Si Ci 2023

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Percentile Classes

Simple and Compound Interest

Table of Content

Exercise 01 : SI/CI…………………...…15
Exercise 02 : SA (TITA)....……………31
Exercise 03 : Past Year Papers…….34

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Interest is the fixed amount paid on borrowed money.
The sum lent is called the Principal.
The sum of (he principal and interest is called the Amount.
Interest is of two kinds:
(i) Simple interest (ii) Compound interest

(i) Simple Interest: When interest is calculated on the original principal for any
length of time, it is called simple interest.
𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑙 ×𝑇𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒
simple interest =
i.e. S.I. =
Amount = Principal + Interest
i.e. A=P+I=P+ = 𝑃 (1 + )
100 100
Principal (P) =
Rate (R) =
Time (T) =
If rate of simple interest differs from year to year, then
(𝑅1 +𝑅2 +𝑅3 +⋯ )
S.I. = P ×

Example 1:
Find the interest to be paid on a lone of Rs 6000 at 5% per year for 5 years

P = Rs6000, R = 5% and T - 5 year
𝑃×𝑅×𝑇 6000×5×5
S.I. = = = 𝑅𝑠1500
100 100

Example 2:
Find the amount to be paid back on a lone of Rs 18,000 at 5.5% per annum for 3

P = Rs.18000, R - 5.5%, T = 3 years
𝑃×𝑅×𝑇 18000×5.5×3
S.I. = = = 𝑅𝑠2970
100 100

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Amount = P + I = 18000 + 2970 = Rs.20970

In how many years will a sum of money triple itself, at 25% per annum simple

Let the sum of money be Rs P. So, A = 3P
And S.I. A - P = 3P – P = 2P
R = 25%
100×𝑆.𝐼. 100×2𝑃
= T= = = 8 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠
𝑃×𝑅 𝑃×25

Example 4:
What rate per cent per annum will produce Rs 250 as simple interest on Rs 6000
in 2.5 years

P = Rs.6000; Time (T) = 2.5 years; S.I. = Rs.250
𝑆.𝐼.×100 250×100 10 5 2
= Rate = = = = =1 %
𝑃×𝑇 6000×2.5 6 3 3

Example 5:
To buy furniture for a new apartment, Sylvia Chang borrowed Rs.5000 at 11 %
simple interest for 11 months. How much interest will she pay?

From the formula, I = Prt, with P = 5000, r = 11, and t = 11/12 (in years). The total
interest she will pay is
I = 5000 (.11)(11/12) = 504.17
Or Rs.504.17

(ii) Compound Interest: Money is said to be lent at compound [merest when at the
end of a year or other fixed period, the interest that has become due is not paid to
the lender, but is added to the sum lent, and the amount thus obtained becomes the
principal in the next year or period. The process is repeated until the amount for die
last period has been found. Hence, When die interest charged a Hera certain
specified time period is added to form new principal for the next time period, the
interest is said to be compounded and the total interest accrued is compound
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𝑟 𝑛
C.I. = P[(1 + ) − 1] ;
𝑟 𝑛
Amount (A) = P (1 + )
If rate of compound interest differs from year to year, then
𝑟1 𝑟 𝑟
Amount = P (1 + ) (1 + 2 ) (1 + 3 ) ….
100 100 100

Example 6:
Find the compound interest on Rs 70000 for 4 years at the rate of 14% per annum
compounded annually.

P = Rs70000, n = 4, r = 14%
𝑟 𝑛 14 4
A = P(1 + ) = 70000(1 + 100) = 𝑅𝑠. 118227.20
C.I. = A – P = 118227.20 – 70000 = Rs 48227.20

Example 7:
If Rs 60000 amounts to Rs 68694 in 2 years then find the rate of interest.

Given : A = Rs 68694
P = Rs 60000.
n = 2 years
𝑟 𝑛
A = P (1 + )
𝑟 2
68694 = 60000(1 + )
68694 𝑟 2 11449 𝑟 2
= = (1 + ) => 10000 = (1 + 100)
60000 100
𝑟 11449
= 1+ =√ = √1.1449
100 10000
= 1+ = 1.07
= = 1.07 − 1 = 0.07
r = 0.07 x 100 = 7%

Example 8:
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In how many years, the sum of Rs 10000 will become Rs.10920.25 if the rate of
compound interest is 4.5% per annum?

A = Rs.10920.25
P = Rs.10000
Rate of interest = 4.5%
Time(n) = ?
𝑟 𝑛
A = P (1 + )
4.5 𝑛
= 10920.25 = 10000 (1 + )
10920.25 0.9 𝑛 20.9 𝑛
= = (1 + ) = ( 20 )
10000 100
436.81 20.9 𝑛 20.9 2 20.9 𝑛
= =( ) => ( 20 ) = ( 20 )
400 20
Hence Rs 10000 will become Rs 10920.25 in 2 years at 4.5%

Example 9:
Suppose Rs.1000 is deposited for 6 years in an account paying 8.31 % per year
compounded annually.
(a) Find the compound amount
In the formula above, P = 1000, i = .0831, and n = 6.
The compound amount is
A = P(1 + i)n
A = 1000(1.0831)6
A = Rs.1614.40.
(b) Find the amount of interest earned.
Subtract the initial deposit from the compound amount.
Amount of interest = Rs.1614.40 - Rs.1000 = Rs.614.40.
Compound interest – when interest is compounded annually but time is in fraction
If time = t years, then

Example 10:
Find the compound interest on Rs 8000 at 15% per annum for 2 years 4 months,
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compound annually,

4 1
Time = 2 years 4 months = 2 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 = 2 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠
12 3
15 2 ×15
Amount = Rs [8000 {(1 + )} (1 + )]
100 100
23 23 21
= Rs (8000 × × × ) = 𝑅𝑠. 11109
20 20 20
C.I. = Rs (11109 - 8000) = Rs 3109.
Compound interest-when interest is calculated half-yearly
Since r is calculated half-yearly therefore the rate per cent will become half and the
time period will become twice, i.e.,
Rate per cent when interest is paid half-yearly = %
and time = 2 x time given in years

Example 11:
What will be the compound interest on Rs 4000 in4 years at 8 per cent annum. If
the interest is calculated half-yearly.

Given : P = Rs4000, r = 8%,n = 4 years
Since interest is calculated half-yearly, therefore.
r = % = 4% and n = 4 x 2 = 8 half years
4 8 26 8
A = 4000(1 + ) = 4000 × (25)
= 4000 x 1.3685 = 5474.2762
Amount = Rs 5474.28 .
Interest = Amount - Principal
= Rs.5474.28 – Rs.4000 = Rs.1474.28

Compound interest-when interest is calculated quarterly

Since 1 year has 4 quarters, therefore raw of interest will become th of the rate of
interest per annum, and the lime period will be 4 times the time given in yean
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Hence, for quarterly interest

Example 12:
Find the compound interest on Rs 25625 for 12 months at 16% per annum,
compounded quarterly.

Principal (P) = Rs 25625
Rate (r) = 16% = % = 4%
Time = 12 months = 4 quarters
4 4 26 4
A = 25625(1 + ) = 25625 (25)
26 26 26 26
25625 × × × × = 𝑅𝑠29977.62
25 25 25 25
C.I. = A – P = 29977.62 – 25625 = Rs4352.62
Difference between Compound Interest and Simple Interest
When T = 2
𝑅 2
(i) C.I. – S.I. = P ( )
(ii) C.I. – S.I. =
When T = 3
𝑃𝑅 2 300+𝑅
(i) C.I. – S.I. = ( )
104 100
𝑆.𝐼. 𝑅 2 𝑅
(ii) C.I> - S.I. =
[(100) + 3 (100)]

Example 13:
The difference between compound interest and simple interest on z certain
amount of money at 5% per annum for 2 years is Rs 15. Find the sum :
(a) Rs4500 (b) Rs7500 (c) Rs5000 (d) Rs6000

(d) Let the sum be Rs 100.
Therefore, SI = = 𝑅𝑠10
5 2
And CI = 100(1 + ) − 100
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21×21 41
= 100 x − 100 = 𝑅𝑠
20×20 4
Difference of CI and SI = − 10 = 1/4
If the difference is Rs 15, the sum
= 400 x 15 = Rs 6000

Example 14:
The difference between (he simple interest and the compound interest
compounded annually at the rate of 12% per annum on Rs 5000 for two yean will
(a) Rs 47.50 (b) Rs 63 (c) Rs 45
(d) Rs 72

(d) Required difference
12 2 5000×12×2
= [5000 (1 + ) − 5000] −
100 100
28 28
= 5000 ( × − 1) − 1200
25 25
= 5000 ( ) − 1200 = 𝑅𝑠. 72

If Rs.1 is deposited at 4% compounded quarterly, a calculator can be used to find
that at the end of one year, the compound amount is Rs.1.0406, an Increase of
4.06% over the original Rs.1. The actual Increase of 4.06% in the money is
somewhat higher than the stated Increase of 4%. To differentiate between these
two numbers. 4% Is called the nominal or stated rate of interest, while 4,06% is
called the effective rate. To avoid confusion between staled rates and effective
rates, we shall continue to use r for the stated rate and we will use r for the
effective rate.

