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Fire Fighting Robot

A Major Project Report

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics &

Submitted to


Major Project - l Report

Submitted by

Payal Bharti (0176EC201017) Yash Awasthi (0176EC201030)

Khusboo Jaiswal (0176EC201009) Tanya Sharma


Under the supervision of

Prof. Santosh Kumar Jha Dr. Nikita Shivhare
(Project Guide) (Project In - charge)


Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Excellence, Bhopal (M.P.)
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


To become a pioneer institute in technical education and innovations to build

competent technocrats and leaders for the nation.


1. To enhance the academic environment with innovative teaching learning

processes and modern tools.

2. To Practice and nurture high standards of human values, transparency and


3. To Collaborate with other academic and research institutes as well as industries in

order to strengthen education and research.

4. To uphold skill development for employability and entrepreneurship for inter

disciplinary research and innovations.


To become reputed in providing technical education in the field of electronics and
communication engineering and produce technocrats working as leaders.


 To provide congenial academic environment and adopting innovative learning
 To keep valuing human values and transparency while nurturing the young
 To strengthen the department by collaborating with industry and research
organization of repute.
 To facilitate the students to work in interdisciplinary environment and enhance
their skills for employability and entrepreneurship.
Lakshmi Narain College of Technology Excellence, Bhopal (M.P.)
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering


PEO1: Recognize and apply appropriate experimental and scientific skills to solve
real world problems to create innovative products and systems in the field of
electronics and communication engineering.

PEO2: To evolve graduates with ability to apply, analyze, design in Electronics &
Communication Systems.

PEO3: Motivate graduates to become responsible citizens with moral & ethical values
for the welfare of Society.

PEO4: Inculcate the habit of team work with professional quality of leadership to
become successful contributors in industry and/ or entrepreneurship in view of Global
& National status of technology.


PSO1: Analyze specific engineering problems relevant to Electronics &

Communication Engineering by applying the knowledge of basic sciences,
engineering mathematics and engineering fundamentals.

PSO2: Apply and transfer interdisciplinary systems and engineering approaches to the
various areas, like Communications, Signal processing, VLSI and Embedded system,
PCB Designing.

PSO3: Inculcate the knowledge of Engineering and Management principles to meet

demands of industry and provide solutions to the current real time problems.

PSO4: Demonstrate the leadership qualities and strive for the betterment of
organization, environment and society.

There is no doubt that firefighting is an important job, but it is also a very dangerous
occupation. The absence of human beings in detection of fire usually leads to a huge damage.
This project aims to design a firefighting robot that can operate remotely. The development of
Fire Fighting Robot consists of two elements i.e., hardware and programming. This robot
makes it possible to extinguish fire without spreading in the shortest time. This will reduce the
risk of injury and number of casualties for firefighters as well as for the possible victims. The
robot can also decrease the monetary losses which increase considerably as fire duration
Fire incident is a disaster that can potentially cause the loss of life, property damage and
permanent disability to the affected victim. They can also suffer from prolonged psychological
and trauma. Fire fighters are primarily tasked to handle fire incidents, but they are often
exposed to higher risks when extinguishing fire, especially in hazardous environments such as
in nuclear power plant, petroleum refineries and gas tanks. They are also faced with other
difficulties, particularly if fire occurs in narrow and restricted places, as it is necessary to
explore the ruins of buildings and obstacles to extinguish the fire and save the victim. With
high barriers and risks in fire extinguishment operations, technological innovations can be
utilized to assist firefighting. Therefore, this paper presents the development of a firefighting
robot dubbed. It that can extinguish fire without the need for fire fighters to be exposed to
unnecessary danger. It is designed to be compact in size than other conventional fire-fighting
robot in order to ease small location entry for deeper reach of extinguishing fire in narrow
space. It is also equipped with an ultrasonic sensor to avoid it from hitting any obstacle and
surrounding objects, while a flame sensor is attached for fire detection. This resulted in QRob
demonstrating capabilities of identifying fire locations automatically and ability to extinguish
fire remotely at particular distance. It is programmed to find the fire location and stop at
maximum distance of 40 cm from the fire. A human operator can monitor the robot by using
camera which connects to a smartphone or remote devices.


