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Die Staatskonkurs Aufgaben im Jahre Die Aufgaben in den

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Puech En l Honneur de Son Quatre Vingtieme Anniversaire
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Cadernos da Cátedra Vol I Movimentos da América Latina

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Histórias da pobreza no Brasil 1st Edition Fabiano

Quadros Rükert Jonathan Fachini Da Silva José Carlos Da
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Sakota, 9, 61
Schools, vide Colleges
Scrolls, honorific, &c., 372-3, 451, 506
Seal, Imperial, 33, 35, 40, 42
Seng-Ko-Lin Ch’in, Prince, 15, 20, 21, 25, 28
Seymour, Admiral, 332
Shansi, Court in, 346
Yu Hsien, Governor of, 373
Shao Yu-lien, 173
Shen Chin, Reformer, 490
Sheng Hsüan-huai, 407
Sheng Pao, General, 20, 391, 484
Shensi, famine in, 105, 416
Rebellion in, 117
Shih Hsü, 458
Shimonoseki Treaty, 391
Shun-Chih, Emperor, 37, 83, 133, 146
Siege of Nanking, 68-9, 71
Su-Chou fu, 507
Silkworms, God of, 206
Small-pox, 120
Southern provinces and Reform, 169, 185, 219, 229, 253, 418,
Southern Viceroys, 277, 329, 359, 394-5, 506
“Spring and Autumn” Classic, 288, 318, 514
Squeezing by officials, 495, 510
Students, 178, 430, 457
Succession, Imperial, 5, 115, 119, 122, 128, 129, 132, 134, 141,
304, 381, 444, 462, 487
Sugiyama, 262
Suicide, patriotic, 134
Summer Palace, burnt by Allies, 20, 42, 389
rebuilding of, 99, 128, 168, 356, 493
Tzŭ Hsi’s life at, 198, 301, 451
Sun Chia-nai, 253, 358, 510-12
Sung Ch’ing, General, 350
Sung dynasty, 133, 143, 190, 236, 391
Sung, Eunuch, 300
Sung Po-lu, Censor, 190, 195, 208
Sung Yu-lien, 204
Sun Yat-sen, Dr., 227
Sun Yu-wen, 157
Su Shun, usurping Regent, 30 et seq., 48, 156, 496

