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 Basic  Intermediate  Advanced

Lesson Plan
Business/Materials Lesson Objectives
Notebooks, books, board, marker,
ppt show, sound system, pictures. Objectives: By the end of this lesson students
will be able to present new vocabulary for types of food
and drinks. To read for specific information.

Warm-up and Objective Discussion

Ss look at the pictures of food on a video instead of the book and share their ideas about

Instruct and Model  R  W  L  S

 Explain new words: Ask learners to look at the smart board at the front and then show
the meaning of Obento using a picture and so I ask to apply the same step with the
underlined words.

 Ss scan the text: T get learners attention by turning on a track for the text and ask a
simple question after that I demonstrate some questions related to the text such as

What is obento? (IW)

 Ss tell their classmate 3 things about obento. (GW)

 Explain new words.

 Ss discuss in pairs what they found interesting in the text. (PW)

Ss put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (PW

Guided Practice  R  W  L  S

 Ss read the text and complete the sentences. (PW)

 Ss tell their classmate 3 things about obento. (GW)

Independent Practice  R  W  L  S

 Ss discuss in pairs what they found interesting in the text. (PW)

Ss put the words in the correct order to make sentences. (PW

Assessment  R  W  L  S

T give learners several words and ask them to change into an interesting video using Canva
platform and then send it to each other

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