Chapter 2


“Chatbot for college management system using A.I”. A chatbot aims to make a
conversation between both human and machine. The machine has been embedded
knowledge to identify the sentences and making a decision itself as a response to
answer a question. Chatbot will be completely based on a text based user interface,
allowing the user to type commands and receive text as well as text to speech
response. Chatbots are usually statefull services, remembering previous commands in
order to provide functionality. It can be utilized securely by an even larger audience
when chatbots technology is integrated with popular web services. The college
enquiry chatbots will be built using artificial algorithms that analyze users queries
and understand the users message. The response principle is matching the input
sentence from a user. The user can ask the question any college related activities
through the chatbot without physically available to the college for enquiry. The
system analyses the question and then answers to the user. With the help of artificial
intelligence, the system answers the query asked by the user. The system replies
using an effective graphical user interface as if a real person is talking to the user.
The user just has to register himself to the system and has to login to the system. The
chatbots consists of core and interface that is accessing the core in (my SQL). Natural
language processing technologies are used for parsing, tokenizing, stemming, and
filtering the content of the complaint [1].

“College Information Chat Bot System”. User interfaces for software

applications can come in a variety of formats, ranging from command line, graphical,
web application, and even voice. While the most popular user interfaces include
graphical and Web based applications, occasionally the need arises for an alternative
interface. Whether due to Multithreaded complexity, concurrent connectivity, or
details surrounding execution of the service, a chatbot based interface may suit the
need. Chatbot typically operates a Text based user interface, allowing the user to type
commands and receive text as well as text to speech response. A chatbot is an
artificial person, which holds conversation with humans. This could be a Text based
conversation, a spoken conversation or even a Non verbal conversation. Chat bot can
run on local computers and phones, through most of the time it is accessed through
the internet. Chatbot is typically perceived as engaging software entity which humans
can talk to. It can be interesting, inspiring and intriguing. It appears everywhere, from
old ancient HTML pages, to modern advanced social networking websites, and from
standard computers to fashionable smart mobile devices. Chatbot talk in almost every
major language. Their language skills vary from extremely poor to very clever
intelligent, helpful, and funny. The same counts for their graphic design, sometimes it
feels like a cartoonish character drawn by a child, and on the other hand there are
photo realistic 3D, animated characters available, which are hard to distinguish from
“Designing a chatbot that simulates an Historical Figure”. There are many
publications that are incorporating human appearance and intending to simulate
human dialogue, but in most of the cases the knowledge of the conversational bot is
stored in a database created by a human experts. However, very few researches have
investigated the idea of creating a chatbot with an artificial character and personality
starting from wed pages or plain text about a certain person. This paper describes an
approach to the idea of identifying the most important facts in texts describing the
life of an historical figure for building a conversational agent that could be used in
middle school CSCL Scenarios. “ Teaching Introductory Artificial Intelligence Using
A Simple Agent Framework”. This paper describes a flexible method of teaching
introductory artificial intelligence using a novel, Java implemented simple agent
framework developed specifically for the purpose of this course. Although numerous
agent frameworks have been proposed in the vast body of literature, none of these
available frameworks proved to be simple enough to be used by first year students.
Hence, the authors set out to create a novel framework that would be suitable for the
aims of the course, for the level of computing skills of the intended group of students
and for the size of this group of students. The content of the introductory AI course in
question is a set of assignments that requires the students to use intelligent agents and
other AI techniques to monitor, filter, and receive relevant information from the
World Wide Web. It represents, therefore, a synthesis of the traditional objectivist
approach and a real world oriented, constructivist approach to teaching programming
to novices. The main aim of implementing such a pedagogy was to engage the
students in learning to which they personally relate while attaining intellectual rigor.

“Chatbot for college management system using A.I”. A chatbot aims to make a
conversation between both human and machine. The machine has been embedded
knowledge to identify the sentences and making a decision itself as a response to
answer a question. Chatbot will be completely based on a text based user interface,
allowing the user to type commands and receive text as well as text to speech
response. Chatbots are usually stateful services, remembering previous commands in
order to provide functionality. It can be utilized securely by an even larger audience
when chatbots technology is integrated with popular web services. The college
enquiry chatbots will be built using artificial algorithms that analyze users queries
and understand the user message. The response principle is matching the input
sentence from a user. The user can ask the question any college related activities
through the chatbot without physically available to the college for enquiry. The
system analyses the question and then answers to the user. With the help of artificial
intelligence, the system answers the query asked by the user. The system replies
using an effective graphical user interface as if a real person is talking to the user.
The user can ask any question related to EC department. It responds to all types of
queries and gives the necessary answer for it. It is very much useful to the student to
know clearly about a particular college.

Chapter 3


To design and develop College Enquiry Chatbot using knowledgeable dataset and interpreter

which will be employed as a function to answer the queries of an users.

A. Objective
The main objective of "College Enquiry Chatbot" is to minimize the time required to solve the
queries of an user, reduce the work load on the college’s office staff , save the time and

strengh of an user of visiting and contacting the administration office often, keep the user fully
updated about the ongoing and upcoming events of college , etc.

