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UIMCRW Card Reader Scripts

What is CROPF

CROPF Battery
The CROPF option is provided with a re‐chargeable battery located on the module tray below the UIMCRW. The CROPF
circuit is contained on the control board and the battery plugs into connector J11. The battery is attached to the
baseplate by two cable ties.

CROPF Operation
In the event of a power failure the battery will provide the power necessary to complete the present magnetic or smart
card transaction and then attempt to return the card to the input slot and offer it to the user for recovery. If the user
does not take the card within 30 seconds, the card will be captured. If a card jams during a CROPF operation, sufficient
battery power is provided for three attempts to clear the jam and present the card to the user, or capture the card, if not

What does a 66XX UIMCRW look like?

See picture below.
Self SERV UIMCRW Troubleshooting Error Conditions

Device Disconnected
Possible cause is USB cable disconnected from card reader.
Solution: Check USB cable, reconnect cable and test.

Possible cause is USB cable disconnected from hub

Solution: Check USB cable, reconnect cable and test.

Possible cause is power cable disconnected from the card reader

Solution: Check power cable, reconnect cable and test.

Possible cause is power cable disconnected from power supply.

Solution: Check power cable, reconnect cable and test.

Possible cause is USB cable faulty.

Solution: Replace USB cable and retest.

Read Head Fault

Possible cause is dirt on magnetic head.
Solution: Clean MCRW head, and retest. If a fault still present following cleaning cycle, then replace MCRW transport.

Write Head Fault

Possible cause is dirt on magnetic head.
Solution: Clean MCRW head, and retest. If a fault still present following cleaning cycle, then replace MCRW transport.

Shutter Jam
Possible cause is jammed card or foreign object obstructing shutter.
Check for jammed card or foreign object. Clear the jam, clean and retest.
Check if card clamping module is fitted and if it is activated. Check for clamped card. Release the clamped card, clean, and retest.

Possible cause is glue or gum on shutter or shutter sensors

Solution: Check shutter and sensors. Shutter may move but switch is not working, or shutter may move slowly. Use NCR approved
cleaning solution to remove substance.

Possible cause is solenoid/gear failure

Solution: Run HW_DIAG looped Shutter/Sensor test. Observe shutter activation. If shutter not activated, replace MCRW and test.

Possible cause is sensor failure Run HW_DIAG looped Shutter/Sensor test.

Solution: Observe shutter switch sensor Byte 2 Bit 0 (Jammed Open) or Byte 2 Bit 1 (Jammed Closed). Verify sensor changes. If the
sensor is faulty, then replace MCRW then test.

Possible cause is PCB faulty

Solution: Run HW_DIAG looped Shutter/Sensor test. Observe shutter activation. If the shutter does not activate, then replace MCRW
Card Jam
Possible cause is jammed card or foreign object obstructing card path.
Solutions check for:
Jammed card or foreign object, clear the jam, clean and retest.
Dirt on rollers, use air spray to remove dirt
Moisture on rollers, dry rollers if needed
Oil/grease/glue/gum on rollers. Use NCR approved cleaning solution to remove substance.
Card detect switch damaged. If switch is worn, replace MCRW.

Motor/gear failure, Run HW_DIAG Run to Run Sequence 3. Observe motor/gear operate correctly. If not, replace MCRW transport.
Belt failure, Run HW_DIAG Run to Run Sequence 3, observe belt to determine if slipping. If belt slipping, replace MCRW transport
Sensor failure, Run HW_DIAG looped Shutter/Sensor test. Cover and uncover PD1, 1 PD2 and PD3 sensors. Verify sensor changes.
(Byte 3 bit 0 = PD1 blocked, bit 1 = PDS2 blocked, bit 2 = PD3 blocked) If the sensor is faulty, then replace the MCRW transport.

PCB faulty, Run HW_DIAG Run to Run sequence 3, observe motor/gear to determine activated. If not activated, replace MCRW.

Customer Tampering
Possible cause is jammed card or foreign object obstructing throat.
Solution: Check for jammed card or foreign object. Clear jam, clean read head and retest.

CROPF Failure
Possible cause is CROPF failure
Solution: Replace the battery and test

Capture Bin Removed

Possible cause is capture bin not inserted or not inserted correctly.
Solution: Check capture bin, insert the capture bin and test

IC Stopper/Pin Contacts
Possible cause is Faulty IC block.
Solution: Run HW_DIAGS Run to Run Sequence 1, observe IC contact block movement, replace IC block as needed.

