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Syllabus & Datesheet

Final Examination Central and North Region

Academic Session 2023-24



22-May-2024 Wednesday Mathema�cs 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

23-May-2024 Thursday Computer Science 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

24-May-2024 Friday Islamiyat / Nazra 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

27-May-2024 Monday Science 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

28-May-2024 Tuesday

29-May-2024 Wednesday History 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

30-May-2024 Thursday Urdu Language 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

31-May-2024 Friday English Language 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

3-June-2024 Monday Geography 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

4-June-2024 Tuesday

5-June-2024 Wednesday English Literature 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

6-June-2024 Thursday LSR Urdu / English 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

7-June-2024 Friday Urdu Literature 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)

Syllabus Assessment Targets
Find HCF and LCM.
Chapter 1 Integers Mul�ply and divide integers.
Order while solving brackets, indices and opera�ons.
Find squares and cubes of posi�ve and nega�ve integers and their
Chapter 7 Frac�ons corresponding roots.
Compare and order posi�ve and nega�ve frac�ons.
Subtract mixed numbers.
Chapter 9 Sequences and func�ons Mul�ply an integer by a mixed number.
Divide an integer by a proper frac�on.
Chapter 10 Percentages Find and use term-to-term rules for number sequence and for
drawn pa�erns.
Describe nth term for a sequence.
Chapter 11 Graphs Work out input and output numbers from func�on machines.
Calculate percentage increases and decreases.
Mul�plier to calculate a percentage increase or decrease.
Chapter 12 Ra�o and propor�on Represent situa�ons as linear func�ons, construct table and plot
Chapter 15 Distance, area and Interpret values of m and c in y=mx+c.
Simplify and compare ra�os.
volume Rela�onship between ra�o and propor�on.
Convert between miles and km.
Calculate the area of parallelogram and trapezium, volume of a
Chapter 13 Probability triangular prism and surface area of triangular prisms and
Use lists and diagrams of outcomes to calculate probabili�es.
Calculate experimental probabili�es and compare them to
theore�cal probabili�es.

Marking Scheme & Paper Pa�ern

Sec�on 1: Obejc�ve (30 marks)
MCQS (10 marks)
Fill in the blanks (10 marks)
Match the Column (10 marks)
Sec�on 2: Short Ques�on Answers (32 marks)
Sec�on 3: Long Ques�on Answers (18 marks)
Checkpoints: (20 marks)

Total marks 100

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)


Syllabus Assessment Targets

Student will be assessed to:
Cambridge Lower Secondary Workbook Book 8 Make notes on the main points in text, write a
monologue in the voice of a character, and
Unit 3 Strange island
edit it.
3.1 The mystery of Oak Island
Explaining the key features of fables, and
3.2 Strange islands wri�ng their own fable story.
3.3 Treasure Island: Mee�ng Ben Gunn Introducing a new character in a story and an
3.4 Treasure Island: The play antagonist into a story.
3.5 Singing sand
3.6 Helix Iden�fy and analyse explicit and implicit
Unit 6 Monsters meanings and language techniques in a story.
6.1 A modern monster
Drama script to be wri�en and
6.2 Fear of monsters structured.
6.3 The giant Having knowledge of different methods and
6.4 The li�le boy techniques of wri�ng a poem, comment on
6.5 A smaller monster the way a poet
6.6 Monster below ground characterizes a creature and the
Unit 7 The Planta�on narrator in a poem, analysising and comparing
the poets present a similar theme.
7.1 The broken pipe
Diary wri�ng to show the voice and viewpoint
7.2 Namidi’s family
of a par�cular character, write imagina�vely,
7.3 Namidi and Mamma Efe expressing a character’s thoughts and emo-
7.4 Jackson and Ochuke �ons.
7.5 The explosion Effect of different sentence types and write
7.6 Disaster reports compound-complex sentences, adverbs
Grammar: adding details and meanings, use extended
Work from the above-men�oned Units metaphors.
Analyse �me connec�ves and sentence
of Cambridge Book.
openings to structure sentences.
Comprehension / Crea�ve Wri�ng: Reading and iden�fying the main points in an
Any unseen passage as per their ability ar�cle.
level will be given.

