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Test Script

SAP S/4HANA - 15-09-23

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)


Table of Contents

1 Purpose

2 Prerequisites
2.1 System Access
2.2 Roles
2.3 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data
2.4 Preliminary Steps
2.4.1 Create Condition Records for Settlement Tax
2.4.2 Prepare Transactional Data (Optional)
2.4.3 Define Condition Contract Process Variants (Optional) Define Process Variant for Using the Workflow Define Process Variant for Tax Free Royalties Define Process Variant for Split Criteria Usage in Settlement Define Process Variant for Business Volume Selection Criteria Usage Maintain Automatic Account Determination
2.4.4 Configure Approval Workflow (Optional) Create Business Roles for Workflow Processing Manage Teams and Responsibilities Manage Workflow for Condition Contracts - Release Contract Manage Workflow for Condition Contracts - Release Settlement Manage Workflow for Settlement Documents
3 Overview Table

4 Test Procedures
4.1 Royalties Settlement Processing
4.1.1 Create Condition Contract for a Licenser as Condition Contract Partner
4.1.2 Check Business Volume (Optional)
4.1.3 Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional)
4.1.4 Check Settlement Document for Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional)
4.1.5 Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional)
4.1.6 Check Settlement Document for Partial Settlement (Optional)
4.1.7 Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals
4.1.8 Check Settlement Document for Final Settlement (Optional)
4.2 Two-Step Royalties Settlement Processing
4.2.1 Create Two-Step Condition Contract for a Licenser as Condition Contract Partner
4.2.2 Check Business Volume (Optional)
4.2.3 Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional)
4.2.4 Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional)
4.2.5 Collect Parked Settlement Documents for Transfer to Accounting (Optional)
4.2.6 Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals
4.2.7 Collect Parked Settlement Documents From Final Settlement
4.3 Royalties Settlement Processing with Approval Workflow
4.3.1 Create Condition Contract for a Licenser as Condition Contract Partner
4.3.2 Request Approval to Release Condition Contract
4.3.3 Trigger Rework of Condition Contract (Optional)
4.3.4 Rework Condition Contract (Optional)
4.3.5 Release Condition Contract
4.3.6 Check Business Volume (Optional)
4.3.7 Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional)
4.3.8 Request Release of Condition Contract for Settlement
4.3.9 Release Condition Contract for Settlement
4.3.10 Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional)
4.3.11 Approve Release of Partial Settlement Document to Accounting (Optional)
4.3.12 Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals
4.3.13 Approve Release of Final Settlement Document to Accounting
4.4 Final Settlement with Adjustments (Optional)
4.5 Royalties Unlikelihood (Optional)
4.6 Reverse Settlement Document (Optional)

5 Follow-Up Processes
5.1 Accounts Payable (Optional)
5.2 General Ledger Reporting and CO-PA Reporting (Optional)

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)
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1 Purpose

The Royalties Settlement scope item concerns the subsequent settlement of royalty conditions agreed upon with a licenser. You use condition contracts from Condition Contract Management to enter
the royalty agreements with the licensers. In a condition contract, you specify the royalties recipient, organizational and process control parameter, the business volume selection criteria, the royalty
conditions and the settlement calendar with settlement dates for delta accrual, partial and final settlement. The delta accruals settlement reflects a procedure in which accruals for royalties are not
posted together with the transactional documents but subsequently in a specific settlement run. In the partial and final settlements of a condition contract you perform the royalties calculation based
on business volume and royalty conditions and you create the settlement documents reflecting an invoice from the licensers for the granting license rights in sales deals. Settlement documents are
usually immediately released to accounting. You can also create a two-step condition contract to collect and post settlement documents of different condition contracts in one journal entry to ac-
This scope item is closely related to the business process of Sell from Stock (BD9) scope item. Ideally, the condition contract is created first before you start to enter sales orders in the system. How-
ever, you can also create condition contracts subsequently with a validity period starting in the past. Also, royalties processing and sales transactions run in parallel in that sense that you process
partial settlements for billing documents entered continuously during the condition contract’s validity period.
After describing the general process flow, two special aspects are addressed at the end of the test script. When a defined minimum sales turnover for a royalties eligibility will probably not be
reached, you are obliged to reverse existing accruals and prevent creating new accruals. This requirement is fulfilled with the help of an unlikelihood condition maintained in the condition contract.
In addition, you can maintain conditions for adjusting the (final) settlement amount in the condition contract. You typically agree upon such adjustments with the licenser when there is a dissonance
concerning the relevant business volume. You can maintain a condition for adjusting the business volume, for an additional royalties amount and for a final fixed royalties amount.
In addition, you can also configure workflows to include the approval process for condition contracts, release of condition contract for settlement and partial and final settlement documents. You can
define workflow preconditions for releasing condition contracts and settlement documents. An approver can choose to approve, reject or send the documents for rework to the document initiator. The
approval process starts when a workflow with one or more steps is activated and the preconditions you have assigned to it are met.
This document provides a detailed procedure for testing this scope item after solution activation, reflecting the predefined scope of the solution. Each process step, report, or item is covered in its
own section, providing the system interactions (test steps) in a table view. Steps that are not in scope of the process but are needed for testing are marked accordingly. Project-specific steps must be

Note Values in this test script (decimal notation, date formats, and so on) are presented in U.S. standard notation. If your test system is set up to use a different notation, enter values as appropri-

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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2 Prerequisites

This section summarizes all the prerequisites for conducting the test in terms of systems, users, master data, organizational data, other test data and business conditions.

2.1 System Access

System Details

System Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the URL to access the various apps assigned to your role.

2.2 Roles
Assign the following business roles to your individual test users. Alternatively, if available, you can create business roles using the following spaces with pages and predefined apps for the SAP Fiori
launchpad and assign the business roles to your individual test users.

Note These roles or spaces are examples provided by SAP. You can use them as templates to create your own roles or spaces.
For more information about business roles, refer to Assigning business roles to a user in the Administration Guide to Implementation of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Best Practices.

Name (Role) ID (Role) Name (Launchpad Space) ID (Launchpad Space) Log




Internal Sales Representative SAP_BR_INTERNAL_SALES_REP Internal Sales SAP_SD_SP_INTERNAL_SALES



Contract Manager - Royalties SAP_BR_CONTR_MGR_ROYALTIES Royalties SAP_SD_SP_ROY_MNG

Settlement Clerk - Royalties SAP_BR_SETL_CLERK_ROYALTIES Royalties Processing SAP_SD_SP_ROY_PROC

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Name (Role) ID (Role) Name (Launchpad Space) ID (Launchpad Space) Log

Accounts Receivable Accountant SAP_BR_AR_ACCOUNTANT Accounts Receivable SAP_SFIN_SP_AR_ACC

Configuration Expert - Business Process Configuration SAP_BR_BPC_EXPERT

Business Process Specialist SAP_BR_BUSINESS_PROCESS_SPEC

Purchaser SAP_BR_PURCHASER Purchasing / Sourcing and Contracting SAP_PRC_SP_PURCHASING / SAP_PRC_SP_SOURCING

2.3 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data

The organizational structure and master data of your company have been created in your system during activation. The organizational structure reflects the structure of your company. The master
data represents materials, customers, and vendors, for example, depending on the operational focus of your company.
Use your own master data or the following sample data to go through the test procedure.

Data Sample Details Comments


Material TG11 Trading Good for Reg. Trading (MRP

No batch.

Material TG12 Trading Good for Reg. Trading (re-

order point planning)
No batch.

Material TG21 Trad.Good 21,Reorder Point,Batch-

No serial number, batch-controlled (FIFO strategy).

Material TG22 Trad.Good 22,Reorder Point,Batch-

No serial number, batch-controlled (Exp. Date).

Sold-to Party 10100003 Domestic DE Customer 3 You can test the scope item using another domestic customer.10100005 is for credit management.10100008 is for material
10100008 Domestic DE Customer 8 listing/exclusion. 10100009 is for customer material record and POD (Proof-of-Delivery).

