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MLP- Chapter – Public Facilities

Activity- Students to identify any 3 major problems related to public facilities from their locality
and write them down. They will also note the organization responsible for providing their activity.
They can also give suggestions about improving existing facilities and can also suggest some
new facilities to be started in their locality.

Q1. Why do you think there are so few cases of private water supply in the world?

There are very few cases of private water supply in the world. The main reasons are that

 A private company works for profit in the market.

 They provide goods which are generally a little expensive so they cannot be afforded by
 Private companies would never be attracted to undertaking any job in which the profit is
only marginal.
 The responsibility lies with the Government to ensure universal access to water. That is
why around the world water supply is done mainly by the respective Governments at an
affordable rate so that nobody is deprived of this facility

Q2. What do you think can be done to conserve water and improve its supply?

ANS-While there is no doubt that public facilities should be made available to all, in
reality we see that there is a great shortage of such facilities. The burden of shortfalls of
facilities falls most on the poor. The middle class, when faced with such shortages, are
able to cope through a variety of private means.

1. Wise and judicious use of water is the most crucial step to conserving water.

2. Several initiatives for rainwater harvesting to improve ground water level need to be

3. It also requires the use of services of private companies for transporting and
distributing water to ensure regular supply.

4. Every citizen of the country has the right to all the facilities provided by the
government in an equitable manner.

a. How is the sale of water by farmers to water dealers in Chennai affecting the
local people?
b. Do you think local people can object to such exploitation of ground water?
c. Can the government do anything in this regard?

A) 1. In Chennai, water is taken from nearby towns like Mamandur, Palur, Karungizhi
and from villages to the north of the city using a fleet of over 13,000 water tankers.

2. Every month the water dealers pay farmers an advance for the right to exploit water
sources on their land.

3. This is water taken away not just from agriculture but also from the drinking water
supplies of the villagers. Ground water levels have dropped drastically in all these towns
and villages as a result.

B) Local people can object to these exploitations as

 public facilities relate to people’s basic needs.

 The right to life mentioned in the Constitution guarantees basic amenities to all.
C) The Govt. can follow the example of Porto Alegre:
1. The average price of water can be kept low, and the poor can be charged half the
basic rate.

2. Whatever profit the department makes should be used to improve the water supply.

3. The working of the water department should be kept transparent, and people should
have a direct say in deciding which projects the department should take on.

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