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- activty social media

- gender
- pekerjaan
- status pernikahan
- silsilah keluarga

- last education
- lokasi
- agama
- suku

Analisis Map :
Proportion of adults age 18 and older
- Polygon Jumlah Populasi

"GET dukcapil-city/_search
""aggs"": {
""age"": {
""nested"": {
""path"": ""gender""
""aggs"": {
""gender"": {
""terms"": {
""field"": ""gender.kategori.keyword""
""aggs"": {
""jumlah"": {
""sum"": {
""field"": ""gender.jumlah""
""size"": 0,
""query"": {
""bool"": {
""must"": [
""match_phrase"": {
""kode_kota.keyword"": ""11.01""

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