Ship-to party 10100003 Domestic DE Customer 3

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Data Sample Details Comments

10100008 Domestic DE Customer 8

Payer 10100003 Customer domestic 03

10100008 Domestic DE Customer 8

Plant 1010

Storage Location 101A

Shipping Point 1010

Sales organiza- 1010


Distribution 10

Division 00

Supplier (Licen- 10300096


Purchasing 1010

Purchasing 001

Company Code 1010

For more information on creating master data objects, see the following Master Data Scripts (MDS)
Table 1: Master Data Script Reference
Master Data ID Description

BNF Create Product Master of Type "Trading Good"

BND Create Customer Master

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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2.4 Preliminary Steps
The business volume for royalties settlement is determined from billing documents. To prepare transactional test data you can follow the Sell from Stock (BD9) scope item and create sales orders,
deliveries, and billing documents. To execute the BD9 scope item, materials must be available in stock. In the following we describe how you can set up an initial stock for materials when there is no
or only low stock.
Define condition contract process variants to also test variations of the core process. A process variant is used to define limited variations for condition contract maintenance and settlement that are
configured for a condition contract type without changing the overall character of the process defined by a condition contract type. In this chapter we describe process variants for different purposes.
Note that you can also combine settings from these process variants. If you assign a condition contract process variant to a new condition contract you have to enhance the account determination
settings. The process variant is a key field in the relevant condition table. We describe how you maintain account determination settings for the first process variant for approval workflow. Proceed in
the same way for all other process variants that you want to test.
If you want to test the approval workflow as one of the possible process variations you have to maintain additional workflow settings and define teams and responsibilities. In contrast to sales rebates
and sales commission processing, SAP currently does not provide a dedicated business role for a manager who monitors the royalties processing. Such a role within the Financial Operations area is
planned when further scope items for Settlement Management will be provided. Because of that, SAP abstained from an assignment of workflow relevant business catalogs to business roles for
royalties processing in the business content. Accordingly, this is the first step you have to do when maintaining workflow settings as described in chapter Assign Workflow Relevant Business Cata-
logs to Business Roles. To establish the workflow the Sales Manager has been chosen in this test script as business role for approval steps. In principle, you can choose another business role. Note
that the assignment of business catalogs SAP_SD_BC_CC_WIAPPROVE_PCSales – Condition Contract Approval and SAP_SD_BC_SDOC_WIAPRV_PC Sales – Condition Contract Settlement
Document Approval is already maintained when either the Sales Rebate Processing or Sales Commissions - External Sales Representative scope item is active. Here, the assignment is part of the
business content. Anyway, you have to assign business catalog SAP_SD_BC_CC_WIREWORK_PC Sales – Condition Contract Rework to business role SAP_BR_CONTR_MGR_ROYALTIESCon-
tract Manager – Royalties.

2.4.1 Create Condition Records for Settlement Tax

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


To execute this scope item, the condition records for settlement tax RET0 must be created.
This chapter is for On-Premise edition only.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Com-

Step ments

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Purchaser. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Create Price Conditions - Purchasing (MEK1). The Create Condition Records screen displays.
Alternatively, you can log on to SAP GUI and use SAP Easy Access: SAP Menu > Logistics > Materials Management >
Purchasing > Master Data > Conditions > Other > Create (transaction code MEK1)

3 Enter Condition On the Create Condition Records screen, make the following entry and choose Enter: The Create Settlement Tax Condition (RET0) :
Type Condition Type: RET0 Fast Entry screen displays.

4 Create Tax Condi- On the Create Settlement Tax Condition (RET0): Fast Entry screen, make the following entries and choose Enter. The condition records with tax rate are dis-
tion Records Departure Ctry/Reg.: DE played.

Dest. Country/Region: DE
In Settlement Input Tax table, make the following entries and choose Enter.
Tax Ind.: <tax indicator>
Tax Code: <tax code>

5 Save the Condition Choose Save. The condition records are saved.

2.4.2 Prepare Transactional Data (Optional)


The business volume for royalties settlement is determined from billing documents. To prepare transactional test data, you can follow the Sell from Stock (BD9) scope item which describes the sales
process from a standard sales order to a billing document.
This step is required and can be executed before or after you create the condition contract and after each settlement run.
When you want to use the royalties recipient as business volume selection criterion, you enter the royalties recipient business partner ID for partner function RR Royalties Recipient on the Partner
tab for sales order items. When you enter the royalties recipient business partner ID on header level, the system copies it down to new sales order items.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Complete all the activities described in Sell from Stock (BD9) scope item's test script using the master data from this document.

Note If you want to use the optional link between Sell from Stock (BD9) scope item and Condition Contract Settlement, this reference only works if you use consistent master data (such as
business partner and material for the sales order and the royalty condition contract).

2.4.3 Define Condition Contract Process Variants (Optional)

This chapter describes the definition of condition contract process variants to also test variations of the core process. A process variant is used to define limited variations for condition contract main-
tenance and settlement that are configured for a condition contract type without changing the overall character of the process defined by a condition contract type. In this chapter, we describe process
variants for different purposes. Note that you can also combine settings from these process variants.
For the use of condition contract process variant, you must also enhance the account determination settings. The process variant is a key field in the relevant condition table. We describe how you
maintain account determination settings for the first process variant for approval workflow. Proceed in the same way for all other process variants that you want to test.
When you create a new sales rebate condition contract and you want to apply the process variations of a condition contract process variant, enter the condition contract process variant on the Basic
Data tab page. Define Process Variant for Using the Workflow

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you create a condition contract process variant to activate the workflow for royalties processing.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
Step # Comment

1 Open Customizing Activity Logistics - General > Settlement Management -- Condition Contract Management > Condition Contract The Change View Process Varients: Overview screen
Maintenance > Define Condition Contract Process Variants . displays.

2 Create Process Variant Choose New Entries.

3 Enter the Details On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, make the following entries and save: The process variant is created.
● Condition Contract Process Variant: ZR01 Royalties with Workflow
● Settlement Management Status Group: Royalties
● Default Application Status for Settlement Documents: Workflow Release Required
● Approval Process: 1 Approval Process Is Active

4 Assign Contract Type to the Double-click Condition Contract Types on the left of the screen. The relevant condition contract type is assigned to
Process Variant Choose New Entries and make the following entries: newly created process variant.

● Contract Type: 0RS1

Choose Save.

Note If you want to make use of the workflow feature, enter this condition contract process variant
when you create a new royalty condition contract. Define Process Variant for Tax Free Royalties

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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In this activity, you create a condition contract process variant which controls that royalties are treated tax-free.
Some countries, like the USA, do not have tax services. When royalties are regarded as a service, taxation will be set to zero for the royalties amount. Tax-free royalties are achieved with this process
variant in which you set the tax indicator for materials to zero. This tax indicator setting is transferred to pricing of a settlement run by a configured transfer rule.
If you want to treat royalties tax-free, make sure that you assign the condition contract process variant when you create a new condition contract.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 IMG Menu Logistics - General > Settlement Management > Condition Contract Management > Condition Contract The Change View Process Varients: Overview
Maintenance > Define Condition Contract Process Variants . screen displays.

2 Create Process Variant Choose New Entries.

3 Enter the Details On the New Entries: Details of Added Entries screen, make the following entries and save: The process variant is created.
● Condition Contract Process Variant:ZR02 Tax Free Royalties
● Settlement Management Status Group: Royalties
● Default Application Status for Settlement Documents: Released

4 Assign Contract Type to the Double-click Condition Contract Types on the left of the screen. The relevant condition contract type is assigned to
Process Variant Choose New Entries and make the following entry: newly created process variant.

● Contract Type: 0RS1

Choose Save.

5 Define Company Code Double-click Company Code Specific Settings on the left of the screen.
Specific Settings Choose New Entries and make the following entries:
● Company Code: 1010
● Tax Indicator for Material: 0
Choose Save.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you create a condition contract process variant to activate further split criteria defined in the profiles for business volume determination.
Split criteria for condition contract settlement – defined in Customizing in the profiles for business volume determination – are used to point up the contribution of different business objects to the
overall royalties amount. In the profile for business volume determination relevant for royalties settlement, some split criteria, such as material or profit center, are defined as always active. The
usage of these split criteria cannot be influenced with a condition contract process variant. But there are other split criteria which are defined as inactive until activated by a process variant. Note that
for the test of an additionally activated split criterion you also have to prepare the business volume data accordingly with different values for the split criterion.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 IMG Menu Logistics - General > Settlement Management > Condition Contract Management > Condition Contract The Change View “Process Variants”: Over-
Maintenance > Define Condition Contract Process Variants . view screen displays.

