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Med Bio Eng Comput (2006) 44:695–701

DOI 10.1007/s11517-006-0076-7


Electronic root canal length measurement before

and after experimentally induced pulpitis and apical
periodontitis in dogs
Maja Kovacevic Æ Tomislav Tamarut Æ
Snježana Glavičić Æ Nives Jonjic Æ Sanja Zoričić-Cvek Æ
Dragica Bobinac

Received: 15 December 2005 / Accepted: 25 May 2006 / Published online: 13 July 2006
 International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering 2006

Abstract The aim of the study was to examine the pletely necrotic pulp and established chronic apical
influence of the state of the pulp and apical peri- periodontitis (dif = 0.54 · 1.36 mm2; t test, p > 0.05).
odontium on the results of electronic root canal length These results suggest that the state of the pulp and
measurement (ERCLM) with a resistance measuring periapical tissue may have an influence on the ERC-
device in dogs. Pulpitis and apical periodontitis were LM.
induced by pulp exposure and contamination by the
oral flora in the premolar teeth of six mongrel dogs, Keywords Electronic root canal length measurement
comprising four experimental groups (36 root canals). Æ Transitional ion concentration zone Æ Pulpitis Æ
In a control group, measured lengths of teeth with Apical periodontitis Æ Dog
uninfected pulps were performed on the first experi-
mental day (44 root canals). In all animals the ERC-
LMs were performed on teeth with healthy pulps, and 1 Introduction
at the end of the experimental period (20, 35, 50 and
65 days) following pulp exposure. The point of mea- Electronic methods have become routine for root canal
suring canal lengths was the anatomical obstacle above length measurement in endodontic practice [6].
the apical delta. Electronically measured lengths Numerous factors can influence the accuracy of these
(EML) were compared between each other and with devices including the diameter of the apical foramen
the root canal length established by tactile-sense [7, 13, 19], the presence of conductive irrigant [8], the
measurement verified radiographically. The EMLs presence of blood, pus or exudate [9], the relation of
were less accurate in teeth with healthy pulps and teeth the diameter of the measuring probe to the diameter of
with pulpitis in the third experimental group the root canal [1], the distance between the measuring
(dif = 2.27 · 2.65 mm2; t test, p < 0.05), while they probe and the inactive electrode [14], the thickness of
were most precise after 65 days in teeth with com- the remaining dental wall [11], and the presence of
accessory canals or fractured roots [1]. The thickness
and type of measuring probe is not clinically significant
M. Kovacevic (&) Æ T. Tamarut Æ S. Glavičić [21].
Department of Dental Pathology, Medical Faculty, During clinical work we noticed that the accuracy of
Brace Branchetta 20, Rijeka 51000, Croatia electronic root canal length measurement varies with
the pulp and periapical condition [16–18, 20]. One
N. Jonjic explanation for this phenomenon is the different con-
Department of Pathology, Medical Faculty, ductivity of the pulpal tissue in different pathological
Brace Branchetta 20, Rijeka 51000, Croatia states, because the quantity of electrically conductive
particles [17, 18]. The effect of the concentration of
S. Zoričić-Cvek Æ D. Bobinac
Department of Anatomy, Medical Faculty, cations on the accuracy of ERCLM was demonstrated
Brace Branchetta 20, Rijeka 51000, Croatia in an ex vivo experiment [7].

