Family3 (1 12)

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a)trees – litter – path – grass

b)path – grass – trees – litter
2. Is this an ugly park?
- No it isn’t , its ------------
a)polluted b)beautiful
3. we mustn’t walk on the grass , we must walk on the ---------
a)trees b)path
4. you ------------- talk loudly in the hospital.
a)mustn’t b)must
5. We ---------- eat food in the class.
a)mustn’t b)must
a) you mustn’t take photos here
b) you can take photos here
a) you can not talk here
b) you must talk

8. you mustn’t talk to your mobile = ………………………………..

a) you can not talk to your mobile here
b)you can talk to your mobile
9. My uncle doesn’t like the cat ----------- the dog .
a) and b) or
10. Jim reads comics ----------- books .
a) and b) or
11. I’ve got a mp3 player ----------- a CD player .
a) and b) or
12. David and his friends don’t walk --------- catch the bus to school.
a) and b) or
13 . We can not play games when we have final exam.
a) we must play games.
b) we mustn’t play games.
14. wash / hands
a) We must wash our hands.
b) We mustn’t wash our hands.
15. walk / grass / X
a) we must walk on the grass .
b) we mustn’t walk on the grass.

a) mustn’t eat here / mustn’t wash your hands / mustn’t turn off your
mobile / mustn’t swim here
b)mustn’t eat here / must wash your hands here / must turn off your
mobile / mustn’t swim here

1 Look and complete the words.

1 2 3

l itter pla round f un ain

4 5 6

b n h ra s f o ers

2 Circle.
1 2

bus / ferry
helicopter / plane

3 4

tram / taxi motorbike / train

5 6

plane / tram helicopter / taxi

1 Write was, wasn’t, were or weren’t.
In the past, there 1 wasn’t a shopping mall in this town, but there
lots of small shops. There 3 a park in the middle of the town.
The park was clean because there 4 any litter. There
a lovely big lake with boats. There 6 always lots of children
there, because children love boats! Of course, there 7 any cars in the
park, so we were always safe.

2 Choose the correct words. Were didn’t Did had was wasn’t

1985 Pete Were you tall, Dad?
Dad Yes, I 2 . And I had black hair!
Pete Aunt Susan have black hair?
Dad No, she 4 . She 5 ________
long, blond hair. She very tall.

Dad Aunt Susan


1 Underline the correct words.

1 Fantastic! I haven’t got any more exams! worried / cheerful / shy

2 Oh no! Our train is late. cheerful / mean / worried
3 I’d like to buy a special present for my mum. generous / shy / miserable
4 No, you can’t play with my ball. mean / generous / cheerful
5 Would you like to eat at our table with us? miserable / worried / friendly
Hello, I’m Joe. Last Saturday it was my birthday. I had a party at my house. All my
friends were there. There were eight boys and six girls. We played games in the
garden and we had pizza and chocolate cake. We were all very happy. Today I’m in the
park with my friends Harry and Andy. We like the park. You can play football on the
grass but you mustn’t pick the flowers or play in the fountain.

1 It was Joe’s birthday yesterday. T / F 2 He had chocolate cake on his birthdayT /F

3 There were fourteen children. T / F 4 They played games in the park. T / F
5 You mustn’t play football in the park. T /
F 6 Joe’s in the park with his friends today.

Match the opposites:

1 cheerful c a short
2 tall b young
3 shy c miserable
4 old d relaxed
5 worried e handsome
6 ugly f generous

7 mean g friendly

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