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By following this Recruitment Plan template, you can ensure a successful hiring process that meets your

organization's needs and helps you attract and retain top talent.

Recruitment Plan Template

1. Job Description:
 Create a detailed job description that outlines the role, responsibilities, and requirements
for the position.
 Clearly define the qualifications and skills necessary for the job, as well as any relevant

2. Sourcing Strategy:
 Identify the sources of potential candidates, including job boards, social media, referrals,
and recruiting agencies.
 Determine the most effective channels to reach your target audience and allocate the
necessary resources.

3. Screening Process:
 Develop a screening process to evaluate candidate qualifications, such as resume reviews,
phone screens, and in-person interviews.
 Establish evaluation criteria to measure candidate fit with the position, company culture,
and team dynamics.

4. Interview Process:
 Plan the interview process, including the number of interviews and interviewers involved.
 Develop a list of interview questions that assess candidate knowledge, skills, and

5. Candidate Selection:
 Develop a candidate evaluation process to assess their fit with the position and company
 Establish a decision-making process to ensure a fair and objective selection of the most
qualified candidate.

6. Offer and Negotiation:

 Develop an offer letter that outlines compensation, benefits, and expectations.
 Establish a negotiation process to ensure the candidate's needs are met while remaining
within the company's budget.

7. Onboarding:
 Develop an onboarding plan to integrate the new hire into the company culture and team
 Establish training and development plans to support the new hire's success in their role.

8. Metrics and Reporting:

 Establish metrics to track the success of the recruitment process, such as time-to-hire, cost-
per-hire, and retention rates.
 Develop reports to communicate recruitment metrics to stakeholders and identify areas for

9. Budget:
 Establish a budget for the recruitment process that includes expenses related to sourcing,
screening, interviewing, and onboarding.
 Develop a process to track recruitment expenses and adjust the budget as necessary.

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