Julius Caesar
Answer the questions, summary of
Act 2 Scene 3
Act 3 Scene 1
chapters, reference to the context, word
Pages 40-54 meanings and character sketch of
Character sketch characters.
Julius Caesar, Octavius Caesar, Mark Antony,
Marcus Brutus and Caius Cassius

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)


Marking Scheme & Paper Pa�ern

ENGLISH Language
Reading Comprehension: Unseen passage 20

Sec�on B
Grammar: Rules of Language 30

Sec�on C
Crea�ve Wri�ng: any unseen topic to write on 30
Checkpoint 20

Total marks 100

ENGLISH Literature
Sec�on A
Vocabulary: glossary, meanings, sentences, MCQs 20
Sec�on B
Ques�on and answer (different from the text book) 30
Sec�on C
Play: character sketch, summary, reference to context and conceptual ques�ons
(Different from the text book) 30
Checkpoint 20
Total marks 100

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)


Syllabus Assessment Targets

Unit 5: Materials & cycles on Earth
Iden�fy key scien�sts and their contribu�ons to our understanding of atomic
structure. Iden�fy layers of Earth's atmosphere and explain their characteris�cs
Unit 5: Materials & cycles on and func�ons, composi�on of gases in atmosphere,
concept of Ice Ages and their impact on Earth's climate, causes and effects of
Earth climate change, differen�ate between weather and climate
Unit 6: Light
Describe reflec�on at a plane surface, law of reflec�on, refrac�on of light,
Unit 6: Light recognize that white light is made of many colours, dispersion of white light,
using a prism. Describe how colours of light can be added, subtracted, absorbed
Unit 7: Diet and growth and reflected, op�cal instruments that use curved mirrors, spherical mirrors,
galaxies such as stars, nebulae, black holes, and dark ma�er halos, asteroids,
meteoroids, and comets based on their composi�ons, orbits, and physical
Unit 8: Chemical reac�ons characteris�cs.
Unit 7: Diet and growth
Iden�fy and describe essen�al nutrients required by body. Explain func�ons and
Unit 9: Magne�sm sources of different nutrients, balanced diet and explain its significance,
rela�onship between nutri�on and physical growth during adolescence. Explain
how specific nutrients contribute to bone development, muscle growth, and
overall body development, consequences of poor dietary choices and develop-
ment of lifestyle-related diseases, importance of regular physical ac�vity for
maintaining health and fitness.
Unit 8: Chemical reac�ons
Define and differen�ate between exothermic and endothermic reac�ons.
Arrange metals in reac�vity series and predict displacement reac�ons, reac�ons
of metals with oxygen, water, and dilute acids using chemical equa�ons.
UNIT 9: Magne�sm
Iden�fy the poles of a magnet and describe how they interact (a�rac�on and
repulsion). Understand the concept of a magne�c field and its strength in
rela�on to distance from the magnet, basic principles behind electromagnets
and their construc�on. Describe and draw magne�c field lines around different
magnets. Dis�nguish between magne�c materials from non-magne�c materials.
Explain the behavior of compass needles in the Earth's magne�c field. Elaborate
the concept of the Earth's magne�c poles, factors affec�ng the strength of an
electromagnet (e.g., number of coils, current), real-world applica�ons of

Marking Scheme & Paper Pa�ern

● Paper should be prepared according to the given syllabus.
● Science paper should consist two (2) Sec�ons
1. Sec�on A (Objec�ve) (40 Marks)
● Iden�fy the correct statement
30 min
25 four-op�on mul�ple-choice ques�ons CBA
● Complete the table
● Flowchart
● Jus�fy the statement

2. Sec�on B (Subjec�ve) (60 Marks)

● Compare & Contrast
● (Venn diagrams)
● Diagram based short ques�ons
● Graphical ques�ons
● Long ques�ons
● Experimental ques�ons Total marks 100

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)


