New Revision Excercise Basic 1 Book

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Kata Pengantar

Alhamdulillahihirobil ‘Alamin… kami panjatkan kehadirat

Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kekuatan dan kesempatan kepada
kami untuk menyusun buku latihan yang sangat sedehana ini.
Menguasai bahasa Inggris yang merupakan bahasa
Internasional telah menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat baik untuk
berkomunikasi maupun untuk menulis. Bahan-bahan yang bisa
dipakai untuk acuan untuk mempelajari bahasa Inggris pun terus
meningkat. Terutama dalam pemahaman tulis menulis dalam bahasa
Inggris. Oleh karena itu buku Exercise book ini bisa digunakan
sebagai pilihan untuk melatih structure anda.
Kami yakin buku ini masih jauh dari kesempurnaan. Untuk itu
kritik dan saran yang membangun demi perbaikan berikutnya sangat
kami harapkan.
Akhirnya kami tidak lupa menyampaikan terima kasih kepada
rekan-rekan yang telah memnbantu terbitnya buku ini baik moril
maupun materil.
Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Amin
Pare, 30 April 2008



Newbie Grammar 1 1
Daftar Isi

Kata Pengantar………………………………………………………...

Daftar Isi………………………………………………………….........

Chapter 1 Part of speech………………………………………………

Chapter 2 Sentence……………………………………………………

Chapter 3 Question …………………………………………………

Chapter 4 Tenses ……………………………………………………..

Review of middle test…………………………………………………

Chapter 5 Passive voice ……………………………………………….

Chapter 6 Causative verb ……………………………………………..

Chapter 7 Question Tag……………………………………………….

Chapter 8 Subjunctive…………………………………………………

Chapter 9 Conditional sentence ………………………………………

Review of final test …………………………………………………...

2 Newbie Grammar 1
Chapter 1 "Part of speech"

1.1 Identify the Count and non count noun in the following!
1. I bought chair, table, and desk. In other hand, I bought some
2. Ann likes to wear jewelry. Today she is wearing ring,
bracelet, and a necklace.
3. We saw beautiful mountain, field, and lake on our trip. In
other word, we saw beautiful scenery.
4. gold and iron are metal
5. In the united state, base ball is called the national pastime. To
play it, you need a baseball and a bat.
6. I have some coin in my pocket; in the other, hand I have some
change in my pocket.
7. We have got some information when we read newspaper.
8. I had chicken and rice for dinner last night.
9. I drank glass of water
10. windows are made of glass

1.2 Identify the Singular or plural noun below!

1. he wears glass because he has eyesight
2. Yoke learned several word today. She increased her
vocabulary today

Newbie Grammar 1 3
3. It took me a lot of time to finish my homework. I had a lot
of assignment.
4. I have been in Mexico three time. I have spent a lot of time
5. I like to read good literature. I like to read novel, poetry, and
6. There are typewriter, copier, telephone, and stapler in
typical business office.
7. You can find a lot of time-saving machine in modern
8. There are more start in the universe than there are grain of
sand on the beaches on earth.
9. I can not see a lot of tree, bush, grass, dirt, and flower.
10. He gave me some advice. She gave me some good

1.3 Choose the correct adjective or adverb in parentheses below!

1. George is a (careless, carelessly) writer. He writes (careless,
2. Frank asked me an (easy, easily) question. I answered it (easy,
3. Sally speaks (soft, softly). She has a (soft, softly) voice.
4. I entered the classroom (quiet, quietly) because I was late.

4 Newbie Grammar 1
5. Ali speaks English very (good, well). He has very (good, well)
6. This math problem looks (easy, easily). I’m sure I can do it
(easy, easily).
7. That chair looks (comfortable, comfortably).
8. I looked at the problem (careful, carefully) and then solved it.
9. I felt (sad, sadly) when I heard the news.
10. Susan smiled (cheerful, cheerfully). She seemed (cheerful,
11. I tasted the soup (careful, carefully) because it was hot. The
soup tasted (good, well).

1.4 Choose the correct pronoun below!

1. I go to school with (he/him) every day
2. I see (her/She/herself) at the union every Friday
3. (He/him) is going to school on Monday
4. Isn’t (she / her) nice person?
5. ( yours / your) record is scratched and (my/ mine) is too
6. John bought ( himself /hisself/ herself) a new coat
7. We like ( our / ours ) new car very much
8. The dog bit (she / her) on the leg
9. Everyone has to do ( their / his ) own research
10. Monday is a holiday for ( us/we/our) teachers

