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Transformer Ratio Calculation:

The transformer ratio is the ratio of the number of turns in the primary coil (Np) to the number of
turns in the secondary coil (Ns). It determines how much the voltage is stepped up or down in a

Formula: Transformer Ratio (TR)=𝑁𝑝/𝑁𝑠

Example1: Suppose you have a transformer with 200 turns in the primary coil and 1000 turns in
the secondary coil. To calculate the transformer ratio and what type of transformer is this?

𝑇𝑅=200/1000= 1:5

---Step-up transformer.

Example 2: Suppose we have a step-up transformer used to increase the voltage from 110 volts to
220 volts. We want to calculate the transformer ratio.


• Primary Voltage (Vp) = 110 volts

• Secondary Voltage (Vs) = 220 volts

Transformer Ratio Formula: 𝑇𝑅=𝑉𝑝/𝑉𝑠

Calculation: 𝑇𝑅=110/220


Example3: Now, let's consider a step-down transformer that decreases the voltage from 440 volts
to 110 volts. We'll calculate the transformer ratio for this scenario.


• Primary Voltage (Vp) = 440 volts

• Secondary Voltage (𝑉𝑠V) = 110 volts

Transformer Ratio Formula: 𝑇𝑅=𝑉𝑝/𝑉𝑠

Calculation: 𝑇𝑅=440/110

Example: Calculating Turns for a Transformer Coil
Suppose we're designing a transformer with the following specifications:

• Primary Voltage (𝑉𝑝Vp) = 240 volts

• Secondary Voltage (𝑉𝑠Vs) = 12 volts

• Frequency (𝑓f) = 60 Hz

• Magnetic Flux Density (𝐵B) = 1.5 Tesla

• Cross-sectional Area of the Core (𝐴A) = 0.002 square meters

We want to calculate the number of turns required in the primary and secondary coils.

Given Formulas: 𝑁=𝑉×108/4.44×𝑓×𝐵×𝐴


1. Primary Coil Turns (Np): 𝑁𝑝=𝑉𝑝×108/4.44×𝑓×𝐵×𝐴 𝑁𝑝=240×108/4.44×60×1.5×0.002


So, approximately 30,303 turns are needed in the primary coil.

2. Secondary Coil Turns (𝑁𝑠Ns): 𝑁𝑠=𝑉𝑠×108/4.44×𝑓×𝐵×𝐴

𝑁𝑠=12×10 /4.44×60×1.5×0.002


So, approximately 1515 turns are needed in the secondary coil.

1. Power Calculation:

Example: Suppose we have a transformer with a primary voltage of 240 volts and a secondary
current of 5 amps. Calculate the power rating of the transformer.

Solution: 𝑃=𝑉×𝐼

P=240 volts×5 amps

𝑃=1200 watts

Result: The power rating of the transformer is 1200 watts.

2. Impedance Calculation:
Example: For a transformer with a secondary voltage of 120 volts and a secondary current of 10
amps, calculate the impedance.

Solution: 𝑍=𝑉/𝐼
𝑍=120 volts/10 amps

𝑍=12 ohms

Result: The impedance of the transformer is 12 ohms

3. Efficiency Calculation:

Example: Consider a transformer with an input power of 1500 watts and an output power of 1400
watts. Calculate the efficiency of the transformer.


Efficiency (%)=Output Power/Input Power×100 (%)

Efficiency (%)=1400 watts/1500 watts×100
Efficiency (%)=14/15×100

Efficiency (%)=93.33%

Result: The efficiency of the transformer is 93.33%

4. Voltage Regulation:

Example: Suppose a transformer has a no-load voltage of 250 volts and a full-load voltage of 230
volts. Calculate the voltage regulation.


Voltage Regulation (%)=𝑉no load−𝑉full load/𝑉full load×100

Voltage Regulation (%)=250 volts−230 volts/230 volts×100

Voltage Regulation (%)=20/230×100 Voltage Regulation (%)≈8.70%

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