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ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE What keeps us alive?

- Interdisciplinary study in natural science - Solar Capital (energy from the sun)
(Geology, Climatology, Hydrology, Ecology) - Natural Capital (natural resources)
and their interaction with social science
(Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Ex.
Anthropology, Geography). Natural Resource: Trees
Services: Provide shade and oxygen to our
Trans-disciplinary- principle/applies to other atmosphere
Interdisciplinary- more than one branch of Ecosystem Economics
knowledge, connection to other sciences. - Biological income mustn't exceed biological
ENVIRONMENTALISM - Protect your capital and live off the income it
- Social movement for protecting the Earth’s - With no predators, and unlimited life
Life that support systems for us and other requirements, an organism’s population can
species. grow unchecked.

Ecology- Study of interaction between living Sustainable Development

organisms and their environment. - Meets the needs of the current generation
Ecosystem- Includes all organism living in an without compromising the needs of the future
area and the physical environment with which generations.
these organism interact.
- Insufficient common resources.
Atom - an economic problem where the individual
Compound consumes a resource at the expense of
Organelles society.
Cells - public resources were over exploited.
Tissues - private resources were exploited with
Organ management and control.
Organ system - with no predators and ultimate life
Individual - one requirements, an organism’s population can
Population - group of individuals grow unchecked.
Community - group of different groups
Ecosystem - interaction w/ environment Population Growth
Biome - based on climate and location (ex. - 6.4 billion and counting
Marine environment) - exponential growth
Biosphere - all of living things on Earth
Economic Growth
ENVIRONMENT - increase in capacity of a country /economy to
provide people w/ goods and services.
- Everything that affects a living organism.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
Biotic- living components - annual market value of goods and services
Abiotic- non-living components produced by all firms and organization, foreign
and domestic operating within a country.
- The total value of all the goods and services
produced by the residents and businesses of a - The amount of land and water needed to
country, irrespective of the location of supply each person or population with the
production. renewable resources they used.
- To absorb or dispose off the wastes from
Per Capita GDP such resources used.
- GDP derived by its total population. - It measures the average environmental
impact of individuals or population in different

- Improvement of living standards by economic NON-RENEWABLE RESOURCES

- resources that exists in a fixed amount
Developed Countries (stock) in various places in the Earth’s crust
- mostly US, EU, Canada, Japan Australia and has the potential for renewal by geological
- high per capita GDP physical and chemical processes taking over
- 1.2 billion people hundreds of millions to billions of years.
- non-renewable resources and natural capital
Developing Countries degradation.
- mostly Africa, Latin America, Asia - extracting, processing, and use come at an
- moderate to low per capita GDP environmental expense.
- 5.2 billion people - examples are copper, aluminum, iron, salt,
clay, coal,and oil.
- Solar - renewed continuously - undesirable change in the physical, chemical,
Renewable - replenished fairly rapidly through or biological characteristics that affects health,
natural processes. survival, or activities of humans or other living
Non-renewable - minerals organism.

Sustainable Yield SOURCES:

- the highest rate at which a potentially 1. Point Source
renewable resource can be used without - single, identifiable source that discharge
reducing its available supply throughout the pollutant into the environment (industrial).
2. Non-point Source
Environmental Degradation - large or dispersed areas such as crop fields,
- it is the depletion or destruction of a streets, and lawns that discharge pollutant into
potentially renewable resources that is used the environment or a large area.
faster than it is replenished.
Dealing with Pollution
NOTE: - Prevention (input control)
Tragedy of the commons - Cleanup (output control)
 Depletion or degradation of a potentially
renewable resource to which people have Major Environmental Problems:
free and unmanaged access.  Air Pollution
 Example is the depletion of commercially  Biodiversity Depletion
desirable fish species in the open ocean  Water Pollution
beyond areas controlled by coastal  Food Supply Problems
countries.  Waste Production
 To avoid over-exploitation of natural
resources, we should be able to apply Causes of Environmental Problems:
resource management rather than just  Rapid population growth
keep on ruling out local/national laws.  Unsustainable resource use
 Poverty Solution:
 Not including the environmental costs of  Current Emphasis (Reactive)
economic goods and services in their  Sustainability Emphasis (Proactive)
market prices.
 Trying to manage and simplify nature with
too little knowledge about how it works.