Newbie Grammar 1 5
1.5 Answers this question by choosing them!
1. Tom is my friend, I will visit …….tomorrow because I want to
borrow …….new English book.
a. he – his b. him-he c. him-his
2. The boy goes …… Jakarta
a. on b. to c. at
3. The students study in the library every Saturday ….09.00
a. on b. In c. at
4. We will come ….. your house ……….you invite me next
a. and-to b. to – if c. if- to
5. We shall go to Bali next week……..Friday
a. in b. on c. at
6. A small child was born ……1999
a. in b. on c. at
7. The girl is very small……… she is very clever
a. because b. or c. but
8. Today you must choose, you study English ….Arabic
a. because b. but c. or
9. Ali can speak English well ….. pronunciation is very good
a. because b. but c. or
10. Ted studies grammar ….….speaking at AL FUSA Course
a. because b. and c. but

1.6 Identify each underlined word as a noun, verb, adjective,

adverb, or preposition.
1. A terrible fire spread rapidly through the old house.
2. A small child cried noisily in the third row or the theatre.
3. The eager player waited impatiently for the start of the game.
6 Newbie Grammar 1
4. An unusually large crowd came to the concert.
5. Arthur carefully repaired the antique vase with special glue.
6. On especially busy days, the telephone in the main office rings
7. Through the centuries, many people have confused whales with
8. Whales are mammals, not fish. They breathe air and give birth
to live young.
9. Some species of whales dive deeply beneath the surface of the
ocean in order to feed and can stay under the water for more that
an hour. All whales, however, must come to the surface for air.
10. Whales make the longest migrations known among mammals.
Gray whales swim from the Pacific coast of Mexico, where they
give birth in winter, to the icy Arctic for the summer.
11. Orca whales, which are black and white, are highly trainable.
They are also called “killer whales,” but trainers tell us that
these whales are intelligent and sensitive. One time, a newly
captured male orca refused to eat for a long time. Finally, he
took a fish from the trainer. However, he didn’t eat the fish
immediately; he took it to another recently captured whale, a
female who had also refused to eat, and shared it with her.
12. Whales have no sense of smell and poor eyesight. Their senses
of touch and hearing, however, are highly developed. They can

Newbie Grammar 1 7
hear an extremely wide range of sounds and use sound to locate
Chapter 2 "Sentence"

2.1 Identify the Nominal or Verbal sentence below

1. Computer is amazing tool (…………..)
2. You have been the interviewer (…………..)
3. You want to take the trip today (…………..)
4. Do you want to cup of coffee (…………..)
5. Had you heard any news about our scholarship (…………..)
6. I'll be right here waiting for you (…………..)
7. The boy has had the ball in his pocket (…………..)
8. I'm going to be there on time when you arrive there
9. Maria wrote that letter last night at home (…………..)
10. The smiths has been living the beautiful country, Indonesia,
for 24 years (…………..)
11. Do a large number of people speak English? (…………..)
12. It was beautiful yesterday when we went or a walk in the park
13. You should have bought this camera, not that one
14. I’m glad that the sun shined again yesterday (…………...)

8 Newbie Grammar 1
15. It will take five hours to get there by plane because we were
late to be here (…………...)

Chapter 3 "Question"
3.1. WH-Question
The girls give me smile beautifully at office
a b c d e f

(f) ……………………………………………………………………

My friend will send me grammar books next week

a c d e g

Newbie Grammar 1 9
(f) ……………………………………………………………………
(g) ……………………………………………………………………

Her mother waited him last night

a c d e

The typist is typing two papers right now in his dorm

A b c e f
(f) ……………………………………………………………………

3.2. Change these sentences into to Yes/No question

10 Newbie Grammar 1
1. Robert John is a detective.

2. Miss. Green tells him the murder’s name.

3. The police officer will give a piece of the paper to Mr. Mason.

4. There are some cigarettes in that box.

5. Mrs. Ford looked at her shopping list.

6. Tommy wrote a letter to his aunt two weeks ago?.

7. His aunt can send him a letter next month?

8. Max and his sister are cooking in the kitchen?

9. The thieves attacked the driver?

10. They are absent because they have another program (reason?).

Translate into English!

1. Apakah dia perempuan ada dikamarnya?

2. Siapa arang yang menyayangi kamu?

3. Siapa nama gadis kecil itu?

4. Berapa banyak buku yang kamu beli kemarin?

5. Laki-laki mana yang Sari temui di jalan itu kemarin?

Newbie Grammar 1 11
Chapter 4 “Tenses"
1. Present Tense

4.1 Answer the blank below!

1. Diane can’t come to the phone because she (wash) ……………
her hair.
2. Diane (wash) …………… her hair everyday other day or so.
3. Kathy (sit, always) …………… in the front row during class,
but today she (sit) …………… in the last row.
4. Please be quiet. I (try) …………… to concentrate.
5. (You, lock, always) …………… the door to your apartment
when you leave?
6. I wrote to my friend last week. She hasn’t answered my letter
yet. I (wait, still) …………… for a reply.
7. After six days of rain, I’m glad that the sun (shine) ……………
again today.
8. Every morning, the sun (shine) …………… in my bedroom
window and (wake) …………… me up.
9. I can’t afford that ring. It (cost) …………… too much.

