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Assembly Instructions for:

DeSteiner Model 1887

12 Gauge Bootleg Lever-Action Shotgun

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If you are unsure about the part names, you can
check the explosion diagram. There is a full part
list and by following the Part-Number of each
part, you will also find out how each part looks
and where it goes.

Needed Screws
The required screws are basic sheet-metal screws as you can get in every hardware store. To
better know what you are looking for, just google “iso 7049”, it will list you the screws
according to the common standard. The naming starts with ST for sheet-metal screw, then
comes the outer diameter of the thread, which is always 4,2mm in this case. The last number
is the length of the thread, from the bottom of the screw head to the tip of the screw.


(distance of 1,4mm from one thread round to the other is fixed by the standard, but
probably useful for finding empirial equivalents)

The screws may look like this:

(note that “ST” is actually not written on the packaging)

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These screws (ST##x##) are according to a European Standard though but I have included
the threads into the models, so it is easier to get the correct screws in there (=the european
ones). But usually there are very close equivalents in the empirial area and the thread
parameters should be very similar. Just convert the Millimeters to your local units and look
for the equivalent screws. Or order the correct ones. It´s up to you.

Only valid source

Make sure you downloaded the files from “DeSteiner” accounts on thingiverse, Pinshape,
MyMiniFactory or PrusaPrinters. If there is any other source, someone stole my creation and
is likely making money by offering it. This can be very frustrating. I have seen this in the past
with my Revolver design multiple times. I offered those files for free, someone uploaded
them again on another page and charged 130$ (!!!) for it! That’s absolutely hilarious. If you
run into any other sources for my files, please reach out to me.

If you run into any kind of troubles with this model, feel free to ask me. If you are friendly
and properly describe your issue, I am happy to help! Sometimes the models print very good
for me but others run into issues, or I overlooked something. Whenever you point out an
error and I fix it, countless other guys will save some time as they don’t run into the same

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Step 1

1.1 Slide the Grip onto the Body

1.2 Secure the Grip in place with 3 ST4,2x22 Screws
1.3 Insert the Trigger from the bottom
1.4 Secure the Trigger in place with the Trigger-Pin. Make sure the angled sides are
aligned with the Body

Step 2

2.1 Remove the shown supports included in the model with pliers and/or a cutter knife

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2.2 Put the 4 parts of the Lever together (-Left, -Right, -Middle, -Guard) and screw them
together with 6 ST4,2x13 Screws

2.3 Insert the Hammer through the back of the Lever

2.4 Secure the Hammer in place with the Lever-Axle. The Lever-Axle should be able to
rotate easily

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2.5 Install the Extractor-Left and -Right by pushing the left and right Extractor-Fixations
through them and pushing them into the holes in the Lever.

Step 3

3.1 Install the Lifter-Lock-Spring at the Lifter-Right

3.2 Put the Lifter-Middle onto the knob of Lifter-Right
3.3 Put the Lifter-Left with the knob into the hole of Lifter-Middle

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Step 4

4.1 Put the three sections of the Barre-Tubel together (Pt1, Pt2, Pt3)
4.2 Secure the sections in place with the two Barrel-Bolts

4.3 Put the left and right parts of the Barrel-Grip-Back in place
4.4 Secure the Grip parts with two ST4,2x13 Screws

4.5 Slide the Barrel-Grip-Front from the front inbetween the Barrel and the Magazine
Tube. This may require to push the Barrel and Magazine Tube slightly apart.

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4.6 Secure the Barrel-Grip-Front and Barrel-Grip-Back in place using 4 ST4,2x13 Screws

4.7 Insert the Tube-Pusher into the Magazine Tube with the flat surface first
4.8 Put the two Springhalves (A, B) together
4.9 Insert the assembled Springhalves into the Magazine Tube with the cone first

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4.10 Insert the Clamp-Bolt through the Barrel-Tube-Clamp into the Tube-Plug. The 6-
sided holes must be aligned and face to the sides

4.11 Put the Barrel-Tube-Clamp onto the Barrel and slide it until the Tube-Plug is fully
inserted into the Magazine Tube
4.12 Secure the Clamp-Plug assembly in place with the Tube-Bolt

