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As mentioned in the reading materials for this week on Greek architecture, the architectural

formulas developed by the ancient Greeks as early as the 6th century B.C. have had a
lasting impact on architectural styles for the past two millennia.

One example of a building designed in a classical style that I have personally seen is the
Faisal Mosque in Islamabad. This mosque, completed in 1986, is one of the largest
mosques in the world and is known for its classical architectural elements.

The architect(s) of the Faisal Mosque likely chose to incorporate classical style elements in
the design to convey a sense of timelessness, grandeur, and reverence. The classical style,
with its use of symmetrical proportions, harmonious balance, and iconic features such as
columns and domes, is often associated with notions of stability, tradition, and nobility.

The building's function as a mosque is well-suited to the classical style. The classical
architectural elements used in the design of the Faisal Mosque, such as the large dome, tall
minarets, and expansive courtyard, are reminiscent of the grandeur and serenity of ancient
Greek and Roman temples. This helps to create a solemn and dignified atmosphere befitting
a place of worship.

In addition, the classical style may have been chosen for the Faisal Mosque as a way to
establish a visual connection with the historical and cultural heritage of Islam, which has
roots in the ancient civilizations of the Middle East and Mediterranean region. By drawing on
classical architectural elements, the Faisal Mosque pays homage to the rich architectural
traditions of the past and reinforces the enduring legacy of Islamic architecture.

Overall, the use of classical architectural style in the design of the Faisal Mosque conveys a
sense of timelessness, tradition, and reverence, while also establishing a visual link with the
historical and cultural heritage of Islam. The building's function as a mosque is well-suited to
the classical style, creating a harmonious blend of form and function.

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