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I et esac ysazs428 -conerc21 ‘This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement n° 953020. LIGHTNESS D3.2: Report on the definition of the KPls Assessment frameworks Project Coordinator: Juan Manuel Espeche (R2M) Work Package Leader: Giselle Morabito (IES) Deliverable Leader: Blanca Barrios (R2M) With contributions from: IES, iLECO, IREC, AXPO, CE, E2C, DW, TRZ, ENEA, SEA. 1* Quality reviewer: Giselle Morabito (IES) 2" Quality reviewer: Izabela Krupa (iLECO) . LISHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Document Information IST Project Number 12020953020 ‘Acronym LIGHTNESS Full Title Market uptake of Citizen Energy Communities enabling high penetration of renewable energy sources. Project URL Document URL EU Project Officer Dimitrios Sofianopoulos Acknowledgement This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement n° 953020. Disclaimer This communication activity reflects only the author's view, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains. The content does not necessarily reflect the opinion of ‘the European Commission nor that of the Innovation Networks Executive Agency. All LIGHTNESS consortium members are committed to publish accurately and up to date information and take the greatest care to do so. However, the LIGHTNESS consortium members cannot accept liability for any inaccuracies or omissions nor do they accept liability for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or other losses or damages of any kind arising out of the use of this information. Deliverable Number | 03.2 Title __| Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Work Package Number | WP3__ Title _| CECs assessment and evaluation tool Date of Delivery Contractual M6 Actual M6 Status version 1.0 Final Nature report Dissemination level_| PUBLIC . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks INDEX INTRODUCTION 4 Multicriteria assessment based on KPIs 4 Methodology for KPIs identification 5 KPIS DEFINITION 8 List of proposed KPIs 8 Energy KPIs Environmental KPIs 16 Economic KPIs 18 Social KPIs 2 Legal KPIs, 25 ICT KPIs 28 Operational Readiness 30 KPI COMMUNICATION 31 CONCLUSIONS 31 3 . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks 1. INTRODUCTION The LIGHTNESS project aims to empower citizens to generate, share and sell renewable enerey within Citizen Energy Communities (CEC). A CEC is a tool to organise citizens and make it easier for their members to play an active role in the energy transition and enjoy economic, social, and environmental benefits, and thus, contribute to making the European energy sector more sustainable and democratic. For this ultimate purpose, all team supporting the LIGHTNESS project will work together to: 1. Analyse the legal and market frameworks for Citizen Energy Communities and develop guidelines and political roadmaps 2. Evaluate all the features and services of LIGHTNESS in the countries where the pilots are located - Poland, The Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain. 3. Analyse all the needs and opportunities of each pilot case context and facilitate local ‘engagement processes to involve end-users, professionals and policymakers 4, Provide technological devices and monitoring tools to support citizens in generating, sharing and selling energy, and reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions 5. Assessment of Citizen Energy Communities and their environmental, social and economic impacts 6. Create new partnerships and business models and study available financial schemes to support Citizen Energy Communities. 7. Raise broader awareness on this new energy culture towards a fair energy transition The LIGHTNESS solution aims to facilitate the wider uptake of renewable energy generation and overall increase the Renewable Energy Sources (RES) penetration in the energy consumption by means of Citizen Energy Communities. To be able to reach the EU targets for 2030, it is required to raise social awareness about CECs and engage citizens to actively participate in the market. Thanks to LIGHTNESS projects, decision-makers will have a techno-economic, social, legal and financial assessment toolset for the efficient development of CEC and the reliable integration of RES. This toolset, based on digital twin approaches with the software Intelligent Communities Lifecycle (ICL) will make it easier to evaluate and design CECs and save time in the decision making process. By deploying the solution in the 5 LIGHTNESS EU countries, the team will be able to understand the main drivers, barriers, opportunities and indicators for CECs. 1.1. Multicriteria assessment based on KPIs The aim of this deliverable is to assess Citizen Energy Communities performing a multicriteria assessment using Key Performance Indicators. . