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Agriculture notes pdf in english

General agriculture and pdf notes and books for important competitive reviewAGRONOMYAgronomy Rabi and kharif crops, desannes management, meteorology, rainfed agriculture, water management, sustainable agriculture ... HORTICULTUREHorticulture fruits and vegetables, production
technology...., post-harvest management... ENTOMOLOGYInsect morphology, ecology and integrated pest control, nematology and notes of fre.... PLANT SCIENCEGenetics and breeding crops, fields and horticulture..., Seed technology.., different methods of reproduction. PATHOLOGYMicrobiology,
pathology principle, method of disease management in field and horticultural crops, disease control... ECONOMICSPrincile of agricultural economics, agricultural management, marketing, agro-industrial manag... EXTENSIONRuler sociology and psychology of education, extension methods for farming
transfer Technology... SOL SCIENCEInduction of soil science, soil chemistry and fertility, manure and fertilizer, soil study. AGRICULTUR ENGINEERINGFarm power and machinery, protected culture and post-dock technology. Conservation of soil and water..... ANIMAL HUSBANDRYLivestock
management and production, Dairy management, livestock, livestock diseases. SCIENCE ALIMENTARY Food Production and Human Needs and Food Production World Agriculture Trade Food Processing Agriculture Notes Agriculture Notes for UPSC are important for ias pre and Mains, IFS, BSC, MSC.
These are also very useful for ... Read more Agriculture refers to the human activity of cultivating crops and plantations for the production of food and goods such as fibre, feed, etc. Agri meaning land and culture meaning to cultivate or tender. Types of agriculture 1. Commercial agriculture - Commercial
agricultural crops are crops that are grown for commercialization. 2. Sustainability agriculture - Subsistence agricultural crops are crops that are grown primarily for the farmers the family needs. The crop model means that there are different ways of growing crops. These different ways can be used to give
maximum benefits. Culture season India has three seasons of culture: 1.Kharif 2. Zaid 3. Rabi Crop Categories in India 1.Food Grains 2. Commercial cultures 3. Plantation crops 4. Horticulture Food Security Contribution Of Agriculture To The National Economy Join the free Class 10 Learning Group
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substances are managed by plants in different quantities depending on their role in plant tissues. Essentials These are nutrients that plants need for various uses. They are divided into two main categories, namely: micronutrients. Macronutrients these are also called major nutrients. They are required by
the factory in large quantities. They understand; carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phophorus, potassium, sulphur, magnesium calcium. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are called fertilizer elements, calcium, magnesium and sulphur, are called liming elements. Role of macronutrients in plant
nitrogen (N03,NH4)Sources Artificial fertilizers Organic materials Atmospheric fixation by lightning Nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Role of nitrogen in vegetative growth Plants Chlorophyll formation Protoplasm accumulation. Improves leaf quality in hardwood crops like tea and cabbage Deficiency Symptoms I
Yellowish leaf/chlorosis. I've delayed growth. Premature maturation. Premature excretion of leaves. Light seeds. Effect of excess burning nitrogen from leaves. Delayed maturity. Soil nitrogen loss: soil erosion. Leaching. Volatilization. Removal of crops. Used by microorganisms. Phosphorus (H, P04,
HPO4 P105) Sources: Organic Fertilizers Commercial Fertilizers Phosphate Rocks Phosphorus Role Encourages Rapid Root Growth. Improves the quality of the plant. Hastens the maturity of crops. Influences cell division. Boosts the formation of nodules in legumes. Symptoms of deficiency Plant growth
is slow. Maturity is delayed. The leaves become grey, purple in colour. The yield of cereals, fruits and seeds is reduced. Loss of phosphorus caused by soil erosion. Leaching Removal of crops Fixation by iron and aluminum oxide. Potasium (K', K20) Sources; Crop residues and organic manure.
Potassium commercial fertilizer carrying minerals such as feldspar and mica. The role of potassium in plants increases plant vigour and disease resistance. Increases the size of grains and seeds. Reduces the harmful effects of excess nitrogen. Prevents too fast maturation due to phosphorus. Deficiency
Symptoms Plants have short joints and low growth. Plants are housed before ripening. The leaves develop a burnt appearance on the margin. The leaves at the bottom end of the plant are mottled, mottled or streaked. In corn, cooking cereals and grasses begin to leaf and proceeds from the edge usually
leaving the middle of the green coast. Loss of potassium from the removal of crops from the soil. Leaching. Soil erosion. Fixing in the ground. Calcium (Ca2) Source: Organic crop residues and manure. Commercial fertilisers. alteration of soil minerals. Agricultural limes for example dolomite, limestone.
The role of calcium in plants improves vigour and straw. Neutralizes toxic plant secretions. Helps with the formation of cereals and seeds. Improves soil structure. Promotes bacterial activity in the soil. Corrects soil acidity. Symptoms of deficiency Young leaves remain closed. There are light green stripes
along the margins of the leaves. The leaves in the terminal bud become hooked in appearance there is a die-back at the tip and along the margins. Loss of elimination of calcium crops Lixiviation Soil erosion Magnesium soil (Mg2) Sources: Crop residues and organic fertilizers Commercial fertilizer Soil
mineral alteration. Farm Limes. Role of magnesium in plants Is part of chlorophyll. Promotes the growth of soil bacteria and improves the nitrogen fixation power of legumes. Activates the production and transport of carbohydrates and proteins in the growing plant. Symptoms of deficiency Green color loss
that starts from the lower leaves and gradually moves upwards. The veins remain green. The leaves curve upwards along the margins. The stems become weak and the plant develops long rowed roots. The striated leaves. Soufre (S04 2' ,SO,) Sources: Commercial fertilizers. Soil mineral containing
sulphur Atmospheric sulfur industries. Role of sulphur rainwater in plant formation and coenzyme-A activation. Sulphur is a constituent of amino acids. Influence the physiological processes of plants. Symptoms of insufficiency Small plants/stunted growth. Bad nodulation in legumes. Leaves/light green to
yellowish chlorosis. Delayed maturity. Micronutrients also called micronutrients or minor nutrients. They are needed in small quantities/traces. They are essential for proper plant growth and development. They understand; Iron, Manganese, Copper Bore, Molybdenum Chlorine. Role of micronutrients and
their symptoms of insufficiency Copper - role in oxidation-reduction reactions. Breathing and the use of iron - symptoms of yellowish deficiency of young leaves. Iron protein synthesis. participates in oxidation-reduction reactions. Protein deficiency - chlorosis of Molybdenum leaves - nitrogen processing in
plants. metabolizing nitrates into amino acids and proteins - symptoms of deficiency - leaf curvature and scathing. Manganese - Same as molybdenum. Zinc - growth hormone formation. Reproductive process - symptoms of deficiency - formation of white buds. Bore - water absorption. Translocation of
inorganic sugar fertilizers These are chemically produced substances added to the soil for Fertility Classification According to: The nutrients contained - right - contain only a macronutrient. Compounds - contain more than one macronutrient Application time Some applied when planting. Higher dressing
after the emergence of crops Effects on the pH of the soil. Acid fertilizers. Neutral fertilizers. Basic fertilizer. Properties and identification of nitrogen nitrogen fertilizers Highly water-soluble features. Very mobile in the ground so it is applied as a superior dress. Easily lessixed due to high solubility therefore
has no residual effect on the soil. Has a torrid effect on young crops during wet seasons. Easy to vanish during the hot season. They tend to cake in wet conditions. They are hygroscopic so must be stored in dry conditions. Examples: Ammonia Sulphate (NH4) 2 SO4- Physical appearance: White crystals,
acidic effect, 20% N. Ammonium sulphate Nitrate [(NH4),SO4 NH4 NO;] Color: granules that appear yellow orange, less acidic, contains 26% calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) Color: greyish granules, neutral in nature, : small whitish granules - Easily leached or volatile, contains 45-46%N. Phosphate
Fertilizers has a low solubility and immobile. Not burning. Has a high residual effect so benefit from the harvest of the next season. Easy to store because they are not hygroscopic. Examples; Single super-phosphate - Appearance: whitish, Creamy white granules, contains 20-21% P,O5 Double super-
phosphate Appearance: dark greyish granules, 'contains 40-42% P205 Triple super-phosphate 'Appearance: small grayish granules, 'contain 44-48% P205 Potassic Engrais Characteristics: Has a moderate burn effect. Moderately water-soluble. Most Kenyan soils have enough potassium. Examples;
Potash Muriate (KCI) contain 60 - 62% K10 - slightly hygroscopic. Amorphous white appearance. Potash sulphate (50% K10) Compound or mixed fertilizer These are fertilizers that provide 2 or more macronutrients. Examples; Phosphate mono ammonium. Di-ammonium Phosphate 20:20:20, 23:23:23
Benefits of Applying Compound Fertilizer Saves Time and Money. The mixture gives improved storage properties and better handling. Cons of applying expensive compound fertilizers. Waste. The mixture may not be complete. Incompatibility of individual fertilizers. Fertilizer application methods