12 Newbie Grammar 1
10. Look. It (begin) …………… to rain. Unfortunately, (I, have,
not) …………… my umbrella with me. Tom is lucky. He
(wear) …………… a raincoat.
11. I (own, not) …………… an umbrella. I (wear) …………… a
water proof hat on rainy days.
12. As a rule, I (sleep) …………… until 6 o’clock in the morning,
and then I (get) …………… up and (study) …………… for my
13. Shhh. Grandpa (take) …………… a nap in the living room. We
(want, not) …………… to make him up. He (need) ……………
his rest.
14. It is midnight. I (study) …………… for five straight hours. No
wonder I’m getting tired
15. We (wait) …………… for Nancy for the last two hours, but she
still hasn’t arrived.

2. Past Tense

4. 2 answer the blank below!

1. I am sitting in class right now. I (sit) …………… in class at
this exact same time yesterday.
2. I don’t want to go to the zoo today because it is raining. The
same thing happened yesterday. I (want, not) …………… to go
to the zoo because it (rain) ……………

Newbie Grammar 1 13
3. I (call) …………… Roger at nine last night, but he (be, not)
…………… at home. He (study) …………… at the library.
4. I (hear, not) …………… the thunder during the storm last
night because I (sleep) ……………
5. It was beautiful yesterday when we went or a walk in the park.
The sun (shine) …………… A cool breeze (blow) ……………
6. My brother and sister (argue) …………… about something
when I (walk) into the room.
7. I got a package in the mail. When I (open) …………… it, I
(find) …………… a surprise.
8. While Mrs. Emerson (read) …………… the little boy a story,
he (fall) …………… a sleep, so she (close) …………… the
book and quietly (tiptoe) …………… out of the room.
9. We (wait) …………… for Nancy for over three hours before
she finally arrived yesterday..
10. It was midnight. I (study) …………… for five straight hours.
No wonder I was getting tired.
11. Sam (be) …………… a newspaper reporter before he
(become) …………… a business man.
12. I (feel) …………… a little better after I (take) ……………
the medicine.
13. I was late. The teacher (give, already) …………… a quiz
when I (get) …………… to class.

14 Newbie Grammar 1
14. It was raining hard, but by the time class (be) ……………
over, the rain (stop) ……………
15. Millions of years ago, dinosaurs (roam) …………… the earth,
but they (become) …………… extinct by the time humankind
first (appear) ……………

3. Future Tense
4.3 Answer the blank below!
1. I (know)………………. the result in a week.
2. You (be)……………… in Rome tonight.
3. You (have)……………. time to help me tomorrow?
4. Do you think that he (recognize) ……………. me?
5. Unless he runs he (not catch) ……………. the train.
6. He (lend) ……………. it to you if you ask him.
7. If petrol pump attendants go on strike we (not have)
……………. any petrol.
8. This time next month I (sit) ……………. on a beach.
9. In a few days time we (fly) ……………. over the Pyrenees.
10. Ann and Anwar got married on June 1st.Today is June 14th, they
(be) …………… married for two weeks. By June 7th, they (be)
…………… married for one week. By June 28th, they (be)
…………… married for four weeks.
11. The traffic was very heavy. By the time we (get) …………… to
the airport, Bob’s plane (arrive, already) ……………
Newbie Grammar 1 15
12. This morning I came to class at 9:00. Right now it is 10:00, and
I am still in class. I (sit) …………… at this desk for an hour. By
9:00, I (sit) …………… here for a half an hour. By 11:00, I (sit)
…………… here for two hours.
13. Margaret was born in 1975. By 1995, she (live) …………… on
this earth for 20 years. By the year 2025, she (live) ……………
on this earth for 50 years.
14. We have been married for a long time. By our next anniversary,
we (be) …………… married for 43 years.
15. By this time tomorrow we (have) ……………. our injections.

4.4. Fill the blank by crossing A, B, C or D from the questions


1. I …….bacon and eggs every morning.

A. eat C. am eaten
B. am eating D. ate
2. The sun ………… the east
A. rose C. rises
B. rise D. is rising
3. She hasn’t seen her family……...three years ago.
A. for C. since
B. from D. before
4. After they ………a long holyday, they returned home.
A. Have had C. have
B. had had D. had
5. At this moment she ………her dress
A. Is sewing C. sew
B. sews D. will sew
6. They ……in Jakarta this time tomorrow

16 Newbie Grammar 1
A. Will arrive
B. Will have been arriving
C. Will be arrive D. will have arrived
7. Mr. Andy …….. in this town five years ago
A. live C. lived
B. will live D. has lived
8. One of the murders…….away from the jail.
A. run C. running
B. have run D. has run
9. The news today……me sad.
A. make C. made
B. maked D. makes
10. All of students of Al fusa ……in meeting hall to attend the
program since 2 o’clock.
A. have gathered C. has gathered
B. gathers D. has been gathering

4.5. Translate into good English!

1. Setahun sekali ibu angkatku dari jakarta menjengukku.

2. Mr. Charles tinggal disini 50 tahun yang lalu.

3. Apakah kamu sering keluar tengah malam sendirian?

4. Siapa yang sudah pernah melihat hantu?

5. Ibuku sedang memasak ketika aku datang kemarin.

6. Kita sedang belajar bahasa Inggris di Pare bulan ini.

7. Kita sudah belajar di Pare selama 2 minggu.

Newbie Grammar 1 17
8. Saya sedang belajar bahasa Inggris selama satu tahun

menjelang bulan depan.

