HW Unit 5

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LMS lesson. Unit 5.

Please do these exercises, the key will be sent to you after your answers are posted.

5.1 Vocabulary Do exercises A, B, C, and D

5.2 Reading: Answer the questions in Pre-reading
Do exercises A, B and C in While-reading

5.3 Writing: Do Lead-in A, and B

Functional language A & B
Read the writing Task page 61 and 61 to prepare for your writing as homework. However, you
are encouraged to do it if you can.

Your answers

5.1 Vocabulary
A. 1. d 6. e B. 1. Brand stretching 6. Marketing collateral
2. b 7. g 2. Distribution channel 7. Customer retention
3. h 8. c 3. Price elasticity 8. Churn rate
4. i 9. f 4. Sales representative 9. Affiliate marketing
5. a 5. Demand generation

C. 1. Market segmentation 7. Brand stretching

2. Sales representative 8. Distribution channel
3. Demand generation 9. Marketing collateral
4. Market positioning 10. Customer retention
5. Churn rate 11. Market saturation
6. Market skimming 12. Affiliate marketing

Social media marketing Traditional advertising methods
1. Reach a large number of customers Limited customers

→ Customers can easily access products → Customers only see products through posters and
thanks to widespread promotion on many banners
social platforms
2. Contact easily and quickly Difficult contact

→ The possibility of immediate contact → Find and enter the phone number

→ Two-way → One-way
3. Easily change advertising content Many difficulties when changing advertising content

→ Little impact on costs and effort → Spend a lot of money on editing and re-advertising
5.2 Reading
Pre – reading
1. I prefer: Marketing means identifying customers, defining and developing the products or
services they want, and making and distributing them. In my opinion, customers are people
who will make purchases based on their needs and preferences. Therefore, when continuing to
market, we need to pay attention to recognizing potential customers, and know how to analyze
and develop products and services according to customers' wishes. Thus, it will be easy to
increase product revenue.
2. I think a business cannot be successful without marketing. Because marketing is a convenient
means to help customers know products and know their uses. Therefore, when there is no
marketing, people will not know the product or the benefits of that product. This makes it more
difficult to sell products, more difficult to recover product capital, and easier to go bankrupt.

While – reading
A. 1. c B. 1. Marketing and Innovation. C. 1. F 6. T
2. g 2. Marketing was seen as an expense, not an investment. 2. T 7. F
3. d 3. Interruptive, repetitive, and annoying ads. 3. T 8. T
4. b 4. The ability to create exponential benefits, not just 4. F 9. F
5. f incremental sales gains. 5. F 10. F
6. e
7. a

5.3 Writing
Lead – in
A. 1. To invite a highly valued partner to the launch of a new product.
2. Rely if they can attend the launch or not.

3. B → D → A → C

B. 1. Accepting an invitation: letter B

Declining an invitation: letter A
2. Three parts
3. Similarities:
- The first paragraph of both letters is giving thanks for the invitation.
- The last paragraph of both letters is for reiterating the thanks.
- The second paragraph of letter B is for confirming the attendance while the one of
letter A is for giving some sort of an excuse, expressing your regret, and offering an

Functional language
A. 1. How about 2. would like you to 3. Would you like to 4. writing to invite you
5. Why don’t you 6. would like to

B. 1. Declining 2. Accepting 3. Declining 4. Accepting 5. Both 6. Both

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