Ta-A-Ko, vide Heir Apparent

Ta Chi, Concubine, 225
Taiping rebellion, 11, 37, 48, 64-80, 276, 321, 467, 485, 492,
Tai-Tsung, Empress, 37
T’ai-Yüan fu, Court at, 348, 496
Taku Forts, 264, 323, 327, 333
T’an Chung-lin, Viceroy, 245
T’ang dynasty, 141, 216, 347
Tang Shao-yi, 82, 496
T’an Su-t’ung, Reformer, 202, 245
T’an Ting-hsiang, Viceroy, 24
Tao-Kuang, Emperor, 8, 122, 184, 251, 291, 458
his widow, 11
T’ao Mo, Viceroy, 107-8
Taxation, system of, 441
Temple of Heaven, 445
“The Chinese Crisis from Within,” 2, 477
Tientsin, fighting at, 282, 289, 290, 325
Tientsin massacre, 76-7
Tien Ts’ung, Emperor, 1
Times correspondent, Peking, 82, 446, 488
Times, The, quoted, 216, 219, 389, 404-11, 471-75, 495, 501
Ting, Admiral, 99
Ting Pao-chen, 91-3
T’ing Yung, 247
Tombs, Imperial, 150, 471, 473, 487
Hsien-Feng’s, 61, 149
T’ung-Chih’s, 136
Tzŭ Hsi’s, 456
Tongking, 154, 166
Train-bands, 242-3, 248, 253
Transvaal war, 289
Treasure in Palace, 301, 347, 403
Treaties, Commercial, 111, 383
Treaty of Livadia, 502-3
of Portsmouth, 506
of Shimonoseki, 391
of Tientsin, 23, 114
Trial of Reformers, 220
Tribute, provincial, 97, 104, 359, 361, 398, 402, 452, 496
Troops, Chihli, 75, 78, 182, 197
Tsai Ch’u, Prince, 213
Tsai Feng, vide Prince Ch’un
Tsai Lan, Duke, 100, 251-2, 261-3, 270, 272, 292, 294, 360, 364
Tsai Lien, “Beileh,” 252, 282
Tsai Tsê, Duke, 431
Tsai Tun, Duke, 49
Tsai Ying, “Beileh,” 252, 282
Tsai Yüan, Prince, 21, 27, 30
Chief Regent, 36
conspiracy of, 3, 30 et seq., 212, 492
death of, 47
Ts’en Ch’un-hsüan, 101, 347-8, 355, 359, 360, 370
Tseng Kuo-ch’uan, 68
Tseng Kuo-fan, Viceroy, 11, 28, 37, 64, 80, 223, 483, 492, 502,
Tseng, Marquis, 64, 79, 99
Tseng Tzu, 146
Tso Tsung-t’ang, 64, 138, 140, 483, 503, 507-510
Tsungli Yamên, 42, 60, 190, 278, 334
Tuan Fang, 4, 119, 287, 454, 465, 512, 515
Tuan Hua, Prince, 21, 30 et seq., 49, 439
Tuan, Prince (Boxer), 100, 224, 251-303, 364
his wife, 343
in banishment, 365
relations with Tzŭ Hsi, 273, 283, 291, 343
son of, Heir Apparent, 253, 303-4
Tu Mu, 146
T’ung-Chih, Emperor, 35, 52, 54, 84, 115, 119, 467, 487
death of, 121, 439
funeral and burial of, 135, 138
marries A-Lu-Te, 118, 494
succession to, 130, 303, 382, 458, 461-2, 487
unborn heir of, 122
Tung Fu-hsiang, General, 261-2, 272, 281, 284-5, 288, 316,
323, 350, 362, 366, 509
T’ung Wen College, 493
T’ung Yŭan-ch’un, Censor, 38, 43
Tun, Prince, 2, 131, 251
Turkestan, 221, 229, 365, 502
Tzŭ An (Empress Dowager, of the East), 35, 55, 75, 92, 94, 118,
121, 148-9
and A-Lu-Te, 121
and Prince Kung, 93
Co-Regent with Tzŭ Hsi, 44, 475
death of, 152
tomb of, 472, 487
valedictory decree, 152
Tzŭ Hsi, Empress Dowager, (see also Yehonala)
appoints Kuang Hsü’s successor, 252, 257, 382
burial and tomb of, 150, 470-5, 515
charm of manner, 215, 478, 497
compared with Napoleon, 486
compared with Queen Elizabeth, 160, 166, 481, 498
contemplates suicide, 297
courage, 285, 487, 488
death of, 464-7, 498
despotic nature, 57, 184
diet and habits, 356, 411, 496
Empress Dowager and Co-Regent, 35, 44, 51 et seq.
extravagance, 189, 198, 228, 494
feminine vanity, 496
fits of rage, 94, 259, 265, 281, 289, 294, 300, 480, 489, 497
flies from Peking, 296-7, 340 et seq.
fond of painting, 259, 285
gentleness, 53, 239, 259, 480
her eunuchs, 81 et seq., 90, 95-6, 198, 267, 289, 300
her favourites, 91, 96, 102, 293, 364, 483
her private fortune, 81, 301, 495
her Privy Purse, 40, 45, 98, 162, 301, 398, 434
her sisters, 11, 123, 126, 179
impartiality, 231, 484
inconsistency, 257
indecision, 260, 328, 387
in retirement, 161
kindness of heart, 282, 286, 358, 478, 481, 489
last words, 466
life at summer palace, 157, 161-2, 198, 288
love of literature, 492-3
love of theatre, 88, 91, 256, 259, 356, 400, 454-5, 492
names and titles of, 13, 55, 469, 490
opium smoking, 411, 496
parentage, childhood and education, 2, 7, 8-9
penitent, 337, 383, 389, 392, 416-7, 445
personal appearance, 359
policy towards Manchus, 231
political activity, 239, 244
prestige of 469, 488
profligacy of Court, 84, 189, 203, 225, 244, 481
quarrels with Co-Regent, 94, 148-9
rebukes the Censors, 166
receives wives of foreign Ministers, 214, 290, 401, 412,
434, 495
reform policy, 375, 389, 394, 416, 420, 425
relations with Boxers, 250-300, 358, 364, 419
relations with Jung Lu, vide Jung Lu
relations with Kuang Hsü, 176, 438, 449
relations with Legations, 291, 328, 401
relations with Prince Kung, 57 et seq., 91 et seq.
relations with Prince Tuan, 278, 283, 291, 328, 343
seventieth birthday, 227
sickness of, 443, 455-6
sixtieth birthday, 167, 510
statecraft, 52, 237, 327
superstitious nature, 65, 279, 387, 409, 456, 481, 485, 487
thrifty instincts, 45, 105, 405, 434, 481, 495
Tsai Yuan conspiracy, 30 et seq.
vindictiveness, 44, 243, 305, 490
violates succession laws, 43, 126, 132, 445, 487
woman of moods, 62, 259