9. Saya mendengar suara aneh di luar rumah tadi malam ketika

aku sedang nonton TV tadi malam

10. Saya selalu membuat jengkel kakakku setiap hari.

Preview of middle test

1. This umbrella is……. The other one is……
a. mine-you c. mine-yours
b. me-your d. myself-yourself
2. … is almost the same as ……. neighbor’s house
a. our-our c. ours-our
b. we-ours d. ours-ourselves
3. I gave ….. a beautiful flower
a. their c. theirs
b. them d. themselves
4. My older sister has many ………
a. child c. children
b. childs d. childes
5. I bought some…….,……..,and…….
a. chairs, tables, and desks
b. chairs, tables, and desk
c. chair, tables, and desks
d. chair, table, and desks
6. He worked his job….
a. good c. goodly
a. better d. well
7. A lot of the students……already here now.

18 Newbie Grammar 1
a. are c. was
b. is d. were
8. Each student in the class…… a book.
a. has c. has been
b. have d. have been
9. Some students at university…… French well.
a. speaks c. speak
b. speaking d. spoke
10. They……in Germany for two weeks.
a. have been c. had been
b. have d. had
11. Dede : is your sister still in Bandung?
Mieza : yes, she….there since last August.
a. has c. has been
b. have d. had been
12. He speaks English Very Well. He… for long time.
a. has studying c. was studying
b. had been studying d. has studied
13. “I’m Worried about my examination next week “. Don’t worry,
Linda. You…….
a. pass c. will pass
b. passed d. will be passing
14. Arthur usually sits in the front row during class but today
he…… the last row.
a. sits c. is sitting
b. seat d. sit
15. Mr. William……our class five tests.
a. has given c. gave
b. had given d. will give
16. He is still ill but he……..better now.
a. gets c. is getting
b. is get d. has been getting
17. In her Whole life time, Anna…….any snows.
a. doesn’t see c. has never seen
b. isn’t seeing d. didn’t see

Newbie Grammar 1 19
18. We allowed the children to watch their favorite TV program
yesterday after they……
a. were finishing c. would finished
b. have finished d. had finished
19. Mother : Richard, where are you now?
Richard: Here, I……. my duty.
a. is doing c. have been doing
b. am doing d. was doing
20. “What are you looking at?”
“My wallet, I don’t know where I …….”
a. have been putting c. was putting
b. had put d. have put
21. Now he……how to do job properly.
a. isn’t knowing c. doesn’t know
b. don’t know d. not know
22. “Do I hear something?
“Yes, somebody……. .at door.”
a. knocks c. is knocking
b. has knocked d. was knocking
23.”Have the boys had breakfast?”
“Not yet, they……..”
a. are still taking a bath c. have taken a bath
b. will take a bath d. were taking a bath
24. “What is your planning for this weekend?”
“I………my brother”
a. visited c. will visit
b. have visited d. visit
25. Look! She……a good song
a. sings c. is singing
b. singing d. has singing
26. I……… London once
a. has been c. was
b. had been d. have been
27. I’m completely free now. Because I…….my works
a. have done c. does
b. has done d. will have done
20 Newbie Grammar 1
28. By the end of this week I……from Malaysia
a. will be c. will have been
b. will d. will have
29. The bus came after I……….here two hours
a. have waited c. have been waiting
b. has been waiting d. had been waiting
30. My daughter……..many photographs when she went to
a. has taken c. was taking
b. had taken d. had been taking
31. Your sister was studying while………music
a. was listening c. listening
b. has been listening d. listened
32. One of my brothers was cleaning a car when his friend…………
a. comes c. had come
b. came d. coming
33. John………here a year when his brother came to pick up him
a. has been living c. was living
b. had been living d. lived
34. We……..married for 42 years by our next happy time,
a. will be c. will have been
b. will have d. will
35. After I had played football, my girl………me
a. visits c. visiting
b. visited c. was visiting

II. Error analysis

1. I have a wonderful brother. I love his very much
a b c d
2. The students in my class is from java. Arthur is one of them
a b c d
3. My friend asked to borrow my car because they cars were
a b c d
in the garage.

Newbie Grammar 1 21
4. George is a carelessly writer. He writes carelessly.
a b c d
5. Sally asked me an easy question. I answered it easy.
a b c d
6. My roommate usually watches TV, listening to music, and goes out
a b c d
in the evening.