Example 15:
Find the effective rate corresponding to a staled me of 6% compounded

A calculator shows that Rs.100 at 6% compounded semiannually will grow to

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06 2
A = 100(1 +
) = 100 (1.03)2 = $ 106.09
Thus, the actual amount of compound interest is Rs.106.09 - Rs.100 = Rs.
6.09.Now if you cam Rs.6.09 interest: on Rs. 100 in 1 year with annual
compounding, your rate is
6.09/100 = .0609 = 6.09%,
Thus, the effective rate is re = 6.09%.
In the preceding example we found the effective rate by dividing compound
interest for year by the original principal. The same thing can be done with any
principal P and rate r compounded m limes per year.
𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡
Effective rate =
𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑝𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑡−𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑖𝑝𝑎𝑙
re =
𝑟 𝑚 𝑟 𝑚
𝑃(1+ ) −𝑃 𝑃[(1+ ) −1]
𝑚 𝑚
= =
𝑟 𝑚
= re = (1 + ) − 1

Example 16:
A bank pays interest of 4.9% compounded monthly. Find the effective rate.

Use the formula given above with r = .049 and m =12.
049 12
The effective rate is re = (1 + ) −1
= 1.050115575 -1 = .0501 or 5.01%
Present worth of Rs P due n years hence
Present worth = 𝑟 𝑛
(1+ )
Equal annual instalment to pay the borrowed amount
Let the value of each instalment = Rs x
Rate = r% and time = n years
Then, Borrowed Amount
𝑥 𝑥 𝑥
= 𝑟 + 𝑟 2
+ ⋯+ 𝑟 𝑛
(1+100) (1+ ) (1+ )
100 100

Example 17:
Subash purchased a refrigerator on the terms that he is required to pay Rs1,500
cash down payment followed by Rs1,020 at the end of first year, Rs1,003 at the
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end of second year and Rs990 at the end of third year. Interest is charged at the
rate of 10% per annum. Calculate the cash price:
(a) Rs.3,000 (b) Rs.2,000 (c) Rs.4,000
(d) Rs.5,000

(c) Cash down payment = Rs 1500
Let Rs x becomes Rs 1020 at the end of first year.
Then, 1020 = x(1 + )
or x = = 𝑅𝑠. 927.27
10 2
Similarly, 1003 = y (1 + )
or y = = 𝑅𝑠. 828.92
and z = = 𝑅𝑠743.80
Hence, CP = 1500 + 927.27 + 828.92 + 743.80
= 3999.99 or Rs 4000.

Example 18:
The difference between the interest received from two different banks on Rs 500
for 2 yrs is Rs 2.5. Find the difference between their rates.

I1 = = 10𝑟1
I2 = = 10𝑟2
I1 – I2 = 10r1 – 10r2 = 2.5
Or, I1 – I2 = = 0.25%
Examination method:
When t1 = t2,
𝐼𝑑 ×100 2.5×100
(r1 – r2) = = = 0.25%
𝑠𝑢𝑚×𝑡 500×2

Example 19:
At what rate per cent compound interest does a sum of money becomes nine - fold
in 2 years?

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Let the sum be Rs x and the of compound interest be r% per
annum; then
𝑟 2 𝑟 2
9𝑥 = 𝑥 (+ ) 𝑜𝑟, 9 = (+ 100)
𝑟 𝑟
𝑜𝑟, 3 = 1 + ; 𝑜𝑟, =2 ∴ 𝑟 = 200%
100 100
Examination method:
The general formula of compound interest can be changed to the following form:
If a certain sum becomes 'm' times in 't' years, the rate of compound interest r is
equal to 100 [(m)1/t - 1].
In this case, r = 100 [(9)1/t -1]
= 100(3 - 1) = 200%

Example 20:
The simple interest on a certain sum of money at 4% per annum for 4 yrs is Rs 80
more than the interest on the same sum for 3 yrs at 5% per annum, Find the sum.

Let the sum be Rs x, then at 4% rate for 4 yrs the simple
𝑥×4×4 4𝑥
Interest = = 𝑅𝑠
100 25
At 5%rate for 3 yrs the simple interest
𝑥×5×3 3𝑥
= = 𝑅𝑠
100 20
4𝑥 3𝑥
Now, we hace, = = 80
25 20
= or = 80
= x = Rs.8000
Examination Method:
For this type of question
𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 ×100 80×100
Sum = [𝑟2 𝑡1 −𝑟2 𝑡2 ]
= = 𝑅𝑠. 8000

Example 21:
Some amount out of Rs 7000 was lent al 6 % per annum and the remaining at 4 %
per annum. If the total simple interest from both the fractions in 5 yrs was Rs,1600,
find the sum lent al 6% per annum.

Suppose Rs x was lent at 6 % per annum.
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𝑥×6×5 (7000−𝑥)×4×5
Thus, + = 1600
100 100
3𝑥 7000−𝑥
or, + = 1600
10 5
or, = 16000
x = 16000 – 14000 Rs 2000
By Method of Alligation: Overall rate of interest
1600×100 32
= = %
5×7000 7
ratio of two amounts = 2:5

amount lent at 6% = × 2 = 𝑅𝑠2000

Example 22:
As n amount of money grows upto Rs 4840 in 2 yrs and upto
Rs 5324 in 3 yrs on compound interest. Find the rate percent

We have,
P + Cl of 3 yrs = Rs5324 .......(1)
P + CI of 2 yrs = Rs4840 .......(2)
Subtracting (2) from (l), we get
Cl of 3rd year = 5324 – 4840 = Rs484.
Thus, die CI calculated in the third year which is Rs 484 is basically the amount of
interest on die amount generated after 2 years which is Rs 4840.
r= = 10%
Examination method:
𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑛 𝑦𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 (𝑛+1)𝑦𝑟𝑠×100
𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 2 𝑦𝑟𝑠
In this, n = 2.
𝐷𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑎𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 2 𝑦𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 3 𝑦𝑟𝑠×100
rate =
𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 𝑎𝑓𝑡𝑒𝑟 2 𝑦𝑟𝑠

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(5324−4840) 484×100
= × 100 = = 10%
4840 4840

Example 23;
A certain amount of money at compound interest grows upto Rs.51168 in 15 yrs
and upto Rs.51701 in 16 yrs. Find the rate per cent per annum.

(51701−51168)×100 533×100
Rate = =
51168 51168
100 25 1
= = =1 %
96 24 24

Example 24:
Find the compound interest on Rs.18,750 in 2 yrs the rate of interest being 4% for
the first year and 8% for the second year.