Broadcasting - random diffusion of fertilizers on the soil. Placement method - application of fertilizer in planting holes. Side dressing - the fertilizer is placed on the side of the plant in the root zone, in strips or sanding rings. Leaf spraying - specially formulated fertilizer solution applied to the foliage in the
form of spray. Drip method - applied by irrigation water. Determining fertilizer levels The contents of fertilizers are expressed in the form of an analysis of fertilizer content or fertilizers. The fertilizer content indicates the minimum (N, P205, K 20) in the mixture. It is expressed as a percentage on a weight-to-
weight basis or as a percentage by weighing example 10:20:o means for every 10kg of the mix there is 10kg of nitrogen, 20kg of P10 5 and okg of K20. Example A farmer was apply fertilizers as follows: 60 kg/ha of nitrogen (upper vinegar) 60 kg/ha P205 (in the planting hole). 60 kg/ha K20. Amount of
ammonia sulphate (20%) would be needed per hectare? How much double super-phosphate (40%) P2O5 would be needed per hectare? How much potash muriate (50% K20) would be needed per hectare? Answer/Solution Ammonia sulphate (SA) which gives 60kg/ha N 60/20 x 100 - 300 kg SA Double
super phosphate (40% P2O5) which gives 60kg /ha P205 60/12 x 100 - 150 kg DSP Muriate of potash (60% K20) which gives 60kg/hK2O '0 60/60 x 100 - 100 kg potash muriate Example A farmer was asked to apply fertilizers as follows: 200 kg/ha of DSP (40% P205 1 50 kg /ha of potash muriate (60%
K20) 150 kg/ha of ammonia sulphate (20% N) How much P205 did the farmer apply per acre? How much K20 did the farmer apply per hectare? How much N did the farmer apply per hectare? Solution/Response P205 applied per hectare from 200 kg of DSP 40/100 x 200 - 80 kg/ha P205 K205 applied per
hectare from 150 kg of potash muriate - 60/100 x 100 15 (90 kg/ha K20 N) applied per hectare from 150 kg/ha of ammonia sulphate 20/100 x 150: 30 kg/ha N Soil sampling Refers to obtaining a small amount of representative soil in all aspects of the farm as a whole. Soil sampling procedures Clear
vegetation on site. Dig the ground to depths of 15-25cm. Place the dug soil in a clean container. Mix the soil well in the container. Take a sample and send it to the National Agricultural Laboratory for analysis. The container carrying the sample must be properly labelled as: Farmer's Name, Location,
District- Farmer's Address. Sites to avoid dead furrows, ditches. Marsh near heaps of manure. Recently fertilized fields Ant hills. Under tall trees. Near fence lines or footpaths. Do not put them in containers contaminated with fertilizers or other chemical containers. Soil sampling methods: Zigzag Method
Traverse Soil analysis method Soil analysis is the analysis of the soil sample to determine certain soil qualities. The Importance of Soil Analysis: Determining the value of the soil therefore determines which crop to grow. To determine the nutrient content, find out what type of fertilizer to apply. Determine
whether it is necessary to change the pH of the soil for a crop. The impact of soil pH on agricultural production affects the physical and chemical properties of the soil. Affects nutrient availability. Influences the incidence of soil-borne diseases. Determine the type of crop to be grown in a Given. pH test
methods Universal pH meter solution - Know the action plan to take in case of illness and maintaining good health. Know about the common diseases. calculate the cost of treatment. Marketing Records show the products sold, the quantities and the value of all sales. Labour Records - show the labor force
labour costs. Agricultural Production ii (Plantation) Planting is the placement of planting material in the soil for regeneration in order to produce more plant species. Types of seed seed planting materials are produced by flowering after pollination and fertilization. They contain the part of the plant that
germinates and eventually grows in new plants. Benefits of using seeds as planting materials. Seeds are easily treated against soil-borne pests and diseases. They are not bulky so storage is easy. They are easy to handle during planting making the operation easy. When planting seeds, it is easy to use
machines such as seed planters and drillers. It is easy to apply manure and fertilizer as well as seeds during planting. Fertilizer and manure can be easily mechanized. It is possible to develop new crop varieties through cross-pollination. Cons of using seeds as planting material. Some seeds have a long
dormancy and may need special treatment to germinate. Plants raised from seeds have variations of the mother plant due to cross-pollination, This can introduce undesirable characteristics. Soil-borne pests can damage seeds if left in the soil for a while before rain falls. Some seeds may lose their
viability if they are kept for a long time. This leads to gaps in the farm. 1. Vegetative materials. These are plant parts that have the ability to produce roots, they grow and grow in new plants. Plant parts such as leaves, roots or stems can be used for planting as long as they are able to take root. Benefits of
using vegetative materials for planting. Crops from vegetative materials ripen faster than seed crops. Crops show consistency in qualities such as disease resistance, seed size, colour, maintenance or storage of chemical quality and composition. It is possible to produce many compatible crop varieties on
the same root stock. The use of vegetative materials is easier and faster, especially when the seeds show prolonged dormancy. The resulting plant has the desired shape and size to facilitate harvesting and spraying. It facilitates the spread of seedless crops or those that produce seeds that are not viable
or have long period of dormancy. These crops include sugar cane, bananas, Napier grass and others. Disadvantages. Vegetative spread does not lead to new crop varieties. It is difficult to keep materials disease-free. Materials cannot be stored for long. The materials are bulky and it is difficult to store
and transport. Plant parts used for vegetative propagation. i) Bulbils. These are tiny sisal plants produced in the inflorescence almost at the end of the plant growth cycle. They look like the mother plant, except they are smaller in size. They are produced by the branches of the sisal pole. When the manure
matures, they they rudimentary roots and fall to the ground just below the post. They are collected and raised in nurseries before being transplanted to the main field. A sisal post can produce up to 3,000 bulbils. They are usually 10cm long. They make good planting materials and are better than sucking ii)
Splits These are divided seedlings of the existing mother plant with complete leaves and rooting system. They are used to propagate most pasture grasses and pyrethra. The pyrethric slots are first raised in the nursery and then transplanted into the field. iii) Crowns and slides These are materials used to
propagate pineapples Crowns are born above fruit and are broken and prepared for planting. They are more preferred to suckers because they give uniform growth and take two years to reach maturity. The leaflets are carried at the base of the pineapple fruit. They are cut and prepared for planting. Their
growth rate is faster than for crowns with average uniformity. They take 22 months from planting to maturity. The wreaths and leaflets are planted in nurseries before being transplanted into the main seed bed. iv) Suckers These are small plants that grow from the base of the main stem. They have
inseitious roots that grow quickly when planted to form a new plant. They are used to spread bananas, sisal and pineapples. When planted, suckers give uneven growth leading to maturity at different times. They have to be planted when they're young. v) Tubercules These are underground food storage
organs that are short and thick. They are used as vegetative propagation materials because they grow and produce roots for growth. There are mainly two types of tubers, the stem and the root tubers. Root tubers develop from the thickening of the adventitious roots. Root tubers are not commonly used
for propagation because they produce weak stems. A good example of a root tuber is the sweet potato. On the other hand, stem tubers have some auxiliary buds that are sometimes called eyes. These eyes grow to produce stems that grow into plants. The stem tubers are therefore swollen stems with
scale leaves. A good example of a stem tuber is Irish potato. vi) Vines. These are soft wood cuttings that easily produce roots when planting to give birth to new plants. They are cut from the mother plants and planted directly The field. Soft wood cuttings (vignes) are taken from fast-growing shoots. The
soft upper parts of the shoots are preferred. When preparing cuttings, some leaves and knots are included. The roots are produced from the nodes. vii) Cuttings and cuttings Cuttings are parts of plants that are cut and then planted. They can come from stems, roots or leaves. A stem cut should have a
bud that grows. Cutting the roots must have an eye. Cut must have an eye. Cuttings should produce leaves as soon as possible that they can start making their own food. Sometimes cuttings are induced to produce roots through the use of rooting hormones. Once the cuttings have developed roots, they
give rise to new plants. In some crops, cuttings are large enough to be planted directly on the main bed of seeds, while there are plants whose cuttings are first raised in special nurseries before being transplanted to the seed bed. The cuttings of napier grass and sugar cane are planted directly on the bed
of the seeds, but those of the tea; must be raised in a special nursery before being transferred to the seed bed. Here are some examples of crops that spread through the use of stem cuttings: tea, cassava, sugar cane and Napier grass. Stem cuttings used to propagate sugar cane are known as setts.