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks ‘A multicriteria assessment (MCA) is a decision-making tool to evaluate different alternatives and expectations and find the best alternative with regard to different parameters or indicators, often conflicting. The MCA helps in the decision-making process because it allows setting a contextual framework and methods to generate preferences among different alternatives. The main parameters affecting the CECs might often be conflicting, multidimensional and uncertain, and for this reason this KPI assessment will be useful, since it will help in taking decisions for the multi-criteria problem based on the decision process itself rather than on the final result. Applying this method will allow the user to rank from best to worst all the alternatives according to an ordering that is a legitimate synthesis of the criteria and reach the best solution to the multi-criteria problem. Defining Key Performance Indicators to perform the MCA for Citizen Energy Communities will be crucial to be able to evaluate, measure, compare and quantify the performance of a community based on certain indicators. Citizen Energy Communities are a new model to organise citizens to actively participate in the electric sector, and thus, are complex, multivectorial and extremely different among each other. They are affected by a set of multiple parameters such as the user types, energy vectors, environment, location, political frameworks, economy, etc. For this reason, it is crucial to identify the main areas affecting a community and measure the impact of certain parameters within those areas. These parameters will be the Key Performance Indicators that will be used within the MCA for the decision making process. The LIGHTNESS assessment toolset will help to design, evaluate, update and understand the CEC and improve timing and efforts in the project development. 1.2. Methodology for KPIs identification A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a value that can be measured, evaluated and demonstrated in order to assess the performance to reach a specific target. For developing the Multi-Criteria Assessment for CECs, it is required to identify the broad areas affecting the community and identify the KPIs for the specific targets. In LIGHTNESS these areas, were identified during the proposal stage and are the following: energy, environment, economy, social, legal and ICT. During Task 3.2 the whole Consortium has worked together sharing knowledge and experience to classify the most impactful energy community KPIs. The work methodology has consisted of a joint collaboration among partners providing insights in their area of expertise and discussing the values in a set of meetings, as well as setting the description of the KPls, the data source, the units, the calculation methodology and the identification of the stakeholders interested in each KPI. . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks ‘AREA PARTNERS INVOLVED Energy ILECO, IREC, IES, AXPO,R2M Environment IES, R2M, ENEA, SEA Economy | CE, E2C, R2M, AXPO. Social DW, IMP, RIM. Legal ‘SEA, ENEA, R2M_ IcT IES, ILECO, ENEA Operational Readiness ILECO, IREC Throughout the process of defining the KPIs the following questions were evaluated: © What areas affect a CEC? © What objectives should be measured? @ How relevant is the KP! for a CEC? ‘© What is the impact of a CEC on the environment? © How can the effects of a CEC be measured? Is it possible to demonstrate the positive or negative impact of a CEC? © What are the expected effects on people and regulation? Isa CEC technologically viable? © Cana CEC help with issues in the electrical grid? © DoCECs really increase the amount of renewable energy in the system? © Is the data managed properly within a CEC? When defining and assessing these KPls it is important to provide a definition of the KPI, to identify whether it is a quantitative or qualitative value, the units of measurement, the data source, the calculation or methodology to obtain the KPI and finally the stakeholders interested in the KPI. In our case the data source that will be used in the estimation process will be mainly one of the followings: ICL simulation results Real data metered on site Calculated data Technical data ( studies, technical sheets, technical parameters, etc) wwwlighti é . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks © Estimated data ( common practices, assumptions, statistics, studies, etc) © Collected data (surveys, interviews, Likert scale, etc) The obtained KPls will help in establishing a mechanism for the multi-criteria assessment that will help stakeholders in the decision making process and the monitoring. The following stakeholders were identified: List of Stakeholders Users, future users ‘Actual members of the CEC as well as future members will be interested in some KPIs mainly related to economic, environmental and social areas and might be useful to encourage citizens to become a part of CECs by providing real data of the benefits they can get. tors, investors CEC initiators and investors will be mainly interested in economic KPls to know the profitability of the investment. Depending on the type of initiators (eg, ESCO) they will also be interested in energy-related, legal aspects to see the viability of initiating a CEC in that specific location or context. Technology & Service Providers These stakeholders will pay extra attention to the energy, legal and ICT KPls to assess the suitability of their technology for the desired applications within a CEC. DSOs, TSOs Technical stakeholders at the distribution and transmission level will be mainly interested in energy and legal KPIs because CECs will directly or indirectly impact the electrical networks Regulatory bodies, Institutions _ Institutions and regulatory bodies will be interested in the KPls and data to evaluate the suitability of the policy plans, assess the regulatory development of the country, propose new laws based on real data, etc wwwlighti 7 . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks 2. KPIS DEFINITION The following section covers the definition of the KPls according to the methodology described in the previous section. 