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UNISWAP(DEX) Analysis using

Bitquery’s Explorer
The current model of Uniswap is the V3, its defining idea is concentrated liquidity- liquidity that
is allocated within a custom price range.
In this article, we delve into an analysis of Uniswap using Bitquery's Explorer and API tools.

Uniswap Overview
The Uniswap protocol is a peer-to-peer system designed for exchanging
cryptocurrencies(ERC-2O Tokens) on the Ethereum blockchain.
Currently, Uniswap is the market leader among decentralized crypto exchanges. Uniswap had a
66.1% share of the total spot trading volume in 2023 Q2.

Bitquery's Explorer

Bitquery Explorer provides on-chain metrics, historical and real-time data across more than 40
blockchains through its widgets and GraphQL APIs.
The Explorer and GraphQL API can acces the following information about UNISWAP:
● Trading Volumes and User Activity

Trading Volumes and User Activity

Bitquery's API enables us to track trading volumes and user activity over time on UNISWAP.
This query example displays the monthly trade volume of Uniswap V3.
Open this query in the GraphQL IDE.

Understanding the query

The explanation of the query:
1. ethereum(network: ethereum): Specifies that we are querying data related to the
Ethereum blockchain.
2. dexTrades: Specifies the type of data we want to retrieve, which is trade data on
decentralized exchanges.
3. options: {asc: "date.month", limit: 100}: Sets the options for the query. It requests the
trades in ascending order based on the month and limits the results to the latest 100 trades.
4. protocol: {is: "Uniswap v3"}: Filters trades to include only those that occurred on the
Uniswap v3 protocol.
Inside the dexTrades block, it retrieves the following information:
● count: The total count of trades that match the specified criteria.
● tradeAmount(in: USD): The total trade amount converted to USD.
● protocol: The protocol name (Uniswap v3).
● date: The date information for each trade, including the month and year.

The result
The query helps you obtain statistical information about the trades on the Uniswap v3 protocol,
● the total count
● total trade amount in USD
● the date distribution of the trades
Additionally, the picture and the GRAPHQL query example below show the amount of
UNISWAP trades by protocol

Open this query in the GraphQL IDE.

Other UNISWAP information that can be gotten using Bitquery explorer, include the followintg:
● Liquidity Pools: In the query example below, we will be fetching a list of liquidity pools
created for WETH (Wrapped Ether) on UNISWAP, for which we need to set buy
currency to the address of the WETH token. Open this query in the GraphQL IDE, for a

In this section, you'll find a curated collection of tools, references, and further reading to deepen
your understanding and aid your exploration of Uniswap Analysis using Bitquery:

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