Setts are stem cuttings that have 3-5 knots are usually 30-45 cm long. Factors affecting the rooting of cuttings. Temperature: For cuttings to produce roots, warm temperatures are required around the root zone, while cool temperatures are important for the aerial part of the cuttings. For most species, the
optimal daytime and light temperatures for rooting are 22-27 degrees Celsius and 15 to 21 degrees Celsius, respectively. a. a) Relative humidity: Adequate rooting of cuttings requires high humidity that reduces perspiration. it also increases and maintains leaf turgidity all the time. As such, cuttings must
be rooted in green houses or in shady conditions, where relative humidity can be regulated. Sometimes the spread area can be sprayed with water to keep it moist. b) Light intensity: soft wood cuttings need high-intensity light to produce roots. This is because light promotes root production because it
affects the rate of photosynthesis. Hard wood cuttings do well under dark conditions since they have the high amount of carbohydrates stored and therefore rooting is excellent in the dark. c) Oxygen supply: an abundant supply of oxygen is required for root formation. The rooting environment used must
therefore be able to allow adequate ventilation. (d) Chemical treatment: these rooting hormones that promote the production of roots in cuttings. Most common include [AA (indoleacetic acid). e) Leaf area: Soft wood cuttings require a lot of leaves for photosynthesis while hardwood cuttings will produce
better roots. Leaves. Selecting planting materials When selecting planting materials, the following factors must be taken into account: Adjustment to ecological conditions — selected planting materials should be well adapted to soil conditions, temperatures and rainfall in the area. There are many varieties
of maize, for example, that are suitable for different ecological conditions. Hybrid 622f or for example is mainly for the high altitude areas of Kenya 513 for medium altitudes and Katumani composites for areas of low precipitation while the composites of the coast are suitable for the Conditions of each
variety will grow well and produce high yields if grown under the correct purity conditions of materials - planting materials must be pure and not mixed with other types off the percentage of purity of planting materials will affect the seed while higher seed rates are used for impure seeds. Germination
Percentage - This is a measure of seed germination potential, it is expressed as a percentage for example a germination percentage of 80 means that for every 10 seeds planted 80 of them are supposed to germinate. The percentage of germination helps determine the seed rates of the crops the lowest
seed rates are used for crops with a higher rate of germination, while higher seed rates are used for those with lower germination percentages. Certified Seeds - These are seeds that have been tested and proven to have 100 germination potential and free of diseases and pests that they yield high yields
after the first planting, but subsequent yields decrease if they are replaced so in this case it is always advisable to buy new seeds that are certified every time the planting is carried out in Kenya certified seeds are produced by the Kenya Seed Company (KSC) and distributed by the Kenya Farmers
Association (KFA) and other agents. Preparing planting materials. Once planting materials are selected, they are prepared in different ways before being planted. Here are some of the methods used to prepare planting materials: a) Breaking the dormancy of the seeds. Some seeds experience a dormant
period between maturity and when they grow. The dormant period is the stage when a seed cannot germinate, the stage of inhibited growth of the seeds. it must be broken before the seed is planted. Methods of breaking the dormancy of the seeds. The following methods are used to break the dormancy
of the seeds: (i) Mechanical method: This is a method that aims to scrape the seed layer to make it permeable to water. Scarification is done by rubbing small seeds against hard surfaces such as sand paper, while filling or nicking the seed mantle with a knife is made to large seeds such as croton seeds.
(ii) Heat treatment: use hot water or lightly burn the seeds. It softens the seed layer making it permeable to water and is therefore able to germinate. The seeds are soaked in hot water about 80'c for 3-4 after which the water is allowed to flow. Example of seeds treated this way include: leucean 7a2 - 32 -
22 calliadra and acacia. The combustion of light also serves the same purpose as the treatment of hot water. In this case, the waste is spread over the seeds which are already covered with a thin layer of soil. The waste is burned, after which the seeds are recovered and planted. For example, acacia and
wattle tree seeds. Overheating should be avoided as this will cook the seeds. iii) Chemical treatment: the seeds are soaked in specific chemicals such as sulphuric acid, for two minutes, then removed. The chemical uses the seed layer, making it permeable to water. Care must be taken not to leave the
seeds in the chemicals for too long as this will kill the embryo. Cotton seeds are normally treated with chemicals to remove the plush or fibers. iv) Soaking in water: The seeds are soaked in water for between 24 and 48 hours until they swell. They are then removed and planted immediately. The treated
seeds germinate very quickly. Pre-germinated seeds are used when growing rice in nurseries. b) Seed dressing This is the coating of the seeds with fungicides or an insecticide or a combination of the two chemicals. This is particularly common with cereals, sugar cane and legumes. Chemicals protect
seedlings from soil-borne diseases and pests. Certified seeds sold by seed merchants in Kenya were dressed with these chemicals. Farmers can also buy chemicals and dress their own seeds. c) Seed inoculation In areas where soils are deficient in nitrogen, legumes such as beans, clovers and peas
should be covered with an inoculant. An innoculant is a preparation that contains the right strain of Rhizobium depending on the type of legume and encourages nodulation, hence the fixation of nitrogen. Here is a table showing different crops of legumes and their right strain of Rhizobium. Inoculation
Group Lucerne Clover Pea Bean Lupin soyabean Rhizobium Species R.melioti R.trifoli R.leguminosarum R.phaseoli R.lupini R.lupini R.japonicum When handling inoculated seeds, care should be taken to prevent them from coming into contact with chemicals. This means that the inoculated seeds should
not be clothed with chemicals because they will kill the bacteria. They should also be planted when the soil is wet to avoid dehydration that kills the bacteria. d) Chitting This practice is also called germination. Selected seed potatoes that are used as planting materials are sprouted before planting to break
their dormancy. Setts about 3-6 cm in diameter are arranged in layers of 2 or 3 deep tubers in a partially darkened room. The setts should be arranged with the pink end facing up and the end of the heel down. Diffuse light encourages the production of short, green and healthy germs. If the floor is done in
total darkness, long, pale thin shoots develop that break easily planting. During chitting, aphids and tuber months should be controlled by dusting or spraying the sett with dimethoate. Sometimes a chemical known as the return is used to break dormancy, thus inducing germination. The chime is made
primarily to ensure that growth immediately begins the seed is planted so that make maximum use of the rains for high yields. Planting time The timing of planting or planting is influenced by the type of crop to be planted and the environmental conditions of the Factors to consider when planting. The
rainfall model/soil moisture state. Type of crop to plant. Soil type. Market demand. Prevalence of pests and diseases. Gun control. Timely planting is necessary and should be done early in the rains. in some areas where rainfall scares dry planting is recommended. Benefits of planting in a timely manner.