2ede KPI Code EN EN2 EN3 EN4 ENS ENG ENT EN8 EN_9 EN_10 EN_11 EN_12 ENV.I ENV.2 eCa EC 2 EC 3 Ec4 ECS C6 EC7 sa List of proposed KPIs KPI Name Share of RES for electrical use Share of RES for thermal use Energy savings from the grid Primary energy savings triggered by the project Share of DER (decentralized/distributed energy resources) Self-Consumption quota Commu ty self-sufficiency quota External Energy consumption Local Energy exported Peak shaving from the side of consumption Grid Congestion Energy Curtailment of RES/DES ERO! Annual reduction of Greenhouse gases Life-cycle cost of energy generation (€/MWhel or €/MWhth) Internal Rate of Return(IRR) ROI Payback Period Total capital cost per kW installed Social Economic/prosperity Indicator User monetary savings in electricity bill User control . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks s.2 User acceptance s3 Education s4 Data transparency ss Overall Satisfaction 56 Energy Poverty La Legal framework on Energy Communities u2 Collective Self-Consumption legal framework 3 Local grid balancing legal framework development “4 Micro-grids legal framework Ls Suitable Energy Storage Regulation a ICT annual energy consumption 12 The ratio of data to errors 13 Number of external suppliers with access to personal/sensitive data 4 Time-to-value 2.2. Energy KPIs These KPIs belonging to the energy area aim to provi ic and quantitative measures of the performance of the community from an energy perspective, regarding the amount of renewable energy integration and self-consumed, grid congestion and energy ratios of consumed and exported energy. The tables below show all the energy KPls that will be considered in the Multi-Criteria Assessment: EN_1. Share of RES for electrical use Definition RES penetration for covering electrical demand Unit % Type Quantitative wwwlighti 9 . LISHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Data Source Real metered data for the total electrical demand. For the RES for electrical demand real data if available, otherwise simulations will be performed with ICL to estimate the RES for electrical demand. Calculation or | DRES, methodology 0, =Total electrical demand Stakeholder Regulatory bodies, DSO, TSO interested in the KPI EN_2. Share of RES for thermal use Definition RES penetration for covering thermal demand Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source Real metered data for the total thermal demand. For the RES for thermal demand real data if available, otherwise simulations will be performed with ICL to estimate the RES for thermal demand. Calculation or |_DRES,, methodology D, DRES, = RES for thermal demand D,= Total thermal demand Stakeholder Regulatory bodies, DSO, TSO interested in the KPI 10 . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks EN_3. Energy savings from the grid Defini The reduction in energy consumed from the grid due to the renewable energy installed within the CEC Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source Real metered data if available for the demand before (baseline) and after Calculation or methodology Stakeholder interested in the KPI belonging to the CEC (provided by the DSO or the electricity bill). If only data from the baseline is available, the future energy demand can be estimated/simulated in the iCL. Coo Pecee) 0 ,,,= Total original demand from the grid Dicec™ Enerey demanded from de grid after belonging to the CEC Regulatory bodies, DSO, TSO EN_4. Primary ener rey savings triggered by the project Definition ‘The real reduction in energy consumed by the members of the community Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source Real, estimated or simulated Calculation or methodology (D,-P eg) D, D,= Total original demand lightne 11 LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks D sac# New energy demand Stakeholder Regulatory bodies, DSO, TSO interested in the KPI Definition Share of DER in the energy mix Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source Metered or simulated Calculation oF E yan methodology D,. E-yeq= Energy consumed from DER D,= Total demand Stakeholder Regulatory bodies, DSO, TSO interested in the KPI Definition Measures the percentage of PV generation which is used for self-supply, and not injected into the grid. Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source Real data or estimation 2 u IGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Calculation or | ECs methodology ET aps EC <= Energy consumed from the Community RES locally sum over 15 min) ( Energy self-consumed) (kWh)) ET c= Total generation from the Community RES (kWh) Stakeholder Users, CEC initiators, DSO, TSO interested in the KPI Definition Amount of locally consumed renewable energy relative to all consumed energy. Locally consumed renewable energy is the sum over all 15-minute time slots of the minimum between injected and consumed energy in each time slot. Unit % Type ‘Quantitative Data Source Metered or simulated Calculation or ECs methodology D, EC = Energy consumed from the Community RES locally (sum over 15 min) ( Energy self-consumed) (kWh) =Total demand Stakeholder Users, CEC Initiators, investors, institutions interested in the KPI 13 Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Amount of energy imported by the community from the rest of the grid relative to all consumed energy for a period of one year. All energy demand that cannot be covered by local energy needs to be covered by imported energy. Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source Real metered data Calculation or methodology EC y= Energy consumed from the Community RES locally ( sum over 15 min) ( Energy self-consumed) (kWh) D,= Total demand for one year Stakeholder CEC Initiators, DSO, TSO interested in the KPI EN_9. Local Energy exported Definition Amount of energy exported by the community to the grid relative to all locally generated energy. All energy produced locally in the grid that cannot be consumed locally within 15 minutes is exported. Unit kwh Type Quantitative Data Source Metered or simulated Calculation or methodology (ET gp — Elpgs) ET, <= Total generation from the Community RES (kWh) EC... Energy consumed from the Community RES locally (sum over 15 min) ( Energy self-consumed) (kWh) 14 LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Stakeholder CEC Initiators, DSO, TSO interested in the KPI Definition Reduction af the power peaks on the consumption side for a perind of ane year Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source Real metered or calculated Calculation or * e DPPC -YPPC methodology a ee PPC ° PPC =Sum of all the power peaks of n members before jaining the CEC during a year ° PPC =Sum of all the power peaks of n members before joining the CEC during a year ocr Stakeholder DSO, TSO, Market Operators interested in the KPI Definition The difference between the energy curtailments before and after the integration of a/all the proposed solutions. Unit % Type Quantitative 15 . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Data Source Metered or simulated Calculation or EC, ~EC, methodology =| EC EC,= Energy curtailments before the CEC EC ,= Energy curtailments before the CEC Stakeholder DSO, TSO, CEC integrators interested in the KPI EN_12. Energy curtailment of RES/DES Definition Amount of renewable energy curtailed during a year due to grid operators requests Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source real data metered or estimated Calculation or Curtailed RES energy= methodology Forecasted RES generation that would have been generated during the curtailment Stakeholder DSOs, TSOs, CEC initiators interested in the KPI 2.3. Environmental KPIs Environmental KPIs aim to assess the performance of an energy community regarding its effects fon the environment and the interaction with the surroundings. When developing a CEC it is important to evaluate and measure the impacts on the environment since it is @ relevant topic on energy transition. In general due to the installation of renewable energy for self-consumption within the CEC, there is a positive environmental impact mainly due to the reduction of GreenHouse gases. lightne 16 . LISHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks The tables below show all the environmental KPIs that will be considered in the Multi-Criteria Assessment: ENV_1. ERO! Definition Energy Return on (Energy) Investment (ERO) ratio measures the amount of usable energy delivered from an energy source versus the amount of energy used to get that energy resource (taking into consideration the component's whole life time). Unit - Type Quantitative Data Source Real data of the project or estimated one if not available Calculation or £, methodology = Zu, E.,= Energy delivered EU, = Energy used to deliver that energy Stakeholder CEC Initiators, DSOs, Investors, institutions, regulatory bodies interested in the KPI ENV_2. Annual re -duction of Greenhouse gases Definition Annual reduction in greenhouse gases emissions that reports the total tons of CO,eqper year that has been saved due to the change in the energy source. Unit t€0,eq/year Type Quantitative DataSource _=T,,,,= Real metered data or estimated/ simulated losses= estimated a . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks | FC= From countries’ regulations Calculation or | £7," (1 ~ losses) * FC methodology | er. = Total generation from the Community RES (MWh) losses= losses in the energy generated to final energy (usually 4%) FC= Conversion factor of non-renewable energy to CO, Stakeholder Regulatory bodies, policymakers, investors, community individuale, usere interested in | (e.g, companies within the CEC that need to reduce their carbon footprint) the KPI 2.4. Economic KPIs This set of KPIs assess the economic efficiency of investments within a CEC. When developing a CEC it is of great importance that the proposed solution is economically viable and sustainable for business stakeholders and investors to promote this kind of projects, therefore it will be required to assess the profitability and return of the investment. Also, from the final user perspective, itis important to measure the savings they will receive on their electricity bill for joining a CEC. The table below shows all the Economic KPls that will be considered in the Multi-Criteria Assessment: EC_1. Life-cycle cost of energy generation (€/MWhel or €/MWhth) Definition The sum of all the costs throughout the lifetime of the energy investment, normalized to the energy generated. Total CAPEX & OPEX per electric and thermal generation, divided per the overall electric production and thermal production, in the technical/useful lifetime of the overall project (approx. 