SSR Product and Services (ENG) - 2803 1

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"To lead in multimedia, video, film, and tech art, shaping
captivating experiences worldwide."

"Creating engaging multimedia content, producing quality videos
and films, and pioneering immersive tech art experiences through
creativity, innovation, and collaboration."
We specialize in combining various media forms, including text,
audio, images, animation, video, and interactive elements. We craft
engaging experiences across platforms such as websites, mobile
apps, video games, and educational materials. These are utilized
for dynamic marketing, advertising, training, entertainment, and
communication purposes.

Movie Production
The movie production encompasses the entire process of an
entertainment production. It involves diverse activities in film
development, pre-production, production, and post-production. We
develop the idea, script, storyboard, production details, up to
editing and audio post production.

Tech Art
Tech art business blends technology and art to create innovative
and immersive experiences such as digital art installations, VR, AR
projects, and digital animation. Leveraging cutting-edge
technologies and artistic vision, businesses in this industry engage
audiences, provide unique experiences, and push creative
boundaries. Revenue streams include exhibitions, collaborations,
commissions, art sales, licensing, and partnerships with tech
Product and Services

Animated Character Assets

Animated Character Movements Using Motion Capture
AR (Augmented Reality) Content Based on Android and iOS
XR (Extended Reality) Content
MR (Mixed Reality) Content
360 Virtual Tour
Hybrid Meeting/ Seminar Services with Multicam
Live Streaming with 360 Camera

RFID Systems and Devices

Animation Films
Documentary Films
Video Tutorials
Video Clips
Songs composing and Audio Mixing for Films
Animated Character Assets
Creating animated characters refers to the process of designing and
developing digital characters for use in animated productions, whether it be
animated films, television series, video games, or other digital media. This
process involves creating characters from scratch, including conceptualizing
designs, creating three-dimensional (3D) models, crafting textures, rigging,
and character animation to bring about realistic or fantastical movements
and expressions according to the needs of the story or project at hand.
Animated characters are typically designed with unique characteristics to
distinguish them from others and enable the audience to connect with these

3D Characters


2D Characters



Animated Character Movement Using
Motion Capture

The process of "Creating Animation Character Movement Using Motion

Capture Technology" refers to the technique used to record real-life
movements from an actor or object and transform it into digital data that can
be applied to animated characters. This technology utilizes specialized
sensors and cameras that capture every movement and facial expression in
detail. Once the motion data is recorded, animators can import this data into
animation software to apply it to animated characters. The result is animation
that appears very natural and realistic because the recorded movements
come from real-life actions. Motion capture technology is often used in film
production, video games, and other entertainment industries to create
characters with more lively and authentic movements.
AR (Augmented Reality) Content

Creating Augmented Reality (AR) content in the form of applications refers to

the process of developing applications that utilize Augmented Reality
technology to display three-dimensional (3D) digital objects or additional
information interactively over the real world as seen through the camera of a
mobile device or other device. AR applications enable users to merge the
virtual world with the real world, creating an immersive and interactive
experience. This process involves designing, developing, and integrating AR
elements, such as 3D models, animations, and location-based information,
into the application. The result is an application that can be used for various
purposes, such as education, marketing, gaming, or simulation, offering
users a deeper and more engaging experience.
VR (Virtual Reality) Content
Creating Virtual Reality (VR) 360 content involves the process of generating
virtual experiences that enable users to explore and engage with a simulated
environment in a 360-degree format. Utilizing VR 360 technology, users can
immerse themselves in an environment recorded in a 360-degree format,
providing the ability to observe in all directions and sense the ambiance of
the surroundings. This process requires the use of specialized cameras
capable of capturing 360 degree images, along with image and audio
processing technologies. VR platforms or applications are then employed to
deliver the content to users. The outcome is a virtual experience that is both
immersive and lifelike, enabling users to feel as if they are physically present
at the recorded location, whether it be a tourist attraction, live event, or
specially crafted simulated environment. VR 360 content finds application in
various fields, including virtual tourism, marketing, training, and
entertainment, aiming to create captivating and immersive experiences for
XR (Extended Reality) Content

