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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in PE and Health


I. Objective
At the end of the 40 minutes discussion, the grade 5 students will be able to
a. recognizes signs of healthy and unhealthy relationship.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship
References: K-12 curriculum guide in Health (H5PH-1d-12) p. 95
Materials: pictures, cartolina, tarpapel, laptop

A. Motivation
The Teacher will ask a questions
1. What do you observe in the Picture?
2. Is the picture showing good behavior or not?
3. do you have any idea what is our topic for today?

B. Lesson Presentation
The Teacher will start the discussion
Signs of healthy Relationship

1. Mutual Respect and support

Value each other’s opinion, feelings, and goals, and provide encouragement and assistance
when needed.
2. Open and Honest communication
Feel comfortable expressing their thoughts, feelings and concerns openly and respectfully,
leading to a deeper understanding of each other.
3. Trust and Honesty
Theres’s a foundation of trust where both parties feel secure in each other’s fidelity, reliability
and intention.

4. Shared Values and goals

Have common beliefs, interest and objectives, which helps strengthen their bond and create a
sense of unity.
5. Healthy boundaries and individual space
Each other respect personal space, privacy, while also maintaining clear boundaries to protect
their well-being.
6. Ability to resolve conflicts respectfully
Disagreements are approached with maturity and empathy, and conflicts are resolved through
constructive communication and compromise.
7. Equality and fairness in decision making
Both parties have an equal say in decision that affect the relationship, and decision and made
collaboratively, taking into account each other’s needs and perspectives.

Signs of Unhealthy Relationship

1. Lack of respect and support

One or both parties may belittle, criticize, or undermine each other, leading to feelings of
inadequacy or resentment.
2. Poor Communication or frequent misunderstanding
Communications breakdowns or frequent arguments may occur, often due to lack of listening,
understanding or empathy.
3. Dishonesty or Lack of trust
Lies, secrets, or betrayal erode trust and can create toxic atmosphere of suspicion and
4. Power imbalances or control issue
One may exert control or dominance over the other, leading to feelings of powerlessness or
5. Constant criticism or belittling
One may consistently criticize, mock or demean the other, damaging their self-esteem and
sense of self-worth.
6. manipulative behavior or emotional abuse
Tactics such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping, or emotional blackmail may be used to manipulate
or control the other, causing psychological harm.

7. disregarded for boundaries or personal space

One may ignore or violate the other’s boundaries, whether physical, emotional, or sexual,
leading to feelings of violation or resentment.

C. Activities
I. The Teacher will present a Pictures and the students will identify if it is a sign of a Healthy
Relationship or Unhealthy Relationship.

1. 2.

3. 4.
Activity 2.
Direction: Draw a happy face if the statement is a sign of healthy relationship and sad face it is
unhealthy relationship.

1. Mutual respect and support

2. Equality and fairness in decision making.
3. Poor communication
4. Trust and Honesty
5. Constant Criticism or belittling.

E. Generalization
1. What was our topic all about?
2. Give at least 3 signs of Healthy Relationship
3. Give at least 3 signs of Unhealthy Relationship

F. Application
Direction: Write H if it is a sign of Healthy Relationship and UH if it is Unhealthy Relationship
1. Disregard for boundaries or Personal space
2. Manipulative Behavior or emotional abuse
3. Healthy Boundaries and individual space
4. Shared values and goals
5. Open and Honest Communication.

IV. Evaluation
Direction: read the sentence carefully and Choose the letter of the correct answer

1. which of the following is a sign of a Healthy Relationship?

a. Constant Criticism
b. Open and Honest Communication
c. Power Imbalances
d. Lack of Respect

2. In a Healthy Relationship, how are conflicts typically resolve?

a. Through manipulation and control
b. By avoiding confrontation
c. Trough constructive communication and compromise
d. By one partner dominating the other
3. What is a characteristic of trust in a healthy relationship?
a. Lies and Secrets
b. Suspicion and insecurity
c. Mutual respect and reliability
d. Criticism and belittling
4. Which of the following is a sign of an unhealthy relationship?
a. Mutual respect and support
b. Shared values and goals
c. constant criticism or belittling
d. Open and Honest communication
5. How are decisions typically made in a healthy relationship
a. one has complete control
b. Both make decision independently
c. collaboratively, with equality and fairness
d. Decisions are avoided together
6. in an unhealthy relationship, partners may experience:
a. Independence and freedom to pursue individual interest
b. Control and manipulation by one partner
c. Encouragement and support for personal growth
d. Effective communication and understanding
7. Isolation from friends and family are common trait in:
a. Healthy relationship
b. Unhealthy relationship
c. Neither healthy nor unhealthy relationship
d. isolation is not relevant in a relationship.
8.Healthy relationships are characterized by:
a. Lack of trust and constant suspicion
b. Respecting each other’s boundaries and opinion
c. Emotional or physical abuse
d. Ignoring each other’s feelings and needs.
9. Healthy conflicts resolution involves:
a. Yelling and violence
b. Ignoring the issue and pretending everything is fine
c. Open communication and fining compromises.
d. Blaming each other without trying to resolve the problem.
10. Mutual respect in a relationship means:
a. Disrespecting each other’s boundaries and opinion
b. Controlling each other’s action and decision.
c. Validating and considering each other’s feelings and opinions.
d. Ignoring each other’s needs and wants.

V. Assignment
In a one whole sheet of paper, explains how healthy relationships can positively impact

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