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Dr. Muhammad ilyas abro

Submitted by:

Name: Hamza Alam

Roll no.: 23-CY-16

Section: A2

Department: Cyber security




The climate of Pakistan is unpredictable, as Pakistan is considered as the 10 top most vulnerable climate
countries in the world, this impact of climate directly hits our socio-economic condition which is already
spoiled by our corrupted leaders, as economy is the major factor which holds the country reputation but it
seems like climate and economy of Pakistan are not likely to each other. Supply chains are getting messed
up because of unpredictable weather, and we end up paying the price. Even the energy we use every day is
not the same. The demand is changing, and the way we get our power, especially from water, is getting
trickier. And let us not forget that not everyone is affected the same way. However, for developing nations
such as Pakistan, climate change constricts water resources, and affects economically critical sectors like
agricultural productivity and well-being, economic productivity, energy sector challenges, and human health
and many more.

But besides this, there is hope, there is solution of every problem, in this topic were going to discuss about
the economic condition of Pakistan which is affected by the miserable climate condition of Pakistan.


There are multiple factors which affect the climate in Pakistan. These factors interact in modern ways which
create disturbance in weather patterns and overall climate. Here are some of the main factors affecting the
climate in Pakistan:

Geographical Location:
The location of Pakistan on the globe has a considerable impact on its climate. Its borders meet with China
to the north, Afghanistan and Iran to the west, and India to the east. It is located in South Asia.

Northern highlands, Indus River plain, desert regions, Pothohar Plateau, Balochistan Plateau, Salt Range and
the Sistan Basin are some of the varied landscapes that builds Pakistan's geography. The terrain of the nation
consists of six main regions: plains, plateaus, desert regions, rivers, lakes, and mountainous and hilly areas.

Mountain Ranges
The Himalayas and the Karakoram Range to the north play a crucial role. They block the cold winds from
Central Asia, helping maintaining the temperature and precipitation in different regions. This infrastructure
of mountains also contributes to the formation of rain-shadow areas.

Monsoon Winds:
The Indian Ocean monsoon is a significant climatic factor. During the summer, moist air from the Indian
Ocean brings heavy rainfall to parts of Pakistan, especially the eastern and southern regions. In June 2023,
Cyclone Biparjoy hit India and Pakistan. The cyclone caused damage to western India, knocking out power
and causing damage to houses and trees. In Pakistan, the storm was expected to cause flash floods in
southern Pakistan, and authorities evacuated 82,000 people.

Ocean Currents:
The climate along the shore is impacted and governed by the Arabian Sea to the south and by ocean
currents. During the monsoon season, the warm currents, and the sea help to maintain a moderate
temperature and supply of moisture, as well as the potential to deliver extensive rain, thunderstorms, and
high gusty winds, which includes Cyclone Nilofar, the third strongest tropical cyclone in the Arabian Sea at
the time, threatened the Pakistani coastal region in late October 2014. But the impact was less severe than
first thought due to considerable wind shear and subsequent weakening caused by dry desert air.

Pakistan is situated at altitude of 900 meters above the sea level with its highest peak, K2, reaching 8,611
meters. Pakistan has 108 peaks over 7,000 meters and mountains 4,555 above 6,000 meters. Most of the
highest peaks are in the Karakoram ran Pakistan is known for its alpine regions such as the Himalayas and
the Hindu Kush.

Desert Conditions:
The Thar Desert in the south-east of the country enjoys barren conditions due to its location in the rain
shadow of the Indian Aravalli Mountains.

Rivers and water bodies:

Major rivers like Indus, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Sutlej and its tributaries contribute to the supply of water
for agriculture. These rivers also affect the local climate.

Global Climate Change:

Pakistan like other countries is affected by global climate change. Changes in temperature, rainfall patterns,
and extreme weather events can impact the country's climate over time, as it depends on the mood of nature.


The impact of climate on socio economic condition of Pakistan is manifesting and crucial. As it disturbs the
country's economy and leaves the country's economy behind as it affects the country's major pillars like
agriculture, health, energy sectors and many more.

Agriculture is the mainstay of Pakistan’s economy, contributing about 20% to the country’s GDP and
employing a significant portion of the labor force Climate change affects agriculture in several ways.

Glacier melting:

The melting of glaciers also contributes to water scarcity, food security and reduced agricultural
productivity. Additionally, projections suggests that Pakistan's GDP is going to drop by 18 to 20 percent due
to climate related events with a melting glacier being a significant reason to this cause.

Climate change:

Hot temperatures, irregular rainfall, droughts, floods, heat waves and other frequent extreme weather events
hamper agricultural production

Water scarcity:

Climate change reduces water requirements for irrigation in Pakistan. This is of particular concern in the
case of the Indus River, which is the lifeblood of agriculture in the country. Pakistan ranks on 14th number
among the 17 'extremely high baseline water stress countries of the world. However, the water stress is just
one dimension of water security.


Climate change also increases insect pests, which destroy crops and reduce yields


Pakistan is a water scarce country, an issue exacerbated by climate change. The melting of Himalayan
glaciers, a major source of water for Pakistan’s rivers, is reducing the amount of water available. This affects
hydropower generation, irrigation and drinking water to a large extent.