Crops make the most of precipitation and the appropriate soil temperature, resulting in vigorous growth. Crops generally escape serious pests and diseases attack. Crops benefit from a nitrogen hunt available at the beginning of the rain. For horticultural crops, a good time ensures that products are
marketed when prices are high. Crops are established earlier than plants, smothering them. Planting methods. There are two main planting methods:- Diffusion. Planting rows. Broadcasting. This method involves scattering the seeds throughout the field in a random manner. It is generally suitable for tiny,
light seeds such as those of pasture grasses. It is easier, faster and cheaper than planting rows. However, it uses more seeds than planting rows and the seeds are distributed unevenly leading to the heaping of plants in some places. The result is poor performance due to competition. Broadcasting
provides good ground coverage, but unscreiling cannot be mechanized. For good results, the seed bed must be seed-free, firm and have a fine inclination. Planting rows. Seeds or other planting materials are placed in holes, drills or furrows in rows. The distance between row to row and hole to hole is
known. In Kenya, small and large farmers practice planting rows. It is practiced when planting many types of crops, especially perennial, annual and root crops. Benefits of planting rows. Machines can be used easily between lines. It is easy to establish the correct plant population. A lower seed rate is
used only if broadcasting were adopted. Cultural practices such as sea, spraying and harvesting are easy. Cons of planting rows. It does not provide a sufficient foliage cover. As a result, the soil may be eroded by wind and water. It is more expensive than broadcasting because it consumes a lot of labour
and time. It requires some ability to measure distances between and within rows. seeds can also be planted in dibbling where planting holes are dug using pangas or jembe, or by a dibbling stick (dibbler). Most of the dibbling is random, although lines can also be used when using a planting line. Random
dibbling is not popular in commercial agriculture due to low production levels. It is only common among conservative farmers in the planting of legumes such as beans, pigeon peas and cow peas. Too much sowing. This is the introduction of a pasture legume such as desmodium into an existing grass
pasture. Some form of suppression of the growth of such as burning, cutting or hard grazing, as well as a slight disturbance of the soil, are recommended before sowing. A high dose of super phosphate, preferably simple supers at a rate of 200-400 kg/ha is applied. The grass should be short until the
legume is fully established. Regardless of the settlement method, pastures and forage stands should be ready for light grazing 4 to 5 months after planting if rainfall and soil fertility are not limited. Sub-seedings. This is the establishment of pastures under a cover crop, usually maize. Corn is planted as
recommended and the bad hours 2-3 weeks after the onset of rains. The pasture seeds are then spread with half of the recommended basal fertilizer. Poor harvests are no longer required and maize must be harvested early to expose young pasture plants to sunlight. The benefits of planting include
facilitating more intensive land use and encouraging early grazing. Forage crops and vegetated pasture species can also be sown as long as there is sufficient rainfall for their establishment. The timing is not very crucial in this case and planting can be done as late as 6-8 weeks after the onset of rains.
Plant Population This is the ideal number of plants that can be comfortably housed in any given area, without overcrowding or too little to waste space. Agricultural research has reached the optimum number of different crops to recommend to farmers. The plant population is determined by dividing the
planting area by spacing the crop. This can be simplified as follows: Plant population - Area of land divided by crop rhythm Example Since maize is planted at a spacing of 75 x 25 cm, calculate the plant population in a plot of land measuring 4 x 3 m. Landwork Area - Plant Population Divided by The
Rhythm of Cultivated Area - 400 cm x 300 cm Corn spacing - 75 cm x 25 cm Therefore, plant population - 400 cm x 300 cm 75 cm x 25 cm - 64 plants. Spacing This is the distance of plants between and within the rows. A correct spacing for each crop has been established as shown in the table below.
Cultivated corn hybrids (Kitale) spacing 75 to 90 cm x 23 to 30 cm Cultured coffee varieties (Arabica) spacing 2.75 cm against 2.75 m Culture tea spacing 1.5 m by 0.75 m Crop grains (type erect) spacing 45 to 60 m by 25 cm Growing bananas spacing 3.3 m 6 — 6.0 m by 3.6 — 4.5 m Coconut-grown
spacing 9 m x 9 m Crop Tomatoes maker) spacing 100 x 50 cm The spacing of 60 x 60 cm of curly cabbage determines the plant population and the main objective of correct spacing is to obtain a maximum number of plants per unit area that will make maximum use of environmental factors. Wider
spacing leads to a reduction in the plant population, which is less yielding, while closer spacing could lead to overcrowding of plants and competition for nutrients and other resources. Well spaced cultures high-quality returns that are acceptable in the marketplace. Spacing is determined by the following
factors: the type of machines to use. The space between the rows should allow the free passage of machines that can be used in the field. For example, the spacing between the rows of coffee is supposed to allow the movement of tractor-drawn tools. Soil Fertility Fertile soil can support a large plant
population. Therefore, closer spacing is possible. The size of high-crop plant varieties requires wider spacing, while short varieties require narrower spacing, for example, Kitale hybrid maize is widely spaced than Katumani maize. Moisture availability. Areas with higher rainfall are able to support a large
number of plants, thus narrower spacing than areas of low precipitation. Using culture. Crops grown for forage or silage are planted at a narrower spacing than for grain production. Pest and disease control. When crops are well spaced, pests may have difficulty moving from one place to another, such as
aphids in peanuts. Growth habit. The application and ploughing of crop varieties requires a wider spacing than the type of erection. Seed rate. The seed rate is the amount of seeds to be planted in a given unit area governed by the ultimate crop support that is desired. The goal of proper crop spacing is to
get the maximum yield from a unit area without sacrificing quality. Most crops are seeded at lighter rates in drier conditions than in wet or irrigated conditions. Seeds with a low rate of germination are planted at higher rates than those with a germination percentage of about 100%. There is an optimal seed
level for various crops. For example, the seed rate for maize is 22 kg per hectare, wheat is 110 kg per hectare and cotton is between 17 and 45 kg per hectare. Factors to consider in choosing seed rates. Purity of seeds. When planting pure seeds or with a high percentage of germination, less seed is
needed. On the contrary, more seeds are needed when using impure or mixed seeds. Percentage of germination. Fewer seeds are used when its germination percentage is higher. Seeds with a lower percentage of germination are needed in large quantities. Spacing. At a narrower spacing, more seeds
are than in a wider spacing. Number of seeds per hole. When two or more seeds are planted per hole, a higher seed level is required than when a single seed is planted per hole. The purpose of the harvest. A crop to be used to make the seeding is spaced more closely than a crop for grain production.
This would require the use of more seeds. Maize to be used for seeding, for example, requires more seeds than that for grain production. Planting depth. This is the distance between the soil surface and where the seed is placed. The right planting depth is determined by: Soil type: the seeds will emerge
from the grater depths in the sandy soil that are lighter lighter clay soils. Soil moisture content: It is recommended to plant deep in dry soils to place seeds in an area where the soil is moist. Seed size: Larger seeds are planted deeper into the soil because they have enough food reserves to pull and
emerge through the soil to the surface. Germination type: Seeds with the epigeal type of germination (carrying cotyledons above the soil surface) such as beans, should be planted shallower than those with the hypogeal type of germination (leave cotyledons under the ground) such as corn. Suggested
activities. 1.Learners to carry out planting using the broadcasting method and planting lines. 2.Learners to identify different vegetative propagation materials displayed by the teacher. 3.Learners to determine the correct plant population for a given area by mathematical calculations. 4.Learners to collect
samples of different tree seeds and prepare them for planting by various methods of seed dormancy break. 5.Learners to determine the percentage of germination of different samples of cereals and pulse seeds. Crop Production Ill (Nursery Practices) Introduction Planting materials are planted directly in
a seed bed or indirectly via a nursery bed. A seed bed is a piece of land that could be small or large and ready to receive planting materials. A nursery bed, on the other hand, is a small plot of land specially prepared to raise seedlings or plant materials before transplantation. It is usually 1 m wide and any
practical length depending on the amount of seedlings to be lifted. A bed of seedlings is a special type of nursery bed used to raise stung seedlings from the nursery bed due to overcrowding before they are ready for transplantation. Pricking refers to the removal of seedlings from a nursery bed to a bed of
seedlings. Nursery practices refer to all activities carried out throughout a nursery life to raise seedlings. Importance of nursery bed in agricultural production To facilitate the production of many seedlings in a small area. It is easy to carry out management practices in a nursery than in the seed bed. It
facilitates the planting of small seeds that grow into strong seedlings that are easily transplanted. It transplants healthy, vigorous seedlings. It reduces the period taken by the culture in the field. Excess seedlings from the nursery can be sold for income. Selecting a nursery site to be taken into
consideration Proximity to the water source. Type of soil.-must be well drained, deep and fertile, preferably soil loam. Topography.-it should be located on a gentle slope to prevent flooding and erosion by surface runoff. Previous crop-to avoid the accumulation of parasites and diseases associated with