696 Med Bio Eng Comput (2006) 44:695–701

If the pathologically altered pulpal tissue has an al- That teeth were isolated with rubber dam, and a
tered concentration of cations in relation to the healthy conventional, resistance type device EED 11 (Struja,
tissue, it can be assumed that similar changes may also Zagreb, Croatia) was used. The inactive electrode was
occur in the periapical tissue. From electrophysiology placed on the oral mucous membrane in the buccal
it is known that on the border of two mediums of dif- angle area and the active electrode was inserted into
ferent concentrations of ions (the so-called transitional the root canal. For all experimental groups and the
ion concentration zone) diffusive potentials appear [2]. control group, K-files, size 10, were used as the active
We simulated this phenomenon in another ex vivo electrode (Maillefer, Ballaigues, Switzerland). Root
experiment in which the appearance of a transitional canal lengths were measured using the test values on
ion concentration zone was demonstrated in groups the measuring scale which was determined by mea-
with different concentrations of ions inside and outside suring electrical conduction of the periosteum at the
the root canal. This affected the results of ERCLM. In point between the free and attached gingiva, using the
the control group in which the concentration of ions active electrode. The test value was the value which
was the same inside and outside the root canal the was referent for electronic root canal length measure-
results of ERCLM showed great variability in teeth ment. Readings were taken using a vernier caliper.
with a wide apical foramen and we were unable to The endodontic space in dogs is distinguished from
locate the constriction with an electroconductive that in man by its specific morphology. Instead of an
medium in the root canal [19]. apical foramen, there is an apical delta, so that the
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis active electrode cannot penetrate further. Whenever
of the existence of an apical transitional ion concen- the active electrode reached the apical delta and the
tration zone in an experimental dog model. This was test value failed to appear on the measuring scale, the
tested by repeated measurements in undergoing pulp following procedure was followed: addition of 1 mm to
breakdown, where the transition of healthy and dis- the length that was one degree shorter than the test
eased tissue continued to change. value, 2 mm to a length two degrees shorter, and so on.
Since the influence of these factors on ERCLM All measurements were compared to tactile sense
measurements is reduced in latest generations of de- measurements to the apical delta which was also con-
vices [8], we choose to test the effect of this occurrence firmed radiographically.
on the most sensitive apparatus, i.e. a first generation In both the experimental and control animals,
resistance-type electronic apex locator. measurements took place immediately after pulp
chamber access and preflaring, when the pulp was
healthy, and at the end of the experimental period
during which it had been exposed to the action of
2 Materials and methods microorganisms in the oral cavity by open pulp cham-
bers. In the first experimental group the induction
The Croatian veterinary chamber (approval no. 111/ period lasted 20 days, in the second 35 days, in the
97) approved this experimental protocol. Eight mon- third 50 days, and in the fourth group 65 days. The
grel dogs aged 1–4.5 years served as experimental animals showed no signs of distress due to the fact that
models. One day prior to the operation, the animals drainage was maintained, and thus no analgesics were
were premedicated with 0.2–0.5 mL of 0.5% atropine administered.
(Belupo, Koprivnica, Croatia). The dogs were anaes- The canal lengths determined electronically in all
thetised with Ketanest (ketamine hydrochloride, groups on the zero day and on the last day of the
35 mg Kg–1; Goedecke/Parke-Davis, Berlin, Germany) experiment were compared. The results within the
and Rompun (xylazine, 10 mg Kg–1; Bayer AG, Le- groups were analysed by means of t test for dependent
verkusen, Germany). Access to the pulp chambers of samples and those between the groups by analysis of
the upper and lower premolars was performed for all variance and LSD test at the significance level of
animals (each experimental group with at least eight p = 0.05. Electronically measured lengths (EML) were
root canals), giving a total of 80 root canals. The ani- compared with tactile-sense measurements to the api-
mals were divided into four experimental (36 root ca- cal delta (root canal length, RCL) and were analysed
nals) and one control group (44 root canals) with by means of t test for dependent samples at the sig-
healthy pulps. The control group consisted of two nificance level of p = 0.05.
animals, as did the first and fourth experimental At the end of the experimental period the animals
groups. The second and the third experimental groups were euthanized with an intracardial injection of T 61
were both in one animal. (Hoechst Veterinär GmbH, München, Germany).

Med Bio Eng Comput (2006) 44:695–701 697

Four roots with their surrounding jawbone from (0.54 ± 1.36 mm) differed significantly from the dif-
each group were randomly selected and analysed his- ference between electronically and tactile measured
tologically to assess the histopathological status of the lengths in the control (2.16 ± 3.23 mm) and third
pulp and periapical tissues. Tissue blocks were sec- experimental groups (2.27 ± 2.65 mm) (ANOVA,
tioned longitudinally in a bucco-lingual direction LSD-test; p < 0.05; Fig. 1).
through the central parts of the teeth. Sections 5–7 lm
thick were stained with Toluidine blue (TB) and 3.2 Histological analyses
examined using a light microscope. Five sections of
each tooth that included the region of the apical delta Typical histological appearance of the specimens of
were used for histological evaluation of the pulp and pulp and periapex are presented in Figs. 2, 3 and 4, and
periapex. The histopathological analysis was done by all findings are summarised in Table 2.
an independent pathologist as a descriptive finding.

3 Results 4 Discussion

3.1 Electronic root canal length measurement In this investigation, the results of electronic root canal
length measurement in the dog’s teeth with healthy
Results of electronic root canal length measurement pulps proved to be much less accurate than in teeth
are presented in Table 1. with necrotic pulps. Apart from the fact that mea-
Differences between electronically and tactile sense surements were much shorter, reliability of the mea-
measured length in the first (–0.87 ± 0.35 mm), second surements also showed great standard deviation
(–0.63 ± 0.62 mm) and fourth experimental group ðControl group x dif ¼ 2:16  3:23 mmÞ:

Table 1 Results of electronic measurement length (EML)

Tactile sense measurement (mm) EML 0th day (mm) EML last day (mm)