Creating Extended Reality (XR) content involves the process of developing

and integrating technologies that combine elements from Virtual Reality
(VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Mixed Reality (MR) to create deep
interactive experiences. XR content allows users to interact with an
immersive digital world, which may include 3D simulations, customizable
virtual objects, interactive environments, as well as real-time data and
information integration. The process of creating XR content entails
designing, developing, and implementing visual, audio, and interactive
elements within a platform or application to create versatile and immersive
experiences. XR content can be applied in various fields, including
education, training, entertainment, marketing, and industrial simulation,
providing innovative and adaptive solutions for modern visualization and
interaction needs.
MR (Mixed Reality) Content

Creating Mixed Reality (MR) content is a creative process in digital content

creation that combines elements from Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented
Reality (AR) to craft immersive and dynamic interactive experiences. In MR
content, users can interact with virtual objects seamlessly integrated into the
real world, creating an experience that blends the virtual and physical
realms. This process involves developing 3D models, animations, visual
effects, as well as integrating sensor technology and tracking to detect and
respond to the user's surrounding environment. The goal is to create an
experience that leverages the advantages of both VR and AR, such as
interactivity, reality augmentation, and immersion, applicable in various fields
such as training, education, gaming, design, and simulation.
360 Virtual Tour

Creating a Virtual Tour 360 refers to the process of crafting an interactive

virtual tour that allows users to explore and experience a location or
environment in a 360-degree format. Utilizing 360-degree photography
technology, Virtual Reality (VR) content, and digital platforms, Virtual Tour
360 provides an immersive visual experience where users can move and
look around the environment with flexible perspectives. Each viewpoint in
this virtual tour is represented by panoramic images enabling interactive
navigation, allowing users to feel the sensation of being in that location
without physically being there. Creating Virtual Tour 360 involves the
process of shooting with a 360-degree camera, image processing,
developing interactive interfaces, and integration with digital platforms to
deliver a deep and informative virtual experience.
Hybrid Meeting/Seminar Services with

Broadcast Hybrid Meeting/Seminar refers to holding meetings or seminars

that are broadcast live (live streaming) via platforms such as Zoom or
YouTube, with the integration of multicam technology for more dynamic and
professional visual production. In this context, "hybrid" indicates that the
event is attended by both physical and virtual (online) audiences. Multicam
technology allows the use of several different cameras to record different
viewpoints and moments in an event, creating a richer and more dynamic
visual experience for viewers. During the event, participants can interact live
via the Zoom platform, while online audiences can access the live broadcast
via the YouTube channel, expanding the event's reach and participation. By
combining live streaming and multicam technology, broadcast hybrid
meeting/seminar provides a flexible, inclusive and engaging communications
solution for modern meetings and seminars.
Live Streaming Services with 360

In this service, ongoing events or activities are recorded entirely, allowing

viewers to have a comprehensive and interactive view of the environment or
situation being broadcasted. 360-degree camera technology enables
viewers to control their perspectives in real-time, creating an immersive and
dynamic visual experience. This process includes the setup, operation, and
monitoring of the 360-degree camera, as well as the use of a robust network
infrastructure to produce smooth and high-quality video streaming. Live
streaming services with 360 cameras can be applied in various events and
situations, such as music concerts, sports events, conferences, exhibitions,
and other activities that require real-time content distribution to a diverse and
widespread audience.
RFID Systems and Devices

Creating RFID systems and selling RFID devices is a focused activity

involving the development, integration, and distribution of RFID technology
for various applications and business needs. RFID is a technology that
enables the automatic identification of objects or individuals through radio
waves, commonly used for tracking, inventory control, security, and other
applications. The process of creating an RFID system involves designing the
infrastructure, selecting hardware components (such as RFID tags, RFID
readers, and antennas), software development, integration with existing
systems, testing, and implementing RFID-based solutions. Additionally,
selling RFID devices entails production, distribution, marketing, and selling
RFID devices to potential customers, such as companies, governments, or
organizations in need of automatic identification solutions. The entire
process aims to provide efficient, reliable RFID solutions tailored to specific
customer needs, optimizing their operations and business processes.
Animation Films