Syllabus Assessment Targets

Understanding Hindu-Muslim Dynamics: Students are expected to learn about the growth
of separate Hindu and Muslim communi�es, including details on fluctua�ng Muslim rights,
Hindu radicaliza�on, and the par��on of Bengal.
Chapter 3: The Bri�sh Raj in India Significance of Simla Deputa�on: Importance of understanding the Simla deputa�on in the
context of Bri�sh India.
Chapter 4: Road to independence 1 Historical Context of Muslim League Forma�on: Understanding the socio-poli�cal
condi�ons leading to the forma�on of the Muslim League in 1906, including iden�fying key
events and factors, both na�onal and interna�onal.
Chapter 5: Road to independence 2 Morley-Minto Reforms: Understanding the historical context and mo�va�ons behind the
Morley-Minto Reforms of 1909, including their provisions and changes introduced.
World War I and Its Impact: Analyzing the geopoli�cal landscape of World War I, the major
powers involved, and how innova�ons in warfare changed combat dynamics, and its
influence on poli�cal dynamics in the Indian subcon�nent.
Amritsar Massacre and Independence Movement: Understanding the events, individuals
involved, and poli�cal context surrounding the Amritsar Massacre, and evalua�ng its
consequences on the Indian independence movement.
Khilafat Movement: Iden�fying key events, leaders, and objec�ves of the Khilafat
Movement, its historical context, and reasons for its collapse.
Moderniza�on of Turkey by Kemal Ataturk: Understanding the moderniza�on efforts of
Turkey under Kemal Ataturk.
Allama Iqbal and the Idea of Pakistan: Describing Allama Iqbal's efforts in presen�ng the
idea of Pakistan, including his bibliography.
Round Table Conferences: Introduc�on to the Round Table Conferences held in the 1930s
to discuss cons�tu�onal reforms for India.
Decline of the Bri�sh Empire: Explaining the gradual process of the decline of the Bri�sh
Empire, involving decoloniza�on and the independence of former colonies.
Development of Historical Awareness: Fostering curiosity and cri�cal thinking about
historical events and their significance, while also developing basic awareness of historical

Marking Scheme & Paper Pa�ern

Section A (40 marks)

Q1: Identify the correct statement
Q2: Correct and rewrite the incorrect statements
Q3: Draw and Label a map/diagram/ flow chart
Section B (60 marks)
Q1: Short questions
Q2: Long Questions (Essay Type Questions)
Total Marks: 100

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)


Syllabus Assessment Targets

• Iden�fica�on and descrip�on of major geographical features, including
mountain ranges and platea us.
• Understanding the influence of mountain ranges on weather pa�erns,
Unit 1: The Natural Topography
ecosystems, and economic ac�vi�es.

Unit 3: Natural Resources • Recogni�on of seismic ac�vi�es, such as earthquakes, and the implementa�on
of safety measures.
• Descrip�on of the Indus Plain, its agricultural significance, challenges, and
socio-economic implica�ons.
• Analysis of desert areas, their features, adapta�ons, economic ac�vi�es, and
conserva�on efforts.
• Explana�on of the hydrological cycle and its key components.
• Iden�fica�on of major rivers and their significance in sustaining life and
• Discussion of groundwater forma�on, movement, significance, and challenges.
• Categoriza�on of water uses and evalua�on of sustainable water usage
• Analysis of water scarcity issues, implica�ons, and conserva�on strategies.
• Understanding the purpose and func�on of irriga�on systems in agriculture.

Marking Scheme & Paper Pa�ern

Sec�on A (40 marks)
Q1: Iden�fy the correct statement
Q2: Correct and rewrite the incorrect statements
Q3: Draw and Label a map/diagram/ flow chart
Sec�on B (60 marks)
Q1: Short ques�ons
Q2: Long Ques�ons (Essay Type Ques�ons)

Total Marks 100

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)

Computer Science

Syllabus Assessment Targets

Chapter 3: Designing a simple

All topics
Chapter 5: Customizing the All topics
calcula�on Machine Learning Fundamentals
Machine Learning with Python Introduc�on to TensorFlow
Student-led Conference Project
Core Learning Algorithms
Neural Networks
Project PPT

Marking Scheme & Paper Pa�ern

Check Points: 20 Marks

Paper Sec�on A (CBA)
MCQS 20 Marks
Paper Sec�on B (CBA)
Error iden�fica�on and Correc�on(in Computer Programs) 10 Marks
Short Ques�ons 10 Marks
Paper Sec�on C
Project 40 Marks

Total marks 100

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)

‫�ب � �م ‪ :‬ا�س‬
‫اُردو �ا�‬ ‫اُردو ادب‬
‫‪1،2‬‬ ‫�‬
‫‪46،20‬‬ ‫� ���ل � ��‬
‫‪10،11‬‬ ‫�‬
‫‪86،56،64‬‬ ‫��ن‬
‫�� � �‬
‫�‬ ‫�‬
‫‪4،5‬‬ ‫������� � �‬
‫‪18،19‬‬ ‫�� و �� آ�د�‬
‫‪22،23،32‬‬ ‫� �ب‬‫��‬

