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:•H'r'., '.:c,ll1·J C-,11 -.

, 0 S,, fJ (r ) C5 H 10 S 2 0 (d ) C0 H 10 S (J 2 (t:J
·i, ',,, \1U ,
') · r 11 l '
.i to 1,11c 111,l\~ n l ·•~Cl (7'.:i.5J % J·in tJ 'J1 77 C:• J ( 'L'4·. •t"/'',. J
I I'(• "( •\ 1, Cl /I I
I . · • •l (,U,i ti l ll .i ll d J,;_,J:,G.irn u t'e:;p,·Lt rvl! ly. Cd, 1d.1t1·
, s., o f r 111 111'111< ·. .,. lw p e 1rL· 11 t;,1•1· 111
\! .\\' L•r .. i;c: ,![(1 1111 (" Ill <) · c I ,'
, " ' '1Ji11 •,v,_1~~h:'.J :,_J ,nuh.:<-Uld . ,'\t 1i:J ; ·
, . tl1p•·e
., s dc1 10 1r• t·Jte rol:11IV<, · ,il,u nrJ ,1nr,· ' r.,J ,1111, i!J1•1·. ( ,-1 ,n,,J.:, ... 1·11 1111mo, :·
: L~, ~~'.• 11 n u (1 1) :is.,i :i 1lan 1u !'·.. ) :~5.SG I :.,n u idJ '1 1/ Whir Ii r, I rt•t· ',,;ir,v11ng n:, d, .d1:c. "' i, bi: tl&5'. '
G.O.. .H 11 11t1 (1') 36.rJSG,Httu w ,, 11:1: (o1j 1.,1 1 (UJ Cl/, (<J1!Ill, [dj HF l.!=J fJJ{,_
:o. Calrul., te thr· ·
wav e·Ic ngl. 1I .Il l 11,I IID lll C l ( •r s (nmj r,f IIJJ' ',r,. Wli 1Ll1 (J f ; t,1• /r, lic.,wing ,,x1d-,s a r•: frl%l b:l:;1, ·.,>..!de·
111e ,n t he ~IJ"1·ttt1 · 1· J·1y ci rtJ[ll! II !'0 1Tl", p0111 1·rng l•i
. _ ., ';. Ill O No,O , M,q O,li l,, (J,,;;O, ,f',OH,,!)0, a nd C:z0 7
'1 - ·' ,ind 11 , = I, [Ri, --= 10967Hc:m · 1 J 0
f a) 121 5.22 11111 '.i l. fin e l•· rntnl with ;,tnrni·. numb1:, 4'J is hkei; 1.u havt
h ) I 142.:, Lmn1 (c) 1·094.. ll~rn ( d) 107S.27 nm fr.J th1; ~a rnc: ch<,rnical p~opert1e~ a~ U-.o!'.r element:: tr, (a)
U32.2 t,n111 group 1/1. rbJ gri1up IIA (r:J group IIIA (d ) group lVA (e1
:1. Huw m a ny o rbita ls ::i re there in th e s he ll w ith n - S'? group VA . ,
a) 18 (b) 7. 1 (c) 22 (cl) 25 (e) 28 orbi tals S2 . An c ltment that ha~ ;; tornic numbtr JB heHmgs v,
:2. Ho e n ,any electro ns can be placed into the M s hell of period (a)£ (b) 3 (tj 4 (dJ 5 (e) 6
11 atom'? (a) 14 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 20 (e) 22 53. Zirw11 1um, Zr is a grou p iVB t le mtnt in perlc.d 5
,.., H
>j, o w ma ny elect rons are in p orbita ls in As? (Z :: 33) What wou ld you expect for tr.e _ va}.ence rneil
a ) 6 (b) 10 (c) 12 (d) 15 (e) 18 · configura Lion of zircor.ium 7 (a) 4sl 4p' [o) 4.s 2 4-p' (c.J
14. Ho w many unpaired e lectrons would there be in t he 4s~4j?::, (ci) 4s 2 5s 2 (e) 4d 1 ~55 ''
o n GdH? (Z = 6 4) (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 9 (e) 11 54. All t hese propim1es belong IL tht ha .,;ge11.s e-xr...ep:
lS. What is the t otal number of electrons that can be (a) they are all non mer.alo [b) they e:d:n as aiatornk
1eld in all orbitals having the same principal qua ntum m olewle (c) th ey are coloured (dJ che-; d0 not ionize to
1umber n ? (a) 2 n CP) ,2 n 2 (c) Zn+ J. (d) z n z + 1 (e) form univalent ioru (e) they ha ve ability to have variable
:n - 1 'v valencies
:6 .How m a ny electrons can be accommodated in _a g 55. · Consider the element v,ith the e;ectron
ubshell? (a) 10 (b) 14 (c) 10 (d) 22 (e) 26 configuration (Ar) 5s24d105p5. This eiemer.t..s i5 (a J ~
:7. What value of a_ngular momentum is allowed for halogen (b) a transition metal (c) an alkali (ri1 an
1rincipal quantum number (n) of 3? (a) 0, 1, 2, 3 (b) 0, actinide (e) a noble gas _
,3; 4 (c)0,1 (d)0, 1, 3,4 (e)0, 1,2 56. Cobalt-60 has hal flife of 5.26 I.: 1.0-0g o: ~co
:s. An orbital)~ ·a region in space where there is a high· was allowed to decay, how many grams wcu!d b€
n:oba!:>ility •or 'finding· (a) :px:oton (bJ nucleus W prese~t after three half lives? (a) 0.0313g (b) 0.0625g (c)
lectron ·(cU i:ieutron '.(e)' proton an_d ne,u_tron . · 0.125g. (d) 0.250g (e) O.S OOt _
19 ; :1Predic:_t-~ _fype of hybrid orbitals·. pre s!?ni: in the 57. The · rate constant for the de-.ay of ' Ca 1.5
pace ){eF11molecule [Xe 54.0, F 9.0]. . (alsp·_. (b) sp 3 = ·· ·4-..23·x 10_- 3 day- 1• Calcu1.-c.e the half life of 45 Ca e.rpress
c) sp3d (d) spd 2 · (e) sp 3d 2 . •· • · .• • . in days (a)..182 days (b) 164 days (c) 148 days (d) 132
fO. What is the geometry of the following _s pe_c;ie AlCh? days (e)-123 days
a) linear · (b) tr_igonal planar (~) tetraJie,dral (d) SB. The half life of 51 Cr is 27.72 d2ys.. wlrulatE tbe rate
rigonal bipyramid · . . .· : : 0
_ •·
constant for delay for 55 Cr in uniG of second (a,
~1. In SF4;;the ni,<:Jlecular geometry is (a) o~bf§ral· (b) 7.23 x 10-ss- 1 (b) 1.46 x 10-7 s- 1 (c) 2.8'9 x 10-· s•:
rigqfi,~1. p)~~~ , (c) square pla~ar • (d) (e) (d}'4.35 x 10-7 s- 1 (e) 2.8'9 x 10-•s- 1
rigonal1>YI'.<l!flid , · : 4- ./ ' -: >· .. ..: · _, 59. . ·. Calculate the binding energy o f ~N: m
(2: -What the' hybri~ization state of SF6?, [F ::;-~\q' .s = MeV/ nucleon i( the exact mass of dlis nudide is
l 6J. . (a)._sp3.i: (};)) sp2d . . (c) sp~d . (e.)_,~p~d 2 (e) ~one of