Resource Consumption
 “shop-till-you-drop” symptom
 Between 1998 and 2001, more Americans
declared bankruptcy than graduated from

Environmental Impact (I) = (P)(A)(T)

Environmental Worldviews
 Planetary Management - of human
 Environmental Wisdom - wise use of our
natural resources

What is our Greatest Environmental

 Disease
 Overpopulation
 Water Shortages
 Climate Changes
 Biodiversity Loss
 Poverty
 Malnutrition
Phytoplankton  The decomposition of phythoplankton also
- plant-like protists depletes oxygen which decreasing of
- are microscopic, single-celled plants that live oxygen level much more faster.
in the ocean.  Decreasing of oxygen level in water
bodies leads to hypoxic.
Zooplankton  Increasing growth rate of phytoplankton
- animal-like protists can lead to algal bloom resulting in killing
of fishes around the water bodies or so
Run off called “fish kill”.
- occurs when there is more water than land  The only option of fishes to survive is to
can absorb. go and live in an area unaffected by the
-the excess liquid flows across the surface of algal bloom.
the land and into nearby creeks, streams, or

- excessive nutrients in bodies of water.
- the process in which the water body becomes
overly enriched with nutrients, leading to an
increase in the production of algae and
- Eutrophication occurs when a body of water
receives an excessive nutrient load,
particularly phosphorus and nitrogen. This
often results in an overgrowth of algae. As the
algae die and decompose, oxygen is depleted
from the water, and this lack of oxygen in the
water causes the death of aquatic animals, like

Algal Bloom
- a rapid increase or accumulation in the
population of algae in freshwater or marine
water systems.

- decrease in oxygen level.

 Run off flows microorganisms found in
land to its nearest water bodies.
 Could flow through rivers, seeps, and
 Oxygen in water bodies (lakes) can be
unlimited during day with sunlight but only
stored oxygen can be use at night until
 Phytoplankton growth depends on the
availability of carbon dioxide, sunlight, and
nutrients (photosynthesis) but needed
oxygen during the night (respiration).
 With alarming growth rate of
phythoplankton leads to algal bloom.
 Being with zooplankton that also requires
oxygen makes the oxygen consumption
Structure - compositions 2. Landscape Ecology
Dynamics - differences - focuses on the exchanges of energy,
materials, and organisms across multiple
Dynamics of an ecosystem involves 2 ecosystem.
processes: 3. Ecosystem Ecology
- emphasizes energy flow and chemical cycling
 Energy Flow - flowing of energy from the among the various biotic and abiotic
sun. components.
 Chemical Cycling - nitrogen cycle, 4. Community Ecology
phosphorus cycle, etc. - deals with the whole array of interacting
- describes systems of species in a community.
repeated circulation of chemicals between 5. Population Ecology
other compounds, states and materials, and - focuses on factors affecting population size
back to their original state. over time.
6. Organismal Ecology
 We can follow the transformation of - studies how an organism in structure,
energy by grouping the species in a physiology, and (for animals) behavior meet
community into trophic levels of feeding environmental challenges.
 Ecosystem ecologists view ecosystems Trophic levels:
as energy machines and matter

Cellular Respiration - transformation of

glucose to energy and heat.

Photosynthesis - the process of plants in

making their own food.

Ecology- study of interaction of living

organisms to their environment.
- natural resources, climate, etc.

Geographical Distributions - distribution of

certain organism in an area.


 Observing ecosystem
 Modeling (of ecosystem functions Flow of Relationship
through cycles, etc.)
 Vortex - modeling tool for extinction Transfer of Energy
 Ecosystem experiments