Control group 12.25 ± 5.75 10.08 ± 4.18* –

First experimental group 23.70 ± 3.15 17.20 ± 0.71* 24.58 ± 3.17**
Second experimental group 9.89 ± 1.15 8.70 ± 1.87 10.52 ± 1.37**
Third experimental group 10.42 ± 1.46 10.04 ± 1.61 8.14 ± 2.52**
Fourth experimental group 9.19 ± 1.39 4.46 ± 1.28 8.65 ± 1.84**
*Difference between tactile sense measurement and electronic root canal length measurement on the zero day is statistically significant
(t test, p < 0.05)
**Difference between electronic root canal length measurement on the zero day and electronic root canal length measurement on the
last experimental day is statistically significant (t test, p < 0.05)

Fig. 1 Difference between

root canal length (RCL) and
electronically measured
lengths (EML) on the last
experimental day represents
the position of the tip of the
active probe in the root canal.
* difference is statistically
significant (t test, p < 0.05)

698 Med Bio Eng Comput (2006) 44:695–701

Fig. 2 Tooth with pulpitis. a Pulp, disrupted typical zones of stain purple (arrowhead). Apart from mast cells, macrophages,
cells in the pulp. Numerous inflammatory cells in the tissue lymphocytes and plasma cells predominate. Active osteoclasts
(original magnification 20·; Toluidine blue). b Periapex, mast are visible on the surface of the bone (arrow) (original
cells predominate in the serous exudate which metachromatically magnification 20·; Toluidine blue)

A characteristic of dog’s teeth is an apical pulp access to the root canals and due to the size of the teeth
delta. The electric circuit is established through the in different animals. They were mutually statistically
tiny openings of the apical delta, because otherwise it analysed and differences compared between the first
would be impossible to carry out electrical measure- and second measurement, and not absolute values, and
ments, and the occurrence of a barrier to progress consequently the differences in absolute values did not
deeper of instruments on the apical delta allows influence the accuracy of the results. On the last
reproducible tactile and radiographically confirmed experimental day electronically measured lengths in
measurements of canal length. the fourth experimental group, when all pulps were
Differences in measured lengths between the groups necrotic, amounted to x dif ¼ 0:54  1:36 mm: Even
were due to the loss of coronal tooth tissue during Sunada claimed that measurements in pulpless teeth

Fig. 3 Tooth with partially

necrotic pulp. a Central part
of the pulp. Layer of
odontoblasts almost entirely
destroyed (a), dilated blood
vessels (b) leukocytes
commenced migration and
permeate almost the whole of
the ground substance (c).
Beside them in the tissue pulp
profuse bleeding (d). Area of
necrosis (e) (original
magnification 20·; Toluidine
blue). b Periapex. Periodontal
connective layer preserved on
the surface of the root (a).
Exudate with a relatively
small number of cells (b) and
initial resorption of alveolar
bone (c). Root apex (d)
(original magnification 10·;
Toluidine blue)

