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Good morning everyone, in this beautiful occasion we are going to tell you a short story from Nasreddin Hodja

under the

How a Donkey Reads

Haw e dankiy rids

Once day, Nasreddin was talking with his friend Timur. He was very proud of his donkey, and he spent a lot of time to tell Timur
how great he was.

Wans day, Nasreddin wes tolking with his friends Timur. Hi wes veri proud of his dankiy, en hi spent e lot of taim tu tell Timur
how grit hi wes.

‘I think he is the smartest donkey on the planet,’ he said. ‘I could even teach him how to read.’

"Ai think hi is the smartest dankiy on the planet," hi seid. " Ai cud iven tich him tu rid."

Timur smiled. He was also a wise man, and he liked having competitions with his friend. ‘In that case, do it. I’ll give you three
months. If you can teach him to read within that time, I’ll give you a basketful of gold.’

Timur smaild. hi wes olso e waise men, en hi laik having competisien with his friends. " In this ces, du it. I will giv yu tri mans. If
yu cen tich him tu rid within thet time. I will giv yu e baketful of gold."

So Nasreddin went home to teach his donkey how to read. He put a big book on the table in front of him, and put donkey food
in the middle of the pages. The donkey ate the food, and then used his tongue to turn the page and find more food. Three days
before the end of the three months, Nasreddin stopped giving him food.

So Nasreddin went hom tu tich his dankiy haw tu rid. Hi put e big buk on the tebel in fron of him, en put dankiy fud in the midel
of the pej. The dankiy et the fud, en then yuse his tang tu tern the pej en fain more fud. Tri deys bifor thi en of the tri mans,
Nasreddin stopped giving him fud.

When he took the donkey to Timur, the animal was very hungry. Nasreddin asked for a big book, and put it in front of the
donkey. The animal immediately started turning the pages with his tongue, trying to find food, but he couldn’t, so he started
braying loudly.

When hi tuk the dankiy tu Timur, thi enimels wes very hangry. Nasreddin asked for e big buk, en put it in fron of the dankiy. Thi
enimels immediately started terning the paj with his tang, traying tu find fud, bat hi culdn't, so hi started breying loudly.

‘He’s reading aloud,’ said Nasreddin wisely.

"He is riding eloud," seid Nasreddin waisly.

Timur watched the donkey for a long time, and then said, ‘That is a very strange way of reading!’

Timur wotch the dankiy for long taim, en then seid, " that is e veri strenj wey of riding!"

Nasreddin snorted. ‘You only said that he had to learn how to read. This is how a donkey reads. What, did you think he would
read like a human?’

Nasreddin snort, " yu onli seid thet hi had tu lern haw tu rid. This is haw e dankiy rids. What, did yu think hi wud rid laik e
hyumen? "

Timur laughed. ‘Well then, I suppose I should give you your gold.’

Timur lav. " Well then, Ai suppos ai sud giv yu gold "
And he gave Nasreddin the smallest basket in the world, with a single gold coin in it.

En hi gev Nasreddin the smallest basket in the werld, with e singel gold koin in it.

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