Project Three Questions

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Submitted by-
Roll No...........................................
Registration No.............................
Date of Submission.......................

Under the supervision of

Name of the teacher
First page
This project has given me ample scope for learning and
self development through collaborative activities. I
consider myself lucky enough to work under (Name of
teacher) whose encouraging words,vast knowledge and
motivating approach have stimulated us how to work
together in joy. I am grateful to him.
I also wish to offer my humble thanks to all my
friends and family members who helped me in various
ways to make a final draft of this project work and
submit the same to our school for evaluation.

Date:......................... ...........................................
Signature of the student
Last page
This is to certify that this project report entitled
Dramatization of the story "Three Questions" by Leo
Tolstoy submitted by (Your
No.....................................,Year.......................for partial
fulfilment to class xii English Course during the
academic year.................... .................,is a bonafide
record of project work carried out under my guidance
and supervision.
In my opinion,this project has fulfilled all the
requirements as per the rules and the regulations set by
WBCHSE. I wish him every success in life.

Date: ............................. ..........................................

Signature of the teacher
Second page


Third page and continue

1.Tsar-With his formal uniform.
2. Ministers-With their uniform.
3. Five or six learned men-Looking very gentle and
wise. One or two of them have books in their hands.
4. Two attendants-With their formal uniform.
5. The hermit-A old person with simple cloth.
6. A wounded man-A middle aged bearded man.

STAGE: Properly decorated like a royal court. A royal
chair at the center of the stage. There are also four or
more chairs at the right side and also at the left side of
the royal chair.
(All the characters are sitting on their own chairs.)
Tsar: Dear ministers,can we start today's court?
Minister-1: Of course honourable sir.
Tsar: I have a bothering thought in my mind. Can I
explain it?
Minister-2: Sure sir.
Tsar: I have been thinking from some days if I always
know the right time to begin everything,if I know who
are the right people to listen to and whom to avoid,if I
know what is the most important thing to do,I will
never fail in anything I undertake.
Minister-1: Great sir. Your thinking is great.
Tsar: I have also a plan for that. I want to proclaim it
throughout my kingdom and want to give a great
reward to anyone who will teach me the right answers
for these questions.
Minister-2: So,what can we do for you,sir?
Tsar: Proclaim my wish all over the kingdom.
Minister-2: As you wish sir.

(Royal court again)
Minister-1: Sir,we have already announced your wish
throughout the kingdom and today some learned
persons want to meet you regarding your questions. Can
I ask them to enter the court?
Tsar: Certainly.
Minister-1: (In a loud voice) Respected scholars,please
come into the court.
(Some learned persons come into the court)
Learned man-1: Long live our king.
Tsar: Thank you.
(The learned men take their places)
Tsar: Do you know about my proclamation?
Learned man-2: Of course sir. That's why we are here.
Tsar: Great. Then what is your opinion about my
Learned man-1: Sir,regarding your first question,to
know the right time for every action,one must draw up
in advance,a table of days,months and years and must
live strictly according to it. Only thus could everything
be done at its proper time.
Learned man-2: No, I am not agreed with you. Sir,it is
impossible to decide beforehand the right time for every
action,but that, not letting oneself be absorbed in idel
pastimes,one should always give attention to all that is
going on and then do what is most needful.
Learned man-3: Sir,I think it is impossible for one man
to decide correctly the right time for every action,but
that he should have a council of wise men who will help
him to fix the proper time for every action.
Learned man-4: Sir,I have a different idea.
Tsar: Explain it.
Learned man-4: There are some things which could not
wait to be laid before a council,but about which one has
to decide at once whether to undertake them or not. But
in order to decide that one must know beforehand what
is going to happen. It is only magicians who know
this,therefore,in order to know the right time for every
action,one must consult magicians.
Tsar: What about my second question-Who is the most
important people?
Learned man-1: Sir,your councillors are the most
important people to you.
Learned man-2: No,no, it is your priests.
Learned man-3: I think it is your doctors.
Learned man-4: Sir,I think the warriors are the most
important people to you.
Tsar: And What is the most important work?
Learned man-1: Sir,I think the most important thing in
the world is sceience.
Learned man-2: I think it is skill in warfare.
Learned man-3: To my opinion it is religious worship.
Tsar: Look my dear and honourable learned men,I
listened all of your answers,but I am not agreed with
anyone of you. So,I have decided to consult a
hermit,widely renowned for his wisdom.