Areas of Ecological Research: ECOSYSTEM DYNAMICS

1. Global Ecology
- examines the influence of energy and - Ecosystem generally contain primary
materials on organisms across the biosphere. producers capable of harvesting energy from
the sun by photosynthesis and of using this
energy to convert carbon dioxide and other
inorganic chemicals into the organic building Abiotic Components:
blocks of life. - Solar energy
- Inorganic substances (e.g. sulfur, boron)
Ecosystem Services: - Organic compounds (proteins,
1. Provisioning carbohydrates, lipids, and other complex
- food, lumber, fuel, medicine, etc. molecules)
2. Regulating
- protection from disasters (storm surges, Biotic Components:
flood, etc.) - can be classified according to their mode of
3. Cultural energy acquisition.
- research, education, spiritual - Autotrophs -an organism that can produce
4. Support its own food using light, water, carbon dioxide,
- soil formation, nutrients, biodiversity or other chemicals.
- Heterotrophs - an organism that consumes
Trophic Interactions - interactions among other organisms in a food chain.
producers and the organisms that consume
- composed of trophic
levels in an energy pyramid. Symbiosis - “living together”
- close, long-term interaction
Trophic level - all organisms that are the between two different species
same number of food-chain steps from the (symbiont and host).
primary source of energy.
- a relationship where the symbiont lives in/on
 Ecosystem use energy and cycle matter the host.
and these processes also define the basic - the symbiont (or parasites) benefits.
ecosystem functions. - the host is harmed.
 Energic processes in ecosystems are - ex. Tick and dog, lice and humans
usually described in terms of trophic
levels, which define the role of organisms 2. Mutualism
based on their level of feeding relative to - relationship between host and symbiont
the original energy captured by primary where both organisms benefit and neither is
producers. harmed.
 All ecosystems are “Open System” - relationship could be long or short-termed.
requiring a net flow of energy to persist - ex. Flower and bees, clownfish and sea
over time - without the sun. anemone
 Energy input to ecosystems drives the
flow of matter between organisms and the 3. Commensalism
environment in a process known as - a relationship between the host and symbiont
Biogeochemical Cycling. where the symbiont benefit and the host is
neither helped or harmed.
ECOSYSTEMS: FUNDAMENTAL - symbiont benefits by receiving transportation,
CHARACTERISTICS filtering, etc.
- ex. Barnacles and whales, bird making a nest
 Structure in a tree
- Living (biotic)
- Nonliving (abiotic)
 Process
- Energy flow
- Cycling of matter (chemicals)
 Change
- Dynamic (not static)
- Succession, etc.
 Energy begins with the Sun.
 As the sun is the source of energy. Primary Consumers
- Herbivores
- Some of the energy moves into atmosphere
 Chemical reaction where green plants use as heat.
water and carbon dioxide to store the - Some energy in the primary consumer is
sun’s energy in glucose. STORED & not lost to the atmosphere or used
 Energy is stored in glucose. by the consumer itself.
 Glucose is stored as starch in plants.
 6CO2 + 6H2O + sunlight & chlorophyll → Secondary Consumers
C6H12O6 + 6O2 (glucose + oxygen) - Can be carnivores or omnivores.
- Either predator or scavengers
4 Macromolecules Stored in Animals & - some of energy is lost as heat.
1. Carbohydrates Tertiary Consumers
2. Lipids - consumer that absorbs the least energy.
3. Protein - can be carnivores or omnivores.
4. Nucleic Acid
Predator - the one that kills/hunts and eats the
Chloroplast - organelle, site of animals.
Prey - the one that is killed/hunted and eaten
Chlorophyll - green pigment that absorbs light by other animals.
Scavenger - organisms that feed on the
PRODUCERS remains of other animals.

 Organisms that can make glucose during FOOD CHAIN

 Uses cellular respiration  Transfer of energy from the sun to
 Uses the energy they make for producer to primary consumer then to
themselves. higher order consumers.
 Energy that is not used by the producers  Consuming producers gains only 10% of
are passed on. its energy.
 Ex. 1000 units (plants) → 100 units
CELLULAR RESPIRATION (crickets) → 10 units (frog) → 1 unit
 Chemical reaction that releases the
energy in glucose. ENERGY PYRAMID
 6O2 + C6H12O6 → 6H2O + 6CO2 + energy
 Happens in mitochondria.  Amount of available energy decreases for
higher consumers.

 Organisms that cannot produce their own

 Relies on the energy released or from

 Are interconnected food chains.