20/25 years). Unit (€/MWhel or €/MWhth) Type Quantitative Data Source Collected data: Technology & Service Providers quotations Calculation or | APEX OPEN methodology es u IGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks ET pgc= Total generation from the Community RES (MWh) Stakeholder interested in the KPI CEC Integrators, regulatory bodies, Institutions Profitability of an investment Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source Calculated with Internal data from the project Calculation or t ce methodology | 57S Ct= Net Cash inflow during the period t r= discount rate t=number of time periods C,=Total intial investment cost Stakeholder | CEC Integrators, regulatory bodies, Institutions interested in the KPI Definition Return on investment Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source Calculated with Internal data from the project 19 u IGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Calculation or | Ct methodology cy Ct= Net Cash inflow during the period t [(total free cash flows + savings)-capital invested] C =Total initial investment cost Stakeholder CEC Integrators, regulatory bodies, Institutions interested in the KPI Definition The period of time needed for the cumulative gains from an investment to equal the cumulative cost Unit Years Type Quantitative Data Source Calculated with Internal data from the project Calculation or | _CAPEX + OPEX methodology ce Ct= Net Cash inflow during the period t Stakeholder CEC Initiators, Investors, institutions interested in the KPI Definition Examines the initial cost of an investment depending on the size of the ‘capacity being installed Unit kw 20 u IGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Type Quantitative Data Source Technology & Service Providers quotations Calculation or _CAPEX methodology = P= Capacity Installed Stakeholder CEC Initlators, Investors interested in the KPI Definition ‘The amount of value globally produced by the project: quantity of euros produced by each euro invested to build the project. Unit : Type Quantitative Data Source Calculated with internal and external collected data Calculation or |_DS + 1S + OS + OPEX + CAPEX methodology CAPEX DS= Direct Savings 15= Indirect Savings (05= Other Savings (pollution impact savings, natural resources savings, ete) Stakeholder Regulatory bodies, Institutions, Policymakers interested in the KPI Definition Monetary savings for the end-user for belonging to the CEC and consuming renewable energy 21 LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Unit | % Type | Quantitative Data Source Collected data: Request an electricity bill ofthe user before and after belonging to the CEC. If not available, estimate the new electricity bill considering the savings for consuming CEC locally produced energy. Calculation or| EB,—EB methodology = Eg 2 EB ,= Electricity Bill before CEC ( €) EB «= Electricity Bill after CEC (€) Stakeholder Community Users, Investors, CEC initiators interested in the KPI | 2.5. Social KPIs Citizen Energy Communities have a really strong social component and impact. One of the main objectives of CECs is to involve citizens to actively participate in the electrical sector; producing, consuming and selling their own electricity and gaining autonomy and energy justice. For this purpose, it is interesting to evaluate the awareness-raising and knowledge sharing to fully understand how to participate in CEC and energy transition, assess if they feel comfortable using the required technology control and as overall, measure the overall satisfaction of being involved in an energy community. The tables below show all the social KPls that be considered in the Multi-Criteria Assessment: $_1, User control Definition The degree to which users feel in charge of their experience with the technology Unit | Likert Scale Type | Qualitative LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Data Source Survey/ Metered within an app/dashboard Calculation or Total number, frequency and duration of usages and also perform a survey methodology Stakeholder Future Users, CEC initiators, technology developers interested in the KPI Definition Indicator aggregating perceived usefulness, ease of use and behaviour within the app/dashboard, possibly mediated by sensory appeal Unit Likert scale Type Quantitative Data Source survey Calculation or methodology Assess the acceptance of the user within the dashboard through a survey Stakeholder interested in the KPI Users, Technology developers, CEC initiators Definition ‘An indicator that will measure the awareness-raising, knowledge sharing and learning process Unit Likert Scale Type Qualitative Data Source Survey 23 . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Calculation or | Assess the awareness-raising, the new capacities and how much users learn methodology _ through the engagement process with technology and CECs by doing surveys. Stakeholder Future Users, CEC initiators, institutions interested in the KPI S_4. Data Transparency Transparency about what kind and amount of user data is collected, stored and analysed Unit Likert Scale ‘Type Data Source Survey Calculation or Assess the awareness of the end users with respect to their data that is methodology _been collected by the other stakeholder in the process to set up and operate the CECs Stakeholder Users, future Users, CEC initiators, institutions, regulatory bodies interested in the KPI _5. Overall Satisfaction Definition The aim is to account for the overall degree of satisfaction of the user belonging to the CEC in terms of participation, contribution to green transition and energy justice Unit Likert Scale Type Qualitative Data Source Survey 24 . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Calculation or Assess to which degree the citizen feels he is contributing to green methodology _ transition and energy justice by belonging to the CEC, by means of collecting information on a survey Stakeholder Future users, CEC Integrators, investors interested in the KPI S_6. Energy Poverty In some CECs, especially the ones promoted by municipalities, they reserve a part of the RES generation for families in an energy poverty situation. This KPI aims to measure the amount of energy produced in the CEC that is used for energy poverty as a social benefit Unit kwh Type Quantitative Data Source Measured Calculation or Measure the value of energy that is used to fight energy poverty methodology Stakeholder Users, CEC Initiators, investors, regulatory bodies, institutions interested in the KPI 2.6. Legal KPIs KPIs belonging to the Legal Domain, mainly monitor and assess the legislative background and developments cartied out in a specific area or country. When developing CECs, it is very common to face regulatory barriers and burdens, since law-making bodies are often not flexible enough to follow the progress of technology. For this purpose, when assessing a CEC from a legal point of view, it is important to check the laws and regulations related to energy self-consumption, grid balancing, microgrids, energy storage, etc. The EU Member States have to adjust the European Legislation on Energy Communities to their specific regulatory context, and in this process, some . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Member States are more advanced than the others. In the countries with higher regulatory development on Energy Communities, the implementation of CECs will be easier. The tables below show all the Legal KPIs that will be considered in the Multi Criteria Assessment: 11. Legal framework on Energy Communities interested in the KPI Definition To which degree the EU legislation has been transposed to the country’s and thus is legally feasible to develop energy commu Unit Likert Seale Type Qualitative Data Source Legislation and results of the project Calculation or | The assessment of this KPI will be based on the regulatory analyses methodology performed by ENEA in the deliverable 02.1-PESTLE Analysis and benchmarking of CEC implementations with stakeholder mapping Stakeholder DSO, TSO, market operators, institutions, regulatory bodies L_2. Collective Self-consumption legal framework Calculation or Defini The extent to which energy collective self-consumption regulation is suitable Unit Likert Scale Type Qualitative Data Source Legislation and results of the project The assessment of this KPI will be based on the regulatory analyses methodology performed by ENEA in the deliverable 02.1-PESTLE Analysis and benchmarking of CEC implementations with stakeholder mapping www.lighti 26 . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Stakeholder interested in the KPI DSO, TSO, market operators, institutions L_3. Local grid balancing legal framework development. Definition The extent to which local grid balancing technologies’ regulation is suitable at EU level and at CECs Type Data Source Likert Scale Qualitative Legislation and results of the project Calculation or methodology Stakeholder The assessment of this KPI will be based on the regulatory analyses performed by ENEA in the deliverable D2.1-PESTLE Analysis and benchmarking of CEC implementations with stakeholder mapping DSO, TSO, market operators, institutions, regulatory bodies 14. Micro-grids legal framework Defini The extent to which micro-grids regulation is suitable at EU level and at CECs level Unit Likert Scale Type Qualitative Data Source Calculation or methodology Legislation and results of the project The assessment of this KPI will be based on the regulatory analyses performed by ENEA in the deliverable D2.1-PESTLE Analysis and benchmarking of CEC implementations with stakeholder mapping w.lightne: 27 . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Stakeholder DSO, TSO, market operators, institutions, regulatory bodies interested in the KPI The extent to which energy storage regulation is suitable at FU level and at CECs level Unit Likert Scale Type Qualitative Data Source Legislation and results of the project Calculation or | The assessment of this KPI will be based on the regulatory analyses methodology performed by ENEA in the deliverable 02.1-PESTLE Analysis and benchmarking of CEC implementations with stakeholder mapping Stakeholder DSO, TSO, market operators, institutions, regulatory bodies interested in the KPI 2.7. ICT KPIs KPls on information and communications technology helps to track all relevant aspects of quality regarding data. Within a CEC there is a lot of data that is collected, processed and measured to ensure correct functioning. All the devices that will collect data may consume energy to function that should be taken into account as well as provide errors in the metered data due to technical problems or malfunctioning. In a CEC data is extremely important to measure the energy consumption and produces and to be able to emit the proper electricity bills to the users. When much data is processed it must be made sure that data protection and privacy rules are being complied with. The table below shows all the ICT KPIs that will be considered in the Multi Criteria Assessment: u IGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Definition ‘Amount of energy that is consumed annually by the ICT equipment used in the project to process and store data. Unit kWh/year Type Quantitative Data Source Technology & Service Providers Calculation or Measure the energy that is consumed by the ICT devices to operate the methodology CEC annually Stakeholder CEC initiators, Investors, Institutions interested in the KPI Definition Relation between data points showing errors and empty values Unit % Type Quantitative Data Source Technology & Service Providers Calculation or methodology 25 490 Items Stakeholder CEC initiators, technology developers interested in the KPI Definition Anumber of third parties having access to sensible or personal data. 29 . