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1. Introduction:
o Brief biography of Mahatma Gandhi.
o Introduction to his role in the Indian independence movement.

2. Major Movements:
o Description of the Non-Cooperation, Civil Disobedience, and Quit India movements.
o Key events and their significance.

3. Gandhi’s Philosophy:
o Explanation of his core principles and methods.
o Examples of how these were implemented in practice.

4. Gandhi's Relationship with Other Leaders:

o Brief insights into his interactions with other prominent leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru,
Sardar Patel, and Subhas Chandra Bose.

5. Impact and Legacy:

o Gandhi’s contributions to Indian society and the independence movement.
o His role in promoting social reforms, such as the fight against untouchability.
o His enduring legacy in India and the world.

6. Conclusion:
o Summary of Gandhi’s role and impact.
o Reflection on the importance of his leadership in the context of the Indian
independence movement.

 Timelines: Create a timeline of key events in Gandhi’s life and the independence
 Visual Aids: Use posters or digital presentations to illustrate major movements and
events led by Gandhi.
 Quotes and Speeches: Include famous quotes and excerpts from Gandhi’s speeches to
highlight his philosophy and impact.
 Discussion: Hold a class discussion on how Gandhi’s methods influenced later social
and political movements worldwide.

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