for day-to-day operations, ensuring tasks are delegated effectively, deadlines are met,
and communication flows smoothly within the team.

Instructional designers in Bangladesh focus on creating engaging and effective learning

experiences for students, employing various pedagogical techniques and instructional strategies.
They use various pedagogical techniques and strategies to design curriculum materials, courses,
and assessments.

Subject-matter experts (SMEs) collaborate with instructional designers to ensure that

educational materials are accurate, relevant, and aligned with the curriculum. For example,
SMEs review content for academic rigor and suitability for the target audience.

Web developers are responsible for creating and maintaining the technical infrastructure of
digital learning platforms and educational websites. They leverage their programming languages
and web technologies expertise to design user-friendly interfaces, integrate multimedia content,
and optimize site performance.

In conclusion, a cohesive instructional design team in Bangladesh is capable of creating

high-quality educational materials and programs that cater to the diverse learning needs of

Typical Content Development Challenges

Our country faces several challenges in content development, including linguistic diversity,
limited access to technology and internet connectivity, quality of content, copyright and
intellectual property issues, cultural sensitivities, and limited resources and capacity.

The country's linguistic diversity, with Bengali as the official language and numerous regional
dialects spoken across different regions, poses a challenge for content developers when creating
educational or marketing materials for a nationwide audience.

Access to technology and internet connectivity is still significant, particularly in rural areas,
which hampers the distribution and accessibility of digital content. Inaccurate information in
textbooks can have detrimental effects on students' education, while copyright infringement and
intellectual property issues can lead to financial losses for content creators.

Cultural sensitivity and contextual relevance are also crucial for content developers, as they
need to navigate cultural nuances and sensitivities to resonate with the target audience.

Limited resources and capacity are another challenge faced by content development initiatives
in Bangladesh. Limited funding, expertise, and infrastructure can hinder the creation of
high-quality content across various sectors, such as investigative journalism.

Collaboration between government agencies, private sector organizations, educational

institutions, and civil society groups is needed to address these challenges and harness the full
potential of content development for social and economic development.

By investing in infrastructure, promoting digital literacy, and fostering an environment

conducive to creativity and innovation, Bangladesh can overcome many of these obstacles and
harness the full potential of content development for social and economic development.

Developing a Program Plan
A well-defined program plan is essential for a successful content development review in
Bangladesh. The plan should outline program goals and objectives, identify content scope and
target audience, develop review criteria and rubrics, assemble the review team, establish a clear
workflow, and establish a realistic timeline for submission, review cycles, and revisions. A clear
communication plan should be established between content developers, reviewers, and program
managers, and a reporting system should be developed to track progress and identify recurring
issues. Regular evaluation and improvement of the program plan can help ensure a thorough and
effective review process. In Bangladesh, face-to-face communication is preferred, and a
reporting system in both English and Bengali can be developed for wider accessibility. By
following these steps, a comprehensive and effective content development review program can
be developed.

The Instructional Plan

The instructional plan is a comprehensive plan outlining the entire program, outlining each
element, learning objective, media, delivery method, duration, and development process. The
plan is typically developed by the instructional designer working hand in glove with the SME.
An example of an instructional plan in where The business problem or objective, The learning
objective, The instructional strategy, Track results and completion and Develop the program.

Developing Standards
Blended programs require standardized terminology, tone, target audience, colors, fonts,
graphics, and navigation. Consistency in messages, images, words, and concepts is crucial.
Maintaining consistency can be challenging with content from multiple sources. To ensure
consistency, create a process for a common glossary and vocabulary. Standardization may
include course name, program name, learning objectives, grammar, reading level, color scheme,
logos, and fonts.

Making Content Reusable
Electronic content development involves sharing modules or chapters from course to course,
making content reusable. This allows for automatic updates for each course that uses it. Key
issues include establishing graphics and usage standards, separating content from context, and
establishing metadata standards. Learning content management systems (LCMS) help manage
the development and use of reusable content. Content development requires regular checks and
feedback, and can be broken into four parts: analysis (outline and learning plan development),
technology (building the content itself), subject matter experts (interacting with experts), and
editor (reviewing content for clarity, appropriate language, and errors).

E-Learning Content Development Process

In a blended learning context, e-learning content development involves creating digital materials
and resources to support both online and face-to-face learning experiences. Here's an overview of
the e-learning content development process within the framework of a blended learning

Analysis, Detailed Outline, SME Review, Editor Review, Storyboard, Simulations (ERPSim),
Graphics, Golden Review by Editor, Publish Course to LMS, Content Management System, Web
Pages and Testinginal Changes by Users and SMES Incorporated.

