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Scully ST-47 Groundhog Technical Manual oe ST-47 Series Self-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System scully JA 7 a Ee ea SYSTEMS: nas Wino 187.9478 USL eyeom ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual General 14 Purpose of Equipment 12 ‘ST-47 Normal Operation Technical Specifications & Approval at Input Power 22 Control Contact 23 Operating Temperature 24 FM Approval & FM Approval for Canada Installation 8 Enclosure a2 Physical Location aa Etectrical Installation a4 Ground Ba Installation- Stand Alone Applications as Ground Bolt installation: Combined with Rack Monitor Initia! System Checkout 44 General 42 ‘Models Without Bypass Switch 4a ‘Models With Bypass Switch 44 ‘Models with Deadman Feature Servicing The ST-47 51 General 2 Replacing Indicator Lamps 63 ‘Tools & Test Equipment Required fr Servicing 54 Test Procedure 1- Wire-Through Applications Only 85 ‘Test Procedure 2- Stand Alone Applications Only 56 ‘Troubleshooting Models With Deadiman Capability 1 12, FS SS'CS--»~=—CO“=i aE ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual Diagram Appendix or ‘DW 61655 - instalation Drawing with Entity Parameters 17, 62 DW 31412 - Outine Drawing - Control Unit Enclosure 18, 6s DW. 62089 - Outine Drawing - Seulcon Junction Box 19 oa ‘WG 61441 - Wiring Diagram - Typleal Losding Rack Control 20. 65 _DWG 61345 - Principle of Over Prevention & Grounding a 66 PWG 61346 - Grounciing Protection for Product Loading & Offlading 22. 67 WG 61442. Mounting Diagram - Control Unit & Junction Box 23, 6a ‘DWE 61834 - intornal Wiring Diagram ST-47-EL 24, 69 ‘DW 61228 - Internal Wiring Diagram ST-47-ELK 26. 610 DW 61331 ~Imtomal Wiring Diagram ST-47-EL/D 26. an DW 61322 -Intemal Wiring Diagram ST-47-ELK/D 27. er ‘DW 61121 - Fld Wiring Diagram ST-47-1151240 EL{K) 28. 18 ‘DWG 61099 - Feta Wing Diagram ST-35/ST-47 29. ou ‘DW 61098 - Field Wing Diagram ST-15/ST-47 230. ess DWO 61161 - Field Wiring Diagram ST-47-115 EL(KID 31 es ‘DW 61168 - Fld Wiring Diagram ST-16-ELKID & ST-47 92. 67 |DWG 61167 - Field Wing Diagram ST-15-ELKID & ST-47 33. ar ‘DWG 61169 - Field Wing Diagram ST-S5-ELKID & ST-47 36, 619 ‘DWG 61202 - Replacement Parts for S7:47-115. 35. 620 ‘DWG 61273 - Replacement Parts for S7.47-240 96. Selt-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System 14 Purpose Of Equipment ‘The 57-47 Grouncnogis a line powered, Sl Proving, Vehicle Ground Verication System. t may ‘be used to neue a sale gros between a terminal loading rack end tank vehicle wich is nthe frocess of loading or unloading a hazardous product. The Groundhog system can be used in one ‘of vee modes: 1) Wre-Through, 2) Stand-Alone, 2} Non Sef Proving. Optional Font cover, lamps incite grounded (green lamp on) or noe gounded re lamp ot state. Intnsealy sate ‘groune verfeation signals connect TB2 terminal 2 ground) and S (proving sgn) in modes 1 nd 2 Rafer to Figure 1.2 for ST-47 Terminal Block (72) locations 1.4.1 Wire-Through Mode Description Inthe We-Teough configuration, the S47 contre monitor idealy mountad near now, or existing, Scully over prevention monitor (see Appendix for appropriis interconnection wring agra). When the two monitors are located in close proximity, vehicle crivesor loader personnel ‘an eally View the status amps. “Two wires trom the ST-47 18, terminals connsct othe new, oF existing, overfil prevention cable |unetion box. single Scully Ground Bolt, mounted ona tank veice or cther cantalne), serves 25 the truck ground verification point. The sysiam i sl-poving wien the over prevention plug Is connected tothe vehicle mounted Ground Bot (P/M 08560) rough socket pin no, 8. ‘A time-varying itinsialy safe voltage is sont out on S47 TB2 terminal 3. withthe Scull overt protection pg connected tothe vehicle mounted ove system socket, a ground connection is tstablshed trough pn 10 af the socket fo the chassis ofthe vehicle. The graund proving signs {entors the socket through pin 8. The Ground Bots requid to complete the circuit in the S47 Controter The crcultis competed through an 9, trough the green wie, trough the Ground Bot, to the chassis of the vehicle or equipment, though pin 10 and back tothe ground conection, TE terminal, atte controler tthe conic monitor senses a complete signal path, wil cos its “permissive” contact. The permissive contact is typical used to contrel a pump, valve, input to 2 Terminal Automation System or Programmable Loge Control (PLC), 4.42 Stand Alone Mode Description ° Used inthe Stand-Alone mode, the ST-47 Groundhog i typically mounted near the terminal ack ‘equipment and hard wires tothe Scully Model §0-47CC oF SC-417CC/D cable junction box. The ‘abla junction box contans terminals connocting toa spacial enap-on plug using & 32 fot (en ‘meter colad ora 20 foot ek mete?) straight cable. A single Scully Ground Ball mounted on a tank \ehice sees asthe tuck ground verification point. The system is sl-proving when the snap-on ‘lug is connacted to the vehicle mounted Ground Ball. When connected, the S47 sends & time-varying ininsicaly sae voltage rom TB2 tomina othe top ofthe two plece Ground Bl {and twough the fame of he vehicle. Te bal returns a potion ofthe signal othe coir monitor ‘732 terminal 2 trough its base. tthe contr monitor senses tis signa wil closets “permissive” contact. Te permissive contacts typically used to contol 8 pu, al to. Teminel Automation System. Pages. 12 ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual 1.18 Deadman Capable Model Description (Applies to Models S47 EL(KD} Deadman capable models ofthe ST:47ciffer rom standard ‘model nwo ways 1) The Model ST-47/D requies the use ofa Sculy daadman equipped plug and cable or ‘ground ball connector and cable assemblies (Model SC-47CC/D) These include a hhand-operated deadman sultch added toa standard plug ad cable assembly “wo ational wires mast bo run in the intrinsically Safe (LS) conduit which connects the ‘ST-4710 to the plug and cable assemby. 2) Unik the standard Model ST:47 there sno volt fee permissive contact connected to ‘TB! terminals 4 and 5. Only the permissive contact of Tt tominal Scan be utlized and it ‘must be connected o one wire (AC ht) ofan inductive or resistive extemal device, The ‘ther wie ofthe inductive oreistve extemal device is connected to AC neu. norma ‘operation, the deadman switch must be operated to “permit” operation ofthe external ‘etce, When the ST-47 is permissive (green lamp It) and the deaciman sith is operated, the extomal device connecte to TB! terminal 5 is energized, ‘ST-47 Normal Operation 1.2.4. Statue Lamps Match he state of the ont cover indicators on the Groundhog with the chart below. Oaterine i the status mests the conctons present and refer tothe Troubleshooting Section of this mana required, ‘moICATION Rack to vetlel tank oa, container, eo, ground bond vere Outputs "Permissive" ‘ON | OFF [Rack to vice, a tank ear, container, ef. ground band nat varied ar unite ‘malfunctioning, Outputs "Non-Permissive" ‘OFF| OFF 17) indicator lamps) slare burned out. 2) The uit is net powered. 3) Optional Bypass switch isin OFF or BYPASS poston. | 1.22 Use With Scully Ground Bolt or Ground Ball ‘Aront panel mounted re lamp indicates that a sale ground attachment has not been made of ‘the ST-47 is not comected toa veicle, Mtr connection fo vehics mounted Ground Bal or Ground Bot the green amp on the ont pane urinates indicating thet the Sculy Groundhog systems operatonel andthe ground path othe vehi Is complete. normaly open user contact is roveles on TB terminals 4 and 5, k shouldbe connected tothe petit crcury atthe terminal loading ack. The permit contacts close when the ground path othe vehi is vera Page 6. Self-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System 1.23 Optional 8ypass Switet-Models ST-47-115 or 240 ELK ‘An optional thre poston sete, i mounted on the ran cave allows the system to operate normaly inthe AUTO {center poston), turned OFF (ett most peston, or placed In BYPASS (ight ‘most position). nthe Bypass mode, the user contact wil “permit” bu, both tered and green ‘amp wil be extinguished, OFF AUTO BYPASS Figure 1.1 Bypass Switch illustration (Shown in AUTO Position) © WARNING With the OFF/ AUTO/ BYPASS Switch in the BYPASS Position, THERE IS NO GROUND VERIFICATION PROTECTION. _| 1.24 Optionsl Deacinan Capabily-Models ST-47-115 or 240 EL(K)/D 11.24: Permissive Contact Connection to External Devices “Terminal 4 of TB! is factory connected to the “ht” sie of the AC power ine, This factory installed Jumper connecting TB! terminals 3 and 4 canbe removed ithe end-user must isolate the permissive terminals. Do not