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Technological University of the Philippines – Taguig

Km. 14 East Service Road , Western Bicutan Taguig City

VISION: The Technological University of the Philippines shall be a premiere state university
with recognized excellence in engineering and technology education at par with
the leading universities in the ASEAN region.

I. Objectives:

At the end of the period the students should be able to:

5. Learned various promotional strategies used in marketing agricultural products;

6. Create your own advertising and promotional strategies

II. Subject Matter:

UNIT IV - Promotion of Agricultural Products

4-Marketing-Module-1 by: REYNANTE P BLAS pp. 2-8

III. Materials:

1. Laptop
2. Projector
3. PowerPoint Presentation

IV. Procedure:


A. Preparation
* Good evening, Sir!
* Good evening, Class!
*Lance will lead the prayer
* Lance, please lead the prayer
- Thank you lance
*None Sir, we have complete
* Mr. Secretary Are there any absent?
- Thank you, Briones, attendance

* Class, please pick – up all the scattered

pieces of paper under your chair and
please arrange your chairs also.
B. Motivation

* Let’s play! The game “Guess the Picture”

* Students will guess the pictures that are related to the topic .

* Students who can guess the picture correctly will have a reward
C. Lesson Proper

* *Sir, those pictures are related to market

Before we proceed, can anyone guess and farm.

what are those pictures in the game? * Sir for me, we are going to learn
Promotion of Agricultural Products

* * Sir our lesson will be

That’s correct, so if those are related
Promotion of Agricultural Products
to farms and market what is the possible
topic for today?

That’s right we are going to learn * Promotion of Agricultural Products:
how the agricultural market works.

* 7 Ways to Advertise Agricultural Products

If we are going to learn those things
With so many different advertising options out
and we know how to use it what will be our there for agricultural buyers and
lesson? suppliers, we thought we’d take a look at them
all, group them up and tell you the pros and
* cons of each one.
Very good! good job class Whether you’re looking to launch a brand-new
product to the market, or are just
* looking for a new way to advertise an already
Our lesson for today will be
successful one, this list should give you a good
Promotion of Agricultural Products
place to start on where to advertise.

* Sir, Promotion of Agricultural Products

is where we sell goods and products from
Let’s start with the definition of different ways to market.
Promotion of Agricultural Products

*Marketing means working with markets,

* which in turn means attempting to
Please read!
actualize potential exchanges for the
satisfying human needs and wants. Thus,
we return to our definition of marketing as
human activity directed at satisfying needs
and wants through exchange processes

Based on your understanding what is
*Sir, marketing is we sell products to the
Promotion of Agricultural Products

Thank you! very well said!

Please Read what is marketing?

*Based on what you read, what is

* What is Promotion of Agricultural Activities related to the Promotion of
Agricultural Products produced by an
Products? Can you please read?
organization or individual farmer. Such
activities in the process of farm’s
marketing include packaging, selection
of brands name, promotional strategies,
price policies, marketing channels and
other policies.

*Yes sir, basically, Promotion of

Agricultural Products is where we are
* Nice! Very well said, can you please
selling our products made from the
explain it to us?
farms like meat, eggs, vegetables and

*Exactly! You may seat now!

* Next is we are going to identify the

different strategies 7 Ways to Advertise
Agricultural Products the pros and cons

First is the Print media pros and cons can

anyone please read * Yes sir, Pros: Magazines and
newspapers provide a very large, often
traditional, audience to
* Thank you! * get your products in front of, with a
proven track record. Adverts can give
you a huge amount
* of exposure, and are brilliant for
new product launches where there is a
Next is Classifieds Promotion: concern about brand
recognition or for mass marketing.
Pros: The classifieds section of * Cons: This isn’t the cheapest option
agricultural magazines such as Farmers and you will need to think about how
Weekly you can
provide a very specific audience – an * make your advertising stand out
audience looking to purchase. This is from the crowd so people will pay
perfect if you’re attention.
trying to sell a product that is well- *
established, and the need for said product
is well known
amongst your target audience.
Cons: If you are trying to sell a product
that isn’t particularly recognizable, or isn’t
very glamorous, your advert may be a little
overshadowed by some of the more appealing
bits of farm machinery on sale.

Next is Face to face Promotion,

Pros: You can get your product right in front
of the customer – if your product is
something that needs to be demonstrated
to be understood, this might be the best
course of action. This relies on your ability
to sell your product and you know
immediately if your tactics have worked.
Cons: If you, or your employees are not
particularly strong sellers, then you may
struggle to get the best out of this. Face-
to-face events also need investment over
above purchasing stand space and manning
it. For example, you must make up banners,
flyers and other sales collateral to make an
impact. However, in today’s pandemic, face
to face advertising is somehow a problem
due to the current situation. Only those
products that requires actual demonstration
like operating a farm equipment may
somehow use face to face demonstration as
a form of promotion.

Yes, sir the Pros of using internet is: The

next is Internet please read the internet
audience of your internet-based
promotion strategies, first is the pros of
advertising can be as broad or specific as
using internet,
you would like. You can hit every farmer
in the UK or just those in your local area.
Spend can
also be varied depending on your budget,
so no amount of money can be ‘too little’
in regards
to internet advertising. It also gives you
measurable and quantifiable statistics
from which
you can learn about the most effective

Cons: If your audience is a more

Okey next the cons of using internet , traditional one, you may struggle to find
the correct
audience through traditional online
channels. Other online methods (such as
however, appear to be very effective in
attracting the more traditional audience
D. Generalization
* Sir it is important because learning about
* In general, why is it important to learn agricultural marketing is important because
about agricultural marketing it can help to support agricultural livelihoods,
promote food security, encourage economic
growth, and enhance consumer awareness.

E. Application

* The students will now reflect on their

learning about the topic and make a

V. Evaluation

In a ¼ sheet of paper, answer this quiz.

Review questions:
1. Choose 5 agricultural company and cite their respective promotional or
strategy used to market their respective product

VI. Assignment / Agreement

Try to search different and effective marketing strategies

Prepared by: Rafael Submitted to: Prof.

Cabilangan Reginald Cutanda

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