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This resource is made possible thanks to the generous support of

our incredible sponsors. These companies are at the forefront of
the writing industry and have committed fully and generously to
serving writers, authors, and content creators like you throughout
the world.

Have you ever heard of the 80/20 rule? In science-speak, it’s known as the
Pareto Principle and what it does is it shines a light on how 80% of results
come from just 20% of effort.

Really successful people have been using this rule for years to build their
business empires (and get super-rich while they’re at it).

The things is, most of us don’t know how to use this rule to our
advantage, so we end up doing a lot more work than we need to do - and
get less results than we’d like.

With the release of ChatGPT in 2022 and the plethora of AI tools that have
appeared since then, the 80/20 playing field just got completely leveled.

Which means with AI, we can maximize this rule to do less and succeed

Inside this cheat sheet, you’re going to unlock the six step secret to
approaching any writing task armed with the smart use of AI.

Welcome to the future, where reaching your writing goals has never been

Warm regards,

Tip 1. Get CLEAR On Your Desired
Start by setting clear goals for your writing. Similar to
plotting your route before a journey - knowing your
destination helps direct your energy and make every step
count. The more CLEAR you can be with the OUTCOME
you are looking for, the BETTER the output the AI will

💡Pro tip! To get the best out of AI, ask yourself:

What am I writing? _____________________________

What is my goal for this content? ___________________

Who is it for? _________________________________

What should the finished product ‘look like’? ___________

You are never too old to

set another goal or to
dream a new dream.

C.S. Lewis
Tip 2. Have AI Do The Heavy
AI tools can cut out enormous amounts of time and
energy on any writing task, and one of the BEST ways to
do this is by asking AI what IT needs to get you what you
want. For instance, by using AI’s information processing
capabilities you can rapidly plot, plan, organize and
prepare your writing projects. This is where you’ll
immediately realize how much an AI assistant can make
a difference in your writing life!

💡Pro tip! Need to brainstorm ideas to flesh out your

answers in Step 1? Ask AI to help! It takes the creative
load off your shoulders with dozens of options you can
explore and expand on in a matter of minutes, and the
OUPUT you get will be MUCH better!

If you don't know

where you're going
any road will do.

Lewis Carroll
Tip 3. Have A Conversation With AI
“Prompts” are how we interact with AI. A “prompt” can
be a question, a directive, or anything else in between.
The better your prompt, the better the output…the more
GENERIC and GENERAL the prompt, the WORSE the
output. The clearer your requests, the better the
outcomes. Working with AI isn’t like searching on Google,
it’s more like having a chat with a very smart child who is
eager to help - but really needs to be given precise

💡Pro tip! Need help creating prompts? Ask AI to create

them for you! Feed in your answers to Step 1, and then
ask it to help you create prompts that will get you the
output you are looking for!

The only way to achieve

the impossible is to
believe it is possible.

Charles Kingsleigh
Tip 4. Collaborate & Iterate
Think of the AI as a collaborative partner in your creative
process. By adopting an iterative, converational
approach, you can refine AI’s outputs incrementally, and
fine-tune your feedback for optimal performance. This
focused, gradual, and step-by-step engagement can lead
to significant improvements in content quality, mirroring
a dynamic where both you and the AI learn and evolve

💡 Pro tip! Break your “prompts” down into multi-step

prompts or AI “processes” as we call them. This creates a
“cascade effect” where the output gets increasingly
better and better. The more specific and granular your
iterative requests, the better the result.

You are capable of more

than you know.

E. O. Wilson

Tip 5. 10x Productivity
AI is not just a tool but an indispensable ally in your
writing life. It’s got the ability to help you save precious
time and energy, and boost your creativity by paring
back the time spent on tedious, repetitive tasks like
running line edits, weeding out repetitive phrases, and
improving your writing style.

What used to take writers days or weeks even, can now

be done in hours with the same, if not better result.

💡 Pro tip! Use a tool like ProWritingAid or Grammarly to

proofread your work, make style checks, weed out
plagiarism, and make grammar corrections. And if you
are a storyteller, then you’ll love Fictionary for its
developmental-style editing!

It always seems
until it’s done.

Nelson Mandela


Just think about what you can do with

all the extra time AI frees up for you…

What will you create?

Join the AI WRITING SUMMIT and get

insights, strategies, tactics, and tools
from the world’s leading AI writers,
developers, engineers, and creators.

The only limit is your imagination!

🥰 Register For The AI WRITING SUMMIT

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