f3. ·tnthe n!(~s

he above ·i ~..n '· , .., :: .. · : ·, . ,. ~"
of'fzM); tJii ,tn1mber (>f nu~n,,j~ (a)
f2 (1)) 5-41{ 96 ( d)138,(e)l40 . , , -~
59.9332 amunP ,;-l,00728amu,
-~e 0.000548, lamu 931.5 MeV]
Et70MeV/ nucleon · (b)
7.BOMeV/ nucleon
6.98MeV/nucleon (d) 5.25MeVjnucieon (e) 52<;

1-4. A ~amp ~ of 6.9m9l of carbon monoicid.e gas ls M.,V/nucleon

>r esent in •~ .s;,.mtaii)er of volurQe, 30~4L ca.J~at~ the ·.601What is the activity in millicurie.s. of a 0.500g ~mple
,ressure ofthe 1gas (in 'atm) lf tll~ ~m~~.n: 62 _C [R 1, ·bf 3~~Np? (this isotope decays b>' a - parti..:..:le emission
, o.0.8Z1 L atm/K.mofl (ii) 2.6 atni (b)3.Satm (c) 4.4 ind has a halflife of2.20 x 106 yr) (a) 0.172 m curie (b)
rm (dJ 6.~,~ti11 (eJ73 atm. . · 0.343 mcurie (c) 0.515 mrutie (d) 0.686 mru rie (e )
c; A quanclty of "as welp_ing 7.10g at 74l torr and 0.858 mcurie
:~roe occupies a volurne of 5.04L. ~~Jt is_its 1Jl9lar ~~l 61. The i♦c in living ma tter has an JctJVity of 15 3
t,• -" o.oaHL.atrn/mol.K] fa) 11,1Vmol {b} 29.3g/mo1 .disintegration or counts per m inute ( cprn ). \'\~nat 1s th<"
r. )3!P g/rnol (d) SZ.7 g/mol . . . age of the artifact that has an arm1tv ,if -4-cpm
·L ,,._,. · •-t" the total nressure m torr of a m~ure
In l.dlf.!.!IA '- . 11"
ti e pared by adding 20.0ml of .Ni at . can .
00 d 7•.n
.., torn-
( 1•c: ti=5730_yr ) (a) S,500_v (b) 11.1 00y l .:) 16,!'50 (~1
J :rn om \s of 0 2 at 041 c and 640 torr to a ~0.0mts 19,000y (€) 23,700y
-.o \' . .
· . t o<•.-.,.. (aJ -6♦0
on,qt.a~llUll i! ..
frirr Cb)
&80. tot1,, (c) 730 torr 61, In the follo wing nuclt>ar rquat10n • •4 Pu _. ,
l I 14'0wn (~) 860 tor( . . . ~Ce + 2Jn,X is (a) 1 ~~Te (b) ~:Kr (c) (d) 1g.v l"'
Hv,w l!l•UlY gr~! ~f ~4J}hllr ~S') :tre .Jt-U.ded t-~ 'i:'aa.
1, n,bine wlth. 241?1-\ f'l f ttrel'WI')' (Hk) to fu:rm HBS.
63. A sllv~r bar has a mass of 1870 g,Jms hr\\' n'.aii';
holes tif silver are in the bar~ [,lg = 10" B7,1""ll, • '''


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