Vernacular Press, vide Press

Victoria, Queen, 333, 337, 448, 492

Wang Chao, Reformer, 197, 232, 449

Wang Wen-shao, 194, 247, 278, 298, 340, 342, 354, 402
Wan Li, Emperor, 1
War, with England and France (1860), 14 et seq.
of Boxers, 266
Russo-Japanese, 506
with France, 154, 166, 505
with Japan, 98, 157, 167-8, 170, 180, 249, 510
Wei Chung, Eunuch, 83
Weihaiwei, 99, 390
“Wen Ching,” 2, 477, 479
Weng T’ung-ho, 151, 156-7, 178 et seq., 233-5, 505, 510
Wen Hsi, 120
Wen Lien, 282, 289, 298, 301
Wen T’i, Censor, 194, 400
Western learning, 187, 191, 199
White Lily sect, 247, 311, 321
Winter Palace, 198, 260
Women, in the Palace, 232
not allowed with army, 485
not allowed with Imperial cortège, 45
rulers, 52, 466
Wu, Empress, 52, 189, 270, 472
Wu K’o-tu, 110 et seq., 132 et seq., 445, 461, 506
suicide of, 135, 137
Wu San-kuei, 74
Wu Ta-ch’eng, 163, 165
Wu-T’ai shan, 350

Yakoub Beg, 509

Yang Ju, 330
Yang Jui, 202, 220, 225
Yangkunu, Prince, 1
Yang Shen-hsiu, 190, 195
Yangtsze provinces, 78, 328
under Taipings, 67
Viceroys, vide Southern
Yehonala Clan, 2-4, 122, 158, 163, 166, 213, 465, 515
Yehonala, Concubine Imperial, 1 to 13 et seq., 26-7 (vide Tzŭ
her sisters, 11, 123, 126
Yeh, Viceroy, 12, 24
Yellow Emperor, 145
Yellow Girdles, vide Aisin Gioros
Yellow River, 163, 238, 397, 400, 509
Yellow Sedan-chair, 164
paper decrees, 243
Turban sect, 314
“Yi” Concubine, (vide Yehonala), 17, 31
Yin Chang, 384-5
Ying Nien, 366-7, 372
Ying Tsung, Emperor, 125
Yi, Prince, vide Tsai Yuan, 27, 48
“Young China,” 178, 418, 433, 476, 491
Yüan Ch’ang, 269, 270, 273, 281, 292, 294, 307-26, 377
Yüan Dynasty, 314
Yüan Shih-k’ai, 82, 171, 201, 203 et seq., 311, 334, 400, 402,
410, 429, 451, 459, 460
Yu-Ch’uan pu (Ministry of Communications), 430
Yü Hsien, 252, 254, 260, 273, 287, 291, 311, 323, 348-9, 365,
Yü Lu, Viceroy, 195, 257, 264, 282, 292, 297, 312, 323, 343
Yünnan, Rebellion in, 117
Transcriber’s Note: An entry for “Waiwupu” was omitted from the Index, but if it had
been included, it might have referred you to pages 339 and 482.

Richard Clay and Sons, Limited,


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