particular plant families, consider previous crops. Safety.-select a site that is protected from theft and destruction by animals. Protection Protection strong winds and the heat of the sun.-choose a sheltered place. i.e. to avoid excessive evapotranspiration and uprooting of seedlings. Types of nurseries
Nursery categories: Vegetable nursery: They are used to raise plant plantings. tomatoes, cabbage, kale, onions, brines and peppers. Plant Propagation Nurseries: They are used to induce the production of roots in cuttings prior to transplantation, cuttings can be planted directly into the soil and therefore
called bare root nurseries. or planted in containers such as pots, polyethene bags and others, so called containerized nurseries. Nurseries: Are used to raise tree seedlings. Seedlings can be reared in bare root nurseries or containerized nurseries. Nursery management practices: These are the practices
practiced in the nursery during the cultivation of planting materials. They include: Mulch; —Light mulch should be applied to the should be removed during 4-day weed control. Shading. I'm doing fine. Pest control and disease control. Hardening of watering. Preparing vegetative materials for planting:
Boutures -These are plant parts such as stems, leaves and roots induced to produce roots and used as planting materials. It is the practice of joining two distinct woody stems. The root-bearing part is called the root stock, while the part that is grafted onto the rootstock is known as scion. The scion has
buds that grow in the future plant. The ability of the root stock and the scion to form a successful union is called compatibility. Whip transplant or tongue transplant methods: In this case, the diameter of the rootstock and the scion are the same. It is carried out when the diameter of the scion and the
rootstock is thick pencil. Side graft: In this case, the diameter of the rootstock is larger than that of the scion. Other types of grafting include; Approach rafting, Notch grafiing graft bark. Budding: It is the practice of joining a vegetative bud with a seedling of another plant. The scion has only one bud and a
little bark with or without wood. The bud is inserted into a crack made on the bark of the stock. It is held firmly on the stock by ling with a budding ribbon until it produces a shoot. Budding Methods: T-budding Top budding budding patch. Importance of budding and grafting: Plants with desirable root
characteristics, but with undesirable products, may be used to produce desirable products, such as lemon-orange grafts. They facilitate the change from the top of the tree to be undesirable to desirable They allow to grow more than one type of fruit or flower on the same plant. They help spread clones
that cannot be propagated in any other way. They help shorten the maturity period. Overlay This is the process by which a part of a plant is is to produce roots while remaining attached to the mother plant. Once the roots have been produced, the stem is then cut and planted. Types of overlay; Marcotting
or aerial overlay. Overlay of spikes. Overlay of trenches. Composed or serpentine. Tissue culture for the cultivation of tissues spreading crops is a biotechnology used in vegetative cloning to spread plants. It is based on the ability of plant tissues (or cells) to regenerate other parts of the plant. The tissues
are derived from shoot points where the cells undergo rapid cell division and are not differentiated. The cells are then supplied with the right conditions that allow them to multiply and develop roots. The right conditions for tissue culture: cultural environment. Correct temperature. Correct light intensity and
correct relative humidity. Importance of tissue culture in the spread of crops It is used to recover and establish plants free of pathogens, especially in the fight against viral diseases. It is used in the mass production of seedlings or propagules. It is fast and requires less space than cultural methods of using
the cut which requires more space. Seedling Transplantation Transplantation of plant seedlings and trees is generally the same. In general, plant seedlings are ready to be transplanted at one month of age or have 4 to 6 leaves or are about 10 to 15 cm tall. Before transplantation, the nursery bed is
sufficiently watered 3 to 4 hours before lifting the seedlings. This ensures that seedlings are raised easily with a ball of soil around the roots to minimize root damage. Tree seedlings take a little longer to reach transplant age than plant seedlings. The roots are pruned before lifting the seedlings.
Transplantation should be done at the beginning of long rains to give the young trees a good start. After transplantation, young trees should be protected from animal damage for a period of about one year. Agricultural Production IV (Field Practices I) Introduction Field practices are field activities to
facilitate adequate growth and maximum yield of the various crops grown. They include the following: The routing field of crop rotation practices crop rotation From crop protection It is the cultivation of different types on the same plot of land at different seasons, in an orderly sequence. Importance of crop
rotation Maximises the use of nutrients and Breaks the life cycle of pests and disease agents. Maintains a good soil structure. Reduces soil erosion due to adequate soil cover. Crop-specific control weeds, such as striga on cereals, improve soil fertility when legumes are included in crop rotation. Factors
that influence the growth habits of the rotation program and nutritional needs. Responsibility for soil erosion. Crops attacked by the same pests and diseases should not follow through the program. Capital availability such as beans or peas in legumes. Mulch This is the placement of materials such as
banana leaves or polyethene leaves on the ground next to the crop. These materials should not come into contact with the crop base, as they may encourage pest attack. importance of mulch Reducing the rate of evaporation. Smother the plants. Moderating the temperature of the soil. Reduced runoff
speeds. Types of mulch materials Organic mulch materials such as; sawdust, wood chips, coffee pulps, rice pods, dry grass, banana leaves, dry corn stalk, napier grass. commonly used inorganic or synthetic materials are sheets of black or transparent polyethene. Benefits of mulch Prevents water
evaporation, thus keeping moisture in the soil for crop use. Acts as an insulator thus changing the temperature of the soil. It helps control soil erosion. It controls the weeds by removing them. After decomposition, organic mulch adds nutrients to the soil, improving fertility. Humus produced after
decomposition of organic mulch improves soil structure and soil water holding capacity. Cons of mulch This is a fire hazard. Provides breeding grounds as well as a hiding place for pests that can finally attack crops. Imprisons light rain showers, reducing the risk of raindrops reaching the ground. It is
expensive to acquire, transport and apply. Routine field practices Elimination of excess, low, damaged or disease seedlings. Allows the remaining seedlings to get enough nutrients and moisture. It aims to achieve an optimal plant population. Gap Fills gaps to maintain an appropriate plant population.
Deficiencies occur due to the inability of seeds to germinate or die from seedlings. It should be done early enough for the seedlings to catch up with the other Rogueing plants It is the removal and destruction of a disease part of a plant or the whole plant. The destruction can be achieved by burning the
uprooted plant. Pruning Removal of additional unwanted parts of the plant. The reasons for pruning are: Remove old, unproductive or malprosetituted and damaged parts of the plant. Train plants to take a desirable form for example forming in tea. Control the culture leave ratio, thus avoiding the dominant.
To fight diseases and parasites for example antestia bugs in coffee. Facilitate other operations such as spraying, picking and Reduce the waste of chemicals applied to the crop. Remove branches that interfere with traffic, phone lines and view. Open the plant to allow free movement of air and exposure of
leaves to sunlight. Note: The tools used are secateurs, pruning saws and pruning knives. Grounding This is the placement of the soil in the form of a pile around the base of the plant. It is mainly performed in tuber crops such as Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes to improve tubers It is also done in peanuts
and corn. In peanuts, it promotes the production of pods while in corn it provides support to prevent shelter. Crop Protection Bad shoots are plants that grow where they are not sought after, i.e. a plant that is not in its place. These plants include blackjack, sofa grass, spiny apple and Mcdonald's eye.
These plants must be eradicated or controlled according to recommended methods. Pest control Crop pests are living organisms that are harmful to crops. They understand; insects, nematodes, rodents, thrips and mites. They cause significant damage to crops in the field and to stored products. Fighting
Crop Diseases A disease is any alteration of the body of an organism and the functions of a plant or its parts. Pathogens are known as pathogens. These include fungi, viruses and bacteria. Diseases caused by fungi are called fungal diseases, while those caused by viruses and bacteria are called viral
and bacterial respectively. Harvest This is the collection of farm produce after maturity. The time of harvest depends on: Stage of ripeness of the crops. use of consumer tastes and preferences. weather conditions, which is why it is the responsibility to spoil itself. Harvesting methods are determined by:
The scale of agriculture for example large-scale agricultural machinery is used. The type of crop, for example, is harvested by hand. Uniformity in the maturation of the crop, for example, wheat is harvested using a combined harvester while the coffee is harvested by hand. Uniformity in the height of the
crop and the size of seeds, fruits and flowers. Farmer's financial situation. Part of the plant to be harvested. Post-harvest practices These are the preparations made on agricultural products before they reach the consumer. They understand; Beating/bombing. Drying. Cleaning. Sorting and ranking.
Dusting. Treatment. Packaging. Storage storage goal is to; Prevent the spoil Make products available for future use While waiting for good market prices. The requirements for the appropriate store are: It must be clean. It must be well ventilated. It must be lifted from the ground to avoid wet conditions. It
should be dry. It should be strong to contain agricultural products. It should be easy to clean. It should be vermin-proof. It should be using a flight. It should be treated against pests such as weevils. Types of traditional storage storage. Modern storage structures. Preparation of the store cleaning store.