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Step 5

5.1 Insert the Lever into the Body

5.2 Make sure the hexagonal part of the Lever-Axle is aligned with the hexagonal holes
inside the Body so they can slide into each other
5.3 Push the sides of the Body slightly apart so the Lever-Axle fits inside the Body

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5.4 Insert the Lever into the Body until the Lever-Axle drops into the holes of the Body,
making a clicking noise
5.5 Secure the Lever-Axle in place using two ST4,2x13 Screws

Step 6

6.1 Open the Lever as shown. NOT all the way

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6.2 Insert the Lifter into the Body. The holes in the back of the Lifter must be aligned
with the holes in the Body

6.3 Make sure all parts of the Lifter are below the knob on the inner wall of the Body

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6.4 Put the Lifter-Nut on your Finger with the hexagonal part facing upwards and insert
it into the hole in the Lifter. The hexagonal part must drop into the hexagonal hole
of the Body. The Lifter-Nut is fully inserted when the round flat surface of the Nut is
on the same Level as the flat surface of the Lifter.
6.5 Secure the Lifter-Nut in place with a 5mm long ST4,2 Screw. These are not
standardized and must be cut to this length manually. The Screw must not be too
long, otherwise it will collide with the Lever. A flat tip (resulting from the
shortening) is needed due to the short thread length of the Lifter-Nut
6.6 Repeat 6.4 and 6.5 for the other side

Step 7

7.1 Insert the Barrel-Tube assembly into the Body

7.2 Secure the Barrel-Tube assembly in place with two ST4,2x13 Screws
Congratulations! Assembly is complete! Get yourself a beer!

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Step 8
As you can imagine, a whole lot of time and effort was invested into this. From studying the
original patent documents from John Browning or order to figure out how this thing works,
to getting the approximate
dimensions from an image of the gun,
figuring out how the parts need to
look 3-dimensionally and be easily
printable as well, printing it, going
through troubleshooting and
optimization phase, creating the
drawings and this instruction,
shooting a video… You get the point.

Do you like my free creation and

would like to show me how much you
value it?

Leave me a tip/donation, I would be

very happy!

I will probably spend it on some beer

;) Cheers!

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Reloading the DeSteiner Model 1887

A Insert the first shell directly into the chamber of the Barrel

B Start inserting the second shell into the tube by pushing the Pusher back into the
tube with the tip of the shell. Keep your thumb on the back of the sheel during the

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C Push down the shell until it rest flat in the Lifter

D Push the shell all the way into the tube

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E Push the Lifter slightly upwards into the Body of the gun. This will block the shells
from being pushed back out of the tube and you would not be able to insert the
next shells. Repeat B to E for the second and third shell. (third will require step F)

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F Using the printed spring, the tube will only fit 3 sheels, while the third shell does not
fully fit into the tube. Insert the shell just as normal, but do not try to push it all the
way in. Instead, let it slide back until the shell rests on the end-stops of the Lifter, as
highlighted in blue in the picture.
Now you are good to go!

Terminator Reload
This one needs some practice. I recommend standing in front of a bed our a couch to make
sure that nothing breaks when you unintentionally drop your sweet Model 1887.

Hold the gun with your hand not fully stretched out. In my case, I cannot rotate three fingers
inside the back of the lever, so I have to put my middle finger out of the Lever.

Next, take the thumb and the index finger out of the Lever and push the Lever down and
forward with your fourth and fifth finger. Do not wait for the gun do drop, you have to make
use of the inertia of the gun during this movement. However, if you open the Lever too fast,
the Lifter will probably not be able to hold the new shell and both the old and the new shell
will be ejected at once. You may also have to move your hand slightly to the right while
doing this. Otherwise when the gun flips half way and the barrel points to you, the barrel
could hit your shoulder. This does not look smooth and may even damage the gun on a hard
impact, as the barrel is split into multiple pieces.

The rest happens almost automatically. Catch the gun when it rotated all the way and that’s
it. Hasta La Vista, Baby!

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