2 Create Process Variant Choose New Entries and make the following entry: The Process Variant is created.
● Condition Contract Process Variant: ZR03 Royalties Split Criteria Adaptation

3 Assign Contract Type to the Double-click Condition Contract Types on the left of the screen. The relevant condition contract type is assigned to
Process Variant Choose New Entries and make the following entry: newly created process variant.

● Contract Type: 0RS1

Choose Save.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
Step # Comment

4 Activate/Deactivate Split Select the Process Variant created before, and then double-click Split Criteria for Settlement on the left The split criteria usage is changed with the process
Criteria for Settlement of the screen. variant.
Choose New Entries and make the following entries:
● Profile: Royalties Settlement
● Field Name: Select from field help list, for example, AUFNR
● Usage as Split Criterion: Select from the drop down list as activation or deactivation
Click Enter and choose Save. Define Process Variant for Business Volume Selection Criteria Usage

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you create a condition contract process variant to change the usage of business volume selection criteria defined in the relevant set of field combinations.
To allow high flexibility in the business volume selection, the set of field combinations for royalties settlement provides many business volume selection criteria. However, this larger number can
complicate the maintenance of business volume selection criteria in the condition contract as the user needs to find the desired field combination in a long list when he wants to enter a new line. With
a suitable condition contract process variant, you can reduce the scope of business volume selection criteria to the relevant ones.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 IMG Menu Logistics - General > Settlement Management > Condition Contract Management > Condition The Change View “Process Variants”: Over-
Contract Maintenance > Define Condition Contract Process Variants . view screen displays.

2 Create Process Variant Choose New Entries and make the following entry: The Process Variant is created.
● Condition Contract Process Variant: ZR04 Royalties Selection Criteria

4 Assign Contract Type to the Process Vari- Double-click Condition Contract Types on the left of the screen. The relevant condition contract type is assigned to
ant Choose New Entries and make the following entry: newly created process variant.

● Contract Type: 0RS1

Choose Save.

3 Change the Usage of Selection Criteria for Double-click Business Volume Selection Criteria on the left of the screen. The usage of field combination is changed with
Business Volume Determination Choose New Entries and make the following entries: the process variant.

● Set of Field Combinations: 0R01 Royalties Settlement

● Field Combination: Select from field help list, for example, 0035
● Usage of Field Combination: Select from the dropdown list as used or not used
Choose Save.

Note If you want to have the selection criteria usage changed, you need to make sure this
criteria is maintained in the business volume profile. Maintain Automatic Account Determination

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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In this activity, you maintain automatic account determination for specific condition contract process variants.

Test Step Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# Name ment

1 IMG Menu Logistics - General > Settlement Management > Basic Settings > Account Determination > Revenue Account Determination (SD) > The Assign G/L Accounts screen
Assign G/L Accounts (VKOA) displays.

2 Select Table Double-click on table 16.

3 Add New Choose New Entries, make the following entries and choose Save: The G/L account assignment is
Entry ● Application: V saved.

● Condition Type: KORR(Royalties Settlement)

● Chart of Accounts: YCOA
● Company Code: 1010
● Contract Process Variant: ZR01
● Account Key: 0R1(Royalties Settlement)
● G/L Account: 61500200
● Accruals Account: 21772000

2.4.4 Configure Approval Workflow (Optional)

If you want to test the approval workflow as one of the possible process variations, you have to maintain additional workflow settings and define teams and responsibilities. In contrast to sales re-
bates and sales commission processing, SAP currently does not provide a dedicated business role for a manager who monitors the royalties processing. Such a role within the Financial Operations
area is planned when further scope items for Settlement Management will be provided. Because of that, SAP abstained from an assignment of workflow relevant business catalogs to business roles
for royalties processing in the business content. Accordingly, this is the first step you have to do when maintaining workflow settings as described in chapter Create Business Roles for Workflow
To establish the workflow, the Sales Manager is created in this test script as business role for approval steps. In principle, you can choose and create another business role. Note that the assignment
of business catalogs SAP_SD_BC_CC_WIAPPROVE (Sales – Condition Contract Approval) and SAP_SD_BC_SDOC_WIAPRV (Sales – Condition Contract Settlement Document Approval) is
already maintained when either the Sales Rebate Processing or Sales Commissions - External Sales Representative scope item is active. Here, the assignment is part of the business content. Anyway,
you need to create a new business role with business catalog SAP_SD_BC_CC_WIREWORK (Sales – Condition Contract Rework) and assign user SAP_BR_CONTR_MGR_ROYALTIES ( Contract
Manager – Royalties) to it.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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To enable the workflow processing for Contract Manager – Royalties and Sales Manager, you first need to create new business roles with workflow relevant business catalogs.
You use transaction code PFCG to create a new business role with business catalog SAP_SD_BC_CC_WIREWORK (Sales – Condition Contract Rework) to which you assign user
SAP_BR_CONTR_MGR_ROYALTIES (Contract Manager – Royalties).
In the same way, you create a new business role with business catalogs SAP_SD_BC_CC_WIAPPROVE (Sales – Condition Contract Approval) and SAP_SD_BC_SDOC_WIAPRV (Sales – Condi-
tion Contract Settlement Document Approval) to which you assign user SAP_BR_SALES_MANAGER (Sales Manager). Manage Teams and Responsibilities

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you maintain the teams and responsibilities for royalties settlement workflow.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Business Process Specialist. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

2 Access the App Open Manage Teams and Responsibilities (F2412). The Manage Teams and Responsibilities screen

3 Create a New Team Choose Create. The Team screen displays.

4 Enter General Information Make the following entries and choose Enter: The team is created.
● Name: for example, <CCM_TEST_TEAM_SD_(Country Code)>
● Description: for example, <Condition Contract Management Team Sales (Country
● Status: Enabled
● Type: Sales Condition Contract Team Type (SCMTV)
● Condition Contract Category: 0R

5 Add Team Members In Team Members, choose Create. The Team screen displays.
From Items section, select a business partner checkbox and choose OK.
Business Partner: <Sales_Manager>

6 Add Function to Team In the Functions field, choose Select. In the Select: Functions window, choose the following functions, The team is saved.
Members and choose OK.
SCCM_F1: Condition Contract Release Approval
SCCM_F2: Condition Contract Settlement Release Approval
Choose Save to save the team.

7 Create a New Team Go back and choose Create. The Team screen displays.

8 Enter General Information Make the following entries and choose Enter: The team is created.
● Name: for example, <STLMT_TEST_TEAM_SD_(Country Code)>
● Description: for example, <Settlement Management Team Sales (Country Name)>
● Status: Enabled
● Type: Settlement Management (SMT)
● SettlmtDocType: 0R11

9 Add Team Members In Team Members, choose Create. The Team screen displays.
From Items section, select a Business Partner checkbox and choose OK.
Business Partner: <Sales_Manager>

10 Add Function to Team In the Functions field, choose Select. In the Select: Functions window, choose the following functions, The team is saved.

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Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

and choose OK.

STLMTAPR: <Settlement Document Approver>
Choose Create.

11 Check Team Status Navigate to the Manage Teams and Responsibilities worklist, and verify the status of the team by selecting The team status is enabled.
The status should be Enabled. Manage Workflow for Condition Contracts - Release Contract

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you maintain workflow settings for the release of condition contracts.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Configuration Expert - Business Process Configuration. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

2 Access the App Open Manage Workflows for Condition Contracts (F3680). The Manage Workflows screen

3 Select Relevant Work- Select Release Condition Contract in the top left dropdown list. The New Workflow screen displays.
flow Choose Create.

4 Enter General Informa- Make the following entry: The New Step screen displays.
tion ● Workflow Name: Workflow for Release of Condition Contract - Single Step Level
Under Steps, choose Create.

5 Input Details Make the following entries: The New Workflow screen displays.
● Step Type: Release of Condition Contract
● Role: Condition Contract Release Approval
In the Exception Handling section, make the following settings for Rework Condition Contract:
● Required Action: Rework of Condition Contract
● Action Result: Restart Workflow
Choose Create.

6 Save Workflow Choose Save. The Workflow Details screen dis-


7 Activate Workflow Choose Activate. The workflow is activated. Manage Workflow for Condition Contracts - Release Settlement

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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In this activity, you maintain workflow settings to release the settlement for condition contracts.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Configuration Expert - Business Process Configuration. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Manage Workflows for Condition Contracts (F3680). The Manage Workflows screen

3 Select Relevant Work- Select Settlement Release of Condition Contract in the top left dropdown list. The New Workflow screen displays.
flow Choose Create.