B. Scope

In education system work is very lengthy and time consuming and also required extra
manpower. For reducing manpower and avoid such difficulties, “College Enquiry Chatbot” is
designed. Its intended user is college students. This system will enable students to resolve their
queries without physically visiting the campus .

Chapter 4


4.1 Artificial Intelligence -

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer program or a machine to think and
learn. It is also a field of study which tries to make computers "smart". Businesses are
becoming smarter with time. Every business expects intelligence in the system. Businesses
are looking for a system on which they can trust, they can depend on them for customer

support, the system which can make important decisions or perform vital actions on behalf of
humans with an engaging experience. This can be possible with the AI Chatbots. Artificial
Intelligence gives a human touch to every conversation. The bot understands the user’s query
and triggers an accurate response. Taking the bionic approach as a basis, the article discusses
the main concepts of the theory of artificial intelligence as a field of knowledge, which studies
the principles of creation and functioning of intelligent systems based on multidimensional
neural-like growing networks. The general theory of artificial intelligence includes the study
of neural-like elements and multidimensional neural-like growing networks, temporary and
long term memory, study of the functional organization of the “brain” of the artificial
intelligent systems, of the sensor system, modulating system, motor system, conditioned and
unconditioned reflexes, reflexes arc (ring), motivation, purposeful behaviour, of “thinking”,
“consciousness”, “subconscious and artificial personality developed as a result of training and

4.2 Elements of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence uses two important elements that help the chatbot to find a perfect

4.2.1 Machine Learning

Machine learning is an algorithm that helps the chatbot to learn from queries and the data
provided by you during bot training. Artificial intelligence requires to interact with the
machine in a natural language that could be easily understood by the system. Here machine
learning comes in a role. The main aim of machine learning is to provide a brief answer to
the user’s question.

The area of Machine Learning deals with the design of programs that can learn rules
from data, adapt to changes, and improve performance with experience. In addition to being
one of the initial dreams of Computer Science, Machine Learning has become crucial as

computers are expected to solve increasingly complex problems and become more
integrated into our daily lives. Writing a computer program is a bit like writing down
instructions for an extremely literal child who just happens to be millions of times faster
than you. Yet many of the problems we now want computers to solve are no longer tasks we
know how to explicitly tell a computer how to do. These include identifying faces in

images, autonomous driving in the desert, finding relevant documents in a database (or
throwing out irrelevant ones, such as spam email), finding patterns in large volumes of
scientific data, and adjusting internal parameters of systems to optimize performance. That
is, we may ourselves be good at identifying people in photographs, but we do not know how
to directly tell a computer how to do it. Instead, methods that take labeled training data
(images labeled by who is in them, or email messages labeled by whether or not they are
spam) and then learn appropriate rules from the data, seem to be the best approaches to
solving these problems. Furthermore, we need systems that can adapt to changing
conditions, that can be user-friendly by adapting to needs of their individual users, and that
can improve performance over time.

4.2.2 Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing is known as NLP, which provides assistance to the bot to
understand and interpret the information. The main goal of NLP is to interpret, recognize,
and understand user requests. When you send “Hello” to the chatbot, it is the NLP that lets
the chatbot know that you are sending greetings, It allows the bot to leverage its AI
capabilities to come up with a proper response. NLP enables computers to understand
natural language as humans do. Whether the language is spoken or written, natural language
processing uses artificial intelligence to take real-world input, process it, and make sense of
it in a way a computer can understand. Just as humans have different sensors -- such as ears
to hear and eyes to see -- computers have programs to read and microphones to collect
audio. And just as humans have a brain to process that input, computers have a program to
process their respective inputs. At some point in processing, the input is converted to code
that the computer can understand. The advantage of natural language processing can be seen
when considering the following two statements: "Cloud computing insurance should be part
of every service-level agreement," and, "A good SLA ensures an easier night's sleep -- even
in the cloud." If a user relies on natural language processing for search, the program will
recognize that cloud computing is an entity, that cloud is an abbreviated form of cloud
computing and that SLA is an industry acronym for service-level agreement.

4.3 Standard Libraries of Python

The Python Standard Library contains all of Python's syntax, semantics, and tokens. It has
built-in modules that allow the user to access I/O and a few other essential modules as well as
fundamental functions. The Python libraries have been written in the C language generally.
The Python standard library has more than 200 core modules. Because of all of these factors,
Python is a powerful programming language. The Python Standard Library plays a crucial
role. Python's features can only be used by programmers who have it. In addition, Python has a
number of libraries that make

4.3.1 Matplotlib

This library is responsible for the plotting of numerical data. It is utilized in data analysis for
this reason. An open-source library plots superior quality figures, for example, pie outlines,
scatterplots, boxplots, and diagrams, in addition to other things.