After first year the amount
4 104
= 18750(1 + ) = 18750 (100)
104 108
After 2nd year the amount = 18750 ( ) (100)
26 27
= 18750 ( ) ( ) = 21060
25 25
CI = 21060 – 18,750 = Rs.2310.
A computer gives the following results for n;
1 𝑛
Interest is n (1 + 𝑛)
1 1
Annually 1 (1 + 1) = 2
1 2
Semiannually 2 (1 + 2) = 2.25
1 4
Quarterly 4 (1 + 4) = 2.4414
1 12
Monthly 12 (1 + 12) = 2.6130
1 365
Daily 365 (1 + 365) = 2.71457
1 8760
Hourly 8760 (1 + 8760) = 2.718127
1 525.600
Every minute 525,600 (1 + 525,600) = 2.7182792
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1 31,536,600
Every second 31,536,000 (1 + 31,536,000) = 2.7182818

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1. On what sum of money lent out at 9% per annum simple interest for 6
years does the simple interest amount to Rs.810?
(a) Rs.900 (b) Rs.1000 (c) Rs.1200 (d) Rs.1500

2. In what time will Rs.72 become Rs.81 at 6 % p.a. simple interest?
(a) 1 yr 6 months (b) 2 yrs (c) 1 year (d) 2 years

1 1
3. Out of a certain sum, rd is invested at 3%, th at 6% and the rest at 8%,
3 6
If the simple interest for 2 years from all these investments amounts to
Rs 600, find the original sum.
(a) Rs4000 (b) Rs5000 (c) Rs6000 (d) Rs7000

4. A sum of money doubles itself in 10 years at simple interest, In how many

years would it treble itself?
(a) 10 (b) 15 (c) 20 (d) 25

1 4
5. The interest on sum of money at the end of 2 years is of the sum. The
2 5
rate per cent per year is
(a) 10% (b) 20% (c) 16% (d) 32%

6. The simple interest on a sum of money is of the principal and the
number of years is equal to the rate % p.a. The rate %p.a. is
1 1
(a) 3% (b) 3 % (c) 10% (d) %
3 3

7. A man buys land and pays 20 times its annual rent. What is the rate %?
(a) 20% (b) 5% (c) 10% (d) 15%

8. A sum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to Rs1008 in 2 years

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and Rs1164 in 3½ years. Find the rate % p.a.
(a) 13% (b) 14% (c) 12 % (d) 15%

9. A sum of money lent out at simple interest amounts to Rs720 after 2

years and to Rs1,020 after a further period of 5 years. Find the sum and
the rate %.
(a) Rs500, 10% (b) Rs600, 10% (c) Rs500, 12% (d) Rs600, 12%

10. On retirement, a person gets 1.53 lakhs of his provident fund which he
invests in a scheme at 20% p.a. His monthly income from this scheme
will be
(a) Rs2,450 (b) Rs2,500 (c) Rs2,550 (d) Rs2,600

11. A sum was put at simple interest at a certain rate for 4 years Had it been
put at 2% higher rate, it would have fetched Rs56 more. Find the sum.
(a) Rs500 (b) Rs600 (c) Rs700 (d) Rs800

12. Simple interest on a certain sum is 16 over 25 of the sum. Find the rate
per cent and time, if both are equal,
(a) 8% and 8 years (b) 6% and 6 years
(c) 10% and 10 years (d) 12% and 12 years

13. The simple interest on Rs200 for 7 months, at 5 paise per rupee per
month is
(a) Rs70 (b) Rs7 (c) Rs35 (d) Rs 30.50

14. A father left a will of Rs68,000 to be divided between his two sons aged
10 years and 12 years such that they may get equal amount when each
attains the age of 18 years. If the money is reckoned at 10% p.a., find
how much each gets at the time of the will.
(a) Rs 30,000, Rs 38,000 (b) Rs 28,000, Rs 40,000
(c) Rs 32,000, Rs 36,000 (d) cannot be determined.

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15. If there are three sum of money P,Q and R so that P is the simple
interest of Q and Q is the simple interest of R, rate % and time are same
in each case, then the relation of P, Q and R is given by
(a) P2 = QR (b) Q2 = PR (c) R2 = PQ (d) PQR = 100

16. In how many minimum number of complete years, the interest on

Rs212.50 at 3% per annum will be In exact number of rupees?
(a) 6 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 7

17. A milk man borrowed Rs 2,500 from two money lenders For one loan,
he paid 5% p.a. and for the other, he paid 7% p.a. The total interest paid
for two years was Rs 275. How much did he borrow at 7% rate?
(a) Rs600 (b) Rs625 (c) Rs650 (d) Rs675

18. Adam borrowed some money at the rate of 6% p.a. for the first two
years, at the rate of 9% p.a. for the next three years, and at the rate of
14% p.a. for tire period beyond five years. If he pays a total interest of
Rs 11,400 at the end of nine years, how much money did he borrow?
(a) Rs 10,000 (b) Rs 12,000 (c) Rs 14,000 (d) Rs 16,000

19. A person borrows Rs 5000 for 2 years at 4% p.a. simple interest. He

immediately lends it to another person at 6 % p.a. for 2 years. Find his
gain in the transaction per year.
(a) Rs112.50 (b) Rs125 (c) Rs150 (d) Rs167.50

20. A certain amount earns simple interest of Rs 1750 after 7 years Had the
interest been 2% more, how much more interest would it have earned?
(a) Rs35 (b) Rs245 (c) Rs350 (d) Cannot be determined

21. What will be the ratio of simple interest earned by certain amount at the
same rate of interest for 6 years and that for 9 years?
(a) 1:3 (b) 1:4 (c) 2 : 3 (d) Date inadequate

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22. Two equal sums of money were invested, one at 4% and the other at
4.5%. At the end of 7 years, the simple interest received from the latter
exceeded to that received form the former by Rs 31.50. Each sum was:
(a) Rs1,200 (b) Rs600 (c) Rs750 (d) Rs900

23. Nitin borrowed some money at the rate of 6% p.a. for the first three
years, 9% p.a. for the next five years and 13% p.a. for the period
beyond eight years. If the total interest paid by him at the end of eleven
years is Rs8160, how much money did he borrow?
(a) Rs8000 (b) Rs10,000 (c) Rs12,000 (d) Data inadequate

24. An automobile financier claims to be lending money at simple interest,

but he includes the interest every six months for calculating the
principal, If he is charging an interest of 10%, the effective rate of
interest becomes:
(a) 10% (b) 10.25% (c) 10.5% (d) None of these

25. A lent Rs5000 to B for 2 years and Rs3000 to C for 4 years on simple
interest at the same rate of interest and received Rs 2200 in all from
both of them as interest. The rate of interest per annum is:
(a) 5% (b) 7% (c) 7 % (d) 10%

26. A sum of Rs725 is lent in the beginning of a year at a certain rate of

interest. After 8 months, a sum of Rs362.50 more is lent but at the rate
twice the former. At the end of the year, Rs 33.50 is earned as interest
from both the loans. What was die original rate of interest?
(a) 3.6% (b) 4.5% (c) 5% (d) None of these

27. The difference between the simple interest received from two different
sources on Rs 1500 for 3 years is Rs 13.50. The difference between
their rates of interest is:
(a) 0.1% (b) 0.2% (c) 0.3% (d) 0.4%

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28. The rates of simple interest in two banks A and B are in the ratio 5:4. A
person wants to deposit his total savings in two banks in such a way
that he received equal half-yearly interest from both. He should deposit
the savings in banks A and B in the ratio,
(a) 2:5 (b) 4:5 (c) 5:2 (d) 5:4

29. Mr. Thomas invested an amount of Rs 13,900 divided in two different

schemes A and B at the simple interest rate of 14% p.a. and 11%p.a.
respectively. If the total amount of simple interest earned in 2 years be
Rs 3508, what was the amount invested in Scheme B?
(a) Rs6400 (b) Rs6500 (c) Rs7200 (d) Rs7500

30. An amount of Rs1,00,000 is invested in to two types of shares. The first

yields an interest of 9% p.a. and the second 11% p.a. If p.a. If the total
interest at the end of one year is 9 %, then the amount invested in each
share was;
(a) Rs52,500; Rs47,500 (b) Rs62,500; Rs37,500
(c) Rs72,500: Rs27,500 (d) Rs82,500; Rs17,500

31. David invested certain amount in three different Schemes A, B and C

with rate of interest 10% p.a. 12% p.a. and 15% p.a respectively. If the
total interest accrued in one year was Rs 3200 and the amount invested
in Scheme C was 150% of the amount invested in Scheme A and 240%
of the amount invested in Scheme B, what was the amount invested in
Scheme B?
(a) Rs5000 (b) Rs6500 (c) Rs8000 (d) cannot be determined

32. A person invested in all Rs.2600 at 4%, 6% and 8% per annum simple
interest. At the end of the year, he got the same Interest in all the three
cases. The money invested at 4% is:
(a) Rs200 (b) Rs600 (c) Rs800 (d) Rs1200

33. Divide Rs 2379 into 3 parts so that their amounts after 2, 3 and 4 years
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respectively may be equal, the rate of interest being 5% per annum at
simple interest. The first part is:
(a) 759 (b) 792 (c) 818 (d) 828

34. A man invests Rs 3000 at a rate of 5% per annum. How much more
should he invest at a rate of 8%, so that he can earn a total of 6% per
(a) Rs 1200 (b) Rs 1300 (c) Rs 1500 (d) Rs 2000

