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” “All educational institutions shall

undertake regular sports activities throughout
 ”Education through the physical” - the country and in cooperation with athletic
Jesse Feiring Williams (1977). clubs and other sectors.”
 “that phase of total process of
education which is concerned with the OBJECTIVES OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION
development and utilization of the
individual’s movement potential and  Physical Fitness Development - The
related responses, and with the stable development of the various organic
behavior modifications in the system of the body is necessary for an
individual which results from these individual to have the ability to sustain
responses” - John E. Nixon and Ann E. adaptive efforts, to recover and to resist
Jewett , as restated by William Freeman fatigue.
(1977).  Motor Skill Development - This objective
 “physical education is that phase of is concerned with developing body
general educational program that awareness, making purposeful physical
contributes to the total growth and movement with a little expenditure of
development of each child through energy as possible, and being proficient,
movement experiences” - Robert P. graceful, and aesthetic in this movement.
Pangrazi (1998).  Cognitive Development - The cognitive
 “an educational process that uses development objective involves the
physical activity as a means to help accumulation of knowledge and the ability
individuals acquire skills, fitness, to think and interpret this knowledge.
knowledge, and attitudes that  Social-Emotional-Affective
contribute to their optimal Development - This is concerned with
development and well-being” - Deborah assisting an individual in making personal
Wuest and Charles Bucher (1999). and group adjustments as well as
adjustments as a member of society.
Fitness- The ability to carry out daily tasks
 Article 1, International Charter of efficiently with enough physical capacity to
Physical Education and Sports, cope with the physical needs of life.
UNESCO, Paris, 1978 and -States that it is the ability to carry out
Recommendation 1, International daily tasks efficiently with enough energy left
Disciplinary Regional Meeting of over to enjoy leisure time pursuits and to meet
Experts on Physical Education, unforeseen emergencies.
UNESCO, Brisbane, 1982 - “The practice
of physical education and sport is a Physical Fitness- The ability to carry out daily
fundamental right of all…” “And this right tasks with vigor and alertness, without undue
should not be treated as different in fatigue, and with ample energy to enjoy leisure
principle from the right to adequate food, time pursuits and to meet unforeseen
shelter, and medical care.” emergencies.
 Article XIV, Section 19, 1986 - Physical fitness at any age depends upon
Constitution of the Republic of the eating the correct foods, having sufficient rest,
Philippines – “The state shall promote taking adequate daily exercise, and
physical education and encourage sports maintaining a strong mental attitude.
programs, league competitions and
amateur sports including training for
international competition to foster self-
discipline, teamwork, and excellence for
the development of a healthy and alert
1. Physical fitness - refers to the ability of
an individual to perform his daily tasks Supination - body facing upward/ palm facing
efficiently without undue fatigue and has up.
some extra “reserves” in case of
2. Social fitness – is the ability to mingle
with different types of people and interest
and concern for others.
3. Emotional fitness – refers to the ability
of an individual to control his emotions or
4. Mental fitness – is the ability to cope with
common problems of everyday living. Pronation - body facing downward/ palm
5. Total fitness - It refers to the fitness of facing down.
the whole person including physical,
mental, social and emotional fitness


Health-related Fitness Components:

1. Cardio Respiratory Endurance – the
ability of the lungs and heart to take in and
transport adequate amounts of oxygen to the Plantar flexion - pointing down
working muscles.
2. Muscular Endurance – the ability of the
muscles to apply a sub maximal force
repeatedly or to sustain a muscular contraction
for a certain period of time.
3. Muscular Strength – the maximal one
effort force that ca be exerted against a
4. Flexibility - the functional capacity of a joint
to move through a full range of motion.
5. Body Composition – the ratio of lean body
tissue (muscle and bone) to body fat tissue.

Skill-related Fitness Components:

1. Agility - quickness of movement.
2. Speed - the ability of the individual to make
a successive movement of the same kind in Dorsi flexion - pointing up
the shortest time.
3. Balance – the state of equilibrium.
4. Power – refers to muscular power which is
the ability to release maximum force in the
shortest period of time; the ability of the
muscle to exert effort.
5. Reaction Time – the amount of time it takes
to start a movement once your senses signal
the need to move.
6. Coordination – the ability to use the senses
together with body parts in performing tasks
smoothly and accurately.
Flexion - compression of muscle. Illustrated
example is flexion of biceps and triceps. Rotation - act of turning part of the body.

Extension – relaxation of muscle. Opposite of

flexion. Illustrated example is extension of
biceps and triceps.

Circumduction - cone movement

Hyperextension - next movement after


Abduction - act of moving away the midline.

Illustrated example, arms moving away from
the body (body serving as the midline.)
Adduction - moving back to anatomical Reposition - thumb and little finger going back
position. to its anatomical position

Elevation - moving up. Illustrated example is

elevation of body through tip-toe.

Opposition - thumb and little finger move


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