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks Unit Number Type Quantitative Data Source Technology & Service Providers Calculation or | Identify contracted third parties accessing data methodology Stakeholder Users, CEC initiators, institutions, regulatory bodies interested in the KPI 14, Time-to-value Definition Period of time since data is computed until it is used to generate value. Unit Days Type Quantitative Data Source Technology & Service Providers Calculation or methodology Track and report time Stakeholder interested on the KPI CEC initiators, technology developers 2.8. Operational Readiness Operational Readiné 1ess (OR) refers to the capability to efficiently deploy, operate and maintain the systems and procedures to reduce operational risks. When referring to Operational Readiness of a CEC it means that time without signifi 1. Technology: the energy community is ready to deploy, operate and m throughout cant issues. Operational Readiness within a CEC affect different areas: To implement and operate an energy community the technology must be ready. On the one hand, it is necessary that all the electrical equipment ( including the lightne 30 . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks energy production devices, batteries, meters, inverters, etc) are technically ready to operate in the CEC and are economically affordable. On the other hand, for the CEC to properly operate it must have the appropriate hardware and software (energy management platform) to be able to register all the energy flows among members and account for them in the billing process. 2. Environment and regulation: To make sure that the environment is ready for the CEC it will be required to assess all the regulatory barriers and drivers and their impacts on the deployment of a CEC. 3. Users: Although energy communities are gener: community models are still experimental, with a piloting purpose and funded mostly by subsidies. Therefore it is important to raise awareness of energy communities, their impact and benefits, and disseminate about them to the general public and potential end-users. This process is important because the final users ( either community of neighbours, industrial parks, municipalities, cooperatives, etc) need to know about them, impacts and benefits, to be willing to be part of them, Part of operational readiness involves reviewing the user communication channels to let the customers know what they can expect from a CEC, how they can benefit from it and where they can learn more about it. 4, Risk management and maintenance plans: By the anticipation of all the possible risks and a proper maintenance plan, the project will have more possibilities to be successfully deployed and operate continuously for many years. 1G a lot of interest, in many cases energy 3. KPI COMMUNICATION ‘As mentioned in the previous sections there are different groups of stakeholders involved and thus it is important to identify the best way to communicate the KPI results to each group. Ina joint activity with T3.1 “Definition of the LIGHTNESS Assessment and Evaluation Tool requirements and use cases” a set of KPI visualization mock-ups will be deployed to make sure an effective and successful communication can be performed to the multidisciplinary groups of stakeholders. Depending on the type of stakeholder and the interest each group will have a different dashboard with the specific KP! results. This activity will also be useful for all the user engagement requirements and plans, within the WPS- LIGHTNESS Engagement Initiatives and for the communication and dissemination of results to reach key stakeholders in WP8 and especially useful for the engagement toolbox deployed in task 8.3. . LIGHTNESS Report on the definition of the KPIs Assessment frameworks 4. CONCLUSIONS This document aims to provide the main indicators that affect citizen energy communities and establish a methodology to quantify or quality these impacts. Contributions from partners and experts have been considered in their areas of expertise and discussed in dedicated meetings, to be able to identify the main KPI that will allow assessing the performance of a community. The document provides the methodology that has been used to identify the indicators along with the definition of each indicator, the calculation methodology, the data sources and the stakeholder groups. Ideally, the KPIs will be calculated with real metered data, however, when this is not possible, a digital twin will be built ICL software and simulations will be run to obtain simulated or estimated values. The results will be presented within the visualization mockups result of task 3.1 to provide more information to the stakeholders and help them in the operation and decision making inside ‘a community. KPI results will be key in the successful market uptake of energy communities and with the engagement plans and communication of the project results. wwwlighti 32 This document is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant ‘agreement N°953020 ey

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