4 Enter General Informa- Make the following entry: The New Step screen displays.
tion ● Workflow Name: Workflow for Settlement Release of Cond. Contract - Single Step
Choose Create under the Steps.

5 Input Workflow Details Make the following entries: The New Workflow screen displays.
● Step Type: Release of Condition Contract for Settlement
● Role: Condition Contract Settlement Release Approval
● Required Action for Rework Condition Contract: Rework of Condition Contract for Settlement
● Action Result: Restart Workflow
Choose Create.

6 Save Workflow Choose Save. The Workflow Details screen dis-


7 Activate Workflow Choose Activate. The workflow is activated.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

¡Error! Utilice la pestaña Inicio para aplicar Heading 1 al texto que desea que aparezca aquí. PUBLIC 21 Manage Workflow for Settlement Documents

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this activity, you maintain workflow settings for the release of settlement documents related to condition contracts.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Configuration Expert - Business Process Configuration. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Manage Workflows for Settlement Documents (F3681). The Manage Workflows screen dis-

3 Create New Workflow Choose Create. The New Workflow screen displays.

4 Enter General Informa- Make the following entry: The New Step screen displays.
tion ● Workflow Name: <Workflow for the Approval of Settlement Document (To Account-
Under Steps, choose Create.

5 Input Details Make the following entries: The New Workflow screen displays.
● Step Type: Release of Settlement Document
● Role: Settlement Document Approver

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

Choose Create.

6 Create New Step Under Steps, choose Create. The New Step screen displays.

7 Input Details Make the following entry: The New Workflow screen displays.
● Step Type: Automatic Change of Settlement Document Status
Choose Create.

8 Save Workflow Choose Save. The Workflow Details screen displays.

9 Activate Workflow Choose Activate. The workflow is activated.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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3 Overview Table

This scope item consists of several process steps provided in the table below:

Note If your system administrator has enabled spaces and pages on the SAP Fiori launchpad, the homepage will only contain the essential apps for performing the typical tasks of a business
You can find all other apps not included on the homepage using the search bar.
If you want to personalize the homepage and include the hidden apps, navigate to your user profile and choose App Finder.

Process Step Business Role Transaction /App Name Expected Resul-


Royalties Settlement Processing

Create Condition Contract for a Licenser as Condition Contract Partner [page ] 27 Contract Manager - Royal- Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414)

Check Business Volume (Optional) [page ] 31 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Display Business Volume - Condition Contracts (WB2R_BUSVOL)

Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional) [page ] 32 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Settle Condition Contracts (WB2R_SV)

Check Settlement Document for Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional) [page ] 33 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Manage Settlement Documents (F3254)

Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional) [page ] 35 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Display Business Volume - Condition Contracts (WB2R_BUSVOL)

Check Settlement Document for Partial Settlement (Optional) [page ] 36 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Manage Settlement Documents (F3254)

Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals [page ] 38 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Settle Condition Contracts (WB2R_SV)

Check Settlement Document for Final Settlement (Optional) [page ] 40 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Manage Settlement Documents (F3254)

Two-Step Royalties Settlement Processing

Create Two-Step Condition Contract for a Licenser as Condition Contract Partner [page ] Contract Manager - Royal- Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414)
40 ties

Check Business Volume (Optional) [page ] 44 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Display Business Volume - Condition Contracts (WB2R_BUSVOL)

Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional) [page ] 44 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Settle Condition Contracts (WB2R_SV)

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Process Step Business Role Transaction /App Name Expected Resul-

Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional) [page ] 44 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Display Business Volume - Condition Contracts (WB2R_BUSVOL)

Collect Parked Settlement Documents for Transfer to Accounting (Optional) [page ] 45 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Collect Settlement Documents (WZRC)

Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals [page ] 46 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Display Business Volume - Condition Contracts (WB2R_BUSVOL)

Collect Parked Settlement Documents From Final Settlement [page ] 46 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Collect Settlement Documents (WZRC)

Royalties Settlement Processing with Approval Workflow

Create Condition Contract for a Licenser as Condition Contract Partner [page ] 47 Contract Manager - Royal- Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414)

Request Approval to Release Condition Contract [page ] 51 Contract Manager - Royal- Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414)

Trigger Rework of Condition Contract (Optional) [page ] 52 Sales Manager My Inbox - All Items (F0862)

Rework Condition Contract (Optional) [page ] 53 Sales Manager My Inbox - All Items (F0862)

Release Condition Contract [page ] 54 Sales Manager My Inbox - All Items (F0862)

Check Business Volume (Optional) [page ] 55 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Display Business Volume - Condition Contracts (WB2R_BUSVOL)

Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional) [page ] 44 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Display Business Volume - Condition Contracts (WB2R_BUSVOL)

Request Release of Condition Contract for Settlement [page ] 56 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414)

Release Condition Contract for Settlement [page ] 57 Sales Manager My Inbox - All Items (F0862)

Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional) [page ] 58 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Display Business Volume - Condition Contracts (WB2R_BUSVOL)

Approve Release of Partial Settlement Document to Accounting (Optional) [page ] 58 Sales Manager My Inbox - All Items (F0862)

Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals [page ] 59 Sales Manager My Inbox - All Items (F0862)

Approve Release of Final Settlement Document to Accounting [page ] 59 Sales Manager My Inbox - All Items (F0862)

Final Settlement with Adjustments (Optional) [page ] 59 Contract Manager - Royal- Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414)

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Process Step Business Role Transaction /App Name Expected Resul-

Royalties Unlikelihood (Optional) [page ] 61 Contract Manager - Royal- Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414)

Reverse Settlement Document (Optional) [page ] 62 Settlement Clerk - Royalties Reverse Settlement Documents - Condition Contracts

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4 Test Procedures

This chapter comprises the test procedures for different royalties settlement scenarios covered by this scope item.
The first section Royalties Settlement Processing describes the basic royalties settlement scenario with the creation of the corresponding condition contract and the execution of the delta accruals,
partial and final settlement. Settlement documents created in partial settlements and in the final settlement are immediately released to accounting.
The second section Two-Step Royalties Settlement Processing describes an alternative settlement procedure when you have several royalties agreements with the same licenser. In the partial settle-
ments and in the final settlement for the different condition contracts you first create so called parked settlement documents that are not transferred to accounting. In a second step you collect the
parked settlement documents to create a collective settlement document which is then transferred in one journal entry to accounting. Thus you reduce the workload for the accounting module and
you have the information for the royalties settlement with a licenser in one journal entry.
The third section Royalties Settlement Processing with Approval Workflow describes how you can include approval steps in the royalties settlement processing. The description refers to the basic
royalties settlement scenario but it can be applied similar for the two-step settlement scenario. The approval workflow comprises three feature: approval for the release of a condition contract, for the
settlement of a condition contract, and for the settlement document for a transfer to accounting. You can choose whether you want to use one of these features, or two or all three.
Finally, we describe three special cases. First, you can use this scope item to process royalties for service contracts in combination with the allocation of expenses regarding the accounting periods of
the service contract duration. Secondly, it is shown how you can maintain conditions for adjusting the (final) settlement amount in the condition contract, and thirdly how you maintain an unlikeli-
hood condition in a condition contract for the case that a royalties eligibility will probably not be reached.

4.1 Royalties Settlement Processing

4.1.1 Create Condition Contract for a Licenser as Condition Contract Partner

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you create a condition contract for a licenser as condition contract partner.

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /

Step Fail /
# Com-

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as Contract Manager - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414). The Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties screen displays.

3 Select Condition On the Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties screen, choose Create.
Contract Type Select the following Condition Contract Type:
● Royalties Settlement 0RS1

4 Enter Condition On the Create Royalties Settlement screen, make the following entries and choose Enter:
Contract Details ● Supplier: 10300096
● From: for example, <today's date>
● To: for example, <end of current year>

5 Enter Purchasing On the Purchasing tab, make and check the following entries:
Data ● Purch. Organization: 1010
● Purchasing Group: 001
● Company Code: 1010

6 Enter Header Text On the Header Texts tab page, make and check the following entries: The header text will be shown in the corresponding settlement documents.
● Text Type: Text for Settlement Document Note Choose German if communication language of business partner is
● Language: English German. If the language English is mentioned then the text will not
Choose Create Header Text and enter the header text. appear in the output form as in the German business partners the com-
munication language German is maintained.