Working with SMEs

In the context of Bangladesh, collaborating with subject matter experts (SMEs) in training
departments is crucial, but it often presents challenges. SMEs, whether they're line workers,
managers, or engineers, are typically occupied with their primary tasks and take pride in their
expertise. However, translating their knowledge into effective e-learning courses can be difficult
due to their busy schedules and the complexity of their domain knowledge.

As a program manager or instructional designer, our role is to facilitate the collaboration process
by asking targeted questions that draw out the essential knowledge needed for the course.
This involves understanding the SME's perspective, identifying key concepts, common mistakes,
and practical tips relevant to the subject matter.

For example, suppose we're developing an e-learning course on agricultural practices in
Bangladesh. We would engage with SMEs who are experienced farmers or agricultural experts.
By asking questions such as, "What are the most critical aspects of successful crop cultivation?"
or "What common errors do novice farmers tend to make?"We can extract valuable insights that
inform the course.
Furthermore, considering the limited availability of SMEs' time, it's essential to plan and
schedule their involvement efficiently. By prioritizing the information needed and scheduling
meetings well in advance, we can ensure productive collaboration while respecting their busy
In summary, while working with SMEs in Bangladesh's training departments poses challenges
due to their busy schedules and specialized knowledge, effective communication, strategic
questioning, and efficient time management are key to successful collaboration in developing
e-learning courses.

Developing Webinar or Live E-Learning Content

In Bangladesh, organizations can adopt a similar approach to Grant Thornton's webinar
development process to enhance their e-learning content. For instance, a company like ABC
Learning Solutions could utilize live webinars as their primary content creation tool, with replays
available for self-study. The Chief Learning Officer, like Bob Dean at Grant Thornton, could
oversee this strategy, recognizing webinars as a potent content creation engine.
The development process could involve collaboration between subject-matter experts and
training consultants to create storyboards and learning objectives. Templates and coaching could
aid SMEs in crafting engaging slides, with a focus on clarity and accessibility by avoiding
industry jargon. Rehearsals before delivery would ensure the presenter's confidence and
familiarity with the material and technology.
During delivery, interactivity and learner feedback could be encouraged, with post-webinar
surveys to gauge satisfaction and learning outcomes. This systematic approach, refined over
time, could result in highly valued webinars that serve as a cornerstone of ABC Learning
Solutions' learning continuum. These webinars could cover fundamental topics in various fields,

complemented by local coaching sessions and additional courseware for comprehensive learning

Development Tools
In Bangladesh, organizations venturing into e-learning content development should consider a
diverse set of tools to effectively create engaging materials. A typical toolkit may include tools
for instructor-led training such as PowerPoint and Word, HTML web development tools like
Dreamweaver, and dynamic animation and graphics tools such as Flash. Other essential tools
could encompass complete courseware development tools like Lectora, assessment tools such as
Questionmark, and survey tools like Zoomerang. For live e-learning sessions, platforms like
Webex or Zoom could be utilized, while instructional design tools such as Articulate and
Macromedia Breeze could streamline the development process. Organizations must select tools
that align with their content creation goals and avoid becoming too reliant on a single tool to
prevent future limitations.

An example of a Bangladeshi organization embracing this approach could be XYZ Learning

Solutions. XYZ could utilize a combination of Dreamweaver for HTML development, Flash for
interactive elements, and Articulate for rapid e-learning development. By adopting Flash as their
deployment standard, they can ensure compatibility across various devices and browsers,
enhancing accessibility for their audience. This diversified toolset would empower XYZ to
create high-quality e-learning content tailored to their learners' needs and preferences.

In Bangladesh, the adoption of simulations in e-learning is gaining traction, offering immersive
learning experiences that simulate real-world scenarios. Organizations like ABC Learning
Solutions could leverage simulations across various sectors, ensuring effective training without
the risk of real-world consequences. Let's delve into examples of each simulation category:

● Software Application Simulations: ABC Learning Solutions could utilize simulation

tools like RoboDemo or Softsim to train employees on software applications like

inventory management systems or customer relationship management software. For
instance, they could develop simulations to guide employees through the process of
entering data into accounting software, reducing errors and increasing proficiency.

● Scenario-Based Simulations: In scenarios requiring decision-making skills, ABC

Learning Solutions could employ platforms like Ninth House or EEDO's Force10 to
create branching story simulations. For example, they could develop a scenario where
sales representatives must navigate negotiations with clients, providing feedback based
on the choices made. These simulations could be integrated into leadership or sales
training Introduction.

● Business and Financial Numeric Simulations: For financial training, ABC Learning
Solutions could develop simulations resembling live spreadsheets, allowing learners to
input data and assess the consequences of their decisions. They could create simulations
mimicking budget projections or resource allocations, aiding in financial literacy and
strategic planning skills development.