exceed the folowing value forthe permissive torinal input and output Operating and Load Voltage Range....85 to 135 VAC Load Current Maximum, sensu AMPS resistive '¥ connection s made to an external device which ie nelther resistive nor inductive, aninterposing 'elay must be used. One example of ths type of external cevice requiring an intrposing rely isa Programmable Logie Control PLC). When using arlay, connect one wire ofthe device to TS terminal Send the ater wire to AC neutral In most intancee a normaly open contact ofthe relay Is used. One “Common” contact should make cannaction to whatever vliage require by the \dvice tobe activated. When the S47 is permissive, he interpasing relay wil eneryze, and ‘operate an extemal device o devices, 1.24.2 Deadman Switch Connection to the ST-47 “Two wires flack and white) ae factory connected from the Deadman switch to tain’ 1 and 2 Inside the Scully pg and cable box. Applicable junction boxea may be Kdentiied bythe “/D" in their Model designation. The end-user must provide wing which connects the two terminals to TBS inside (batter of he ST-47 explosion proot housing. ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual Figure 1.2 ST-47 Terminal Bock Location itutraton Self-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System Moree 2.1 Input Power 120 VAG #/- 15% or 208-240 VAC SO/eOHe 25 Arps Masimum 125 Amps Maximum 22 Control Contact Independent fused, 240 VAC 5 Amps resistive 23 Operating Temperature 40 to +158 deg. F (4010 +70 dog.) 24 FM Approval & FM Approval for Canada © ‘This sjstem’s outputs have been FM Approved a intinscaly Safefor 5 Connection to Class I Diision 1, Groups C and D Hazardous Locations, ‘aD ‘The Ground Ballor Ground Bot may be mounted in a Clas |, Division 1, Group © oF D Hazardous Location. ‘The ST-47-115 EL(K and ST-47-240 ELK) may be mounted in @ Class |, Divison 1, Group C ar D Hazardous Location. 21-41 Groundhog - Technical Manual 3.1 Enclosure The st 32 Physical Location 4) The front pane! mus be in the vertical position, 2) he ae at cover tb abo sing open ree ose and chase emove 2) Tha front panel ineiestrs must Be vibe tothe oder 83 Electrical installation [~ CAUTION | oop the intrinsically Sate Wiring SEPARATE from any Power we sacontro! Circuit Wiring by Running them in Separate Conroe, No Wiring Should be Allowed to Pass Through rom Tow te Bemvens nner ofe strenght" TOPE Boom | Stems ws an ST-7 conor ae wired as shown on an ppp gga into append, $4 Ground Ball Installation - Stand Alone Applications ‘ofer to instalaions packed with Ground Ba, Scully rowing No 61067, 38 Ground Bolt instalation - Combined with Rack Monitor efor 'oinetalaions packed with Ground Bot, Sculy Drawing Noo1081 Page 10. Self-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System 44 42 43 44 General (Retor to Figure 1.2 for Terminal Block & Fuse Locations) ‘Note: Al Tost are done wth ine power appled tothe 7-47 CAUTION Hazardous Voltages are Present Inside the ST-47 Explosion Proof Housing. When Working Inside the ST-47 Enclosure Avoid Contact with the TB1 Terminal Strip at the Top of the Housing ‘Models Without Bypass Switch (ST-47- 115 or 240 EL) Remove al wrng ftom the LS. Terminal Sip TB2. You may check operation ofthe Grounchog by physically shorting together terminals 1 and 2on TR2 using ajumper wire. When this tet Performed, the Permit ight should ituminete and Permit contacts (TB terminals 3 and 4) should ‘lose. When the ST-47 sin te permissive mode any connected devices should actuate the ‘connected device does not activate, consult the Treubleshoating section ofthis manual © ‘Models With Bypass Switch (ST-47- 115 or 240 ELK) Place the Bypass switch inthe AUTO poston (center posi), Remove all wing fom the LS. ‘Terminal Strip T22. You may check operation of the Groundhog by ahyscaly shorting together Intrinsicaly safe terminals 1 and 2 on TB2. When the teste performed, the permit ight should 'tuminate and the Permit contacts (TB1 torrinais 4 and 5) should clase, Place switch BYPASS ‘osition othe right). When the swith sn the Bypass poston, powers remaved fram the ST-7 ‘ectonics and the ont cover status amps. Vert tat the red and green stats lamps are fextingushed and contacts TB! terminals 4 and § are shorted, When the S47 iain the permissive "mode any connected devices shoulé activate. tthe