APPENDIX 5 (Grammar Ok)

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1.1. Students
Competence: Students areare able
able toto understand
understand thethe Indonesia
pre-historic societyininthe
2.2. Students
period Students areare able
able toto understand
understand thethe prehistoric
period times
times in Indonesia in terms of geographical
in Indonesia in terms of geographical
SMP/MTs. ancestorsofofthetheIndonesian

A. Indonesian society in the pre-historic period

1. Pre-historic understanding
Pre-historic period called the nirleka period (nir: no, leka: writing) is an era when humans were not
familiar with letters or writing. The word history comes from Arabic, namely syajaratun (means:
tree, figuratively means genealogy, history, or origins).
2. Prehistoric times in Indonesia in terms of geographical aspects
Age Time Characteristic of life
The skin of the earth was still hot, the condition was
lasted 2,500 million years
Archaicum not stable and was still in the process of formation.
There were no signs of life.
The earth had been formed, there were signs of life
lasted 340 million years
Paleolithicum such as micro-organisms, amphibian, fish, and
reptiles which were small and in small numbers.
lasted 140 million years There were many types of fish and reptiles, dinosaurs
ago were thought to have lived at this time.
Divided into two eras,
1. The tertiary era which was divided into:
a. Paleocene
c. Oligocene
e. Pliocene
At this time, the large animals had started to
lasted 60 million years ago decrease, while the monkeys and apes began
to the present to increase.
2. The quaternary era which was divided into:
a. Pleistocene (Dilluvium)
b. Holocene (Alluvium)
in the Pleistocene era, ancient humans lived
or better known as ape-men. Meanwhile, in
the Holocene era, the physical form of early
humans was similar to the physical form of
modern humans.
1. Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis
In 1936-1941, von Koenigswald conducted research along the Bengawan Solo
Valley. In 1936, he found a children's skull fossil near Mojokerto so he gave the
name of the fossil Pithecanthropus Mojokertensis. Experts’ suspect Pithecanthropus
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Mojokertensis is the oldest ancient human species on the island of Java, estimated to have lived about
2.5 to 1.4 million years ago.
2. Megantropus Paleojavanicus
In 1941, von Koenigswald conducted research in the village of Sangiran, north of
Surakarta. In that place, he found a fossil in the form of a jawbone that was bigger
and stronger than the jawbone of Pithecanthropus. Because the fossil he found has a
size larger than other Pithecanthropus, he named it Meganthropus Paleojavanicus.
This ancient human is thought to have lived about 2 to 1 million years ago.
3. Pithecanthropus Erectus
Pithecantropus Erectus is a type of ancient human who lived on the island of Java.
pithecantropus Erectus is estimated to have lived about 1.5 million years ago. This
fossil was found by Eugene Dubois in 1890 in the Trinil area, a village on the
outskirts of Bengawan Solo, not far from Ngawi (Madiun), East Java. Dubois places
Pithecantropus Erectus between humans and apes. Dubois named the fossil findings
Pithecantropus Erectus because according to him, this creature was able to walk
4. Homo Soloensis
Between 1931-1934, fossils were found in the Bengawan Solo Valley, precisely in
Ngandong Village. However, many of these fossils had already been destroyed. The
fossils found by Ter Haar and Oppennoort were then further investigated by von
Koenigswald and Weidenreich. The results showed that the fossil had a higher grade
than Pithecantropus erectus. In fact, it can be said similar to humans. Therefore these
findings are given the name homo soloensis which means human from solo. It is
estimated that the level of life has begun to advance because of the use of bone and horn tools.
5. Homo Wajakensis
In 1889, Eugene Dubois found fossils in the village of Wajak, near Tulung Agung,
East Java. The fossil was then given the name Homo Wajakensis which means
human from Wajak. Estimated to be higher than that of Pithecantropus Erectus. And
had used horn and bone tools. The Homo Wajakensis skull has many similarities to
the skulls of the native peoples of the Australian continent. Homo Wajakensis
became the ancestor of the native in habitants of the Australian continent.
6. Homo Floresiensis
In Flores, September 2003, had found skull fossils of a human species that were no
bigger than children aged five years. Estimated to have lived 13,000 years ago. This
fossil was researched by Indonesian researchers and Mike Morwood from the
University of New England, Australia. The fossil was found in Liang Bua, Flores. The
fossil findings were female, about one meter tall when standing upright and weighing
no more than 25 kg.

The Origin of the Ancestors of Indonesia

There are three theories that explain the origins of the nation's ancestors
Indonesia, namely the out of Africa theory, the Out of Yunan theory, and Nusantara theory.
a. African theory
This theory states that the ancestor of Indonesian cames from Africa. From 200,000 BC to 60,000 BC,
humans began to spread throughout Africa. In 60,000 BC, Earth's temperature begins to drop, causing ice
to form in what is now Northern Europe and North America. The formation of this ice causes the water
level to raise decreases so that more land appears which makes it easier humans move. Around the year
55,000 BC, humans started migrating in that direction Central Asia. By 50,000 BC, humans were already
fulfilling Central Asia and began to enter East Asia. 45,000 BC, humans spread to the territory of
present-day Russia and entered European region. In 40,000 BC, humans have been widely distributed in
Africa, Europe, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and Australia.
b. The Yunan Theory

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This theory states that the ancestors of the Indonesian nation originally from Yunan, southern China.
Based on this theory, the Yunan people migrated to the area Nusantara in three main waves, namely the
movement of people Negrito, Proto Melayu, and Deutero Melayu.
1) The arrival of the Negrito
Negrito people are believed to be the earliest inhabitants of Archipelago. According to estimates by
experts, they have inhabiting the archipelago since 1,000 BC. Negrito physical characteristics are dark
skinned, curly hair, round eyes, wide noses, full lips, and short stature.
2) The arrival of Proto Melayu
This first migration is thought to have occurred in the year 2,500 BC, and was named as Proto Melayu.
Proto Melayu people had been good at making agricultural tools, goods glassware, and jewelry. Their
lifestyle was still moving move (nomaden). It is estimated that the arrival of the Proto Melayu people
was done through two paths as follows:
a) The first route, spread to Sulawesi and Papua by bringing Neolithic
culture in the form of an kapak lonjong. Descendants of Proto
Melayu, are the Toraja people.
b) The second route spreads to Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Bali, and
Nusa Tenggara by bringing Neolithic culture in the form of a Kapak Lonjong
beliung persegi. Descendants of Proto Melayu, namely the Nias, Batak,
Dayak and Sasak people.
3) The arrival of Deutero Melayu
Around 1,500 BC, there was a second wave of migration, namely the inhabitants of
the Austronesian Malay race from the Gulf of Tonkin. They commonly called Deutero
Melayu. The descendants of the current Deutero Melayu, among others are Javanese,
Minang, and Bugis people. Many tools are found; for example kapak sorong, nekara,
bejana perunggu, and arca perunggu.
Kapak Corong
c. Nusantara theory
Nusantara theory states that the ancestors of Indonesia comes from the archipelago itself. This theory is
supported by several experts, such as Mohammad Yamin, J. Crawford, K. Himly, and Sutan Takdir
Alisjahbana. Nusantara theory is based on the following reasons:
1) The Malays and the Javanese have a high civilization.
2) K.Himly stated that the similarities between the Malay languages and the Champa (Cambodian)
language are just coincidence.
3) Based on the number of fossils and artifacts found at Indonesia.
4) Languages that developed in the archipelago (language families Austronesia) is very different from
other languages developing in Central Asia.

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