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Chapter 1:

1. What is CIA Triad?

2. How are C-ciphertext and P plaintext expressed in Caesar cipher? Encrypt the plaintext message
Meet Me After the Toga Party using it.
3. Compare block and stream cipher
4. What are the traditional ciphers. Discuss hill cipher substitution method with an example
5. Enlist security goals. Discuss their significance.
6. Explain Transposition Ciphers with illustrative examples
7. What are Block Cipher Modes, Describe any two in detail.
8. Using Affine cipher, encrypt the Plaintext SECURITY with key pair (5,2)
9. Given generator g-2 and n-11. Using Diffie Hellman algorithm solve the following:
i. Show that 2 is primitive root of 11
ii. If A's public key is 9, what is A's private key
iii. If B’s public key is 3, what is B’s private key.
iv. Calculate the shared secret key.
10. A secure e-voting system is to be designed. Discuss the security goals that must be met and enlist
mechanisms for the same
11. Encrypt “This is the final exam” with Playfair cipher using key “Guidance”. Explain the steps
12. Draw and Explain the OSI security architecture and Network security model
13. Differentiate monoalphabetic and polyalphabetic cipher with an example.
14. What is keyed and keyless transposition method?
15. Enlist security goals. Discuss their significance.

Chapter 2
1. Explain AES encryption algorithm with detailing of four different stages
2. Explain Kerberos protocol with the simplified overview
3. Compare and contrast HMAC and CMAC.
4. Design Sample Digital Certificate and explain each field of it.
5. Compare and contrast DES and AES.
6. What is the drawback of Double DES algorithm? How is it overcome by Triple DES?
7. What is the significance of a digital signature on a certificate? Justify
8. Show how Kerberos protocol can be used to achieve single sign-on in distributed systems.
9. What is PKI, Explain different PKI architecture in detail.
10. SHA provides better security than MD Justify
11. Explain RC5 algorithm with an example.
12. Write a short note on different Digital Signature Schemes

Chapter 3
1. Elaborate the steps of key generation using the RSA algorithm in the RSA system what is the public
key E&N and private key D&N and ø(n) of this user if M is equal to 187 is defined if the plane
takes input M is equal to 88 what is the ciphertext explain various kinds of attacks on the reset
2. What is meant by malicious software what are its types explained DDoS attack
3. Given modulus n-91 and public key, e-5, find the values of p, q, phi(n), and d using RSA. Encrypt
M-25. Also perform decryption.
4. Perform encryption and decryption using RSA algorithm with p=7, q=11, e=17 and M=8.
5. Given modulus n=221 and public key, e=7, find the values of p, q, phi(n), and d using RSA. Encrypt
6. Define DOS attack. Show the different ways by which this attack can be mounted at various layers.
7. Explain different types of Denial-of-Service attacks.

Chapter 4
1. List various services provided by IP SEC
2. How is security achieved in the transport and tunnel modes of IPsec what are security associations?
3. Summarize the behavior of SH512 with round functions
4. What protocols comprise SSL explain all phases of SSL handshake protocol in detail
SHA provides better security than MD. Justify.
5. Define ARP spoofing with an example. Compare with IP spoofing.
6. How does IPSec help to achieve authentication and confidentiality? Justify
7. the need of AH and ESP.
Chapter 5
1. What are elements of network access control
2. Two uses wish to establish a secure communication channel and exchange a session key after
mutual authentication. Show how this can be done with the help of a KDC.
3. A user wishes to do online transactions with Discuss a protocol which can be used
to set up a secure communication channel and provide server side and client side authentication.
Show the steps involved in the handshake process.
4. What is Authentication? Explain Needham Schroeder Authentication protocol.
5. Explain Needham Schroeder Authentication protocol for secret key distribution with suitable

Chapter 6
1. What is an intrusion detection system giving its type
2. What is a firewall? Explain different types of firewalls and list their advantages.
3. What is a firewall? Explain different types of firewall.

Write Short notes on:

1. Email Security
3. IPSec
4. Port Scanning.
5. Honey pots
7. ARP Spoofing
8. EI-Gomal Algorithm
9. Session Hijacking
10. steganography.
11. Remote user Authentication Protocols
12. Kerberos
13. SPAM,Trojan horse,
14. Differentiate between Viruses, Worms ,System Corruption,
15. Attack Agents,
16. Information Theft,
17. Trapdoor
18. Keyloggers,
19. Phishing, Backdoors,
20. Zombie
21. SNMPv3,
22. Write short note on eavesdropping.
23. Write a short note on Blowfish.
24. S/MIME services.

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