35. If Re.1 produces Rs 9 in 60 years at simple interest, the rate %p.a. is

1 1
(a) 13 % (b) 14% (c) 15% (d) 12 %
3 2

36. Simple interest on a certain amount is of the principal. If the number
respresenting the rate of interest in percent and time in years be equal,
then time, for which the principal is lent out, is:
1 1 1
(a) 5 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 (b) 6 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 (c) 7 years (d) 7 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠
2 2 2

37. Two equal sums of money are lent at the same time at 8% and 7% per
annum simple interest. The former is recovered 6 months earlier than
the later and the amount in each case is Rs 2560. The sum and the time
for which the sum of money were lent out, are:
(a) Rs2500, 3.5 years and 4 years (b) Rs2000, 3.5 years and 4 years
(c) Rs2000, 4 years and 5.5 years (d) Rs3000, 4 years and 4.5 years

38. Peter invested an amount of Rs 12,000 at the rate of 10 p. c. p. a simple

interest and another amount at the rate of 20 p. c. p. a. simple interest.
The total interest earned at the end of one year on the total amount
invested became 14 p. c. p. a. Find the total amount invested?
(a) Rs20,000 (b) Rs22,000 (c) Rs24,000 (d) Rs25,000

39. A man pays 40 times the annual rent to purchase a building. The rate %
p.a. he derives from his investment is
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(a) 25% (b) 2.5% (c) 5% (d) 40%

40. Sumit lent some money to Mohit at 5% per annum simple interest. Mohit
lent the entire amount to Birju on the same day at 8 % per annum. In
this transaction, after a year, Mohit earned a profit of Rs 350. Find the
sum of money lent by Sumit to Mohit.
(a) Rs10,000 (b) Rs9,000 (c) Rs10,200 (d) None of these

41. Rajesh gave Rs 1200 on loan. Some amount he gave at 4% per annum
simple interest and remaining at 5% per annum simple interest. After
two years, he got Rs 110 as interest. Then the amounts given at 4% and
5% per annum simple interest are, respectively:
(a) Rs500, Rs700 (b) Rs400, Rs800
(c) Rs900, Rs300 (d) Rs1100, Rs1100

42. At what rate per cent compound interest does a sum of money becomes
four-fold in 2 years
(a) 150% (b)100% (c) 200% (d) 400%

43. What will Rs 1000 be worth after three years if it earns interest at the
rate of 5% compounded annually?
(a) Rs1075 (b) Rs1257 (c) Rs1157 (d) Rs1300

44. Zovo got a loan of Rs 8.000 against his fixed deposits to purchase a
scooter. If the rate of interest is 10% p.a. compounded-half yearly, find
the amount that he pays after one and half year.
(a) Rs9000 (b) Rs9200 (c) Rs9350 (d) Rs9500

45. A sum of money placed at compound interest doubles itself in 5 years.

Find in how many years it will become 8 times,
(a) 15 years (b) 20 years (C) 25 years (d) 30 years

46. The C.I. on a certain sum of money for me 4th year at 8% p.a. is Rs
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486. What was the compound interest for the third year on the same
sum at the same rate?
(a) Rs450 (b) Rs475 (c) Rs456 (d) None of these

47. A sum of money doubles itself in 6 years at a certain rate of compound

interest. In how many years will be 16 times at the same rate of
(a) 18 years (b) 24 years (c) 30 years (d) 12 years

48. A sum of money doubles itself at compound interest in 15 years. In how

many years will it become eight times?
(a) 40 years (b) 45 years (c) 50 years (d) None of these

49. A sum of money yields at compound interest Rs 200 and Rs 220 at the
end of first and second year respectively. The rate % is
(a) 20 (b) 15 (c) 10 (d) 5

50. If a sum of money at compound interest amounts to thrice itself in 3

years, then in how many yean will it be 9 times itself
(a) 12 years (b) 6 years (c) 9 years (d) 15 years

51. A sum of money is put at compound interest for 2 years at 20% p.a. It
would fetch Rs 482 more, if the interest were payable half-yearly, than if
it were payable yearly. Find the sum.
(a) Rs 10,000 (b) Rs 15,000 (c) Rs 20,000 (d) Rs 25,000

52. A tree increases annually by th of its height. By how much will it
increase after 2 yearly, if it stands today 10ft high?
(a) 3 ft (b) 3.27 ft (c) 3.44 ft (d) 3.62 ft

53. Ashish opened a restaurant with an initial investment of Rs 32,000. In

the first year, he incurred a loss of 5%. However, during the second
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year, he earned a profit of 10% which in third year rise to 12 %.
Calculate his net profit for the entire period of three years
(a) Rs.5500 (b) Rs.5620 (c) Rs.5840 (d) Rs.5970

54. Find the difference between S.l. and C.I. on Rs 2,000 for 2 years at the
rate of 10% p.a.
(a) Rs 15 (b) Rs 20 (c) Rs 25 (d) Rs 30

55. The difference in simple interest and compound interest on a certain

sum of money in 2 years at 15% p.a. is Rs.144. The sum is.
(a) Rs 6,000 (b) Rs 6,200 (c) Rs 6,300 (d) Rs 6,400

56. The compound interest on a certain sum for 2 years is Rs 41 and the
simple interest is Rs 40. Find the rate % p.a.
(a) 4% (b) 5% (c) 6% (d) 8%

57. The simple interest on a sum of money for 3 years is Rs 240 and the
compound interest on the sum at same rate for 2 years in Rs 170. The
rate % p.a. is
1 1
(a) 16% (b) 8% (c) 12 % (d) 8 %
2 3

58. What would be the simple interest, if the compound interest on the same
sum for 2 years at 4% be Rs408.
(a) Rs 400 (b) Rs 404 (c) Rs 396 (d) Rs 408

59. Jack set up a factory by investing Rs40,000. Daring the first three
successive years, his profits were 5%, 10% and 15 % respectively. If
each year the profit was on previous years's capital, find his total profit.
(a) Rs 13,000 (b) Rs 13,130 (c) Rs 13,256 (d) Rs 13,670

60. The difference between compound interest and simple interest on a sum
for 2 years at 10% per annum, when the interest is compounded
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annually is Rs 16. If the interest were compounded half-yearly, the
difference in two interests would be:
(a) Rs 24.81 (b) Rs 26.90 (c) Rs 31.61 (d) Rs 32.40

61. Mr. Dua invested money in two schemes A and B offering compound
interest @8 p.c.p.a. and 9 p.c.p.a. respectively. If the total amount of
interest accured through two schemes together in two years was Rs
4818.30 and the total amount invested was Rs 27,000, what was The
amount invested in Scheme A?
(a) Rs 12,000 (b) Rs 13,500 (c) Rs 15,000 (d) Cannot be determined

62. A person lent out a certain sum on simple interest and the same sum on
compound interest at certain rate of interest per annum. He noticed that
the ratio between the difference of compound interest and simple
interest of 3 years and that of 2 years is 25 : 8. The rate of interest per
annum is:
(a) 10% (b) 11% (c) 12% (d) 12 %

63. The least number of complete years in which a sum of money put out at
20% compound interest will be more than doubled is:
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 5 (d) 6

64. Rahul borrowed a certain sum from Dhawan at a certain rate of simple
interest for 2 years. He lent this sum to Ramesh at the same rate of
interest compounded annually for the same period. At the end of two
years, he received Rs 4200 as compound interest but paid Rs 4000 only
as simple interest. Find the rate of interest,
(a) 12% (b) 25% (c) 35% (d) 10%

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Exercise 01

1. Solution: 100×208
= Rate = ( 800×2
) % = 13%
(d) S.I. = 100
=> P = 9×6
= 𝑅𝑠1500
9. Solution:
2. Solution: (b) S.I. for 5 years = Rs (1020 - 720) = Rs 300
(b) S.I. = 81 – 72 = Rs9 S.I. for 2 years = Rs 5
× 2 = 𝑅𝑠120
∴𝑇= = 2 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠 = Principal = Rs (720 - 120) = Rs600
Now, P = 600, T = 2, S.I. = 120
3. Solution: = R= = 10%
1 1 1
(b) Rest part = 1 - ( + ) =
3 6 2
10. Solution:
Rate% per annum on total sum
1 1 1 (b) Let S.I. = Rs x
= (3 × 3) + (6 × 6) + (2 × 8) = 6% 1.53×105 ×20
∴𝑃= = 𝑅𝑠5,000
11. Solution:
4. Solution: 𝑃×𝑇
(c) Difference in S.I. = (𝑅1 − 𝑅2 )
(c) S.I. in case = 2P – P = Rs P 𝑃×4×2