Climate change also affects Pakistan’s energy sector, climate change has its own multiple side affects for the
energy sector of Pakistan, which is already facing crucial challenges such as energy limitations, low
coordination, lack of government capacity, and difficulty in regulating and pricing


The tourism industry is only based on the climate condition of the country, as tourists are fond of nature and
climate. But the vulnerable climate of Pakistan of Pakistan has made this difficult to explore the beauty. Due
to rising sea levels, there is a rise in temperature. However, tourist industry in Pakistan has seen an impactful
growth over the year and the total revenue generated by the tourism was around US16 Billion dollars

Health condition is also affected as per climate, heatwaves and unseasonal rains, smog causes different
diseases like dengue, typhoid, malaria and due to these diseases causes many deaths every year.
Unseasonable rain causes heavy floods which has its own impact on the country's economy as it disturbs the
daily lifestyle, shelters, resources.

Climate change is also damaging infrastructure in Pakistan. Roads, bridges, and other infrastructure are
being damaged by floods, landslides, and other extreme weather events. This disturbs the transportation and
communication networks, which can have a negative impact on economic conditions.

education is one of the most common factors in the country's development, as students and educated youth is
the future of the country. If you want to destroy a country's future, destroys its education, as it is disturbed
by the climate condition of Pakistan. Schools got damaged by the floods and thunderstorms which affect the
daily routine of students, and this makes delay in the education, heatstroke is also one of the enemy of
students and schools as schools in Pakistan are not well developed and there is no proper arrangements for
such a climate conditions so this results in closing in schools and institutes as no one wants to risk his/her
The latest impact of climate change on Pakistan's economy is significant and multifaceted. Some of the key
consequences include:


 Heavy rainfalls, high temperatures, and melting of glaciers, resulting in major loss of lives,
infrastructural damage, and massive economic losses estimated at US$ 30 billion in 2022.
 Climate events like environmental degeneration, and air pollution are projected to reduce Pakistan's
GDP by 18 to 20% by 2050.
 Climate change induced reduction in wheat and rice crop productivity are expected to cost Pakistan
$19.5 billion in real GDP by 2050.
 The agriculture sector, which is the backbone of the economy as Pakistan depends on the agriculture
has endured significant declines due to climatic calamities.
 A decrease in foreign direct investment, leading to rising costs and disrupted supply chains.
 Increased threat to Pakistan's national security due to climate-related disasters, which can exacerbate
tensions among groups and trigger climate-induced migration from rural areas to urban centers.
These consequences highlight the urgent need for significant investments in climate resilience to secure
Pakistan's economy and reduce poverty.

There is a solution to every problem. Pakistan's economy is severely disturbed by the climate condition of
Pakistan, as there are still many factors which will help to grow the economy like the roller coaster. Some of
them are mentioned below:

Growth in GDP (gross domestic product):

Growth in GDP refers to the increase in goods and services produced by the country in a region, as
measured by the GDP, this helps in expansion of the GDP in a broader way, this helps the country to grow
in efficient way.

Poverty reduction:

Poverty reduction refers to decrease the poverty rate in a country by providing them opportunities to learn
the skills, open the employment doors for the people of the country this factor reduces the poverty rate of a
country and that is one of the most major factor behind the successful nations in the world. Opening the
employment doors for the people of the country, this factor reduces the poverty rate of a country and that is
one of the most major factors behind the successful nations in the world.

Implementing New methods: We are neither capable to change the climate situation nor we are capable to
distract the clouds or rays of the sun, but we could get prepare for such difficulties like to finding out new
ways to protect crops, to save energy and to save the environment and infrastructure which is demolished by
the climate and the crops which got damaged by the excessive rain or temperature. Energy sectors are very
few in Pakistan and to save the energy sector we must build up new resources like windshields, solar and


Around 22.25 Pakistan's GDP is based on agriculture. Pakistan's major number of economies is based on
agriculture, if we want to save the economy then we should be worried about to save the agricultural sector
of Pakistan, and this could be done by providing new methods and technologies to farmers as our farmers
are using old and slower methods due to the lack of knowledge as there are hundreds of ways. 60% percent
of Pakistan population is relied upon rain-fed agriculture that depends upon unpredictable weather patterns.
The development of the agriculture sector is imperative in any country, particularly in Pakistan because it
plays a major role in the socio-economic stability of the country. However, climate change is the most
important, vulnerable, and sensitive factor for the agriculture sector.


We can improve our economy in a better and more efficient way by increasing our trading (imports and
exports), by selling our goods and products. Pakistan land is blessed by the God, and we have got all the
resources under this surface, but due to the lack of technology and corrupt government, we are unable to
take advantage of these resources like petrol, gas, oil, wheat and rice, pulses etc. As we export all these
goods and resources to other countries, we could easily get advantage by importing their new technologies
and by applying their methods by the developed nations like China which is living 100 years far from this
world, as China’s economy is the second worlds largest economy as recorded, that how do they manage
such climate conditions.


In conclusion, Pakistan's climate changes frequently as period, as these are the disturbing factors which
disturbs the climate of Pakistan as being obeserved in the duration of (2018-2023), some of them are
mentioned above and plus few methods to control over these types of astonishing situations. By taking
protective measures, it would be very beneficial for the country's economy as the climate brings destruction
with it.







 (Secilo)

 AS PER KNOWLEDGE.(2018-2023)

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