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Quantitative Mental Health Assessment for Students

Section 1: Demographic Information

1. Age: [Open-Ended Response]

2. Gender: [Male/Female/Non-binary/Prefer not to say]

3. Grade Level: [1st Year/2nd Year/3rd Year/4th Year/Graduate/Other]

4. Area of Study: [Arts/Science/Engineering/Business/Other]

5. Living Arrangement: [On-campus/Off-campus/With Family/Alone/Other]

Section 2: Mental Health History

1. Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental health condition? [Yes/No]

2. If yes, please specify the diagnosis: [Open-Ended Response]

3. Are you currently receiving mental health treatment or therapy? [Yes/No]

4. Have you experienced significant stress or anxiety in the past month? [Never/Sometimes/Often/Always]

5. Do you have a history of self-harm or suicidal thoughts? [Yes/No]

Section 3: Mental Health Assessment Scale

Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, where:

1 - Strongly Disagree

2 - Disagree

3 - Neutral

4 - Agree

5 - Strongly Agree

1. I have been feeling overwhelmed by my schoolwork.

2. I have experienced changes in my appetite or weight.

3. I have trouble sleeping or have experienced changes in my sleep patterns.

4. I have difficulty concentrating or staying focused.

5. I have felt hopeless or worthless.

6. I have felt irritable or easily angered.

7. I have experienced feelings of loneliness or isolation.

8. I have found it hard to enjoy activities I used to find pleasurable.

9. I have felt anxious or worried about the future.

10. I have felt physically unwell without a clear medical reason.

Section 4: Support and Coping Strategies

1. How comfortable are you seeking help for mental health concerns? [Not Comfortable/Somewhat
Comfortable/Very Comfortable]

2. What strategies do you use to cope with stress and maintain mental well-being? [Open-Ended Response]

Section 5: Additional Comments

Please provide any additional comments or concerns related to your mental health that you would like to share:
[Open-Ended Response]

Scoring and Analysis

- Total scores can be calculated for each section to provide an overview of the student's mental health status.

- Responses can be anonymized for confidentiality and aggregated for statistical analysis.

- High scores on specific items may indicate areas of concern that require further evaluation and intervention.

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