 Shows feeding relationships in an
EVOLUTION  Natural Selection - Organisms that are
more adapted to their environment are
 Is the process by which one species gives more likely to survive and pass on the
rise to another and the tree of life grows genes that aided their success.
 “to understand the present, you must
understand your past first” Discovery (6) - Huxley v.s Wilberforce
 Tree of Life - all living things shares a  a famous debate in 1860 pitted bishop
common ancestor. Wilberforce against Darwin’s bulldog,
Thomas Henry Huxley
Evolution as Theory and Fact:  Evolutionists got the better of the debate,
 Evolution is a theory or a fact. but few were convinced by Darwin’s idea
 The theory of evolution deals with how of Natural Selection.
evolution happens.
 Is also a fact as there is a huge amount of Discovery (7) - Genetics
indisputable evidence for its occurrence.  1856-1863 a monk named Gregor
DISCOVERIES  “Father of Genetics”
 He investigated how evolution worked.
Discovery (1) - Fixed Species  Showed that offspring received
 The Creation of Adam by Michaelangelo characteristics from both parents but only
 Species were considered to be special the dominant characteristic trait was
creations, fixed for all time. expressed.
 His work was accepted in 1900 long after
Discovery (2) - Transmutation his death.
 Around 1800, scientists began to wonder
whether species could change or Discovery (8) - Making Sense
transmute.  Early 20th century
 An animal acquired a characteristics  Modern synthesis as Julian Huxley called
during its lifetime, it could pass it onto its it brought Charles Darwin’s Natural
offspring. Selection back to the centre of
 Proposed by Jean Baptiste de Lamarck evolutionary theory.
 Ex. The longevity of Giraffe’s neck due to  Building on Mendel’s genetics, studies
the height of their food source, trees. showed how characteristics in a
population could be selected by
Discovery (3) - Fossils and Strata environmental pressures.
 Fossils showed that different species
existed in the past. Discovery (9) - Opposition
 In the 1925, the teaching of evolution is
Discovery (4) - Darwin’s Voyage outlawed in Tennessee, USA. Resulting in
 From 1831-1836 Charles Darwin toured the infamous Scopes Monkey Trial.
the world in HMS Beagle.
 “Origin of the Species” MECHANISMS:

Discovery (5) - Survival of the Fittest Mechanism (1) - All in the Genes
 “Origin of the Fittest” (1859)  Genotype - genetic make-up of an
 Darwin proposed how one species might organism.
give rise to another.  Phenotype - its total characteristic traits.
 Where food was limited competition
meant that only the fittest would survive. Mechanism (2) - DNA
 That lead to the natural selection  Discovered in 1953
 Shows how genetic information is ancestors. Interbreeding between
transferred from one cell to another populations is difficult suggesting that
almost without error. speciation may be occurring.
 Ex. London Underground Mosquito
Mechanism (3) - Mutation
 A change in DNA sequence of an EVIDENCES:
 May be caused by radiation, viruses, or Evidence (1) - Biochemistry
carcinogens.  The basic similarity of all living things
 Are rare and often damaging effects. suggests that they evolved from a single
common ancestor.
Mechanism (4) - Variation  Information are passed through
 Various traits and characteristics of an generation to generation using the DNA
organism. molecule.
 Alleles - Variants of a particular gene.  All living things also use a molecule called
ATP to carry energy around the organism.
Mechanism (5) - Natural Selection
 Organisms that are more adapted to their Evidence (2) - Similar Genes
environment are more likely to survive  If evolution is true then we might also
and pass on the genes that aided their expect that closely related organisms will
success. be more similar to one another than more
 Alleles spread through a population by distantly related organisms.
sexual reproduction.
Evidence (3) - Comparative Anatomy
Mechanism (6) - Peppered Moth  Similar comparisons can be made based
 The Peppered Moth is an example of on anatomical evidence.
Natural Selection in action discovered by  Bilateral symmetry
 During the Industrial Revolution the trees Evidence (4) - Homology
on which the moth rested became soot-  The pentadactyl limb is ancestral to all
covered. vertebrates but modified for different uses.
 This selected against the allele for pale
colour in the population (which were Evidence (5) - Vestigial Structures
poorly camouflaged from predators) and  Some structures get side-lined as they not
selected for the dark colour allele. longer of use.
  Ex. Coccyx (ancestral tail), appendix.
Mechanism (7) - Microevolution
 Microevolution refers to small changes Evidence (6) - Fossil Record
over short periods of time within a  Shows a sequence from a single bacteria
population. to more complicated organisms through
 Change of frequency of alleles in a time and provides the most compelling
population. evidence for evolution.
 Ex. Dog breeds
Evidence (7) - Transitional Fossils
Mechanism (8) - Macroevolution  Fossils show a clear transition form one
 Macroevolution refers to larger changes species, or group, to another.
over a long time scale.  Archaeopteryx was found in Germany in
 If the two populations can no-longer 1861. It share many characteristics with
interbreed, new species are born. both dinosaurs and birds.
 Ex. Galapagos Finches
Evidence (8) - Geography
Mechanism (9) - Speciation Today  Geographic spread of organisms also tells
 Development of a new species through a of their past evolution.
variety of factors.  Marsupials occur in two populations today
 Studies indicate several genetic in the Americas and Australia.
differences from its above-ground
Evidence (9) - Antibiotic Resistance
 Certain bacteria can become resistant to
 The antibiotic acts as an environmental
pressure where it weeds out those
bacteria with low resistance and only
those with high resistance survive to