‫‪52،53،71،72‬‬ ‫آ� ‪� 90‬‬

‫‪Assessment Targets‬‬
‫ذ� � ��‬
‫� � � � � آ�زش ��اور� �� � ��ہ �� �� � ۔ � � درج �‬ ‫ان ا�ق � �‬

‫�‬ ‫�� �‬ ‫�‬ ‫اُردو ادب ‪:‬۔‬

‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬ ‫�‬‫�‬
‫� �ا�ت � � �ا�ت ا�ر اور �� � اور �� �� � ۔‬ ‫�� آ�زش �‬ ‫�‬ ‫���ى ا�اد اور � �‬ ‫ذ��ہ ا�ظ � �� �‬‫� �� �‬ ‫اُردو ادب �‬
‫اُردو �ا� ‪:‬۔‬
‫� �� ا�اف �� �� ‪ :‬۔‬ ‫� � آ�زش �� � �‬
‫��ت �� �ب � ۔‬ ‫� �م �‬ ‫اُردو �ا� �‬
‫��� �� � � � �� ۔‬ ‫��� �� � �و �ر � � � � �‬ ‫�‬‫�� �� � �‬ ‫�‬
‫� �ا� � �رت ‪:‬۔‬‫�‬
‫� � � � � �رت � روا� � �� ۔ اور اُس � �� �� � ‪ � ،‬ا�ظ � در� � و� � �� �� � ۔‬ ‫اُردو �‬

‫�‬ ‫� � �رت ‪:‬۔‬

‫زر� � � � � � �رت � � � � � ��‬
‫�� � � �� � ۔ اس � �‬ ‫�‬ ‫د� � �ا�ت � �ا�ت ا�‬ ‫� � �رت � �ر � � اور �‬

‫‪Approved By:‬‬ ‫)‪Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA‬‬


Marking Scheme & Paper Pa�ern
‫۔‬: ‫اُردو ادب‬ ‫۔‬:�‫اُردو �ا‬
30 : ‫�و� �ز‬ 30 : ‫�و� �ز‬
50 : ‫ا�� �ز‬ 50 : ‫ا�� �ز‬
20:‫��ے‬ 20:‫��ے‬
100 : � � 100 : � �

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)

Syllabus Assessment Targets

Life in MAKKAH Students should be able to:

Surah Al-Fa�ha
All the subjects of Islamiat , including the Surah
● Ar�cles of faith ( Tawhid )
Al-Fa�ha, the stories of the Prophets, the historical
● Ar�cles of faith
events and the lessons are included .They will be able
● belief of Prophets
to explain their meaning by memorizing the verse and
● belief of books
surah with correct pronuncia�on. And they will be able
● belief of Angels
to know their meanings.
● Hadiths 3,4,5,6
• Will be able to explain the meaning of the lesson in
● Revision
the light of Islamic teachings. Choice the correct
● surah Al Fa�ma
answers, blanks, short ques�ons, detailed ques�ons
● Ar�cles of faith (Tawhid, Risala )
and ac�vi�es can be explained .Enlightenment with
● belief of Prophets
informa�on through Islamic teachings. Students can
● belief of revealed books
achieve success by pursuing academic goals for best
● belief of Angels
● Surah Al- kausars
● The blessed companions
● Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A
● Hazrat Umar R.A
● Hazrat Usman R.A
● Hazrat Ali R.A
● Hazrat ubaidah , Saad bin Abi Waqas, Hazrat Talha,
Saeed bin Zahid .
● Wives of Prophet Muhammad ( PBUH )
● Hazrat Khadijah R.A
● Hazrat Aisha R.A

Marking Scheme & Paper Pattern

Sec�on A Objec�ve Part : 30
Sec�on B : 50 Marks
Check Points : 20 Marks
Total marks 100

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)



� � ‫�رہ ا�����۔�رہ ا�۔�رہ ا� �ح۔�رہ‬
‫ا�۔�رہ ا��ال �ت �� ����� ا�م ۔‬
‫�ت داؤد ����� ا�م‬

Assessment Targets

�‫� و روا‬

� � ‫�رج‬
� ‫��� � � �ا‬
� �‫�آن �ك � در� �اءت اور ��� � � �رج � �� ادا‬
‫� �۔‬

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)

Approved By: Department of Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessments (DQCA)

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