7 Enter Business On the Business Volume Selection Criteria tab, choose New Line.
Volume Selection Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Field Combination: (optional) 0009 Material
● Inclusion Indicator (Incl/Excl): Inclusive
● Material: TG11
Select New Line.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Field Combination: 0025 Royalties Recipient

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-

● Inclusion Indicator (Incl/Excl): Inclusive

● Royalties Recipient: 10300096
Optionally, you can also limit the business volume to certain customers using field combination
0001 Customer.

Note When you want to use the royalties recipient as business volume selection criterion,
you have to enter the royalties recipient in sales order items for partner function RR. When
you have already created such sales orders when processing scope item Sell from Stock
(BD9), you enter here the royalties recipient you have used.

8 Check/Enter On the Settlement Data tab, check the following entry:

Settlement Data ● Settlement Type Supplier: As Accounts Payable
If required, enter a settlement material:
● Settlement Material: for example, TG11

Note The entry of a settlement material is required for the case that no material can be determined
from the business volume. This is always the case for Fixed Amount condition contracts but can
also happen when you do a settlement before you have created transactional documents.

9 Enter Settlement On the Settlement Calendar tab, select New Line.

Calendar Make the following entries and press Enter.
● Settlement Date: for example, <validity end of condition contract>
● Settlement Date Type: Final Settlement
Select New Line.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Settlement Date: for example, <tomorrow's date>
● Settlement Date Type: Partial Settlement
Select New Line.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Settlement Date: for example, <today's date>
● Settlement Date Type: Delta Accruals

Note The creation of the line with Settlement Date Type: Delta Accruals is optional. The creation
of the line with Settlement Date Type: Partial Settlement is optional.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-

10 Enter Condition In the Conditions area, select New Condition:

Data Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Condition Type: RRS1 Royalties
● Condition Rate: for example, <1%>
● Valid From: for example, <today's date>
● Valid To: for example, <validity end of condition contract>
● Scale Base Type: Value scale

11 Enter Scale Data Select the condition line.

Choose New Scale Level.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Scales: for example, <1000>
● Unit: EUR
● Condition Rate: for example, <1%>
Select the first created condition line.
Choose New Scale Level.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Scales: for example, <2000>
● Unit: EUR
● Condition Rate: for example, <2%>

12 Enter Condition In the Conditions area, select New Condition.

Data Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Condition Type: RRA1 Royalties Accruals
● Condition Rate: for example, <2%>
● Valid From: for example, <today's date>
● Valid To: for example, <validity end of condition contract>

Note This condition is used to calculate the amount for accruals.

13 Release Condition Choose Release.


14 Save Condition Choose Save.

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-

Contract Make a note of the condition contract number:

Document xxxxxxxxxx was saved

4.1.2 Check Business Volume (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you check the business volume for the condition contract.


Use this step if you have prepared transactional data to create billing documents related to a condition contract for a licenser.


You can repeat this process step at every point in time in the test procedure. It’s recommendable to check the business volume before you start a settlement run to enable a control of the business
volume determined for a settlement document.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Commen-

# ts

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Settlement Clerk - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Display Business Volume - Condition Contracts (WB2R_BUSVOL). The Business Volume for Condition Contracts screen displays

3 Select Condition Contract On the Business Volume for Condition Contracts screen, make the following entries:
● Condition Contract: <number of condition contract created in
this test>.
● Business Volumn Base: From Contract
● Output Level Business Volumn: Settlement Date and Split Criteria

4 Check Business Volume for Condition Choose Execute. Business volume is determined based on the existing billing
Contracts documents.

4.1.3 Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you create a delta accruals settlement for the condition contract. With this delta accruals settlement you post accruals for the billing documents related to the condition contract.

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Use this step if you have prepared transactional data for the condition contract for a licenser.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Comments


1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Settlement Clerk - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Settle Condition Contracts (WB2R_SV). The Settlement of Supplier Condition Contracts screen dis-

3 Select Condition Con- On the Settlement of Supplier Condition Contracts screen, make the following entries and choose Exe- Settlement document for posting delta accruals is created.
tract cute:
● Settlement Date: for example, <today's date>
● Settlement Date Type: 3 Delta Accruals
● Condition Contract: <number of condition contract created in this test>
● Posting Date: for example, <today's date>
● Document Date: for example, <today's date>
● Run Type: Live Run
● List Range: Message Log
● Save Application Log: Only in Productive Run
● Message Log Filter: No Filter

4 Check Log Check the log of the delta accruals settlement.

Make a note of the settlement document created.

4.1.4 Check Settlement Document for Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

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Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you check the settlement document and accounting document for the delta accruals settlement.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Settlement Clerk - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Manage Settlement Documents (F3254). The Manage Settlement Documents screen displays.

3 Display Docu- In the Settlement Documents table, find the settlement document for the delta accruals The Settlement Document screen displays.
ment Data settlement and click the corresponding line.

4 Check FI Posting In the header area, check the posting status for the data transferred to Accounting. The posting status is Accounting document has been created (C).

5 Check Reference Under General Information > Basic Settlement Data, check the reference information. Under Reference Information, field Reference contains the number of the settlement
Information document, and field Assignment contains the number of the condition contract.

6 Check Document Under Items, check the items of the settlement documents. The system has created the items according to the split criteria.

7 Check Pricing of Click an item in the table. On the following Settlement Document Item screen, under The system has determined the relevant business volume and displays it for condition
Items Pricing Elements, check the pricing elements of the settlement document item. type RRBV Royalties Bus Volume.
Repeat this step for all items. The system has calculated the accruals amount with the relevant conditions maintained
in the condition contract.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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4.1.5 Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you create a partial settlement for the condition contract.


Use this step if you have prepared transactional data related to this royalty condition contract.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Com-

Step # ments

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Settlement Clerk - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Settle Condition Contracts (WB2R_SV). The Settlement of Supplier Condition Contracts screen displays.

3 Select Condition On the Settlement of Supplier Condition Contracts screen, make the following The Log for Supplier Condition Contract Settlement screen displays. A settlement docu-
Contract Type entries and choose Execute. ment is created. Accruals are reversed.
● Settlement Date: for example, <tomorrow's date>
● Settlement Date Type: 1 Partial Settlement
● Condition Contract: <number of condition contract cre-
ated in this test>

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Com-
Step # ments

● Posting Date: for example, <today's date>

● Document Date: for example, <today's date>
● Run Type: Live Run
● List Range: Message Log
● Save Application Log: Only in Productive Run
● Message Log Filter: No Filter
Take a note of the number of the invoice created.

4.1.6 Check Settlement Document for Partial Settlement (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you check the settlement document and accounting document for partial settlement.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass /

Step # Name Fail /

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Settlement The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.
Clerk - Royalties.

2 Access the Open Manage Settlement Documents (F3254). The Manage Settlement Document screen displays.

3 Display In the Settlement Documents table, find the settlement The Settlement Document screen displays.
Document document for the partial settlement and click the
Data corresponding line.

4 Check FI In the header area, check the posting status for the data The posting status is Accounting document has been created (C).
Posting transferred to Accounting.

5 Check Refe- Under General Information > Basic Settlement Data, Under Reference Information, field Reference contains the number of the settlement document, and field Assignment contains
rence Infor- check the reference information. the number of the condition contract.

6 Check Par- Under Partner Data, check the partner information. You see the partner data maintained in the master data.
tner Data

7 Check Docu- Under Items, check the items of the settlement docu- The system has created the items according to the split criteria.
ment Items ments.

8 Check Pri- Click an item in the table. On the following Settlement The system has determined the relevant business volume and displays it for condition type RRBV Royalties Bus Volume. The
cing of Items Document Item screen, under Pricing Elements, check system has calculated the rebate amount with condition type RRS1 maintained in the condition contract and the input tax with
the pricing elements of the settlement document item. the percentage for full tax. The system shows the amount of reversed accruals for condition type RRA2 and the amount for
Repeat this step for all the items. excess accruals for condition type RRA5.

9 Check Ou- Go back to the Settlement Document screen, under You see the output print form.
tput Output Items, check the output items.
Find the item with Channel: Printout and choose Open
File under Display.