 Gradual changes happen in an ecosystem

that takes up to hundreds of years.
 Ecosystem doesn’t start with soil,
everything comes from rocks.


 Physical change in rocks due to natural

agents (wind, water, gravity, ice, etc.).

Two Types of Succession:

1. Primary Succession
- new patch of land was created for the first
- always starts with rock.

2. Secondary Succession
- restarts the cycle of succession due to
- starts with a bare soil.

Three Parts in Succession:

1. Pioneer Species
- species that first colonize new habitats
created by disturbance.
- rocks forming lichens, bacteria, mosses,

2. Intermediate Species
- next species that colonize and dominate the
- grasses and shrubs, under stories(coffee,

3. Climax Community
- endpoint of succession within an area.
- rainforest with species interacting with one
- ecologist debated about the existence of
climax community as it is already stable and
- after stochastic event/s, wipeout happens
leaving bare soils.
BIOGEOCHEMICAL CYCLE  NH3 undergoes nitrification - conversion
of NH3 to NO3 (Nitrate).
 Bio (Life)  Organic matter to NH4 (ammonium)
 Geo (Earth)  NH4 to NO2 (nitrogen dioxide)
 Chemical (Elements)  NO3 detrifies to N2 (nitrogen)
 Significant change in environmental  Then repeat
aspects from biological, geological, and
chemical factors. PHOSPHORUS CYCLE
 The term biogeochemical is a contraction
that refers to the consideration of the  Rock weathers then carried by a run off
biological, geological and chemical carrying amounts of phosphorus.
aspect.  Plants absorbs phosphorus from soil
 Decomposers break down and animal
C - Carbon matter into soil.
H - Hydrogen  Leaching into water bodies from soil
O - Oxygen (source of phosphorus in water bodies).
N - Nitrogen  Human source: Agricultural farms/fields
P - Phosphorus

Some of the biogeochemical cycles are the  Magma cools down into igneous rock
following:  Igneous rocks weather into sediments
 Sediments compacts into sedimentary
 Sedimentary rocks forms into
 Evaporation metamorphic rocks through heat and
 Condensation pressure
 Precipitation (repeat)  Metamorphic rocks melts into magma
 Temperature affects evaporation (warm)
and condensation (cold)


 A central elements in organic compounds

cycles between living and non-living
 Carbon sinks
 Carbon sequestration - the process of
capturing and storing atmospheric carbon
 It is one method of reducing the amount of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere with the
goal of reducing global climate change.


 Diatomic (N2)
 Nitrogen fixation (lightning)
 Nitrogen fixing bacteria produces

 is the introduction of harmful materials

into the environment.
 the presence of any substance in air,
water, soil, or food which threatens the
health of human, animal and plant life
 Water, Air, Soil, Light, Noise, and Thermal


 Contamination of the indoor or outdoor

environment by any chemical, physical or
biological agent that modifies the natural
characteristics of the atmosphere.
 is the presence of any substance at high
enough levels in the atmosphere to
threaten the health of human, animal and
plant life.
 Pollutants - harmful materials that
causes pollution.

What Causes Air Pollution:

 Natural (volcanic ash, ozone)
 Human (power plants, cars, aerosols,

Some of the pollutants of our atmosphere:

 Carbon Monoxide
 Lead
 Nitrogen Oxide
 Ground-level ozone
 Particle pollution
 Sulfur oxides
 Etc.

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