Med Bio Eng Comput (2006) 44:695–701 699

tissue can act as a high electro-conductive medium or

low electro-conductive media, as was confirmed by
Tamarut et al. [17, 18].
First generation of resistance type-devices do not
have in-built compensatory mechanisms, aimed at
minimizing the influence of electroconductive media,
which makes them most suitable for studies of their
influence. In the present investigation, the object was
to test the hypothesis, established in an in vitro
experiment, that transitional concentration zones are
formed at the borderline between two different con-
centrations of electrical conductive particles inside and
outside the canal in the periapex. These differences in
the concentration are the result of phasally different
decomposition of the pulp tissue and later of the
periapical tissues. Between these different phases of
decomposition, differences occur in the concentration
of ions inside and outside the canal. Both concentra-
tions are formed as a result of the concentrational
gradient of diffusive electrical potentials which change
typical electroconductive pulp. The formed layer of
transitional concentrations is a zone of highest resis-
tance, which in the ERCLM method of measurement is
read as resistance at the foramen. This transitional
concentration of ions can also form in the region above
Fig. 4 Tooth with completely necrotic pulp. a Root surface (a). the foramen. Thus we can explain the occurrence of
Periapical lesion in which accumulated polymorphonuclear long measurements which become short when they are
leukocytes are diffusely intermingled (b) and granulation tissue read for the second time [19].
(c). Polymorphonuclear accumulations in the openings of the
The least precise measurements, with highest stan-
apical delta (arrow) (original magnification 10·; Toluidine blue).
b Periapical lesion from a with greater magnification. Polycentric dard deviations, were noticed in the control group.
accumulations of lymphocytes and polymorphonuclear cells This result can be explained by the fact that a transi-
(arrow) can be seen intermingled with granulation tissue tional concentration zone did not form in healthy teeth.
(arrowhead) (original magnification 20·; Toluidine blue)
In cases of pulpitis, which prevailed in the third
group, the cation quantity was decreased, and the
were more accurate than in teeth with vital pulps, and quantum of serous fluid increased, leading to greater
his observations have been confirmed by other authors conductivity compared to healthy pulp (17, 18]. In such
[10, 13, 15, 22]. a case, electronic measurement will read even shorter
Various investigations yield different accuracy levels lengths than in cases with healthy pulp, as corroborated
for even the most recent devices, such as the Root ZX by our results, although the difference in comparison
(Morita, Japan). The study by Dunlap et al. [3] calcu- with healthy pulp was not statistically significant.
lated the accuracy level to be of 82.3%, while in the In the first and second experimental group, elec-
study by Shabahang et al. [12] it was accurate in 96.2 % tronic measurements after microbial induction of
of cases. Many factors can influence their accuracy. In pathological lesions were longer in comparison with
his investigation, Huang [4] proved that physical phe- measurements performed in teeth with healthy pulp,
nomena, such as the caliber of the apical foramen, the i.e. electronic measurement would lead to overinstru-
moisture content of the root canal and the length of a mentation. Histologic analysis showed that diagnoses
nonconducting tubule, affect the accuracy of electronic of partial pulp necrosis with subacute apical peri-
root canal measurement. odontitis and pulp necrosis with chronic apical peri-
Lee et al. [8] showed that the Root ZX showed odontitis were present in similar proportions. In such
longer readings in those root canals containing highly cases, it appears that transitional concentration zones
electro-conductive media, while lower electro-conduc- began to form in the periapical region, outside the root
tive media caused shorter readings. Similarly, pulp canal [19].

700 Med Bio Eng Comput (2006) 44:695–701

Table 2 Histological analyses of pulp and periapical tissue in experimental groups

Pulp/periapical diagnosis Pulpitis + Partial pulp Pulp necrosis + Pulp necrosis +
acute pulpitis necrosis + subacute apical abscess chronic apical
apical periodontitis periodontitis

First experimental group – 2 – 2

Second experimental group – 1 – 3
Third experimental group 3 – 1 –
Fourth experimental group – – – 4

Other authors have also shown that electronic 5 Conclusion

measurements of root canal length in teeth with ne-
crotic pulps generally lead to overinstrumentation, Summarising the results of this experiment, we can
regardless of whether the measuring instruments are conclude that in teeth with healthy pulps electrical
conventional or most up-to-date (3, 13]. It is ques- measurement of the canal length were least satisfac-
tionable whether such teeth with necrotic pulps had tory. With the progress of pulp decomposition caused
formed stable chronic apical periodontitis with by the microbial infection, inflammatory changes begin
inflammatory cell infiltrate, such as in our fourth group in the periodontium, accompanied by resorption of
with preserved drainage tracts through 65 days, or the alveolar bone (teeth with pulpitis and acute serous
periapical diagnosis was somewhat different. In the apical periodontitis). With the establishment of a typ-
fourth group all teeth had a diagnosis of complete pulp ical periapical lesion above the narrowest part of the
necrosis with dense chronic cell infiltration with canal (apical delta), a transitional concentrational zone
resorption of periapical bone and no exudate in the of arranged cations and anions forms. They form dif-
area around the apices of the teeth and, with main- fusive potential in a layer which has high resistance,
tained drainage, a transitional concentration zone which occasionally corresponds with the resistance of
formed in the area of the apical delta [19]. In spite of the apical constriction. This transitional concentra-
opinions that resorption of the apical tip influences tional layer of ions can form within the canal, in the
measuring in such conditions, we did not observe sig- foramen or above it. Thus we can explain the different
nificant resorption of root apices in our histological accuracy in investigations on the results of electrical
specimens. In this group, electronic root canal length methods of measuring canal length. The condition of
measurements were most accurate and were not sta- the pulp and periapical tissue has an influence on the
tistically significantly different from tactile-sense mea- accuracy of electrical determination of the length of
surements verified radiographically. the root canal.
This is the first study in which we have attempted, in
an in vivo experiment, to test the transitional concen- Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Mrs. Snježana
Šimac and Mrs. Marija Mršić, Department of Anatomy, Medical
tration zone hypothesis [19]. In our clinical work, we Faculty, University of Rijeka, for their assistance during the
are often faced with problems of shorter or longer root laboratory procedures of the experiment. We also wish to thank
canal length measurements with even the most up-to- Prof. Ratko Zelenika, PhD, Head of Department of General
date devices, such as the Root ZX, in cases where the Economic theory, Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka,
for his assistance in the preparation of the manuscript.
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