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Year 7 HPE Invasion Activities Journal

Full name: ?

During this unit, you’re expected to support inclusion, fair play and collaboration by:

 following the rules

 showing good sportsmanship
 engaging in decision making; consider, identify, select
 being a considerate teammate and leader.

In the table below, reflect after each lesson and make brief notes about how you supported inclusion, fair play
and collaboration or what you need to do next time to better support these things.

 You don’t have to enter into all three columns every lesson.
 Enter into at least one column per lesson.
 This evidence may help your teacher make a decision about how to grade you regarding these things.

Date Inclusion; embracing and Fair play; showing respect for Collaboration; working and
catering for all classmates the rules and each other problem solving together

Example 1 I asked Jen to join my group as I admitted that I had hit the ball I encouraged my team to mark up
22 April she was on her own. out. to improve our defensive play.

Example 2 I encouraged Di to take some free I got a bit worked up when I was I ignored Milli’s advice today; I
kicks as she wasn’t getting the penalised for throwing the ball; I need to take advice from more
23 April
ball very much. need to accept the ref’s call. experienced players and see if it

Towards the end of the unit, consider the marking guide on Blackboard; what grades do you think best align with
your performance?

 Closed/semi-open environment: ?
 Open environment: ?
 Inclusion, fair play and collaboration: ?

Help us evaluate the unit:

 Strengths: ?
 Limitations: ?
 Suggestions for the future: ?

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