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Let’s review our previous materials!
You will do and learn :
1. Doing conversation about Hobby and


2. Hobby and Interest

3. Common vocabularies to talk about

hobby and interest

4. Descriptive Text

5. Doing conversation with your friends

Answer these questions !
1. What do you like to do in your free time?
2. Do you have any hobbies? why do you like them?
3. Are there any activities you enjoy to do? why do you like them?
4. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? why?
5. Talk about your friend's hobbies and interests!

Free time = waktu luang Outdoor = luar ruangan

Activities = aktifitas Hobby = hobi
Indoor = dalam ruangan Interest = minat
Hobby and Interest

A hobby is a fun activity that you do during your

free time. There is not only one type of hobby, but
there are many hobbies that a person can be
interested in and pursue.

In fact, a person can have more than one hobby.

Some examples of hobbies include reading,
writing stories, playing music, and watching
Common Vocabularies to talk about hobby and interest

Archery Memanah / panahan Dancing Menari

Badminton Bulu tangkis Diving Menyelam

Baking Memanggang Drawing Menggambar

Ballet Balet Hiking Mendaki

Basketball Bola basket Painting Melukis

Bowling Bowling Swimming Berenang

Calligraphy Kaligrafi Knitting Merajut

Camping Berkemah Gardening Berkebun

Cooking Memasak Playing Bermain

Cycling Bersepeda Listening to music Mendengarkan musik

Fishing Memancing Watching movie Menonton film

Photography Fotografi Writing Menulis

Travelling Bepergian

Reading Membaca

Running Lari

Soccer / Football Sepak bola

Volleyball Bola voli

Game Game / permainan

Riding Motorcycle Mengendarai motor

Driving Car Mengemudi mobil

Explanation Text COOKING
Almost every day before bed I always spend time watching
YouTube. The videos I watch are cooking videos from famous
chefs. I love to cook and explore new flavors using my own sense
of taste. Now, I have mastered many food menus, both Indonesian
food and foreign food.

My family is very supportive of my hobby because they think it is a

positive thing and they like what I cook.

Some people have commented negatively about my cooking

hobby because I'm a boy. The stigma that cooking is only for
women should be removed. If we look out there, great chefs, both
in Indonesia and even in the world, many are men.

Cooking is one way for me to unwind after a long day at school. I

hope that one day my hobby can become a profession that I will
pursue in the future.
Time to Practice
1. Tell me about a book or movie you like. What is it about?
2. Do you like sports? Which one is your favorite?

3. What type of music do you enjoy listening to? Can you name a favorite artist or band?

4. Have you ever traveled to another city or country? Where did you go, and what did you do there?

5. Do you have any special talents or skills?

6. Is there a hobby or activity you would like to try in the future? What is it?
7. Tell me about a dish you enjoy cooking or eating. What is it called, and how do you make it?
8. Tell me about a memorable moment during one of your hobbies.

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