= 10% = 56 = 100
(∵ 𝑅1 − 𝑅2 = 2)
𝑃×10 56×100
𝑁𝑜𝑤, 𝑆. 𝐼. 𝑖𝑛 𝐼𝐼 𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒 = 3𝑃 − 𝑃 = 𝑅𝑠2𝑃 = P= 4×2
= 𝑅𝑠700
∴𝑇= = 20 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠
12. Solution:
16 𝑃×𝑅×𝑅
5. Solution: (a) 𝑃=
25 100
4𝑃×100×2 1600 40
(d) R = = 32% = R2 = => 𝑅 = = 8%
5×𝑃×5 25 5
= Also, time = 8 years
6. Solution:
(b) Here S.I. = 9 𝑃 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑅 = 𝑇 13. Solution:
𝑃 100 (a) ∵ 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 5 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑠𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑟𝑢𝑝𝑒𝑒 = 5%
R= × 200×5×7
100 10 1
∴ 𝑆. 𝐼. = 100
= 𝑅𝑠70
 2
R = 9 => 𝑅 = 3
= 33%
14. Solution:
7. Solution: (c) Let one gets = Rs x
(b) Let annual rent = Rs I, Then principal = 20 I Then, second gest = Rs (68,000 - x)
= I= 100
Given : A1 = A2
100 𝑥×10×8 (68000−𝑥)×10×6
= R= = 5% x+ 100
= (68,000 − 𝑥) + 100
 x[100+80] = (68,000 - x) [100 + 60]
8. Solution:  160
= 68,000 − 𝑥
(a) S.I. for I ½ years = Rs (1164 - 1008) = Rs 156  34𝑥 = 68000 × 16 => 𝑥 = 𝑅𝑠32,000
156×2 ×2
S.I. for 2 years = Rs ( 3
) = 𝑅𝑠208 Second gest = RS 36,000
= Principal = Rs (1008 - 208) = Rs 800
= Now, P = 800, T = 2, S.I. = 208 15. Solution:
𝑄×𝑟×𝑡 𝑅×𝑟×𝑡
(b) P = 100
and Q = 100
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𝑃 𝑄 𝑟×𝑡 ` = Let each sum be Rs x. Then
= 𝑄
= 𝑅 = 100
𝑥×4 ×7 𝑥×4×7
= Q2 = PR. = 2
− = 31.50
100 100
7𝑥 1 36
= or × =
16. Solution: 100 2 2
3 or x = Rs 900
(b) Interest for one year = Rs. 212.50× 100 × 1 =
𝑅𝑠. 8
23. Solution:
= Thus in 8 years, the interest is Rs. 51. (a) Let the sum be Rs x. Then,
𝑥×6×3 𝑥×9×5 𝑥×13×3
( 100
)+( 100
)+( 100
) = 8160
17. Solution: => 18x + 45x + 39x = (8160 × 100) => 102x
(b) Let he borrowed at 5% = Rs x = 816000
= He borrowed at 7% = Rs (2500 - x)  x = 8000.
Now, I1 + I2 = 275
𝑥×5×2 (2500 − 𝑥)×7×2
= + = 275 24. Solution:
100 100
= 10x + 14 (2500 - x) = 27500 (b) Let the sum be Rs 100. Then,
= 4x = 35000 – 27500 = 7500 S.I. for first 6 months = Rs. ( ) = 𝑅𝑠. 5.
= x = Rs 1875 105×10×1
Sum borrowed at 7% rate = 2500 – 1875 = Rs S.I. for first 6 months = Rs. ( 100×2
) = 𝑅𝑠. 5.25.
625 So, amount at the end of 1 year = Rs (100 + 5 +
= Rs 110.25.
18. Solution: Effective rate = Rs (110.25 - 100) = 10.25%.
(b) Let the sum borrowed be x. Then,
= (
) = 11400 25. Solution:
100 100 100 (d) Let the rate be R% p.a. Then,
3𝑥 27𝑥 14𝑥 95𝑥
= (25 + 100 + ) = 11400 => 100 = 11400 5000×𝑅×2 3000×𝑅×4
25 = ( 100
)+( 100
) = 2200
= x=( ) = 12000. 2200
95 = 100R + 120R = 2200 => R = (
) = 10.
= Hence, sum borrowed = Rs 12,000.
26. Solution:
19. Solution:
(d) Let the original rate be R% Then, new rate =
(a) Gain in 2 years
25 2 5000×4×2
= Rs. [(5000 × × 100) − ( )] 725×𝑅×1 362.50×2𝑅×1
4 100 = ( 100
)+( 100×3
) = 33.50
= Rs (625 - 400) = Rs 225.
= (2175 + 725) R = 33.50 × 100 × 3 = 10050
= Gain in 1 years = Rs. (
) = 𝑅𝑠112.50 = R=
= 3.46%

20. Solution: 27. Solution:

(d) We need to know the S.I., principal and time 1500×𝑅1 ×3 1500×𝑅2 ×3
(c) ( )−( ) = 13.50
to find the rate. Since the principal is not given, 100 100
So date is inadequate. => 4500(R1 – R2) = 1350 => R1 – R2
= = 0.3%
21. Solution:
(c) Let the principal be P and rate of interest be 28. Solution:
R% (b) Let the savings be X and Y and the rates of
( ) 6𝑃𝑅 6 simple interest be 5x and 4x respectively.
= Required ratio = [ 𝑃×𝑅×9 ]= = = 2: 3.
( ) 9𝑃𝑅 9 1 1
100 = Then, X × 5𝑥 × ×
2 100
1 1 𝑋 4
22. Solution: = 𝑌 × 4𝑥 × 2 × 100 𝑜𝑟 𝑌 = 5,
(d) Difference of S.I. = Rs √31.50 = i.e., X : Y = 4:5.
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𝑥×4×1 (2600− )×8
So, =
29. Solution: 100 100
(a) Let the sum invested in Scheme A be Rs x  4x = => 52𝑥 = (7800 × 8)
and that in Scheme B be Rs (13900 - x). 7800×8
𝑥×14×2 (13900−𝑥)×11×2
 x=( 52
) = 1200.
Then, ( )+[ ] = 3508
100 100  Monday invested at 4% = Rs 1200.
 28x – 22x = 350800 – (13900 × 22) => 6x =
45000 33. Solution:
 x = 7500. (d) Let the parts x, y and [2379 – (x + y)].
So, sum invested in Scheme B 5 5
x + (𝑥 × 2 × ) = 𝑦 + (𝑦 × 3 × 100)
= Rs (13900 - 7500) 100
= Rs 6400. = z + (𝑧 × 4 × 100)
11𝑥 23𝑦 6𝑧 10𝑘 20𝑘
 10
= 20
= 5
= 𝑘 => 𝑥 = 11
,𝑦 = 23
,𝑧 =
30. Solution:
(b) Let the sum invested at 9% be x and that 6
invested at 11% be Rs (100000 - x).  But x + y + z = 2379.
Then, 10𝑘 20𝑘 5𝑘
 + + = 2379
𝑥×9×1 (100000−𝑥)×11×1 11 23 6
 ( 100
)+[ 100
]  1380𝑘 + 1320𝑘 + 1256𝑘 = 2379 × 11 ×
39 1 23 × 6
 (100000 × × )
4 100 2379×11×23×6 3×11×23×6
9𝑥+1100000−11𝑥 39000  k= =
 = = 9750 3965 5
100 4 10 3×11×23×6
 2𝑥 = (1100000 − 975000) = 125000 =>  x=( × ) = 828.
11 5
𝑥 = 62500. Hence, the first part is Rs 828.
 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑡 9% = 𝑅𝑠 62500.
 𝑆𝑢𝑚 𝑖𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑎𝑡 11% = 𝑅𝑠(100000 − 34. Solution:
62500) = 𝑅𝑆37500. (c) 3000(1 + 0.05) + 𝑥(1 + 0.08) = (3000 +
𝑥)(1 + 0.06)
31. Solution: or 3150 + 1.08𝑥 = 3180 + 1.06𝑥
(a) Let x, y and z be the amounts invested in 30
or 0.02𝑥 = 30 𝑜𝑟 𝑥 = = 1500
schemes A,B and C respectively. Then,
𝑥×10×1 𝑦×12×1 𝑧×15×1
= ( 100
)+( 100
)+( 100
) = 3200 35. Solution:
= 10x + 12y + 15z - 320000 (b) Hene S.I. = Rs 9, P = Re 1
….(i) R= = 15%
12 1×60
Now, z = 240% of y = y
.....(ii) 36. Solution:
3 9 𝑃×𝑇×𝑇
And, z = 150% of x = 2 𝑥 (d) 𝑃=
16 100
2 2 12 8 2 900 30 1
 X= 𝑧=( × )𝑦 = 5𝑦 => 𝑇 = 16
=> 𝑇 = 4
= 7 2 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠
3 3 5
From(i),(ii) and (iii),we have: 37. Solution:
16y + 12y + 36y = 320000 => 64y = 320000 => y (b) Let the sum be Rs x.
= 5000. For (1 + 2) 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠
Sum invested in Scheme B = Rs 5000. 𝑥×𝑡×8
 100
+ 𝑥 = 2560
32. Solution: ….(1)
(d) Let the parts be x, y and [2600 – (x + y)].  And + 𝑥 = 2560
Then, ….(2)
𝑥×4×1 𝑦×6×1 [2600−(𝑥+𝑦)]×8×1
 Solving (1) and (2),
𝑦 4 2 2  x = Rs 2,000, t = 3.5 years
= 𝑥
= 6 = 3 𝑜𝑟 𝑦 = 3 𝑥.
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A = 8,000[1 + 2×100]2×2
38. Solution:
21 3
(a) Let the second amount be Rs x. Then, A = 8,000[ ] = 𝑅𝑠. 9261 = 𝑅𝑠. 9200
12,000 × 10 × 1 𝑥 × 20 × 1
100 100 45. Solution:
(12000 + 𝑥) × 14 × 1 5 5
= 𝑅
(a) P(1 + 100) 2𝑃 => (1 + 100) = 2
= 120000 + 20𝑥 = (12000 + 𝑥)14 ….(i)
= 6𝑥 = 168000 − 120000 𝑅 𝑛
Let P(1 + 100) = 8𝑃
= 𝑥 = 𝑅𝑠8000
𝑛 5 3
Total investment = 12,000 + 8000 = Rs 20,000 𝑅
 (1 + 100) = 23 = {(1 + 100) } [𝐵𝑦(𝑖)]

