Recruitment Selection and Onboarding

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Discovers where competency gaps exist

4. Identify workforce
shortage and
reduction strategies

Unit 2

Unit 4
Labor shortage options:
• Temporary labor • Replace with technology
• Meet agency > Agency pays • Technology replacing people
employees (Billing counter)
• +ve: No administration • Reassign work
• -ve: Extra cost, training cost, • Economic downturn > Laid off,
no commitment others reassign work
• Overtime • -ve: more work, burnout
• Good sometime • +ve: more learning
• Reduce turnover • Outsource
• Improve environment • Not value added may be
OR… Recruitment
HR responsibilities in recruitment • Which method?
• How many employees are needed? • Function of (cost, speed, amount of
information to be presented)
• Organizational decisions > HR team
plan a strategy for recruitment • Cost = referrals, walk-in – less costly;
Campus recruitment-expensive
• Who • Hiring fair recruitment-fast; Campus-
• Internal or external candidates? slow
• Active or passive candidates? • Stop! Lets reflect
• When and Where • Why do we need to plan so much?
• Outsource/not? • Answer
• Targeted recruiting? (Just like quota
recruiting in India) > Affirmative action
• Person Environment fit?
HBR_May 2022_Page 22
Hiring success
• Companies should scrap short-term measures of hiring success, such as cost
and time to fill vacancies, in favor of longer-term ones, such as how long
they stay, and their rates of promotion. In reality, it is harder because many
firms have siloed recruiting and operations departments and are not
accustomed to sharing performance management and other data.
Rewriting job description
• Employers should analyze this longitudinal data to determine the must-
have attributes for long-term success in each position. They should re-write
job descriptions accordingly, being especially vigilant about eliminating
extraneous skills and ones that can be taught on the job.
HBR_May 2022_Page 22
Hidden workers_A success
• Call centers benefitted from recruiting older workers.
• Aerospace and defense contractors successfully tap out-of-work veterans.
• Customise it!
• Try demystifying the myths about hidden workers!
OR… Recruitment
HR responsibilities in recruitment • Which method?
• How many employees are needed? • Function of (cost, speed, amount of
information to be presented)
• Organizational decisions > HR team
plan a strategy for recruitment • Cost = referrals, walk-in – less costly;
Campus recruitment-expensive
• Who • Hiring fair recruitment-fast; Campus-
• Internal or external candidates? slow
• Active or passive candidates? • Stop! Lets reflect
• When and Where • Why do we need to plan so much?
• Outsource/not? • Answer
• Targeted recruiting? (Just like quota
recruiting in India) > Affirmative action
• Person Environment fit?
Without plans in place, recruitment will be…
Internal or external? A comparison
Internal • External
• Advantages • Advantages
• Less expensive • New ideas
• Motivating • Unique KSAs
• Train for specific needs • Increase diversity
• Encourages long-term commitment
• Disadvantages • Disadvantages
• Ripple effect • Unproven new hire
• Internal politics (in group and out • Expensive
• Hurts morale of existing employees
• Lack of fresh ideas
Recruitment policy
Recruitment policy
• Indicates the organizations’ code of conduct
• If not, applicant may prefer not to comeback later.
• Example
• All vacancies will be advertised
• Fair procedure will be followed
• No discrimination is done
Lets check now
• Describe one element of the • If you fire employees, it effects
organization that is affected by the image of the organization.
layoff process. • If you have a labour shortage
you cannot satisfy customer
• Describe how an element of the demands
organization affects recruitment • If you have a decrease of
and selection. customer demand and sales,
you may have to reduce wages.
This would likely make it harder
to recruit employees.
• To select means to choose.
• Selection is the process of picking individuals who have relevant
qualifications to fill jobs in an organization.
Selection process
Selection test
• Best Predictors • Low Predictors
• Work-sample test (Valid and
reliable): Ability to do, than • Interests
ability to know • Years of education
• In-basket (What will you do • GPA (in the first years, Yes!)
when you are the CEO with
• No Predictors
mails, tasks etc)
• Role-plays • Age
• General mental ability tests
• Structured interviews
Structural questions Desired questions
• Situational: What would you do if… • What interests you about working
a situation that characterizes the job for us? What do you know about
• Behavioral: An example on how to what we do?
behave (past) • What have I forgotten to ask?
• Knowledge: How do you… • Where do you see yourself in five
• Warm-up questions: About years?
company, about job
• Other 5-year goals (walk me
through your resume)
Effective interview tips
• Be prepared • Document the interviews
• Be on-time • Ask same questions
• Warm greeting • Use multiple raters
• Be professional • Be aware of biases
Candidate Evaluation
• Complete an evaluation after each • Template
interview. Candidate’s name_____ Date____
• Use weights and ratings for each Interviewed by_______
dimension and an overall judgement Scoring (weights)
of suitability. Educational background:
• Don’t discuss candidates between Prior work experience:
interviews. Technical qualifications/experience:
Creating and presenting the offer package
• Job Kit • Communicating the offer
• Offer letter_Writing (Compensation - • In-person
yearly and monthly and deductions)
• Video call
• Employment agreement
(Responsibilities, Confidentialities, • Documenting the offer_Make sure
Ownership etc) that candidate understand the
• Non-compete agreement (Should
not be too restrictive)_Legal advice
is desired
• Job description
Evaluating the hiring process_HR analytics
• Metrics • Analytics (Ask right questions)
o Cost of recruitment • X: How many people joined the