7. During I was working in the office yesterday, my cousin stops

a b c
to visit me.

8. By the end of this week, some of my friends will be have

a b c
picked me up
9. She always join the program at AL FUSA but he never joins it
a b c d
10. Their parents have many childs but my parents have a child
a b c d

III. Translate into English

1. Arthur dan saudaranya sedang memotong rumput sekarang.

2. Apa yang telah John lakukan kemaren sebelum kamu kesana.

3. Menjelang akhir bulan ini, orang tuaku akan mengirimi aku uang.

4. Apakah kamu akan mengundangku dalam pesta perkawinanmu.

5. Setiap hari ibuku memasak makanan buat keluarganya.

*The second period*

Middle examination
Good l

22 Newbie Grammar 1
Chapter 5 "Passive Voice"

5.1 Change these active sentences to passive from statement form

1. They visit her every Saturday night
2. You buy books every month
3. He doesn’t invite them
4. She is calling his friends
5. We aren’t studying English in the classroom
6. We have visited her in the hospital
7. You haven’t done it

Newbie Grammar 1 23
8. A thief stole our bag yesterday
9. They didn’t answer my questions
10. They were arranging the chairs
11. She hadn’t Closed the door
12. I won’t betray her
13. He will blame us
14. She will have locked the door
15. My father should send me money now
5.2 Change these passive sentences to active
1. She has been killed by them
2. It is being done by me
3. We have to be forgiven by them

24 Newbie Grammar 1
4. English has been Studied by me
5. It will be done by me
5.3 Change these active sentences to passive from the question form
1. Do you eat the rice?
2. Does she always borrow your book?
3. Is my father advising you?
4. Have they admitted their mistakes?
5. Did she abduct a baby?
6. Were the students throwing the rubbish in the wrong place?
7. Had you cut the grass last time?
8. Will you remember my birthday?
9. Will they have opened the window?
10. Who will have obeyed the rules?

Newbie Grammar 1 25
11. What will she copy?
12. When have you done it?
13. Where was a cat eating a mouse?
14. Whom did we visit last night?
15. What is she doing?
5.3 Change these passive to active
1. Is it done by him?
2. By whom is this book taken?
3. Where had we been invited by her?
4. Whose friend will be advised by headmaster?
5. Will the rubbish be thrown by my father?
5.4 Translate into English
1. Siapa yang di cintai oleh Mr Lee?

26 Newbie Grammar 1
2. Apakah dia telah di temani oleh mu?
3. Kapan dia akan di jemput oleh pacarnya?
4. Oleh siapa mobil anton dibawah?
5. Apa yang sedang dilakukan oleh kamu?
5.5 Answer the blank rightly!
1. It’s soon. The mail should be here soon. It (deliver, usually)
…………… sometimes between noon and one o’clock.
2. Only five of us (work) …………… in the laboratory yesterday
when the explosion (occur) …………… luckily, no one (hurt)
3. I was supposed to take a test yesterday, but I (admit, not)
…………… to the testing room because the examination
(begin, already) ……………
4. Before she graduated last May, Susan (offer, already)
…………… a position with a law firm.
5. Right now a student trip to the planetarium (organize)
…………… by Mrs. Hunt. You can sign up for it at her office.
6. He is a man whose name will go down in history. He (forget,
never) ……………

Newbie Grammar 1 27
7. A : Yesterday (be) …………… a terrible day.
B : What (happen) ……………?
A : First, I (flunk) …………… a test, or at least I think I did,
then I (drop) …………… into a mud puddle. And finally,
my bicycle (steal) ……………
B : You should have stayed in bed.
8. Yesterday we went to look at an apartment. I really liked it, but
by the time we got there, it (rent, already) ……………
9. During the family celebration, the little boy was crying because
he (ignore) ……………. He needed some attention, too.
10. A : Where (buy, you) …………… that beautiful necklace?
B : I (buy, not) …………… it. It (gave) …………… to me for
my birthday. (you, like) …………… it?

28 Newbie Grammar 1
Chapter 6 "Causative Verb"

6.1 Fulfill the blank below!

1. My boss made me (redo) ……………my report because he
wasn’t satisfied with it.
2. Alice stopped at the service station to have the tank (fill)
3. I got Rosa (lend) …………… me some money so I could go to a
movie last night.
4. Mr. Fields went to a Doctor to have a nose (remove) ……………
5. I spilled some tomato sauce on my suit coat. Now I need to get
my suit (clean) ……………
6. Peeling onions always makes me (cry) ……………
7. Tom sawyer was supposed to paint the fence, but he didn’t want
to do it. He was a very clever boy. Somehow he got his friends
(do) …………… it for him.