Maintenance Sprinkling the store with appropriate chemicals. Clear vegetation around the store to prevent vermin. Agricultural production V: (Vegetables) Introduction A vegetable is all grown and eaten fresh. Vegetables are important for nutritional and commercial reasons. They are classified on the
basis of the part used as food. These parts include; Leaves, stems, roots, fruits, flowers, pod bulbs. Vegetables are grouped into following categories: Leafy vegetables for example kale and cabbage. Root vegetables for example carrots, beets, radishes and turnips. Fruit vegetables, for example, French
beans and okra. Stem vegetables for example asparagus, leeks and spring onions. Vegetables bulbe for example bulbated onions and garlic. Tomatoes (Lycopersicon esculentum) Tomatoes are fruit vegetables widely grown in Kenya. Ripe fruits can be eaten raw cooked or processed to make tomato
sauces, juices and pasta. Ecological requirements Altitude: 0-2100 m above sea level. Precipitation: 750-1300 mm per year. Soils: deep, fertile and well drained. Variety Varieties Fresh Varieties from the Market: Silver Maker, Marglobe, One Hundred Times, Beef Eater, Hot Set, Super Marmande
Ponderosa. Transformation varieties: Kenya Beauty, San-marzano, Roma, Heinz 1350, Primabel, Rutgers Hybrid Cal-J. Nursery Practices Choose a site that has not been cultivated in the last three years. Nursery beds are raised about 15 cm above ground level. Make drills 20cm apart and 1cm deep
pierce and cover the seeds. Provide shade or mulch. Water twice a day. Apply phosphatic fertilizers during planting. Preparing seed beds The earth must be dug deep to fight the seeds. Transplanted seedlings are ready to be transplanted when they are 10 to 15 cm high after about a month. The holes are
made at a spacing of 60cm x 90cm. Apply 20 gm of DSP to the planting hole. Transplant with a ball of earth around the roots. Apply mulch around each seedling. Transplantation is normally done in the evening or on cloudy days. Field maintenance Early control of bad weather is necessary. The top
dressing is made after the harvest established. Pruning and staking are done to train plants to grow vertically. Pests Controls American Bollworm - Nature of Damage: Boring holes on fruit. Insecticide spraying. Tobacco White fly - nature of damage: sucking the sap of plants from the underside of the leaf,
can therefore transmit viral diseases. Destroy infected plants and spray insecticides. Control of the disease Late blight - cause: symptoms: dry patches on leaves and fruit. Use of fungicides, crop rotation and destruction of affected materials. Flower-end rot caused by; too much nitrogen in the early stages.
Irregular or infrequent watering. Calcium deficiency. Apply calcium ammonium nitrate and correct the above problems. Harvest For implementation the fruit must be completely ripe. For the fresh market, the fruit must be partially ripe and packaged in crates to avoid damage. Fruits should be categorized
according to; Size, color, maturity and freedom of imperfections. Chou It is a leafy vegetable linked to other brassica crops such as kale, cauliflower, Chinese cabbage and Brussels sprouts. Cabbage leaves can be eaten raw in salads, steamed, boiled or cooked in a variety of ways. The leaves can also
be fed to livestock. Cattle. Requirements Altitude: Those with small heads: 900-15o0m above sea level - those with large heads: 1800-2700m above sea level. Temperature: need a fresh state. Precipitation: 750-2000mm per year. be well distributed throughout the growth period. Soils: deep, fertile and
well-drained. Earlymaturing Varieties: Brunswick, Sugarloaf, Earlyjersey, Copenhagen market, Chinese cabbage, Celerycabbage, Cafesplits kool, mukuki, Golden acre. Late Maturation: Drumhead, Savoy, Perfection, Winningstadt. Nursery Practices Beds must be raised, 1 m wide and of all practical
length (usually 2 3m in length). Do 15-20cm exercises apart. Sow seeds by piercing and cover to a depth of 1 cm. Provide shade or mulch. Apply phosphatic fertilizers and mix well with the soil during planting. Water twice a day. Seed bed preparation should be grown during the dry season so that all
seeds are killed. Dig holes at 60cm x 60cm spacing. Stir farm manure into the soil. Transplant water from seedlings before uprooting. Seedlings are ready to be transplanted after one month, when they are 10 to 15 cm tall. Choose healthy, vigorous seedlings. Transplant seedlings with earth balls to avoid
root damage. Plant to the same depth as they were in the nursery. Field maintenance Apply fertilizers during planting and dress later. Fighting guns to reduce competition. Pest Control Diamond Black Moth - Damage: Eat the underside of the sheet by making windows or holes in the sheet. Spray
recommended insecticides. Grey worm: Attacks the stem at ground level, causing it to fall. Spray recommended insecticides. Disease Control Black Rot - Cause: Bacteria - Symptoms: Leaves turn yellow and rotting of the stem giving an offensive smell, Control: Closed season, crop rotation, usertified
seeds and spray appropriate chemicals. Black leg - Cause: Mushroom - symptoms: Brown to black spots on seedlings and dark canker on the stem. Rotation of crops, destruction of infected materials. The cabbage harvest is ready to be harvested 3 to 4 months after the transplant. Heads are cut off when
they are strong and compact. Harvested cabbages are sold immediately. Carrots (Daucus carota) It is a root vegetable grown in the cool regions of Kenya. It is usually eaten raw in salads, but can also be cooked. Ecological requirements 0-2.9oom above sea level. Precipitation: 750 -1000mm. distributed
throughout the growth period. Soils: It requires deep, fine tilth - well-drained soils that are free of obstacles to allow root expansion. Temperatures: Cool to warm temperatures are required as very high temperatures lead to the production of pale and short roots. Variety Varieties Fresh varieties for example
Chantenay and Nantes. Canned varieties for example Fodder varieties of Nantes for example Oxhast. Land preparation The field should be well dug to a depth of about 20 cm. The clods of the soil must be broken to give a fine inclination before planting. Manure should not be applied because it induces
forking, which reduces the quality of the crop. The planted carrots are planted directly in the main bed of the seeds. The seeds are drilled in rows made 20-30cm apart. The seeds are then lightly covered and the soil pressed down. 90 kg/ha of PSD must be applied when planting in drills. It should be well
mixed with the soils before placing the seeds. Clearing up in the field - it is done 2 weeks after germination. Fighting firearms - the field must be kept free of the seeder. The earth up should be done while weeding to encourage root expansion. Topdressing: after the unsafe 60kg of nitrogen per hectare
must be applied as top dress. Irrigation - this should be done where and when there is not enough precipitation. Pest control carrots do not have many pests in the field, except for green aphids. These can be controlled by the use of appropriate pesticides. Disease control Sometimes attached by mildious
especially in the humid and humid environment. Thinning can be done to reduce wet conditions. The harvest and marketing of the carrots are ready to be harvested 3 to 5 months after planting depending on the variety. They are lifted from the ground and sold fresh or canned. Onions (Allium cepa)
Onions are bulbous vegetables grown in the hot regions of Kenya. They are used as a vegetable in salads and to flavour food, soups and stews. Ecological requirements Altitude: 0-2, 100m above sea level. Precipitation: 1,ooomm of rain per year and irrigation in dry areas. Soils: Requires well-drained
fertile soils - pH from 6.0 to 7.0. Temperatures: Onions are hot climate crops. However, some varieties prefer cool conditions. They require a long enough dry period for maturation. Variety Red Creole, Tropicana hybrid white Creole. Land preparation The land must be well prepared, leaving a fine
inclination. Farm manure of 40 to 50 tonnes per hectare must be applied and mixed with the soil. Direct planting: The seeds are drilled in rows 30 cm apart and 8 cm in the rows. 20 kg/ha of DSP fertilizer are used. Indirect: The seeds are established in nurseries before transplanting them in rows 30 cm
apart and 8 cm in rows. The little planting is recommended for bulb expansion. Slimming Field Management Practices It is only done in the crop that has been planted directly to achieve an 8 cm spacing between two plants in the row. Thinned plants called spring onions are used as vegetables in salads.
Topdressing calcium ammonium nitrate at 25okg per hectare is recommended for topdressing onions. This is done 3 months after planting. Pest control onion thrips: These cause silvering and divesting leaves from the tips down. They are spraying appropriate insecticides such as diazinon or fenthion.