An exemplary case in Bangladesh could be XYZ Corporation, which implemented simulations

for training its employees in supply chain management. By utilizing software application
simulations, employees could practice using inventory management software without disrupting
operations. Scenario-based simulations could then challenge managers to make critical decisions
in logistics and procurement, while business and financial numeric simulations could enhance
understanding of budgeting and forecasting processes.

Overall, incorporating simulations into e-learning initiatives can significantly enhance learning
outcomes, providing practical, hands-on experiences in a safe environment. As technology
continues to advance, organizations in Bangladesh have the opportunity to harness the power of
simulations to elevate their training programs and drive business success.

Content Development Tips and Techniques
Summary of Content development tips and techniques using:

Example: Training Program for Aspiring Bakers in Dhaka

1. Local Bakers Know Best: Regularly involve experienced Dhaka bakers throughout
development. They can ensure recipes use locally available ingredients and techniques familiar
to Bangladeshi bakers.

2. Free Tools for Success: Instead of expensive software, use free online resources and apps for
creating basic recipe guides and video tutorials. Many offer Bangla language support.

3. Learn from Local Experts: Partner with a Dhaka-based bakery equipment supplier to
develop a training session on selecting and maintaining ovens. This ensures information aligns
with equipment commonly used by local bakers.

4. Dhaka Bakery Owners Advise: Form a review committee with local bakery owners and
bakers. They can suggest relevant content on pricing, marketing to Dhaka customers, and
navigating local regulations.

5. Clear Bangla Communication: Hire a local editor to ensure all training materials are written
in clear, concise Bangla, avoiding technical jargon.

Outsourcing Content Development

Example: Developing a Microfinance Training Program.

A mobile learning app is being created to educate rural Bangladeshi women on microfinance
concepts and loan management.

Benefits of Outsourcing:

1. Faster Development: Partnering with a Bangladeshi mobile app development company can
leverage their existing resources and familiarity with local user needs, accelerating development.
2. Higher Quality in Local Languages: An experienced eLearning vendor with expertise in
creating mobile learning content in Bangla can ensure the app is culturally relevant, uses clear
language, and incorporates engaging design elements for the target audience.

Risks of Outsourcing:

1. Loss of Control Over Content Accuracy: Clear communication is crucial to avoid

misinterpretations of microfinance concepts. Local microfinance experts should be involved
throughout development to verify content accuracy and ensure alignment with Bangladeshi
2. Maintenance Challenges for Mobile App: A maintenance agreement with the vendor is
essential to ensure smooth updates and bug fixes for the app in the future. Internal staff should be
trained on basic app maintenance tasks to reduce long-term dependence.
3. Hidden Costs: While some aspects might be cheaper outsourced, the total cost of
development, ongoing maintenance, and potential vendor lock-in should be considered.

Lessons Learned in This Chapter

Example: Enhancing Public Speaking Skills for Professionals

A blended learning program aims to improve the public speaking skills of professionals working
in Dhaka.

1. Building a Strong Foundation:

Program Manager: Oversees the project budget and timeline, ensuring deliverables are met on
time and within budget.

Project Manager: Handles day-to-day tasks and keeps the project on track.

Instructional Designer: Collaborates with a public speaking coach experienced in Dhaka's
professional landscape (SME) to transform their expertise into engaging learning modules.

Public speaking coach (SME): validates content accuracy and ensures it reflects professional
communication practices in Dhaka.

Videographer: Captures workshop sessions for self-assessment and to create video feedback

Web Developer: Builds the online learning platform, ensuring a user-friendly experience and
compatibility with various devices commonly used by Dhaka residents (e.g., laptops, and

2. Quality Control & Clear Communication:

The SME reviews the program outline, online module content, storyboards, and the final product
to ensure it aligns with professional communication practices in Dhaka and considers the cultural
nuances of effective public speaking. An editor familiar with the Bangladeshi context reviews all
text and visuals for clarity, conciseness, and appropriate use of the Bangla language.

3. Engaging Learning:

Online modules offer techniques for crafting presentations, managing stage presence, and
delivering impactful talks. Live workshops provide opportunities for participants to practice their
skills in front of a supportive audience and receive personalized feedback from the coach. Video
recordings allow for self-reflection and improvement.

4. Efficiency & Sustainability:

Reusable core modules on public speaking fundamentals are developed, with the option to
customize for specific professions. Internal content creation standards are established for all

learning materials.

5. Technology & Expertise:

User-friendly authoring tools are chosen to create engaging online modules with multimedia
elements (e.g., animated presentations, short interview clips). Cloud-based LMS platforms are
explored for accessibility and scalability to accommodate future program growth. While initial
development might involve outsourcing some components like creating interactive simulations
for practicing presentations in various settings, the agreements include training for the internal
team on content maintenance and future updates.

