Notebook Work Land Soil, Water, Natural Resources

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Notebook Work


Activity: Make a collage on air, water and land pollution.


Part -1-Land-
Q1. Define the following terms-

1. Common Property resources: community land is owned by the community for common
uses Like collection of fodder, fruits, nuts or medicinal herbs. These community lands are also
called common property resources.

2. Land slide : Landslides are simply defined as the mass movement of rock, debris or earth
down a slope. They often take place in conjunction with earthquakes, floods and

3. Land Use: Land is used for different purposes such as agriculture, forestry, mining, building
houses,roads and setting up of industries. This is commonly termed as land use.
Q2. Why do places differ from each other?

 Ans. Places differ from each other because of the differences in the quality of
land,soil,water,natural vegetation,animals and the usage most important natural
resource. All our needs are fulfilled from land. Land provides them with all necessities of
life-food, clothing and shelter.Places differ from each other due to the types of land
resources. The quality and type of land found at different places is also different.
 Land covers about 30% of total earth surface and all parts of this small percentage are not
 People and their demands are increasing but the availability of land is limited.
 The different characteristics of land affect the distribution of population.
 Rough and steep slopes of the hilly areas, desert areas, forested areas are least
 Eg. Plains, Plateaus and river basin areas and river valleys have suitable land for
agriculture. AIS,46,GGN

To be done on blank side- Thinking map

Classification of

on the basis of

Common property
Private Land resource/
Common Land

Q.4 Explain the changes occurred in land utilization over past few decades.

1. Ans: formation of the well developed layers of soil.

1. CLIMATE:- climate plays an important role in influencing the decomposition of the rocks to
a great extent. As a matter of fact, the quality of moisture, dryness, etc in the soil depends
upon the climate. Figure 2.3 Soil Profile to be drawn on blank side.
Q 7. What are different methods by which soil resource can be conserved?(Any 6)

( All points - Learn from book in detail- Pg 14)

1. Mulching- Process of covering the bare ground with organic matter to retain soil moisture.
2. Contour Barriers- Barriers are made of stones and grasses to collect water.
3. Rock Dam- Rocks are piled up to slow down the flow of water.
4. Terrace Farming- Flat steps are made in hilly areas for growing crops.
5. Intercropping- Growing of different crops in alternate rows and in different time.
6. Contour Ploughing- Ploughing parallel to the of a hill slope to form a natural barrier
for water to flow down the slope

Do you Know page 11 to be drawn on blank page.

Activity 2: Paste newspaper cuttings of recent landslides observed in India.


Q8) Why icle beDistribution of water to be drawn on blank side.


ns use huge amount of water not only for drinking and washing but also in the process of

2. Water for agriculture , industries, generating electricity through reservoirs of dams are the other

Major factors leading to water shortage-(explain the following points)

1. Increasing population

2. Rising demands for food and cash crops

3. Increasing urbanisation

4. Rising standards of living

Do you know to be drawn on blank side.

Q11.) Explain the steps for water conservation.

Ans: 1.Forest and other vegetation cover slow the surface runoff and replenish underground
2.Water harvesting is another method to save surface runoff. The canals used for irrigating field
should be properly lined to minimise losses by water seepage.
3. Sprinklers effectively irrigate the area by checking water losses through seepage and
4. In dry regions with high rates of evaporation, drip or trickle irrigation is very useful. The valuable
water resource can therefore be conserved by adopting these means of irrigation.
ate the relationship between conservation and development.

Q 13) Mention the importance of vegetation and wildlife are valuable resources?
Ans. Vegetation and wildlife are valuable resources.
1.Plants provide us with timber. Vegetation give us fruits, nuts, latex, turpentine oil, gum, medicinal
plants and also the paper that is so essential for studies.

2.Give shelter to animals and produce oxygen which is so essential for survival
3. Protects soils so essential for growing crops by which living organisms survive, act as shelter
belts, help in storage of underground water.
Importance of Wildlife
1. Wildlife includes animals, birds, insects as well as the aquatic life forms which provide us milk,
meat, hides and wool. Animals big or small, all are integral to maintain balance in ecosystem.

2. Insects likeQ15. Students need to Name and mark the following National park/ Wild Life
Sanctuaries on a given political map of India:
A) National park/ Wild Life Sanctuaries located in Jammu and Kashmir- Dachigam
B) National park located in Rajasthan - Ranthambore
C) National park located in Gujarat - Gir
D) National park located in Kerala- Periyar
E) National park located in Assam - Kaziranga
F) National park located in Uttarakhand - Jim Corbett

{ Note- All these are National Parks and Wildlife Sanctuaries}

Moodle worksheet to be done.


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