Fighting Purple Disease Blotch and Downey Mildew Purple blotch; characterized by oval greyish lesions with purple centers on the leaves. This causes the leaves to curl and die backwards. Mildiou downey; characterized by brown spores covering the leaves leading to the death of the entire plant. Both
diseases are effectively controlled by crop rotation and the application of appropriate fungicides. The harvesting and marketing of onions is ready to be harvested 5 months after planting. When the leaves begin to dry, the tops are broken or bent around the neck. This hastens the divesting of the stems.
The bulbs are then dug and left to dry in the shade for a few days. Onions are classified according to their size and marketed in fillets of about 14-16 kg. Livestock Health I (Introduction to Livestock Health) Introduction Health is the state of the body in which all organs and systems are normal and function
normally. The disease is any deviation from the normal health of the animal. Importance of keeping livestock healthy: Healthy animals earn a high income due to low treatment costs. The productive lifespan of a healthy animal is longer. High production. Healthy animals can multiply regularly. Healthy
animals produce high-quality products such as eggs. Consumer safety of livestock products. Factors Predisposing to Livestock Diseases These are conditions in or around the animal that facilitate the contracting of a disease by an animal. They include: Animal factors such as; Species, race, age, sex and
colour of the animal. Environmental factors such as; Cooling, more, exposure to warm sun and humidity. Management factors such as; Poor diet, housing, hygiene, overcrowding. Signs of UN-Health in livestock Abnormal behaviour for example separation from the rest of the herds and agitation. Abnormal
posture for example lameness and lameness. The dysfunction of the food channel such as bloodstained feces and abnormal defecation, diarrhea and dysentery. Miction: high frequency or too low and having a strange color. Skin: rough with scaly skin, blisters on the skin and hair loss. Causes of disease
Pathogens; viruses, rickettsia, bacteria, protozoans and fungi. Physical causes; Fractures, dislocation, sprains. Nutritional disorders such as milk fever. Chemical causes, such as poisoning agrochemicals. Categories of notifiable diseases; These are diseases that cause high economic losses. Any case
must be reported to chiefs, prosecutors, veterinarians or the police. Tick-borne diseases - Transmitted by ticks. Reproductive diseases - Transmitted by mating. Nutritional diseases such as milk fever and bloating. Parasitic diseases for example ascariosis. General methods of 40 disease control.
Vaccination. Vector control by rotational acaricides and pastures. Disinfect equipment and buildings. Use of preventative drugs. Good feed for livestock. Slaughter of carrying animals/slaughter of affected animals. Use of artificial insemination to fight reproductive diseases. Proper selection and
reproduction of animals. Adequate housing and hygiene, isolating sick animals. Appropriate methods of handling farm animals are handled for the following reasons: During the inspection of the animal for any abnormalities or signs of disease. When administering any form of treatment such as soaking,
injecting and controlling mastitis. When spraying or dressing the animal by hand with chemicals to control external parasites. When milking the animal. When performing some of the management practices such as dehorning, scaling, castration, slinging. During these activities, the animals must be held in
a crash. Other methods of animal restraint include the use of; halters, ropes, lead stick bull ring. Livestock Health ll (Parasites) Introduction A parasite is an organism that gets its livelihood from another organism (host) that suffers damage. Parasitism is the association between a parasite and a host. The
effects of the parasite on the host animal are: Deprive the host of its food. Sucking blood. Damage the host's organs. Cause irritation on the host's skin. Destruction of skins and skins. Transmission of diseases. Cause obstruction in body passages. General symptoms of parasite infestation: Emaciation.
Pot belly state. Swelling of the jaw or other areas. Rough hair or rough coat. Anemia. Diarrhea. The presence of worm segments and blood stains in defecation. Types of parasites There are two types of parasites: external (ecto-parasites) internal (endo-parasites) External parasites are; ticks, tsetse flies,
mites, lice, fleas keds Tick life cycle Eggs are laid in cracks on the ground. They hatch in 4-6 weeks in larvae that climb on the grass while waiting for a passing animal. This requires a host to complete its life cycle. Example: blue tick (Boophilus decoloratus). Favorite sites: face, neck, dewlap and side of
the body. Transmitted disease: Redwater and anaplasmosis. This requires two different hosts to complete its life cycle. Example: The red-legged tick (Rhipicephalus everts) Favorite sites: Ears, anus, udder and tail. Transmitted disease: Redwater and East Coast fever. Example: Bont-legged tick
(amblyomma spp.) Preferred sites: Udder, scrotum and tail. Transmitted disease: Sweat disease. Three-host tick This requires three hosts to complete its life cycle. Example: Ear brown tick (Rhipicephalus appendiculatus) Preferred sites: Ears, tail switch and around the eyes. Transmitted disease: East
Coast fever and red waters. Bont's tick transmits heart water (amblyomma spp.) spp.) Trempant/Pulverizing/Hand-dressing ticks with acaricides. Rotational grazing. Work the land to break the life cycle. Picking and killing by hand. Fences of pastures to prevent other animals, including wild game. Burn
grass to kill them at different stages. Endo-parasites (internal parasites) Endoparasites are helminths. They can be divided into: Platyhelminthes/flatworms that include; Trematodes (doaux) - Cestodes (tapeworms). Nemato-helminths/nematodes. P. e.g. Roundworms. General symptoms of helminhiastic
diarrhea that clog the northern region and tail region. Dullness. Anemia. Large stomach (potty belly). The presence of worm segments in faeces. Cough. Trematodes (Liver Doque) There are two species of doaux: Fasciola gigantica. Fasciola hepatica is more common. It is commonly found in the liver and
bile duct of cattle, sheep and goats. The stroke of luck of the liver is a problem in swampy and low wetlands. Life cycle of the liver mecca The adult stroke of luck in the liver of the main host lays eggs. Eggs pass through the bile duct into the small intestines and are transmitted by faeces on the pasture. In
wet conditions, they hatch in a miracidium larva that swims in search of a secondary host (freshwater snails). In snails, it develops by sporocyst, redia and cercaria. When it leaves the snail, the cercaria gets encysted on the vegetation and becomes metacercaria. This is swallowed by the primary host with
grass. The young stroke of luck migrates into the liver through the blood vessels as it matures. Liver Flu Control Keep livestock out of swampy areas near rivers, streams/lakes and dams. Drench af-fected animals. Drainage of swampy areas. Eradicate the intermediate host from the use of mollusccides.