Newbie Grammar 1 29
8. We had a professional photographer (take) …………… pictures
of everyone who participated in our wedding.
9. The teacher made Juan …………… (leave) the room.
10. Toshiko had her car …………… (repair) by a machine.
11. I made Jane …………… (call) her friend on the telephone.
12. We got our house …………… (paint) last week.
13. Dr. Byrd is having the students …………… (write) a
14. The policemen made the suspect …………… (lie) one the
15. Mark got his transcripts …………… (send) to the University.
16. Maria is getting her hair …………… (cut) tomorrow.
17. We will have to get the dean …………… (sign) this form.
18. The teacher let AI ……………(leave) the classroom.
19. Maria got ED …………… (wash) the pipettes.
20. She always has her car …………… (fix) by the same mechanic.
21. Gene got his book …………… (publish) by a subsidy publisher.
22. We have to help Janet …………… (find) her key
23. The Doctor made the patient (stay) …………… in bed.
24. Mrs. Crane had her house (paint) ……………
25. The teacher had the class (write) …………… a 2000-word
research paper.
26. I made my son (wash) ……………. The window before he could
go outside to play.

30 Newbie Grammar 1
27. Kostas got some kids in the neighborhood (clean) …………… out
his garage.
28. I went to the bank to have a check (cash) ……………
29. Tom had a bad headache yesterday, so he got his twin brother,
Tim, (go) …………… to class for him. The teacher didn’t know
the difference.
30. When Scott went shopping, he found a jacket that he really liked.
After he had the sleeves (shorten) ……………, it fit him.
Chapter 7 "Tag Question"

7.1 Fulfill the blank below!

1. Time will help us later, ……………?
2. Peggy would like to come with us to the party, ……………?
3. Those aren’t Tony’s books, ……………?
4. You’ve never been to Paris, ……………?
5. There is something wrong with Jane today, ……………?
6. Everyone can learn how to swim, ……………?
7. Nobody cheated on the exam, ……………?
8. Nothing went wrong while I was gone, ……………?
9. I am invited, ……………?
10. This grammar is easy, ……………?
11. We haven’t had our lunch yet, ……………?
12. We were only just in time. , ……………?
13. The car broke down at the most awkward time. , ……………?
14. Everyone is liable to make mistakes. , ……………?

Newbie Grammar 1 31
15. She will miss the train if she doesn’t hurry. , ……………?
16. The garden looks very attractive. , ……………?
17. The journey was not an easy one. , ……………?
18. The attendant would not let us in, ……………?
19. I never drink tea. , ……………?
20. The hotel was not too expensive, ……………?
21. Let’s go and see their new house. , ……………?
22. He easily loses his temper. , ……………?
23. Elephants are very strong animals. , ……………?
24. There was not a single seat vacant. , ……………?
25. We mustn’t forget to pay for our tickets. , ……………?
26. You needn’t leave so early as this. , ……………?
27. See that the safe is securely locked. , ……………?
28. We hadn’t much time to spare. , ……………?
29. No-one could tell me the way to the station. , ……………?
30. Your father mightn’t like us to use his new computer. ,
31. That was not a very polite thing to say. , ……………?
32. Most of us voted against the proposal. , ……………?
33. There’s no sense in wasting one’s money. , ……………?
34. Our team hasn’t been beaten all this season. , ……………?
35. We could go for a trip round the world if we had the money. ,
36. Let’s go for a swim. , ……………?

32 Newbie Grammar 1
37. Sit in the more comfortable chair. , ……………?
38. There won’t be time to get lunch before the lecture. ,
39. The house needs repairing. , ……………?
40. We shall have to start early. , ……………?

Chapter 8 “Subjunctive Sentence”

Present Subjunctive
8.1 Mention the reality/fact below
1. I wish she were here
Reality: ………………………………………………………..
2. My father wishes I went home now
Reality: ………………………………………………………..
3. I would rather you told me the new news
Reality: ………………………………………………………..
4. The women talks to me as though she were a clever women
Reality: ………………………………………………………..
5. If only she were my friend, I would invite her in my party
Reality: ………………………………………………………..
6. He acts as if he knew English well
Reality: ………………………………………………………..
7. If only My parents bought a new TV, I would be happy
Reality: ………………………………………………………..

8.2 Translate into English

1. Ibuku berharap aku belajar dengan keras disini
2. Roni berlagak seolah-olah dia adalah seorang bintang film

Newbie Grammar 1 33
3. Dia berkata seolah olah dia punya uang banyak
4. Kalau saja ibuku masih di sini aku akan meminta maaf
5. Roni lebih suka pacarnya tidak menghianatinya
Past subjunctive
8.3 Mention the reality/fact below
1. His daughter wishes she had been bought a bike
Reality: ………………………………………………………..
2. He would rather they had finished their work before they got
Reality: ………………………………………………………..
3. The girl behaved as if she had been mad
Reality: ………………………………………………………..
4. He wishes he had continued his study last year
Reality: ………………………………………………………..
5. If only I had been invited by her, I would have come to her
Reality: ………………………………………………………..