𝑅 𝑛 𝑅 15
39. Solution:  (1 + 100) = (1 + 100)
(b) Let annual rest = Rs I, then principal = 40I
 𝑛 = 15 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠
Then I = 100
10 46. Solution:
 R= 4
= 2.5%
(a) If ‘x’ be the interest of third year, then 108%
of x = 486
40. Solution: 100
(a) We have, = x = 486 × = 450
(8 2 − 5) % 𝑜𝑓 𝑥 = 𝑅𝑠 350
350 47. Solution:
 100% of x = 3.5
× 100 = 𝑅𝑠 10,000 (b) P becomes 2P in 6 years at r% p.a.
𝑟 6
 2P = P (1 + 100)
41. Solution:
𝑟 6
(a) Let the amount of the loss at 4% per annum  (1 + ) = 2
be Rs x. 𝑟 6×4 𝑟 24
𝑥×4×2 (1200−𝑥)×5×2  24 = (1 + ) = (1 + )
Now, + = 110 100 100
100 100
 P becomes 16 P in 24 years
 x = Rs 500
 And, (1200 - x) = 1200 – 500 = Rs 700
48. Solution:
𝑅 15 𝑅 15 2𝑃
42. Solution: (b) P(1 + ) = 2𝑃 => (1 + ) = 2
100 100 𝑃
(c) Let sum be Rs P. Then, …(i)
𝑟 2 𝑛
4P = P (1 + 100) 𝑅
Let P(1 + 100) = 8𝑃
 1 + 100 = 2 => 𝑟 = 100% 𝑅 𝑛 𝑅 15 3
 (1 + ) = 8 = 23 {(1 + ) } [𝑢𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 (𝑖)]
100 100
𝑅 𝑛 𝑅 45
43. Solution:  (1 + 100) = (1 + 100) => 𝑛 = 45.
𝑟 𝑛
(c) A = P(1 + ) : 𝐴 = 𝐴𝑚𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡 Thus, the required time = 45 years
P = Principal
r = rate of interest 49. Solution:
n = time (c) Let Principal P = Rs x
105 3 R = r%
Required amount = 1000(100)
C.I. = 200 at the end of 1st year or200 + 200 at
21 21 21
= 1000 × 20 × 20 × 20 the end of 2nd year
= Rs 1000 × 1.157 = 𝑅𝑠1157 We know that
𝑟 𝑛
C.I. = P[(1 + 100) − 1]
44. Solution:
At the end of 1st year
(b) Here, n = 2 for interest is reckoned half- 𝑟
yearly. 200 = x [1 + − 1]
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𝑥𝑟 5 10 25
 200 = …(1) = 32,000 [(1 − ) (1 + 100) (1 + 2×100) − 1]
100 100
At the end of 2nd year 95×110×112.5
= 32000 [ 100×100×100 − 1]
420 = x [(1 + 100) − 1] = Rs 5620
𝑟 𝑟
= x (100) (2 + 100) …(2)
54. Solution:
On dividing (2) by (1) we get (b) For, T = 2 years
420 𝑟 2
=2+ 𝑅 10 2
200 100 Required difference = P (100) = 2000 (100)
2.1 = 2 + = Rs 20
=> 100
= 2.2 − 2
55. Solution:
=> r = 0.10 x 100 => r = 10%
(d) For T = 2 years
𝑅 2
50. Solution: Difference = P (100)
(b) Let sum be Rs P 15 2
3 3 144 = P (100)
𝑟 𝑟
3P = P (1 + 100) => (1 + 100) = 3…(i) 144×20×20
 P= 3×3
= 𝑅𝑠6400
Now, let P(1 + 100) = 9𝑃
𝑟 𝑛 𝑟 3 2 56. Solution:
 (1 + 100) = 9 = 32 = {(1 + 100) } [𝐵𝑦(𝑖)]
(b) For T = 2 years
𝑛 6 𝑅×𝑆.𝐼.
 (1 + 100) = (1 + 100)
𝑟 C.I. – S.I. =
 𝑛=6 14 – 40 = 2×100
 R= = 5%
51. Solution: 40

(c) Let sum be Rs. P. Then,

57. Solution:
20 2 6 2 36
A = P(1 + ) = 𝑃 (5) = 25 𝑃 (c) S.I. for 1 year =
= 𝑅𝑠80 = 𝐶. 𝐼. 𝑓𝑜𝑟 1 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟
…(i) C. I. for 2 yean = Rs 170 = C. I. for 1 year + C. I.
20 2×2 11 4
and A + 482 = P (1 + ) = 𝑃( ) for 2 year
2×100 10
36𝑃 11 4
Now, C. I. for 2 year = 170 - 80 = Rs 90
By (i), + 482 = 𝑃 ( ) = Interest on Rs 80 for 1 year = 90 - 80 = Rs 10
25 10
11 4 36 = Rate of interest =
x 100 = 12 %
 P({ } − ) = 482 80 2
10 25
14641 36
 p[10000 − 25] = 482
58. Solution:
 P[ 10000
] = 482 (a) For T = 2 years,
 P=
= 20,000 C.I. – S.I. = 2×100
241 4×𝑆.𝐼.
408 – S.I. = 2×100
52. Solution:  204 𝑆. 𝐼. = 81600
1 1 81600
(c) Increment = 8 × 100 = 12 2 %  𝑆. 𝐼. = = 𝑅𝑠400
25 2
H = 10{1 + 100×2}
1 5/2 1 2 1 1/2 59. Solution:
= 10[1 + 8] = 10 [1 + 8] [1 + 8]
(b) Since, each year the profit is on the previous
9 2 1 10×81 17
= 10(8) (1 + 2×8) = 64
× 16 = 13.44𝑓𝑡 year's capital,
Increment in height = 13.44 – 10 = 3.44 ft = it is similar to Compound Profit.
= Compound Profit
5 10 15
53. Solution: = 40,000 {(1 + 100) (1 + 100) (1 + 100) − 1}
(b) Net profit for 3 years
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21 11 23 62. Solution:
= 40,000 [20 × 10 × 20 − 1]
(d) Let the principal be Rs P and rate of interest
= 40,000[1,328 − 1] = 𝑅𝑠13,130
be R% per annum.
Difference of C.I, and S.I. for 3 years
60. Solution: 3
𝑅 𝑃×𝑅×3 𝑃𝑅2 300+𝑅
(a) For first year, S.I. on Rs 100. = [𝑃 × (1 + 100) − 𝑃] − ( 100
)= 104
( 100
100 2
Rs 16 𝑖𝑠 𝑆. 𝐼. 𝑜𝑛 𝑅𝑠. ( × 16) = 𝑅𝑠. 160. 𝑅
10 Difference of C.I. and S.I. for 2 years = P(100)
So, S.I. on principal for 1 year at 10% is Rs 160 𝑃𝑅2 300+𝑅
100×160 ( ) 25 300+𝑅 25
104 100
= Principal = Rs. ( ) = 𝑅𝑠. 1600. = 𝑃𝑅2
= => ( )=
10×1 8 100 8
Amount for 2 year compounded half yearly 100 1
4 = R= 8
= 12 2 %.
= Rs. [1600 × (1 + 100) ] = 𝑅𝑠. 1944.81.
= C.I. = Rs(1944.81 − 1600) = 𝑅𝑠24.81. 63. Solution:
1600×10×2 20 𝑛 6 𝑛
= 𝑆. 𝐼. = 𝑅𝑠. ( ) = 𝑅𝑠. 320. (b) P(1 + 100) > 2𝑃 𝑜𝑟 (5) > 2
(𝐶. 𝐼. ) − (𝑆. 𝐼. ) = 𝑅𝑠(344.81 − 320) = 𝑅𝑠24.81. 6 6 6 6
Now, ( × × × ) > 2. 𝑆𝑜, 𝑛 = 4 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑠
5 5 5 5