(The hermit lived in a wood and he received only
common folk. So,the Tsar goes to meet the hermit alone
in simple clothes leaving his bodyguards behind. When
the Tsar approaches him,he was digging the ground in
front of his hut. He was frail and weak. While digging
the ground,he was breathing heavily.)
Tsar: I have come to you,wise hermit,to ask you to
answer three questions: how can I learn to do the right
thing at the right time? Who are the people I most need?
And what affairs are the most important?
(The hermit listened to him but answered nothing. He
just spat on his hand and recommenced digging.)
Tsar: You are tired. Let me take the spade and work
awhile for you.
Hermit: Thanks.
(After giving the spade to the Tsar,he sat down on the
ground. After digging for two hours, the Tsar stopped.)
Tsar: Your seed bed is ready. Now please tell me the
answers of my questions.
(Suddenly a man comes running out of the wood and
falls fainting before the Tsar and the hermit.)
Hermit: Oh,no! He is wounded,bleeding from his
stomach,he needs treatment.
(The Tsar and the hermit unfastened the man's clothing
and tie up by a handkerchief and a towel.)
Tsar: Oh,no! Blood is not ceased flowing.
(He rebandaged the wound again and again and at last
the blood ceased flowing.)
Tsar: Thank God,maybe he will be all right soon.
Hermit: I hope so.
Tsar: But I am very tired. I need rest. I need a good
Hermit: Me too. Let us sleep here beside the man.
Tsar: Good idea. Ok,good night wise hermit.
Hermit: Good night.
(The next morning the Tsar wakes up and sees that the
wounded bearded man is looking intensely at him.)
The wounded man: (In a weak voice) Forgive me.
Tsar: (Looking surprised) I do not know you and have
nothing to forgive you for.
The wounded man: You do not know me,but I know
you. I am that enemy of yours who swore to revenge
himself on you,because you executed his brother and
seized his property. I knew you had gone alone to see
the hermit,and I resolved to kill you on your way back.
But the day passed and you did not return. So,I came
out of my ambush to find you and I came upon your
bodyguard and they recognised me and wounded me. I
escaped from them,but should have bled to death had
you not dressed my wound. I wished to kill you and you
have saved my life. Now if I live and if you wish it, I
will serve you as your most faithful slave and will bid
my sons to do the same. Please forgive me.
Tsar: I am very glad to have made peace with an enemy
like you so easily and to have gained you as a friend
and not only I forgive you but I will send my own
physician and servants to attend you and I also promise
to restore your property.
The wounded man: Thank you. Thank you very much.

Tsar: It is very nice and fortunate that the wounded man
was saved and he made peace with me. I am very glad.
But for what I had come here. For the last time I pray to
you to answer my questions,wise man.
Hermit: You have already been answered.
Tsar: (Surprisingly) Answered! How answered? What
do you mean?
Hermit: Do you not see? If you did not pity my
weakness yesterday and had not dug those beds for
me,but had gone your way,that man would have
attacked you and you would have repented of having
not stayed with me. So, the most important time was
when you were digging the beds and I was the most
important man to you and to do me good was your most
important work.
Tsar: I do not understand your words completely.
Hermit: Afterwards when that man ran to us,the most
important time was when you were attending to him
and what you did for him was your most important
Tsar: Wise hermit, please explain it simply to me.
Hermit: There is only one time that is important-NOW.
Because it is the only time when we have any power.
The most necessary man is he with whom you are and
the most important affair is to do good for him.
Tsar: I completely understand,wise hermit. Thank you.

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