8.4 Mention the statement from this reality/fact

1. She didn’t have much money, so she didn’t go anywhere
If only………………………………………………………….
2. My boy friend betrayed me
…Wish ………………………………………………………..
3. They were lazy
34 Newbie Grammar 1
….Would rather………………………………………………..
4. Michael didn’t love me
5. she was not a president
……………as if/as though ……………………………………

8.5 Supply appropriate completions in the following

1. She will not tell me. I wish she ______________me
2. It was raining right now. I wish it ________________
3. He couldn’t come to her party. I wish________________
4. Our classroom doesn’t have any windows. I wish our
classroom ____________ windows.
5. He didn’t play football yesterday. I wish he
6. I don’t have enough money to buy that book. I wish I
_______________ enough money.
7. The sun isn’t shining. I wish the sun _______________right
8. You didn’t go shopping. I wish I ____________shopping
9. The teacher is going to give an exam tomorrow. I wish he
________________ us an exam tomorrow.
10. She will be here. She spoke as if she ___________________

Newbie Grammar 1 35
Chapter 9 "Conditional Sentence"

9.1 Fulfill the blank below!

1. If you (not go) …………… away, I’ll send for the police.
2. I’ll be very angry if he (make) …………… any more
3. If he (be) ……………late we’ll go without him.
4. She will be absolutely furious if she (hear) …………… about
5. If you put on the kettle, I (make) …………… the tea.
6. If you give the dog bone, he (bury) …………… it at once.
7. If we leave the car here it (not be) …………… in anybody’s
8. He’ll be late for the train if he (not start) …………… at once.
9. If you come late, they (not let) …………… you in.
10. If he (go) …………… on telling lies, nobody will believe a
word he says.
9.2 Fulfill the blank and mention below!
36 Newbie Grammar 1
11. If I had a type writer, I (type) …………… it my self.
12. If I (know) …………… his address, I’d give it to you.
13. He (look) …………… a lot better, If he shaved more often.
14. If you (play) …………… for lower stakes, you wouldn’t lose
so much.
15. If he worked more slowly, he (not make) …………… so
many mistakes.
16. I shouldn’t drink that wine if I (be) …………… you.
17. More tourists would come to this country if it (have)
…………… a better climate.
18. If I were sent to prison, you (visit) me?
19. If someone (give) …………… you a helicopter, what would
you do with it?
20. I (buy) …………… shares in that company if I had some
21. If I had known that you were in hospital, I (visit) ……………
22. If you (arrive) …………… ten minutes earlier you would
have got a seat.
23. You would have seen my garden if you (be) …………… here
last week.
24. If he had slipped he (fall) ……………500 meters.
Newbie Grammar 1 37
25. If he had asked you, you (accept) ……………?
26. If I (had) …………… a map, I would have been all right.

27. If I (know) …………… that you were coming, I’d have baked
a cake
28. If She (Send)………… letter, I would have known you
Fact ………………………………………………………………..

Preview of final test

1. Anton comes with….Friend.

a. him c. himself
b. his d. hisself
2. Lucky drinks much……
a. water c. a water
b. waters d. wateres
3. All of functionaries got two new…….
a. papered c. papers
b. paper d. paperes
4. Mr. Kusnadi and his friends …….waiting to see Mr. Qomar
a. is c. are
b. were d. was
5. Each student in the class …… have book.
a. has c. have
b. had d. have been
6. One of the students……..late yesterday.
a. was being c. has been
b. was d. were
7. Anna, as well as her two older sisters, ….in collage today.
a. has been c. have been
38 Newbie Grammar 1
b. was d. is
8. Awi looks very tired. He …………for three hours.
a. rode c. had ridden
b. has ridden d. has been ridding
9. We ……delicious dinner at AL FUSA restaurant last night.
a. ate c. have eaten
b. has eaten d. had been eaten
10. Sutrisno…….an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday.
a. reads c. is reading
b. read d. had readen
11. When the phone……, Mahtum was sleeping last night
a. are ringing c. has rung
b. rang d. ring
12. My child was playing while……………
a. wearing T-shirt c. was wearing T-shirt
b. wore T-shirt d. had worn T-shirt
13. My friend didn’t come over there last night and they
probably……over there tomorrow
a. will have come c. will not come
b. would have been coming d. would be
14. By the end of this month, I……from here
a. will graduate c. will be graduating
b. must graduated d. will have graduated
15. Now I am study at Al fusa. By the end of this month…….
a. I will have finish there
b. I will have been finishing there
c. I will have finished there
d. I would finish there
16. These books…… the library by tomorrow morning
a will be returned c. would be returned
b. will return d. will have been returned
17. The game …… the other team tomorrow
a. were won c. was being won
b. will be won d. had been won
18. Was the electric light bulb……. by Thomson?
a. invented c. inventing
Newbie Grammar 1 39
b. invents d. invent
19. Even though conduction cost are high, a new dormitory
……….next year
a. was built c. will built
b. will be built d. is built
20. The class was too large, so it…..into two sections.
a. was divided c. have been divided
b. were divided d. had been divided
21. Roni sells hummers at hardware stone (change to passive)
a. Hummers is sold by Roni at hardware stone
b. Hummers are sold by Roni at hardware stone
c. Hummers sold by Roni at hardware stone
d. Hummers are sell by Roni at hard stone
22. I am invited by the one of those players, ….?
a. are I c. aren’t I
b. am I d. are not I
23. Nothing went wrong while I was gone,…..?
a. do it c. did it
b. didn’t it d. don’t it
24. You’ve never been to Paris,……?
a. have you c. has you
b. haven’t you d. hasn’t you
25. Monkeys can’t swim,…..?
a. can it c. can they
b. can’t it d. can’t they
26. If you…………, I shall be angry.
a. do not go b. did not go
b. have not done go c. does not go
27. Nita : “will he pay all his debt?”
Dina : “Yes, if he…….the inheritance.”
a. has c. had
b. have d. had been
28. If he prepared the lesson, he …….his examinations
a. passed c. had passed
b. would have passed d. would pass

