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GSB Internship Policy: Guidelines and Procedures, 2024

Students Daily Diary/Daily Log

DAY 1 Date: 08/05/2024
Name of the Student J. MANIDHAR Regn. Number 2023000503
Time of Arrival 11 AM Time of Departure 3 PM
Organization MAX FASHION Dept/Division HR
Name of the Company Mentor KALYANI REDDY
Learning Journal and Key Actions
Key Learnings:
1. Introduction to Max Fashion Hierarchy:
• Became familiar with the organizational structure, including roles such as
TOM, AM, SM, ASM, DM, SR.CRE, CRE, and Trainee.
• Understood the hierarchy and reporting relationships within the
2. Overview of Supply Chain Process:
• Learned about how products reach the store, from design and
development to distribution and in-store handling.
• Recognized the importance of collaboration across departments and the
role of each stage in ensuring smooth operations.
3. LEAD Model:
• Explored the LEAD model (Listen, Empower, Adapt, Deliver) and its
application in leadership and organizational culture.
• Identified how the principles of the LEAD model align with Max Fashion's
values and practices.
Key Actions:
1. Schedule Meetings:
• Arrange one-on-one meetings with HR colleagues to learn more about
their roles and responsibilities within the organization.
• Request informational interviews with employees in different
departments to gain insights into their experiences and challenges.
2. Self-Study:
• Research further on the roles introduced in the Max Fashion hierarchy to
deepen understanding and identify potential areas of support as an HR
• Explore case studies or articles on supply chain management to gain a
broader perspective on its impact on retail operations.
3. Reflect and Apply LEAD Principles:
• Reflect on past experiences where the principles of the LEAD model were
demonstrated effectively or could have been applied.
• Identify opportunities to apply the LEAD principles in daily interactions
and tasks, such as actively listening to colleagues' feedback or
empowering team members to take on new responsibilities.
4. Document Insights:
• Maintain a journal or digital document to record daily reflections, key
learnings, and action items for future reference.
• Regularly review and update the journal to track progress and areas for
growth throughout the internship.

Signature of the Student

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