61. Solution:
64. Solution:
(a) Let the investment in scheme A be Rs x.
(d) Let the money borrowed be Rs x and the rate
Then, investment in scheme B = Rs (27000 - x).
2 of interest charged = r%
= [𝑥 × {(1 + 100) − 1} + (27000 − 𝑥) {(1 + Time = 2 years
2 𝑥×𝑟×2
9 Now, 4000 =
) − 1}] 100
 r x = 200000 …(i)
= 4818.30 𝑟 2
104 1881(27000−𝑥) 418830  Again, x(1 + ) = 𝑥 + 4200
 (𝑥 × 625) + 10000
= 100
𝑥𝑟 2 2𝑥𝑟
 1664𝑥 + 1881(27000 − 𝑥) = 48183000  10000
+ 100 = 4200
 217𝑥 = 2604000 => 𝑥 = = 12000.  20r + 4000 = 4200 [from (i)]
 r = 10%

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TITA/Short Answers

1. The difference between the CI and SI on a certain sum of money for

2yr at 15% per annum is Rs.45. Find the sum.

2. A sum is invested for 3 yr compounded at 5%, 10%, and 20% per

annum, respectively. In 3 yr, if the sum amounts to Rs.1386, then find
the sum.

3. If in a certain time period, Rs.10,000 amount to Rs.160,000 at CI. What

is the amount in half at that time if principal is Rs.10,000?

4. What will be the amount if a sum of Rs.10,000 is placed at CI for 3 yr

while rate of interest for the first, second, and third years is 10%, 5%,
and 2%, respectively?

5. What is the difference between the simple interest on a principal of

Rs. 500 being calculated at 5% per annum for 3 years and 4% per
annum for 4 years?

6. In what time will Rs. 500 give Rs. 50 as interest at the rate of 5% per
annum simple interest?

7. Raju lent Rs.400 to Ajay for 2 years, and Rs.100 to Manoj for 4 years
and received together from both Rs.60 as interest. Find the rate of
interest, simple interest being calculated,

8. A sum of money invested at simple interest triples itself in 8 years at

simple interest. Find in how many years will it become 8 times itself at
the same rate?

9. If Rs.1100 is obtained after lending out Rs. x at 5% per annum for 2

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years and Rs. 1800 is obtained after lending out Rs. y at 10% per
annum for 2 years, find x + y.

10. The population of a city is 200,000. if the annual birth rate and the
annual death rate arc 6% and 3% respectively, then calculate the
population of the city after 2 years.

11. A part of Rs. 38,800 is lent out at 6% per six months. The rest of the
amount is lent out at 5% per annum after one year. The ratio of
interest after 3 years from the time when first amount was lent out is 5
: 4. Find the second part that was lent out at 5%.

12. A sum of Rs. 1000 after 3 years at compound interest becomes a

certain amount that is equal to the amount that is the result of a 3
year depreciation from Rs. 1728. Find the difference between the
rates of CI and depreciation. (Given CI is 10% p.a.). (Approximately)

13. The population of vultures in a particular locality is decreases by a

certain rate of interest (compounded annually). If the current
population of vultures be 29160 and the ratio of decrease in
population for second year and 3rd year be 10 : 9. What was the
population of vultures 3 years ago?

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Exercise 02

1. Ans. 2000
𝑅2 7. Ans. 5
Solution: Difference between CI and SI for yr = 100 of
Solution: Total effective amount lent or 1 years
Principal = % of principal = Rs.400 X 2 + Rs.100 X 4 = Rs.1200
Or, 2.25% of principal = Rs.45 Interest being Rs.60 rate of interest 5%
Therefor principal = Rs.2000
8. Ans. 28
2. Ans. 1000 Solution: In 8 year the interest earned = 200%
5 10 Thus, per year interest
Solution: amount = 1386 = (1 + 100) × (1 + 100) ×
Rate = 200/8 = 25%
(1 + 100)P To become 8 times we need a 700% increase
21 11 6 700/25 = 28year.
Or 1386 = P ( ) × ( ) × ( )
20 10 5
Solving it, we get P = Rs.1000 9. Ans. 2500: x = Rs.1000 As 1000 @ 5% for 2
year = 1100
3. Ans. 40000: Let the rate of interest be R% per Similarly y = Rs.1500.
annum. x + y = 2500.
Assume that Rs.10000 amount to Rs.160000 in T
years. 10. Ans. 212180: The yearly increase in the
10000 (1 + )T = 160000 population is 3% thus, the population would
𝑅 𝑇 160000
increase by 3% each year. 200000 would
 (1 + ) = = 16 become 206000 while 206000 would become
100 10000
𝑇 212180.
𝑅 2
 (1 + ) = √16 = 4
 In T/2 yr, Rs.10000 amounts to 10000 11. Ans. 28800
𝑇 Solution:
𝑅 2 𝐹 ×(0.06)×6
(1 + 100) = 5/4
(38800−𝐹 ) ×0.05 ×2
 10000 X 4 = 40000
Where F is the first part.
1.44F = 19400-0.5F
4. Ans. 11781: When rates are different for F = 19400 / 1.94 = 10000.
different years, A Thus, the second part = 38800 – 10000 = 28800
𝑅1 𝑅2 𝑅3
= P (1 + 100) × (1 + 100) × (1 + 100)
2 5 12. Ans. 2: The amount @ 10% CI could become
Amount after 3 yr = 100000 × (1 + 100) × (1 + 100)
Rs.1331 Also Rs.1728 depreciated at R% has
× (1 + 100) to become Rs.1331
102 105 110 Thus,
= 10,000 × ( ) × ( ) × ( ) 1728 X [(100-R)/100]3 = 1331 (approximately)
100 100 100
= 102 X 105 X The closet value of R = 8%
= Rs.11, 781 Thus, the difference is 2%

5. Ans. 5: 5% for 3 years (SI) = 15% o the amount; 13. Ans. 40000
𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 100 10
at the same time 4% SI for 4 years means 16% Solution: 𝐷𝑒𝑐𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑟𝑑 𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 = 100−𝑟 = 9
of the amount. The difference between the two  R = 10%
is 1% of the amount. 1 % of 500 = Rs.5 Let the population of vultures 3 years ago be P, then
10 3
6. Ans. 2: Interest per year = Rs.25. P (1 − 100) = 29160
Thus an interest of Rs.50 would be earned in 2 years. P = 400

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OLD is GOLD 09
Percentage; Profit Loss; SI CI; Ratios
Exam IPM (I) IPM (I) 2020 IPM (I) 2021 IPM (I) JIPMAT JIPMAT Total
2019 2022 2021 2022
Number of 03 02 01 02 07 08 23

Important Note:
Before solving past year questions, complete your class
sheets and Super 300 Series (Part 22,23,24).
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All Percentile Classes eBooks are updated, now you can find
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Past Year Questions
(Percentage + Profit Loss + SI CI + Ratio)
1. A shopkeeper reduces the price of a pen by 25% as a result of which the
sales quantity increased by 20%. If the revenue made by the
shopkeeper decreases by x% then x is …(IPM Indore 2019) Percentage