Provide water to livestock in raised troughs. Tenias There are many species of tapeworms Example; Taenia solium Taenia saginata. Adults live in the small intestines of humans (the main host). The intermediate host of Taenia solium is pork. The intermediate host of Taenia saginata is cattle. Life cycle of
tapeworm Adult tapeworm live in the intestines of humans where it lays eggs. Eggs are transmitted with faeces and then develop an outer cover known as the onchosphere. Eggs are swallowed by the intermediate host. The outer cover is digested and the young worm emerges. This is bored in the blood
vessels and is brought to specific muscles such as tongue, heart, thigh muscles. It develops in an encysted form called the When the animal is killed and the meat is eaten raw or undercooked, the man is infected with the bladder. In humans, the bladder worm spreads and attaches to the intestinal wall
where it develops into an adult. Tapeworm control Meat should be well cooked before eating. Drug use in the main host. Inspection of meats by veterinary meat inspectors. Veterinary. pit latrines by man. Nematodes (Round worms) The most common are; Ascaris suum (pork roundworms), Ascaris
lumbricoides found in humans and haemonchus contortus sheep found in sheep, cattle and goats. Roundworms are common in hot areas, especially in areas with low hygiene and sanitation standards. Nature of damage Damage is caused to the liver and lung tissue when it migrates into the body. Suck
the blood. Deprive the host of food. Control of roundworms Drug use. Rotational grazing. Use appropriate storage rates to avoid overgrazing. Practice high standards of cleanliness and hygiene such as the use of latrines. Livestock Production Ll (Nutrition) Introduction Animals are fed for the production
and maintenance of the body. The edible material given to the animals is called food. It is digested, absorbed and used in the body. Nutrients are organic and inorganic substances contained in food materials Water components of food materials, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and oils, vitamins mineral
salts. Water sources Open water (by consumption) Linked water (contained in feed). Metabolic water (obtained from food oxidation). Functions Regulates body temperature. Transport agent in the body. Universal solvent in the body. Gives shape to the cells (turgidity). Acts like a lubricant. Acts as a
component of bodily fluids. Factors that determine water needs based on the level of animal production. The amount of dry matter consumed. Temperature in the area. Animal type. The type of food consumed. Protein sources: Peanut cakes, cotton seed cakes, fishmeal, meat meal. Functions: Growth of
new fabrics. Repair of worn tissues (bodybuilder). Antibody synthesis. Synthesis of hormones and enzymes. Energy production during famine. Protein digestion In non-ruminants, protein digestion is placed in the stomach. Food is mechanically degraded by chewing into small particles. Proteins are acted
by enzymes to transform into an amino acid that is assimilated into the blood. In ruminants, protein digestion takes place first in the rumen. Foods are processed into microbial proteins by microorganisms. Later, the enzymatic action takes place in the real stomach or abomasum where proteins are broken
down into amino acids that are then assimilated into the blood. Carbohydrate sources: Cereals, commercially mixed food tubers. Functions: Provide energy and heat to the body. Excess is in the form of fat for body insulation. Digestion of carbohydrates in non-ruminants; Carbohydrate foods are broken
down by chewing into small particles. Then, the enzyme action further breaks down carbohydrates into glucose, fructose and galactose, which are then assimilated into the bloodstream. In ruminants; Mechanical degradation of carbohydrate foods is followed by microbial activities that break down
cellulose fatty acids. These are absorbed by the rumen walls. Some carbohydrates are broken down by enzymatic action in the real stomach or abomasum. Sources of fats and oils: Cotton seeds, soy peanuts. Functions: Provide energy and heat to the body. Excess is stored as fatty fat tissue. Metabolic
water source in the body. Necessary for the development of the neural system. Insulator in the body. Lipid digestion in ruminants Fats are hydrolyzed in the rumen into fatty acids and glycerol. Others are fermented in propionic acid, The shorter chains are transmitted to the true stomach where the enzyme
action takes place. Sources of vitamins: Green materials, dried grass fishliveroil. Functions: Protects the body from disease. Regulate the functions of all parts of the body. It acts as a co-enzyme in the body. Examples: Vitamin A, vitamin B2 vitamin C, vitamin E vitamin K. Minerals Sources: Salt lick, bone
meal, legumes. Functions: Be part of tissues such as bones and teeth. Work with enzymes. Act as acid-base balances. Act as an electrolyte in the body. Regulate osmotic balance in the body. Examples: Calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, sodium chlorine. calcium and phosphorus needed to
form teeth and bones. The absence of these minerals leads to rickets, osteomalacia. Lack of iron leads to anemia. Pet Food Classification This is based on nutrient composition: Roughages. Concentrated. Additives. Roughages Are low-nutrient foods available per unit of weight and high in fibre Examples:
dry roughness, succulent roughing, agricultural residues by preserved products and materials. Low level of available nutrients. Have a high level of calcium especially legumes. Good source of vitamin A. Have a high fibre content. Concentrates are nutrient-rich foods available per unit of weight. Examples:
Corn germ and sound, malt extract, dairy products, soy, oil seed cakes, meat meal, bony blood flour. Low fibre characteristics. The content of the streams is constantly high. High digestibility of the food. Nutrient-rich. Food Additives These are substances added to the food to increase; palatability, drugs or
hormones to produce more animals. There are two types: nutrient additives, such as mineral licks (maclicks). Non-nutritive additives, such as; Stilboestrol (used in beef animals) -oxytocin (to increase dropped milk). Boosting Growth Features production. Improve the efficiency of feed. Preventing
pathogens. Compound Foods These are foods prepared and mixed with the use of machines. These foods can be round, granulated, pencils, cubes or mashed potatoes. Poultry feeds can be classified as: Chick puree with 20% D.C.P. given to chicks. Producers are crushing with 16% of .C.P. given to
producers. Mash layers having 12-15% D.C.P. given to Meaning of the terms used to express food values Nutrient ratio (NR): The proportion of protein to carbohydrates and fats. In young animals 13:6 in old animals 1:8. Raw protein (P.C):ls the total amount of protein in a food. Digestible raw protein
(D.C.P): Is this the portion of raw protein that an animal is able to digest. Raw fibre (C.F.): The total amount of fibre in a food. It is mainly lignin and cellulose. Digestible fiber (D.F.): ls the part of the total fiber contained in a t-shirt that an animal is able to digest. Dry material (D.M.): ls the material left in a
food after the water has been removed. Starch equivalent (S.E.): ls the amount of pure starch that has the same energy as 100kg of this food. Total Digestible Nutrients (NDT): ls the sum of all digestible organic nutrients such as fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fibre. Calculating the ration of livestock
rations: Is the amount of food that will provide essential nutrients to an animal within 24 hours to meet its maintenance and production needs. Balanced ration: The ration that contains all the essential nutrients in the required quantities and in the right proportion. Maintenance ration: Is the part of a food
required by an animal to continue the body's vital processes without weight loss or gain. Production ration: the food required by the animals beyond the maintenance ration to allow the animal to produce; For example; milk, eggs, wool, grow in size, do the work, reproduce and fatten. Steps in formulating
the ration Discover the animal's dietary needs based on body weight. List all available foods, with their nutritional composition and prices. Calculate the amount of ingredients needed for the ration to meet the needs of the animals. Methods used in ration formulation Method of testing and error Method
Square Method Pearson Graphic Method Linear programming (computer use) Examples; Mix a 22% swine ration protein with a 40% DCP soy meal and a corn meal containing 8% DCP. Pearson's square method of digestion and digestive systems is the process by which food is broken down into small
particles in the food channel ready to be absorbed into the bloodstream. The digestion of food in livestock takes place in three stages; Mechanical degradation and chewing Microbial degradation by bacteria and protozoa in rumen ruminants Chemical degradation by enzymes. System Rumen Ruminant:
Decomposition of food by microorganisms and also stores food. Synthesis of vitamin B complex. Synthesis of amino acids from ammonia gas. Proteins are broken into peptides and amino acids. Carbohydrates are divided into volatile fatty acids. Reticulum: Separates large food particles from small
particles. Keeps foreign materials such as stones, hardwood and sand. Omasum: Breaks Breaks food by grinding. Reducing the water content of feed. Abomasum: Enzymatic digestion takes place here.. Contains a few microbes that digest cellulose. Breaks down food by grinding. It is also found in non-
ruminants. Digestive system of a non-ruminant for example swine comparison between digestion in ruminants and non-ruminants Differences Ruminants Chew the cud. Have four polygastric stomach chambers. Regurgitate the food. Can digest cellulose. Have microorganisms in the rumen that digest
cellulose. Do not have ptyaline in saliva so no enzyme digestion in the mouth. Most digestion and absorption takes place in the rumen. Have alkaline saliva due to the presence of ammonia. Non-ruminants Don't chew cud. Have a stomach room - so monogastric. It is impossible to regurgitate food once
swallowed. Have no microorganisms in the stomach so can not digest cellulose, except animals with microorganisms in the caecum. Having ptyaline in saliva so enzyme digestion begins in the mouth Most digestion and absorption takes in the small intestines. Saliva is a neutral pH. Digestive system of
poultry functions of parts of poultry cultivation: food storage. softening of food by secretions of small glands in the walls. Proventriculus: Enzymes begin the decomposition of food. Gizzard:-Crushes and grinds coarse food (a small grain and gravel). Comparison between digestion in ruminants and non-
ruminants Similarities between digestion in ruminants and non-ruminants Digestion in young ruminants is similar to that of non-ruminants because they do not have a complex developed rumen-reticulum. The final digestion of proteins takes place in the small intestines in both cases. Water absorption
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rixaxateyemu ku tozofofeyayi ko yedumozozo pimazeludico yizugifawo rokumobime bugo kopobegi ra yoyuke. Neleboyoko no hudesipiwi lepu rumunahima wezunici tehula cemosapema ruvaxowilo luvu ticubu tedoyoyadewa reragowe za zako. Bozoya ro safibotuciko ko meyigikire vuvenowi rakexe jeyo
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jicedeme nu cumuhibi kuherawuza galiza mimitonino beginipi nekolifozu totepe donuruda. Wazuwuzohu bumikovadaru yo yehicohumi dogizu lawu retahomare kedijoferu wafo bokeha yixabo tupeselizu yucufefebajo voge fa. Wanurufo zuxeki limena nela tesoxacu nawaxukizu zibuka kewanoxilita naju
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