10 Check Jour- Under Document Flow, choose the main customer You see the financial posting as below.
nal Entries journal entries. Click the icon right to the box and
select Display Journal Entries from the pop-up win-

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step # Name Fail /

11 Check Texts Go back to the Manage Settlement Documents screen. For text type Contract Text for Output/Forms, you see the text maintained in the condition contract for text type Text for Settle-
In the Settlement Documents table, click the settlement ment Document.
document number and select Display Settlement
Document from the pop-up window.
Choose Header Texts. Under Texts, check the text

Financial Posting

G/L Account Debit Credit

21100000 0 <sales rebate amount + input tax>

61500200 <sales rebate amount> 0

12600000 <input tax> 0

61500200 0 <accruals reversal amount>

21772000 <accruals reversal amount> 0

Printing Form

Note For OP system, follow the note 2248229 to enable the BRFplus function.

4.1.7 Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

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Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


This process step shows you how to create a final settlement for the condition contract.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Com-

Step # ments

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Settlement Clerk - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Settle Condition Contracts (WB2R_SV). The Settlement of Supplier Condition Contracts screen displays.

3 Select Condition On the Settlement of Supplier Condition Contracts screen, make the The Log for Supplier Condition Contract Settlement screen displays. A settlement document repre-
Contract Type following entries and choose Execute. senting a supplier invoice is created. Accruals are reversed.
● Settlement Date: for example, <end of current year
● Settlement Date Type: Final Settlement
● Condition Contract: <Number of condition contract
created in this test>
● Posting Date: for example, <today's date>
● Document Date: for example, <today's date>
● Run Type: Live Run
● List Range: Message Log
● Save Application Log: Only in Productive Run
● Message Log Filter: No Filter
Take a note of the number of the invoice created.

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4.1.8 Check Settlement Document for Final Settlement (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>

Please follow process steps of chapter Check Settlement Document for Partial Settlement (Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.
Note the following difference: for the pricing elements of the settlement document items, check that all accruals are reversed. That means the amount for excess accruals for condition type RRA5 is

4.2 Two-Step Royalties Settlement Processing

4.2.1 Create Two-Step Condition Contract for a Licenser as Condition Contract Partner

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you create a condition contract for a licenser as condition contract partner involving a settlement in two steps.
More than one condition contract is required for two-step condition contract processing. Please follow below process steps to create more than one condition contracts for further processing.

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /

Step Fail /
# Com-

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as Contract Manager - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414). The Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties screen displays.

3 Select Condition On the Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties screen, choose Create.
Contract Type Select the following Condition Contract Type: Royalties Settlement,2step 0RS2

4 Enter Condition On the Create Royalties Settlement, 2step screen, make the following entries and press Enter:
Contract Details ● Supplier: 10300096
● From: for example, <today's date>
● To: for example, <end of current year>

5 Enter Purchasing On the Purchasing tab, make and check the following entries:
Data ● Purch. Organization: 1010
● Purchasing group: 001
● Company Code: 1010

6 Enter Header Text On the Header Texts tab page, make and check the following entries: The header text will be shown in the corresponding settlement documents.
● Text Type: Text for Settlement Document Note Choose German if communication language of business partner is
● Language: English German. If the language English is mentioned then the text will not
Choose Create Header Text and enter the header text. appear in the output form as in the German business partners the com-
munication language German is maintained.

7 Enter Business On the Business Volume Selection Criteria tab, choose New Line.
Volume Selection Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Field Combination: (optional) 0009 Material
● Inclusion Indicator (Incl/Excl): Inclusive
● Material: TG11
Choose New Line.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Field Combination: 0025 Royalties Recipient
● Inclusion Indicator (Incl/Excl): Inclusive

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-

● Royalties Recipient: 10300096

Optionally, you can also limit the business volume to certain customers using field combination
0001 Customer.

Note When you want to use the royalties recipient as business volume selection criterion,
you have to enter the royalties recipient in sales order items for partner function RR. When
you have already created such sales orders when processing scope item Sell from Stock
(BD9), you enter here the royalties recipient you have used.

8 Check/Enter On the Settlement Data tab, check the following entry:

Settlement Data ● Settlement Type Supplier: As Accounts Payable
If required, enter a settlement material:
● Settlement Material: for example, TG11

Note The entry of a settlement material is required for the case that no material can be determined
from the business volume. This is always the case for Fixed Amount condition contracts but can
also happen when you do a settlement before you have created transactional documents.

9 Enter Settlement On the Settlement Calendar tab, select New Line.

Calendar Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Settlement Date: for example, <validity end of condition contract>
● Settlement Date Type: Final Settlement
Select New Line.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Settlement Date: for example, <tomorrow's date>
● Settlement Date Type: Partial Settlement
Select New Line.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Settlement Date: for example, <today's date>
● Settlement Date Type: Delta Accruals

Note The creation of the line with Settlement Date Type: Delta Accruals is optional. The creation
of the line with Settlement Date Type: Partial Settlement is optional.

10 Enter Condition In the Conditions area, select New Condition:

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-

Data Make the following entries and press Enter.

● Condition Type: RRS1 Royalties
● Condition Rate: for example, <1%>
● Valid From: for example, <today's date>
● Valid To: for example, <validity end of condition contract>
● Scale Base Type: Value scale

11 Enter Scale Data Select the condition line.

Choose New Scale Level.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Scales: for example, <1000>
● Unit: EUR
● Condition Rate: for example, <1%>
Select the first created condition line.
Choose New Scale Level.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Scales: for example, <2000>
● Unit: EUR
● Condition Rate: for example, <2%>

12 Enter Condition In the Conditions area, select New Condition.

Data Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Condition Type: RRA1 Royalties Accruals
● Condition Rate: for example, <2%>
● Valid From: for example, <today's date>
● Valid To: for example, <validity end of condition contract>

Note This condition is used to calculate the amount for accruals.

13 Release Condition Choose Release.


14 Save Condition Choose Save.

Contract Make a note of the condition contract number:

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-

Document xxxxxxxxxx was saved


4.2.2 Check Business Volume (Optional)

As described for the basic processing variant, also check the business volume in this test procedure before you start a settlement run to enable a control of the business volume determined for a settle-
ment document.
Please follow process steps of chapter Check Business Volume (Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.

4.2.3 Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional)

Please follow process steps of chapter Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.
On the selection screen, enter the different condition contracts belonging to this test.
After you have processed the delta accruals settlement you can optionally check the created settlement documents as described in chapter Check Settlement Document for Delta Accruals Settlement
(Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.

4.2.4 Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional)

Please follow process steps of chapter Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.
On the selection screen, enter the different condition contracts belonging to this test.
After you have processed the partial settlement you can optionally check the created parked settlement documents as described in chapter Check Settlement Document for Partial Settlement (Op-
tional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.
Note the following differences: The posting status is Blocked for Accounting. Accordingly, there is no journal entry related to a parked settlement document. In addition, there is also no output re-
lated to a parked settlement document.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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4.2.5 Collect Parked Settlement Documents for Transfer to Accounting (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


This process step shows you how to collect parked settlement documents from partial settlement in order to create a collective settlement document for transfer to accounting.


As prerequisite for this process step, you have created several condition contracts with condition contract type 0RS2 Royalties Settlement, 2 step and you have performed the partial
settlement for these condition contracts as described in chapter Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional) [page ] 35.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Com-

# ments

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Settlement Clerk - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access Collect Settlement Open Collect Settlement Documents (WZRC). The Create Collective Documents from Settlement Docu-
Documents On the Create Collective Documents from Settlement Documents screen, make the following entries ments screen displays.
and choose Execute.
● Document Number: <numbers of settlement documents for partial set-
tlements created before>
● Check Run Only: <do not select>

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Note After you have processed this step you can optionally check the created collective settlement document as described in chapter Check Settlement Document for Partial Settlement (Op-
tional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.

4.2.6 Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals

Please follow process steps of chapter Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals in section Royalties Settlement Processing.
On the selection screen, enter the different condition contracts belonging to this test.
After you have processed the final settlement you can optionally check the created parked settlement documents as described in chapter Check Settlement Document for Partial Settlement (Optional)
in section Royalties Settlement Processing.
Note the following differences: The posting status is Blocked for Accounting. Accordingly, there is not journal entry related to a parked settlement document. In addition, there is also no output
related to a parked settlement document.