2. If the compound interest earned on a certain sum for 2 years is twice the
amount of simple interest for 2 years, then the rate of interest per annum
is _______ percent…..… (IPM Indore 2019) SI CI
(a) 200% (b) 2% (c) 4% (d) 400%

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3. Three friends divided some apples in the ratio 3 : 5 : 7 among
themselves. After consuming 16 apples they found that the remaining
number of apples with them was equal to largest number of apples
received by one of them at the beginning. Total number of apples these
friends initially had was (IPM Indore 2019) Ratio

4. Ashok purchased pens and pencils in the ratio 2:3 during his first visit
and paid Rs. 86 to the shopkeeper. During his second visit, he
purchased pens and pencils in the ratio 4:1 and paid Rs. 112. The cost
of a pen as well as a pencil in rupees is a positive integer. If Ashok
purchased four pens during his second visit, then the amount he paid in
rupees for the pens during the second visit is (IPM Indore 2020) Ratio

5. Ashok started a business with a certain investment. After few months,

Bharat joined him investing half amount of Ashok’s initial investment. At
the end of the first year, the total profit was divided between them in
ratio 3:1. Bharat joined Ashok after (IPM Indore 2020) Ratio
(a) 2 months (b) 3 months (c) 4 months (d) 6 months

6. The highest possible value of the ratio of a four digits number and the sum
of its four digits is: (IPM Indore 2021) Ratio
(a) 1000 (b) 277.75 (c) 900.1 (d) 999

7. Aruna purchases a certain number of apples for INR 20 each and a

certain number of mangoes for INR 25 each. If she sells all the apples at
10% profit and all the mangoes at 20% loss, overall she makes neither
profit nor loss. Instead, if she sells all the apples at 20% loss and all the
mangoes at 10% profit, overall she makes a loss of INR 150. Then the
number of apples purchased by Aruna is (IPM Indore 2022) Profit Loss

8. The cost of a piece of jewellery is proportional to the square of its weight.

A piece of jewellery weighing 10 grams is INR 3600. The cost of a piece
of jewellery of the same kind weighing 4 grams is (IPM Indore 2022) Ratio
(a) INR 576 (b) INR 1220 (c) INR 1440 (d) INR 600

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9. A candidate scoring 25% marks in an examination fails by 30 marks whil
e another candidate who score 50% marks gets 20 marks more than
those required to pass. The pass percentage is
(JIPMAT 2021) Percentage
(a) 30% (b) 33% (c) 35% (d) 40%

10. A mixture of alcohol and water contains 35% alcohol by weight. if 25

g water is added to such a mixture of 100g, then the percentage of
alcohol in the mixture is such a mixture of 100 g,
(JIPMAT 2021) Percentage
(a) 25% (b) 28% (c) 30% (d) 32%

11. A man pays 40 times the annual rent to purchase a building. The rate
% per annum he derives from his investment is
(JIPMAT 2021) Percentage
(a) 2.5% (b) 3.33% (c) 4.0% (d) 6.67%

12. A dishonest dealer professes to sell his goods at cost price. But he
uses a false weight and thus gain 6 %. For a kg, he uses a weight of
(JIPMAT 2021) Profit Loss
(a) 940 g (b) 947 g (c) 953 g (d) 960 g

13. A certain sum is lent at a certain rate of CI. It grows to 1.44 times its
value in 2 years. If the same sum is lent at simple interest at the same
rate, in how many years would it double itself? (JIPMAT 2021) SI CI
(a) 3 years (b) 4 years (c) 5 years (d) 6 years

14. Harish divides two sums of money among his four sons Naresh, Vipin,
Bhupesh and Yogesh. First sum is divided in the ratio 4:3:2:1 and
second in the ratio 5:6:7:8. If the second sum is twice the first, then the
largest total is received by (JIPMAT 2021) Ratio
(a) Bhupesh (b) Naresh (c) Vipin (d) Yogesh

15. A is working, and B a sleeping partner in a business. A puts in Rs.

12000 and B Rs. 20000. A received 10% of the profit for managing, the
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rest being divided in proportion to their capitals. Out of a total profit of
Rs.9600, the money received by A will be (JIPMAT 2021) Ratio
(a) Rs. 3240 (b) Rs. 3600 (c) Rs. 4200 (d) Rs. 4840

16. A sum becomes double 10 years, then annual rate of simple interest
is (JIPMAT 2022) SI CI
(a) 8% (b) 5% (c) 10% (d) 20%

17. P, Q and R invested Rs. 25,000, Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 25,000
respectively to start a business. At the end of two years, they earned a
profit of Rs. 48,000. What will be Q’s share? (JIPMAT 2022) Ratio
(a) 24,000 (b) 36,000 (c) 12,000 (d) 20,000

18. The father’s age is six times his son’s age. Four years hence, the age of
the father will be four times his son’s age. The present age (in years) of
the son and the father are, respectively (JIPMAT 2022) Ratio
(a) 6 and 36 (b) 4 and 24 (c) 5 and 30 (d) 7 and 42

19. Three years ago, ratio of ages of Amisha and Namisha was 8:9. 3 years
from now the ratio will become 11:12 . What is the present age of Amisha.
(JIPMAT 2022) Ratio
(a) 2 years (b) 16 years (c) 19 years (d) 21 years

𝑎 𝑏 𝑐
20. If = = = 𝑘 then value of k is (JIPMAT 2022) Ratio
𝑏+𝑐 𝑐+𝑎 𝑎+𝑏
(a) ±
(b) 𝑜𝑟 − 1
(c) -1

21. The population of a village is 5000. If in a year, the number of males

were to increase by 5% and that of females by 3% annually, the
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population would grow to 5202 at the end of the year. If M is the number
of males and F is the number of females in the village, then (M,F) =
(JIPMAT 2022) Percentage
(a) (3000, 2000) (b) (2800, 2200)
(c) (2600, 2200) (d) (2700, 2300)

22. If A earns 33 % more than B, then percentage B earns less than A
will be (JIPMAT 2022) Percentage
(a) 66 %
(b) 25%
(c) 65%
(d) 33 %

23. The value of a flat worth 5,00,000 is depreciating at the rate of 10% p.a.
In how many years, will the value be reduced to 364500.
(JIPMAT 2022) Percentage
(a) 2 Years
(b) 3 Years
(c) 3 Years six month
(d) 4 Years

1. 10 7. 50 13. c 19. c
2. a 8. a 14. b 20. d
3. 30 9. d 15. c 21. c
4. 100 10. b 16. c 22. b
5. c 11. a 17. a 23. b
6. a 12. a 18. a

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Super 300 Series
Important Questions for CAT | IPMAT| XAT |CMAT | IIFT | Du-JAT | All
BBA MBA exams

S. No. Topics
1 Logarithms
2 AP GP HP – 01
3 AP GP HP – 02
4 Special Series
5 SET Theory
6 Quadratic Equations
7 Inequalities
8 Maxima Minima
9 Functions
10 Number System 01
11 Number System 02
12 Number System 03
13 Number System 04
14 Combinations
15 Permutations
16 Probability
17 Geometry 01
18 Geometry 02
19 Coordinate Geometry/ Mensuration 03
20 Averages
21 Allegations
22 Profit Loss
23 SI CI
24 Ratio/Variations
25 Time Work
26 Time Distance Speed 01
27 Time Distance Speed 02
28 Binomial Trigonometry
29 Determinants
30 Matrices

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OLD is GOLD Series 2023
Percentile Classes YouTube Channel

S. No. Topics
1 Quadratic Equations + Inequalities
2 AP GP HP + Special Series
3 Logarithms
4 Para Jumbles
5 Function Maxima Minima
6 Number System
7 Geometry
8 Grammar
9 Percentage + Profit Loss + SI CI + Ratio + Partnership
10 Averages + Alligations
11 Time and Work
12 Critical Reasoning
13 Time Distance Speed
14 SET Theory
15 Permutation Combination Probability
16 Vocab
17 Trigonometry
18 Data Interpretation
19 Matrices and Determinants
20 Reading Comprehensions
21 Miscellaneous (Conic + Binomial + Clocks etc)

8 No Substitute to Hardwork Download Percentile Classes Android App
Live Classes/ E-Books/ Test Series/ Recorded Videos for IPMAT/CAT/IHM/MBA/BBA/CLAT

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