40 Newbie Grammar 1
29. He …….. if I had not remanded him.
a. would have forgot c. might have forgotten
b. should forget d. will forget
30. Father has the plumber…..leaking tap
a. fix c. fixed
b. to fix d. fixes
31. “I have table cleaned” it means!
a. I have to clean
b. somebody want to clean
c. I ask somebody to clean
d. I he cleaned
32. Because she is ill, she …….into her room.
a. has her breakfast brought
b. has brought her breakfast
c. she brings her breakfast
d. she has brought her breakfast
33. Mother has the children … the passage twice
a. listen c. listened
b. to listen d. listening
34. “This English text on biology is too hard for me to read”
“You had better ……..”
a. translate it c. have it translated
b. have to translate it d. have translate
35. Andi’s brother wish he….a bike yesterday
a. is buying c. buys
b. have bought d. had bought
36. he wishes he…..her but he can’t
a. can help c. could help
b. could have helped d. hasn’t helped
37. They would rather they …….their work before they got out.
a. finish c. finished
b. can finish d. had finished
38. The girl behaved as thought she……..mad.
a. were being c. was
b. has been d. had been

Newbie Grammar 1 41
39. He acts as if he …..English properly
a. knows c. know
b. knew d. had known
40. “Do you know Amir’s address?
“Sorry, I don’t know his address I wish you….. his address”.
a. would know c. knows
b. knew d. had known

II. Error analysis

1. Most of students always looks school in the morning when the
a b c
Way is crowded
2. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen is smelling
a b c
3. We wishes that we Had met Ana now
a b c d
4. If it rains again, we will have the roof to repaired
a b c
by plumber.
5. I have wonderful family, I love her very much, and they
a b c
love me.
6. They will lift the heavy box if they believed themselves
a b c d

7. Most of the doors in our house was broken in the earthquake

a b c d
8. He’s learned those lessons just now, has not he?
a b c d
9. The girls speaks fluent French. the boys speak Spanish fluently
a b c d
42 Newbie Grammar 1
10. So far this week, I have been getting two tests and a quiz
a b c d

III. Answer these commands

1. Apa yang sedang Toni baca ketika aku sedang minum kopi di
rumahnya kemaren malam (Translate into English)
2. The pretty officer gave him two beautiful flowers in the office
last week. (Make question by the answer “him / indirect Object”)
3. Apa yang akan dilakukan oleh dia jika keadaannya lagi tidak
sehat? (Translate into English)
4. A new house is being built by on Brawijaya street(Change to
Active sentence)
5. Mereka sedang belajar question tag, bukan? (Translate into
6. Pamanku menyuruh mobilnya di bersihkan. (Translate into
7. Dia tidak bisa mengerjakan soal itu tapi dia berlaga seolah-olah
dia orang pintar. (Translate into English)
8. Bobby telah menulis buku itu selama satu tahun. (Translate into
9. Saya lebih suka adikku belajar bahasa Inggris di Al fusa bulan
lalu. (Translate into English)
10. Jika saya lulus kelas Basic saya akan melanjutkan ke kelas
Intermediate bulan depan
(Translate into English)
Newbie Grammar 1 43
Final exam of Basic Class (Review)
Good luck

Daftar Pustaka

Azar, Betty schampfer, 1998. Understanding and Using English,

Second Edition. New Jersey: Prentice hall.

Azar, Betty schampfer, 1999. Understanding and Using English, the

third Edition. New Jersey: Prentice hall.

Allen, stannard,1995. Living English Structure. Longman

Thomson A.J and A.V Martinet, 1995. Practice English Grammar

Exercises. Oxford university Press.

44 Newbie Grammar 1
Note of the Student

Newbie Grammar 1 45

46 Newbie Grammar 1
Newbie Grammar 1 47

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