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Meeting protocols and Business conventions

When engaging in business in Armenia we have the meeting protocols and business
conventions that can be explained by some ways, and we must understand that.

At first, we have formal greetings, that means a firm handshake, maintaining eye contact and
respect local protocols. Furthermore, when somebody calls people using their titles and
surnames, it’s a sign of respect.

We must be formal especially with written correspondence and also should be polite when
talking about business. Armenian business also has a hierarchical structure, so we have to
respect the people that are above us. Negotiations may involve some flexibility and may take
time. So we have to be patient and avoid aggressive or high-pressure tactics.

Socializing outside of the workplace is appreciated and is very important with relationship-
building, so as a example we should accept invitations to meals or other social activities.

Armenians value personal relationships, based on trust and getting to know business
counterparts. In addition, while punctuality is appreciated, there may be a cultural flexibility, so
we must be patient and understand that the meeting could start a bit later than scheduled.

Recommendations for off-hour activities

To strengthen professional relationships, there is a lot of off-hour activities that resonate with
Armenian culture. One activity that we can find is cultural excursions, like explore Armenia’s
history by visiting historical sites, museums, or attending cultural events together. Another
activity we can find is local cuisine exploration, like sharing a meal at a traditional Armenian
restaurant, providing a relaxed setting for informal discussions. Also we can explore the capital
city, Yerevan.

Furthermore, we can find outdoor activities watching Armenia’s picturesque landscape, and
that activities are things like hiking or picnics. Finally, we can find festivals to experience the
vibrant traditions and connect to people on a more personal level.

Appropriate behavior in social settings (dos and don'ts)

When it comes to social interactions, it´s crucial to understanding the cultural nuances, and for
the dos, we must have to show genuine curiosity about Armenian history, traditions, and
customs. In addition, we should use formal titles, like we must address people with their
appropriate titles as a sign of respect. Furthermore, gifts are appreciated, like small gifts, and
we must avoid extravagant gestures.

In addition we have to be polite like at another country, so we have to say the little words as
“thank you”, “please”, “excuse me”. Another thing that we should do is remove shoes indoor
because it shows that the visitor values the cleanliness of the living space. Mantaining eye
contact is also appreciated, it conveys sincerity and engagement.

On the opposite side, for the don’ts, we should not disrespect religious practices because
Armenia has a strong religious heritage, and we must be mindful and respectful of this aspect
of their culture. Another thing that we should avoid is rushing relationship building, like we
must take the time to establish trust, and rushing into business matters without a personal
connection may be perceived as impolite.
Also we should avoid controversial topics like politics, we should not interrupt others when
they’re talking. Furthermore, public displays of affection are not appreciated in more
conservative settings, and another thing that we should not do is speak louder.

Suggested topics for small talk

Small talk is a good way to establish the first connection and firstly we have a great positive
way to do that, like talking about Armenian cuisine and discussing local dishes. Another way to
do small talk is cultural heritage, asking about Armenian history, art, and music. Finally we can
ask about local events or festivals. We can also talk about a lot of things, like sports, weather,
customs and etiquette, languages spoken, because Armenia is multilingual and we can learn a
new language, and we can also talk about traditions and customs.

Dining etiquette and customs

Regarding dining etiquette, Armenians place importance on shared meals. At first, the host will
direct the invited person to their seat and they have to wait for the host, usually the guest have
the best seats. The host lead and says when everyone can start eating. The table manners are
appreciated, like keeping the hands on the table but not the elbows and use utensils with both
hands. Bread is highly respected in Armenian culture, so they break a piece of bread rather
than cut it, and is polite to accept bread when offered.

Also, we have toast traditions, and is polite to participate and we may reciprocate with a toast
of our own. Its costumary to clink glasses and mantaing eye contact during the toast. In
addition, we have to compliment the host, and express appreciation for the hospitality and the
positive aspects of the dining experience. If someone have dietary restrictions they have to
inform the host. However, is appreciated to be open to trying traditional dishes, it is a sign of
respect of their culture.

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