company last month?
o Acceptance ratio : How many
=: Which sources yielded the best
accepted/offered? performers?
o Yield ratio: How many got • X: How many offer letters were
rejected in each stage? accepted last month?
=: Which management practice(s)
o Number of resumes and the impact offer acceptance?
sources • X: What is the cost per hire?
=What selection factors determine
job performance of new hires?
When it comes to recruitment and selection..
• Don’t recreate the wheel!
• Look into available resources and get help from experts if possible.
• Onboarding takes care of placement, induction and socialization
• Placement: Actual posting of an employee to a specific job with
ranks and responsibilities attached to it.
• Induction: Introducing new employees to the organization.
• Socialization: Helps new employees adapt to the prevailing culture.
• The four stages the socialization process are:
• Confronting and accepting organizational reality
• Achieving role clarity
• Locating oneself in the organizational context.
• Detecting signposts of successful socialization.
• Confronting and accepting organizational reality
• Is your organization one that's steeped in tradition? Your inspiration comes
from your strong and reliable reputation.
• Or, is your organization dancing on the edge of reality, in the way that it
operates? Always looking for the cutting edge and the new. Creating new
vistas in the world of work.
• Are you catering to modern sensibilities? Or are you a dependable, trusted
partner in the business world?
• And really, why does that matter with onboarding?
• It matters what your business strategy is in everything you do in HR, and,
certainly, within onboarding as well. You need to have your HR strategy and
your onboarding strategy matching your business strategy.
• And, you need to know who you are In order to share that with the new hire.
If you fake who you are, the new hire will figure it out. And they will be
much more likely to leave.
• Achieving role clarity
• This is when your new hire feels good about his or her position in the
• They know what they're supposed to be doing. And how they're supposed to get
it done.
• They have a good idea of what's happening, what's going on, and where to go if
they have questions.
• Locating oneself in the organizational context.
• Where does this position and the new hire fit within the entire
• Within the unit and even within the team.
• What did they specifically bring to the table?
• Hopefully over time, the new hire and those around them will have
a clear understanding of their role within the organization and the
team and their fit and what they bring to the team itself.
• Detecting signposts of successful socialization.
• The new hire will engage with their coworkers smoothly.
• They'll know what their job is and add to the workplace.
• Hopefully, they'll even begin to innovate and bring more effective
ideas into your work team.
• This is when the new hire has moved from being a new employee to
one on whom the organization can rely.
• And hopefully along the path the employee has not only learned
about his or her new job, but has become engaged with the
organization and wants to continue.
Why should any manager invest on
• The “10:6:2” Rule:
• Every 10% improvement in commitment can increase an employee's effort
by 6%, and every 6% improvement in effort can improve employee's
performance by 2%.
• The “10:9” Rule:
• The other rule is every 10% improvement in commitment can decrease an
employee's probability of departure by 9%.
• Turnover is a cost (Separation costs, vacancy costs)
On average, how many days does it take before
a new employee either commits to an
organization or begins to think about a new job?
• 1 day
• 2 weeks
• 3 months
• 1 year
• 1.5 year
Ideally, how do we do this?
Lets plan for a better induction for your juniors. For this, we need
specific information:
• Reality check
• What kind of induction program did we have?
• Why are we looking into better induction process?
• Is there something wrong with the one we have?
• Or are you looking to improve what we already have in place?
• Who should they be met? > How can we make it as a process?
Ideally, how do we do this?
Onboarding is the beginning of work relationships
• Reality check
• Why am I looking into onboarding process?
• Who should they be met? > How can we make it as a process?
• How to show the success ahead?
• Customize it for individual, although a template of process is made.
• Content
• Organization, History, Traditions and Culture
• Job and performance expectations
• Policies, Rules and Benefits
• Culture under the culture (What is said and what’s happening)
• Socialize over time
How long should a good onboarding
program last?
• 1 day
• 1 week
• 3 months
• 1 year
Ideally, how do we do this?
Creating tools to make onboarding easier
• Start with HR team while designing
onboarding process
• Should onboarding be organization
• Yes
• No
Ideally, how do we do this?
Creating tools to make onboarding easier
• Checklist
• First contact: Make best impression.
• A week b4: where do they park? Where do
you meet etc.
• Make cubicle, pc and everything else ready.
• First day: Spend time with them. Make
them feel welcomed.
• What can they do in the first week?
• Anything that can be done in a month or
week would be a good start. Make checklist.
• First 90 days: What is going well? And what
• Celebrate first year.
• Keep refining checklist.
• Do we need onboarding for executives or experienced person?
Looking ahead to other units
• Unit 1 lays a foundation to all the other 4 units that follow.
• Organization has its objectives to meet, HR strategy should be to
meet those objectives through employee performance. How?
• Finding and hiring the right people • Recruitment, Selection (#2)
• Develop the full potential of these employees • Training, Development (#3)
• Reward them • Compensation (#4)
• Evaluate them • Performance management

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