Creating an animated film is a creative process in film production that

involves crafting moving images using animation techniques. In the making
of an animated film, each frame or individual image is sequentially recorded
to create the illusion of motion when played rapidly. This process involves
various stages, including conceptual planning, scripting, character design,
storyboarding, animation production, editing, and adding sound or music.
Animated films can be created using various techniques such as traditional
hand-drawn animation, computer-generated animation (CGI), stop motion,
2D animation, or a combination of these techniques. The final outcome of
the animated film production process is a visual work displaying a story,
characters, and a world created with imagination and skill, appealing to
audiences of various ages and backgrounds.
Documentary Films

Creating a documentary film is a film production process aimed at

documenting reality, events, stories, or specific issues in the form of visual
narrative. Documentary films often explore factual topics and strive to
present information or perspectives that are in-depth, objective, and
informative to the audience. The process of making a documentary film
involves in-depth research, conceptual planning, filming, interviews, editing,
and other audiovisual production tasks. The goal is to inform, educate, or
inspire the audience by conveying a relevant and significant story or reality.
Documentary films can cover various genres and themes, ranging from
history, culture, environment, and social issues to profiles of individuals or
communities. They have the potential to influence public opinion or trigger
change within society.
Tutorial Video

Creating a video tutorial is the process of producing video content

specifically designed to provide instructions, guidance, or training to viewers
on how to perform a task or use a product or service. In a video tutorial, the
creation typically begins with content planning, scriptwriting, filming, or
screen recording, video editing, adding narration or text, up to the finalization
and publication processes. The main goal of a video tutorial is to present
information or instructions in an easily understandable, visual, and
interactive manner, making it convenient for viewers to comprehend and
follow the taught steps. Video tutorials can be created in various formats and
durations, ranging from short tutorials for a specific feature or technique to
in-depth tutorial series for complex topics or subjects.
Video Clip

Making a music video is a production process aimed at creating an artistic

visualization or visual representation of a song, piece of music, or other
audio work. Music videos are typically crafted to enhance, interpret, or add
an artistic dimension to the accompanying audio piece. The process of
creating a music video involves various stages, including developing visual
concepts, writing scenarios or narrative concepts, selecting locations,
shooting or recording footage, video editing, integrating visual effects or
animation, and synchronizing with the audio. The objective is to craft a visual
experience that is engaging, entertaining, and reinforces the message or
emotion intended to be conveyed through the audio work. Music videos are
often used as promotional tools, artistic expressions, or entertaining media
that captivates both viewers and listeners.
Promotional Video

Creating promotional videos is the process of developing video content

aimed at promoting specific products, services, events, or brands to a target
audience. Promotional videos are crafted with the goal of increasing
awareness, interest, and engagement with an offer or marketing message. In
the creation process, promotional videos integrate engaging visual, audio,
and narrative elements designed to convey product or service information in
a persuasive and captivating manner. This involves strategic planning,
screenplay writing, selecting a visual style, shooting or recording, editing,
adding graphic or animated elements, as well as integrating marketing
elements such as logos, slogans, or special offers. The result is a video
specifically designed to stimulate audience interest and motivation to take a
desired action, such as purchasing a product, registering, or participating in
an event.
Composing Songs and Audio Mixing
Services for Films

Providing mixing services for songs or films is a professional activity in the

creative industry that focuses on combining and arranging various audio
elements in a production, be it a song or a film soundtrack. The aim is to
create balanced, clear, and engaging audio quality. The mixing process
involves adjusting the volume, balance, frequency, and other audio effects
from various sound sources, such as vocals, musical instruments, dialogue,
sound effects, and background music. The goal is to craft an optimal
acoustic space, ensuring every audio element is heard clearly and
harmoniously. This includes adjusting the dynamics and sound quality
according to the desired aesthetic and artistic vision. High-quality mixing
services are essential to produce audiovisual productions that are
professional, attractive, and meet industry standards in terms of audio
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