4.3.2 NumPy

One of the most popular open-source Python packages, NumPy focuses on scientific and
mathematical computation. It makes it easy to work with large matrices and multidimensional
data thanks to built-in mathematical functions that make it easy to compute. It can be used as
an N-dimensional container for all kinds of data, including linear algebra. An N-dimensional
array with rows and columns is defined by the NumPy Array Python object. It can also be
used as a random number generator because of this.NumPy is preferred over lists in Python
because it uses less memory, is faster, and is easier to use.

Pictures, sound waves, and other parallel crude streams can be addressed as a multi-faceted
exhibit of genuine qualities involving the NumPy interface for perception. NumPy is required
for full-stack developers to use this machine learning library.

4.3.3 Pandas

Pandas is an open-source library authorized under the Berkeley Programming Conveyance

(BSD). This well-known library is frequently utilized in the field of data science. They're
generally utilized for examination, control, and cleaning of information, in addition to other
things. Without having to switch to another programming language like R, Pandas enables us
to carry out straightforward data modelling and analysis.
4.3.4 SciPy

Scipy is a Python library. Scientific computing, information processing, and high-level

computing are the primary uses for this open-source library. The library contains a large
number of easy-to-use methods and functions for quick and easy computation. Scipy can be
utilized for numerical calculations close by NumPy. Some of SciPy's subpackages include
cluster, fftpack, constants, integrate, io, linalg, interpolate, ndimage, odr, optimize, signal,
spatial, special, sparse, and stats.

4.3.5 Scikit- learn

Additionally, Scikit-learn is a Python-based open-source machine learning library. This library

supports both supervised and unsupervised learning methods. This library already comes pre-
installed with a number of well-known algorithms as well as the SciPy, NumPy, and
Matplotlib packages. Spotify music recommendations are the Scikit-most-learn application
that is most widely used.

4.3.6 Seaborn

This package makes statistical model visualization possible. The library, which is largely
based on Matplotlib, makes statistical graphics possible by:

1. Variable examination by means of a Programming interface in view of datasets.

2. Make complex representations effortlessly, including multi-plot frameworks.
3. To compare data subsets, univariate and bivariate visualizations are utilized.
4. A wide range of color schemes are available for pattern displays.
5. Direct relapse assessment and plotting are done consequently.

4.3.7 TensorFlow

TensorFlow is a fast, open-source library for numerical calculations. It is utilized by ML and

deep learning algorithms as well. It was developed by researchers in the Google Brain group
of the Google AI organization and is now widely used by researchers in physics, mathematics,
and machine learning for complex mathematical computations.

4.3.8 Keras

Keras is a Python-based open-source neural network library that enables in-depth research into
deep neural networks. Keras emerges as a viable option as deep learning becomes more
common because, according to its developers, it is an API (Application Programming
Interface) designed for humans rather than machines. Keras has a higher rate of adoption in
the research community and industry than TensorFlow or Theano. The TensorFlow backend
engine should be downloaded first before Keras can be installed.

4.3.9 Scrapy

Scrapy is a web scratching device that scratches numerous pages in less than a
moment. Scrapy is additionally an open-source Python library structure for extricating
information from sites. It is a high-speed, high-level scraping and crawling web library that
goes by the name "Scraping hub ltd."

4.4 Natural Language Processing With Python's NLTK Package

Natural language processing (NLP) is a field that focuses on making natural human language
usable by computer programs. NLTK, or Natural Language Toolkit, is a Python package that
you can use for NLP.

A lot of the data that you could be analyzing is unstructured data and contains human-readable
text. Before you can analyze that data programmatically, you first need to preprocess it. In this
tutorial, you’ll take your first look at the kinds of text preprocessing tasks you can do with
NLTK so that you’ll be ready to apply them in future projects. You’ll also see how to do some
basic text analysis and create visualizations.

Chapter 5


5.1 Advantages

 Provide fast, 24/7 customer service.

 Offer more personalized experiences.
 Deliver multilingual support.
 Ensure more consistent support.
 Offer convenient self-service options.
 Provide proactive customer service.
 Deliver omnichannel support.
 Improve service with every interaction.
 Collect customer feedback.
 Reduce customer request.
 Detect customer intent for added context.
 Boost Customer engagement.
 Streamline service with routing and triage.
 Boost sales.
 Increase lead generation.
 Enhance conversational commerce and marketing

5.2 Disadvantages

 Extent of Resolving Queries.

 Cannot Handle Angry Customers Subtly.
 Higher Complexity Results in Higher Costs.
 Not Suitable for All Businesses and Applications.
 Do not Provide Accurate Solutions Always.


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