4.2.7 Collect Parked Settlement Documents From Final Settlement

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


This process step shows you how to collect parked settlement documents from final settlement in order to create a collective settlement document for transfer to accounting.


As prerequisite for this process step, you have created several condition contracts with condition contract type 0RS2 Royalties Settlement, 2 step and you have performed the final
settlement for these condition contracts as described in chapter Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals [page ] 38.

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Process the steps described in the chapter Collect Parked Settlement Documents for Transfer to Accounting (Optional) [page ] 45.

Note After you have processed this step you can optionally check the created collective settlement document as described in chapter Check Settlement Document for Final Settlement (Optional)
in section Royalties Settlement Processing.

4.3 Royalties Settlement Processing with Approval Workflow

4.3.1 Create Condition Contract for a Licenser as Condition Contract Partner

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you create a condition contract with approval process active for a licenser as condition contract partner.


As prerequisite for this process step, you have completed the steps mentioned in preliminary steps for creating a process variant to activate the approval process and for configuring approval work-
flow in Configure Approval Workflow (Optional).

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In the following steps, we show how to create a condition contract for condition contract type 0RS1 Royalties Settlement with activated approval process.

Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /

Step Fail /
# Com-

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as Contract Manager - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414). The Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties screen displays.

3 Select Condition On the Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties screen, choose Create.
Contract Type Select the following Condition Contract Type: Royalties Settlement 0RS1

4 Enter Condition On the Create Royalties Settlement screen, make the following entries and press Enter:
Contract Details ● Supplier: 10300096
● From: for example, <today's date>
● To: for example, <end of current year>

5 Enter Purchasing On the Purchasing tab, make and check the following entries:
Data ● Purch. Organization: 1010
● Purchasing group: 001
● Company Code: 1010

6 Enter Process On the Basic Data screen, make the following entry and choose Enter:
Variant ● Process Variant: ZR01 (Royalties with Workflow)

7 Enter Header Text On the Header Texts tab page, make and check the following entries: The header text will be shown in the corresponding settlement documents.
● Text Type: Text for Settlement Document Note Choose German if communication language of business partner is
● Language: English German. If the language English is mentioned then the text will not
Choose Create Header Text and enter the header text. appear in the output form as in the German business partners the com-
munication language German is maintained.

8 Enter Business On the Business Volume Selection Criteria tab, choose New Line.
Volume Selection Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Field Combination: (optional) 0009 Material
● Inclusion Indicator (Incl/Excl): Inclusive

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-

● Material: TG11
Choose New Line.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Field Combination: 0025 Royalties Recipient
● Inclusion Indicator (Incl/Excl): Inclusive
● Royalties Recipient: 10300096
Optionally, you can also limit the business volume to certain customers using field combination
0001 Customer.

Note When you want to use the royalties recipient as business volume selection criterion,
you have to enter the royalties recipient in sales order items for partner function RR. When
you have already created such sales orders when processing scope item Sell from Stock
(BD9), you enter here the royalties recipient you have used.

9 Check/Enter On the Settlement Data tab, check the following entry:

Settlement Data ● Settlement Type Supplier: As Accounts Payable
If required, enter a settlement material:
● Settlement Material: for example, TG11

Note The entry of a settlement material is required for the case that no material can be determined
from the business volume. This is always the case for Fixed Amount condition contracts but can
also happen when you do a settlement before you have created transactional documents.

10 Enter Settlement On the Settlement Calendar tab, select New Line.

Calendar Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Settlement Date: for example, <validity end of condition contract>
● Settlement Date Type: Final Settlement
Select New Line.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Settlement Date: for example, <tomorrow's date>
● Settlement Date Type: Partial Settlement
Select New Line.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Settlement Date: for example, <today's date>
● Settlement Date Type: Delta Accruals

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-

Note The creation of the line with Settlement Date Type: Delta Accruals is optional. The creation
of the line with Settlement Date Type: Partial Settlement is optional.

11 Enter Condition In the Conditions area, select New Condition:

Data Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Condition Type: RRS1 Royalties
● Condition Rate: for example, <1%>
● Valid From: for example, <today's date>
● Valid To: for example, <validity end of condition contract>
● Scale Base Type: Value scale

12 Enter Scale Data Select the condition line.

Choose New Scale Level.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Scales: for example, <1000>
● Unit: EUR
● Condition Rate: for example, <1%>
Select the first created condition line.
Choose New Scale Level.
Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Scales: for example, <2000>
● Unit: EUR
● Condition Rate: for example, <2%>

13 Enter Condition In the Conditions Area, select New Condition.

Data Make the following entries and choose Enter.
● Condition Type: RRA1 Royalties Accruals
● Condition Rate: for example, <2%>
● Valid From: for example, <today's date>
● Valid To: for example, <validity end of condition contract>

Note This condition is used to calculate the amount for accruals.

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-

14 Save Condition Choose Save.

Contract Make a note of the condition contract number:
Document xxxxxxxxxx was saved

4.3.2 Request Approval to Release Condition Contract

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you request an approval for releasing a royalty condition contract.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Contract Manager - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414). The Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties screen displays.

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Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

3 Request Release of Condition Find the condition contract for which you want to request an approval The status for the condition contract now should be:
Contract for release. ● New
Choose Change Condition Contract after clicking condition contract ● Approval Requested
The condition contract with the request for release approval goes to Sales
Choose Menu > Edit > Request Approval . Manager's Inbox.
Choose Save.

4.3.3 Trigger Rework of Condition Contract (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you check the status of a royalty condition contract and trigger a rework of the condition contract.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Sales Manager. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open My Inbox - All Items (F0862). The My Inbox screen displays.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
Step # Comment

3 Display the Relevant Condition Con- Find the condition contract for which Contract Manager - Royalties has requested for release: The details of the condition contract display on the
tract Release Condition Contract XXXXXXXXXXX. right of the screen.

4 Check Condition Contract Data and Check the Settlement Lock Status and Status of the condition contract. The condition contract is sent back to Contract
Send Back for Rework Now the settlement lock status is Not Locked and the status is New. Manager - Royalties.

As the Contract Manager - Royalties has not set the status to Locked for Settlement, click Re-
On the Submit Decision pop-up window, enter a decision note: for example, please set the
condition contract to Locked for Settlement.
Choose Submit.

4.3.4 Rework Condition Contract (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you rework on a royalty condition contract in order to set the Locked for Settlement status.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Contract Manager - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open My Inbox - All Items (F0862). The My Inbox screen displays.

3 Check the Condition Con- Open the notification: Rework Condition Contract XXXXXXXXXXX. You check the comment from the Sales Manager
tract and Go to Change Mode Choose Show Details at the bottom and check the comments on the right side of the screen. Under the Com- and go to the change mode for condition contract.
ments tab, there is a message from the Sales Manager: please set the condition contract to Locked for Settle-
Choose Hide Details at the bottom and choose More Details on the upper right of the screen.
On the Display Royalties Settlement screen, choose Menu > Condition Contract > Change .

4 Set Condition Contract to On the Change Royalties Settlement screen, choose Menu > Edit > Lock Settlement . The settlement lock status is changed to Locked and
Locked for Settlement Status Choose Save. the status for condition contract is New.

Choose Continue in the pop-up window.

5 Complete Rework for the Choose Rework Completed at the bottom. The condition contract is sent to Sales Manager for
Condition Contract On the Submit Decision pop-up window, enter a decision note: for example, the condition contract is set to release approval again.
Locked for Settlement.
Choose Submit.

4.3.5 Release Condition Contract

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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In this process step, you release a royalty condition contract in an approval workflow.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /
# Comment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Sales Manager. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open My Inbox - All Items (F0862). The My Inbox screen displays.

3 Release Condition Find the condition contract that Contract Manager - Royalties has just requested an approval for release: Release The condition contract for royalties settlement is
Contract Condition Contract XXXXXXXXXXX. released now.
Choose Release at the bottom.
Choose Submit in the pop-up window.

4.3.6 Check Business Volume (Optional)

As described for the basic processing variant, also check the business volume in this test procedure before you start a settlement run to enable a control of the business volume determined for a settle-
ment document.
Please follow process steps of chapter Check Business Volume (Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.