SCIF Error
Possible cause is faulty IC block
Solution: Run HW_DIAGS Run to Run Sequence 1, observe IC contact block movement, replace IC block as needed.

If the above does not resolve issue, then call Level 2 Hardware Support
Card Reader error, M-Status 48 & 49
M‐Status 48 = Potential fraud – Card holder protected (SPS Alert Condition)
M‐Status 49 = Fraud – Card holder unprotected (SPS Alert Condition)

Whenever there is an SPS event, the software also includes this error along with the SPS event. Some Host monitoring systems have
miss‐interpreted this error as well, and placed a service call for a card reader fault, not an SPS fault.
When M‐Status 48 or 49 is seen in the device event logs this is just a Severity 02 (warning) error and you must look further for an SPS
event within seconds of that error, which will likely be a Severity 04 (fatal) error. The SPS event that is tied to the Card Reader MS 48
or 49 is to be the proper area of focus, not the Card Reader.

Card Reader MStat 05

This typically occurs when the software is booting up and doesn’t indicate a failure of the card reader.

IDC comm failure

IDC comm fault means the card reader is not communicating ‐ no being seen by the software

Suspects, are USB Cable, USB HUB or Card Reader

IDC bin overfill

Local count of cards captured has not been cleared by CIT or the branch
Clear the count – go to Supervisor Main – Settlement – Local Counts – Clear Card Retain/Capture Bin
After clearing the count provide instruction to CIT or branch personnel on clearing the cards captured count.
How to Remove Clamped Cards
To remove clamped cards from the reader, perform the following steps:
1. Locate the green gear on the card clamper and rotate it in the direction of the arrow to loosen the grip of the clamper.

2. Gently pull the card out from the green bezel of the reader.
What Does the Tally Acronyms Mean?
How to Remove an MEI
Remove Power and Use ESD Precautions

1. Disconnect the MEI harness from the main control board (CN4).

2. Unclip the tang at each side holding the MEI cover to the throat, and lift off the cover.
3. Lift the upper MEI PCB out from the groove behind the card entry slot.

4. Remove the three screws securing the lower MEI assembly to the underside of the throat.

5. When replacing the MEI cover, make sure that the extension arm makes a good grounding contact with the
metal surface of the UIMCRW above the throat.
How to tell if ATM has a SMART chip feature

From SYSAPP select Self-service Configuration followed by Display Hardware Details. The USB card reader
description will clearly show whether it is a Smart Card reader.

How to Clean UMICRW with SMART feature

• Prepare the cleaning card (998‐0052929) by spraying lightly with head cleaning fluid (603‐8000539).

• Select the Maintenance option from the System Application Main Menu.
• Select the MCRW option from the Maintenance Menu.
• Select the SC Cleaning Cycle Test option.
• Insert the card to start the cleaning cycle.
• When the cycle is finished, remove the cleaning card. If it is not removed, the card is captured.

How to Test UMICRW with SMART feature

• Select USB MCRW + Smart Card Reader
• Select Run To Run Sequence 1
• Follow prompts to insert Test Smart Card
• Smart Card STAGE, RESET, RELEASE ‐ Did they pass?
• Yes: Put ATM back in service, and report your findings
• No: Repeat the cleaning procedure and try again.
• If MCRW + Smart Card reader continues to fail after cleaning or contacts are visibly damaged, replace the Smart
How to Clean Smart Block / Replacement
Remove Power and Use ESD Precautions
1. Either pull back the top of the plastic cover or, to remove, take out screws indicated below and remove. Note that for
clarity, all future instructions are shown with cover removed.

2. Lift the Smart Block ribbon cable retaining clip as shown below:

3. Lift the ribbon cable free from the connector:

4. Unscrew the two screws securing the Smart Block which can be accessed through the two holes in the PCB as shown
5. Remove the Smart Block by lifting it carefully away from the PCB then up as shown below:

6. Inspect the contacts of the Smart Block using a magnifying glass if required and gently clean using a swab in the direction
shown below to avoid damage. For stubborn dirt, a small amount of head cleaning fluid (such as part numbers 603‐8000539
or 603‐9014721) should be applied to the swab before cleaning.

7. If contacts are damaged or cannot be cleaned without excess force, replace the Smart Block. Reassemble by using the
reverse of the above procedure and check for successful read / write operation five times.

If the above does not resolve issue, then call Level 2 Hardware Support

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