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Date: 7 th May, 2024 Time . 11.00 pm .

Instructions: Answer ALL questions



a) Create a data warehouse schema based on the following architectures:

i) Star

ii) Snow flake

iii) Galaxy

The structure of tables should be similar to the SALES and SUPPLIES facts and

dimensions tables as covered in class for Star, Snowflake and Galaxy.

b) Populate the above data warehouse schema with dummy data enough to enable

queries run.

PART 2: Q2, Q3 & Q4 ARE TO BE RUN WITH any Open Source Tool & Open

source DATA eg from KAGGLE.

Nb. Formulate a Business Question for Each Question and Show How the

Business Question Was Solved by the Results Obtained


Based on the architectures and schemas above write OLAP Queries to showcase

Business Intelligence as follows:

a) Slicing,

b) Dicing,

c) Pivoting,

d) Drill down,

e) Drill-up
f) Drill Across

g) Drill Through


Create Visualization effects to display:

a) Dash Boards,

b) Heat Maps,

c) Fever Chart,

d) Dial Gauge


Use any Open Source Tool (such as KNime, Orange, PowerBI etc ) and Any Open

Source Data such as that from Kaggle (or any other large volume data) to show case

datamining and other analytics operations. These should include at least the following:

a) Pattern mining,

b) Predictive Analysis,

c) Cluster Formation,

d) Rules Mining,

e) Sequence discovery etc

f) Time Series Analysis


1. Create a separate file for each Question, a total of FOUR Files.

2. For each question, clearly state the Business question(s) being addressed

3. Describe your selected dataset and also your selected Tools

4. Give a comprehensive documentation and images (screen shots) to show

how the data was extracted, loaded and transformed (ETL).

5. Any ETL Tool used must be fully described and how it was applied in your

work fully described.

6. Show how the operation for each question, that is either OLAP,
visualization or Mining was performed. This should be supported by writing

and images.

7. Clearly mark-out (highlight) the results

8. For each question, show how the business question was solved by the

results obtained

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