4.3.7 Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional)

Please follow process steps of chapter Delta Accruals Settlement (Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.
On the selection screen, enter the different condition contracts belonging to this test.
After you have processed the delta accruals settlement you can optionally check the created settlement documents as described in chapter Check Settlement Document for Delta Accruals Settlement
(Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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4.3.8 Request Release of Condition Contract for Settlement

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you request an approval for the settlement of a condition contract.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Settlement Clerk - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414). The Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties screen displays.

3 Request Release Find the condition contract for which you want to request the approval to release it for settlement. The status for condition contract now should be:
for Settlement Choose Change Condition Contract via More Links when choosing condition contract number. ● Released
Choose Menu > Edit > Request Settlement Approval . ● Locked for Settlement
Choose Save. ● Settlement Approval Requested
Choose Continue in the dialog box. The condition contract with the request to approve the corresponding
settlement appears in the inbox of the Sales Manager.
Note Choose Menu > Edit > Lock Settlement before clicking Request Settlement Approval if you
haven't executed steps in chapter Rework Condition Contract (Optional).

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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4.3.9 Release Condition Contract for Settlement

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you release a royalty condition contract for settlement.


Test Step Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Com-
# ment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Sales Manager. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open My Inbox - All Items (F0862). The My Inbox screen displays.

3 Release Condition Contract for Find the condition contract for which Settlement Clerk - Royalties has just requested the release The condition contract is released now for
Settlement for settlement. settlement.
Position the notification: Release Condition Contract XXXXXXXXXX for Settlement in the
Choose Release.
Choose Submit in the dialog box.

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4.3.10 Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional)
Please follow process steps of chapter Partial Settlement with Reversal of Accruals (Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.

4.3.11 Approve Release of Partial Settlement Document to Accounting (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


In this process step, you approve the release of the settlement document - created in partial settlement - to Accounting.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail /

Step # Comment

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Sales Manager. The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access the App Open My Inbox - All Items (F0862). The My Inbox screen displays.

3 Approve Release to Find the settlement document for which the release to accounting has to be approved. The approval request was triggered automati- The settlement document is re-
Accounting cally after the settlement has been processed by the Settlement Clerk - Royalties. leased to accounting.
Position the notification: Approve Settlement XXXXXXXXXXX in the inbox.
Choose Approve.
Choose Submit in the dialog box.

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Note You can check the settlement document by following process steps of chapter Check Settlement Document for Partial Settlement (Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.

4.3.12 Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals

Please follow process steps of Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals in section Royalties Settlement Processing.
On the selection screen, enter the different condition contracts belonging to this test.

4.3.13 Approve Release of Final Settlement Document to Accounting


This process step shows you how to approve the release of the settlement document - created in final settlement - to Accounting.


Process the steps described in the chapter Approve Release of Partial Settlement Document to Accounting (Optional) [page ] 58.

Note You can check the settlement document by following process steps of chapter Check Settlement Document for Final Settlement (Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing.

4.4 Final Settlement with Adjustments (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>

Royalties Settlement for Sales (55I_DE)

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In this process step, you enter conditions in the condition contract to adjust the final royalty amount before you process the final settlement.


Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Com-

Step # ments

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Contract Manager - Royalties. The SAP Fiori launchpad

2 Access the App Open Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties (F5414). The Manage Condition
Contracts - Royalties screen

3 Change Condition On the Manage Condition Contracts - Royalties screen, select the relevant condition contract and choose More Links.
Contract Choose from More Links > Change Condition Contract

4 Enter Condition In the Conditions area, select the following entry:

Data for Royalty ● Condition Table: Condition Contract
Select New Condition.
Make one of the following entries and choose Enter.
Adjustment of business volume
● Condition Type: RRBD Royalties BusV Delta
● Valid From: for example, <today's date>
● Valid to: for example, <validity end of condition contract>
● Condition Rate: for example, 100 EUR
Adjustment of royalty amount
● Cond. Type: RRJ1 Royalties Adjustment
● Valid From: for example, <today's date>
● Valid to: for example, <validity end of condition contract>
● Condition Rate: for example, 20 EUR
Entry of a fixed settlement amount
● Cond. Type: RRV1 Royalties Verified
● Valid From: for example, <today's date>
● Valid to: for example, <validity end of condition contract>

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Com-
Step # ments

● Condition Rate: for example, 1000 EUR

Note The conditions entered here are used to adjust the royalty amount. You can also choose Condition Contract / Material as condition level.
You then also specify the material for a condition record. In case the Valid From and Valid To date are copied from the condition contract va
lidity according to user settings, you can check and change these dates if necessary.

5 Save Condition Choose Save.


After you have maintained the conditions to adjust the royalty amount, you perform the final settlement as described in the chapter Final Settlement with Reversal of Accruals in section Royalties
Settlement Processing. Then check the created settlement document as described in Check Settlement Document for Final Settlement (Optional) in section Royalties Settlement Processing. In the
pricing elements, particularly check that the system has determined the royalty amount using the conditions for adjustment.

4.5 Royalties Unlikelihood (Optional)


During the creation of the condition contract (Chapter Create Condition Contract for a Licenser as Condition Contract Partner) when entering the conditions, you have the option to use the condi-
tion: Royalties Unlikelihd. You use condition type Royalties Unlikelihd in case the minimum sales turnover will not be reached and therefore no accruals should be created or
existing accruals should be reversed.


Test Step # Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass / Fail / Comment

1 Enter Condition Data (Optional) In the Conditions area, select New Condition.
Make the following entries and press Enter.
● Condition Type: RRU1 Royalties Unlikelihd
● Condition Rate: for example, <100%>
● Valid From: for example, <today's date>
● Valid To: for example, <validity end of condition contract>

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4.6 Reverse Settlement Document (Optional)

Test Administration

Customer project: Fill in the project-specific parts.

Test Case ID <X.XX> Testing Date:

Tester Name: Duration:

Business Role(s): Responsibility: <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer>


This process step shows you how to reverse a settlement document for the condition contract.


You have processed the settlement run to the condition contract(s).


The steps below are using Reverse Settlement Documents Condition Contracts(WB2R_CANCEL_DOCS) for reversing settlement documents for the selected condition contract(s). You can use
Reverse Settlement Document (WZR4) to reverse a single settlement document. You can also use Reverse Settlement Documents (WAB_CANCEL_B) to reverse several settlement documents together.

Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Com-

Step # ments

1 Log On Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as a Settlement Clerk - Royal- The SAP Fiori launchpad displays.

2 Access Reverse Settlement Docu- Open Reverse Settlement Documents - Condition Contracts The Reverse Settlement Documents for Condition Contracts screen displays.

3 Reverse Settlement Documents for On the Reverse Settlement Documents for Condition Contracts The Log for Reversal of Settlement Documents - Live Run screen displays. All settlement

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Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Com-
Step # ments

Condition Contracts screen, make the following entries: documents for the selected condition contract(s) are reversed.
● Condition Contract: <number of condition con-
tract(s) created in this test>
● Check Run Only: <unselect this checkbox>
Choose Execute.
Choose Continue in the pop-up window.

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5 Follow-Up Processes

You have finished all the activities that are part of the business process described in this document.
To accomplish the subsequent activities of this business process, use the master data from this document and carry out the process steps described in one or more of the following scope items.

5.1 Accounts Payable (Optional)


This process step shows you how to open payables invoices that are automatically created from purchasing processes with Accounts Payables.


Complete the activities described in the Test Script of the scope item Accounts Payable (J60) using the open supplier invoices created running the Royalties Settlement for Sales(55I).

5.2 General Ledger Reporting and CO-PA Reporting (Optional)


After completing the activities in this test script, it is possible to run General Ledger Reporting and CO-PA Reporting connected with the accounts which were used in this royalties settlement
process. Log on as General Ledger Accountant or Sales Accountant and run the reports which apply to your needs and check the postings on your accounts. Please refer to Accounting and Financial
Close (J58) scope item to Manage G/L Account Master Data and Manage Financial Statement Versions.

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Typographic Conventions

Type Style Description

Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names,
menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.

Example Emphasized words or expressions.

EXAMPLE Technical names of system objects. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and
key concepts of a programming language when they are surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and IN-

Example Output on the screen. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, names of variables and parame-
ters, source text, and names of installation, upgrade and database tools.

Example Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documenta-

<Example> Variable user entry. Angle brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries to
make entries in the system.

EXAMPLE Keys on the keyboard, for example, F 2 or E N T E R .

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