6. Long-term vision:

The program emphasizes the importance of public speaking skills for career advancement and
personal development in Dhaka's dynamic professional landscape. Alumni networks are
established to connect participants, fostering peer support and opportunities to practice their
skills through group presentations or workshops. Advanced workshops might be offered for
graduates, focusing on specific presentation styles and audience engagement techniques.

This example incorporates all the key takeaways in the chapter and demonstrates a
comprehensive approach to program development for public speaking in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Application in the Bangladesh Context

Challenges and Opportunities in Bangladesh

● Digital Divide:
● In Bangladesh, there is a significant digital divide that affects how blended
learning content is developed and deployed. Urban areas may have robust internet
connectivity and access to technology, while rural areas lag behind.

● Educators need to develop content that is accessible in low-bandwidth
environments, possibly integrating offline capabilities.
● Cultural Considerations:
● Content must be culturally relevant to Bangladeshi learners. This involves
incorporating local examples, languages (primarily Bangla), and contextually
appropriate scenarios.
● Government and Educational Policies:
● The Bangladesh government's "Digital Bangladesh" vision promotes the use of
digital technology in education. Following this policy, educators are encouraged
to develop blended learning content that aligns with national educational goals.

Strategies for Effective Content Development in Bangladesh

1. Leveraging Local Case Studies and Examples:

● Using local examples, such as case studies from Bangladeshi companies or
historical events, can make learning more relatable and engaging for students. For
instance, incorporating studies from the thriving garment industry or Bangladesh's
environmental challenges in climate change education can make lessons more
2. Bilingual Content Creation:
● Developing content in both Bangla and English can cater to a wider audience.
This bilingual approach helps accommodate different linguistic preferences and
enhances comprehension.
3. Mobile Learning (m-Learning):
● Given the high penetration of mobile phones in Bangladesh, creating
mobile-optimized learning content is crucial. This includes short learning
modules, SMS-based quizzes, and simple interactive apps that can be accessed on
4. Collaboration with Local Tech Startups:

● Partnering with Bangladeshi ed-tech startups like "10 Minute School" can provide
access to established platforms and distribution networks. These partnerships can
facilitate the broader dissemination of high-quality blended learning content.
5. Training and Professional Development:
● Providing continuous professional development for educators in content
development and digital pedagogy is necessary. Workshops and training sessions
can equip them with the skills to create and implement blended learning
6. Feedback Loops and Community Involvement:
● Establishing feedback mechanisms with students and parents can help educators
refine and adapt content. Community involvement ensures that the content meets
the actual needs of learners and can lead to more community-centered approaches
in education.

Chapter 5: Recommendations and Conclusion


Target Audience:

- Professionals working in content development, instructional design, or e-learning in

Bangladesh seeking practical insights and strategies.

- Researchers and educators interested in understanding the challenges and best practices in
content development within the context of Bangladesh.

- Casual readers interested in learning about the intersection of technology, education, and
culture in Bangladesh.

Summary of Review:

The book provides a comprehensive overview of content development practices, challenges, and
strategies, with a focus on the context of Bangladesh. It covers various aspects such as
instructional design, program planning, standards development, and working with subject matter
experts. Additionally, it offers practical tips and techniques for creating effective content,
including examples tailored to Bangladeshi industries like agriculture, finance, and baking. The
inclusion of real-world case studies and examples enhances the book's applicability and
usefulness for content developers in Bangladesh.

Final Verdict:

This book is a valuable resource for anyone involved in content development, particularly in the
Bangladeshi context. Its thorough coverage of key concepts, challenges, and best practices, along
with practical examples and tips, makes it essential reading for professionals seeking to create
engaging and culturally relevant content. Whether you're in education, marketing, media, or any
other field requiring content development, this book provides valuable insights and strategies to
enhance your work.

Closing Thoughts:

"Content Development in Bangladesh" has the potential to have a significant impact on the field
of content creation in the country. By addressing the unique challenges and opportunities present
in Bangladesh, the book empowers content developers to produce high-quality materials that
meet the needs of diverse audiences while promoting cultural heritage and economic growth. Its
holistic approach, coupled with actionable advice and real-world examples, makes it a valuable
contribution to the literature on content development.


1. Bersin, J. (2004). The blended learning book: Best practices, proven methodologies, and
lessons learned. Pfeiffer.

2. Halvorson, K., & Rach, M. (2012). Content strategy for the web (2nd ed.). New Riders.

3. Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2016). E-learning and the science of instruction: Proven
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