connected device Goes not activate consult he “Touolechoating section of his manual ‘Models With Deadman Feature (ST-47- 115 or 240 EL(K)/D) 44.1 Models with Bypass Switch ° ‘To test he operation of the deacman switch, the ST-47 must be powered by the ine votage and the Bypass switch in the AUTO positon. When the ST-47 isnot connected oa vec, ai car, <., the Red lamp onthe front cover is it. Connect the plug and eabe or clamp fo the vehicle tbe ‘rounded tho vohicle ground is verified the Gren lamp on the font cover ight. ifthe Green lamp doesnot light refer to provious sections 4.1 '0 4.3. Operate tho deacman handle, the external deviee connect to the ST-47 permissive output wll activate When the ST-47 is nthe perrissive mode any connected devas should activate the ‘connected device does nat activate coneult the Troubleshooting section ofthis manual 442 Models without Bypass Switch Perform the test as In paragraph 42 by apalying power to the ST-47. Apphing power is equivalent tw placing the Bypass switch Inthe ALITO poston. When the ST-47 is in the pormiseve mede any ‘contact devices should activate I the connected device dooe nat activate consult the Troubleshooting section of tis manval ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual 5.1 General Uniess noted otherwise, al the following Procecures are ne with power apped tothe ST-47. AC ‘ower, a3 measured on the TB1 terminals 2 (neutral) and 3 hot) must be within te spesied foleraneee It's not, correct the Ene voltage problems. Feturrng pat to Seuly for repair o Warranty consideration: Before returning any defective ‘2qument to the Scully Signal Company for repair andlor Warranty consisration, call Scully at 1.800.272.8569 for an RMA Return Material Authorization) number 52 Replacing Indicator Lamps 521 Models with Bypass Switch “Tam off the power othe Greundhog by moving the svc tothe far left postion. Unscrew the lame Tens, remove the detective bulb by uneerewing the lamp Inthe counterclockwise rection. Insert a new amp by reversing the preceding procedure Curent ST-47-115 models are shipped wih LED futures installed. There ae seperate part rumibers for the geen replacement LED (09985) and the red replacement LED (09084), Ode ‘models using incandescent lamps canbe upgraded by replacing the lamp assembly 1522 Models without Bypass Switch Remove the Ene power rom the Groundhog and place the defective lamp using the procedure in secton 52.1 5:3 Tools & Test Equipment Required for Servicing 531 Tools 1) Good quality mult-eter ) Flat biade seewsiver 1) Two sets of Jumper wees wath aligator cps at each end 632 Required Test Equloment for Wire-Through Mode Operation Use appropsiato equment rom the fst below: ‘2 Seuly Universal Loading Rack Tester, S-2-DSWd ') Sealy Ground Bot (Part 08860} or Sully Ground Ball (Prt 08274) 82:3. Required Test Equipment for Stand-Alone Mode Operation '8} Saully Ground Bot (Pare 08560) or Sully Ground Bal (Part 06274) age 12. Self-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System 64 Test Procedure 1 - Wire-Through Applications Only Problem: The overfil prevetion pug is connected to the tanker mounted over prevention system and the RED nar-permit lamp stays on. Unit doesnot “permit extemal connected devices, TIP Overfill Plug Pin Identification- Orient plug with pins facing you and the ‘molded-in arrow positioned at 12 o'clock, Pin 1 is located where the arrow points. Count pins from Pin 1 in a clockwise direction. Pin 9 is in the center on the left. Pin 10 is in the centor on the right Procedure 1, Stop A Does the tanker have a Sculy Ground Bot installed and wired ta Pin 9 of the veril prevention Socket? 1 70 Goto thenex sop Trstall Ground Baton tartar uy Par 08560) Procedure 1, Stop B ¥youhave a Scully Rack Teste, lug the over prevention cable into the socket on the tester If you do not havea tester but do have a Scully Ground Bot, ue jumper wies ta connect he green ire onthe belt to Pin 9 ofthe plug and connect the body ofthe bot Pin 10 Does the ST-47 Permit? LC 1 0 "alr grounding system & a aut. Have Goto He nent sep {arker owner cheex the instalation or ‘contact the Scully Senioe Deparment for ssestance, Procedure 1, Stop ¢ Using a Mut-Meter sot on DC vets measure the votaga between Pin 9 (4) and Pn 10) of the verl prevention plug, Is the wotage between 24 and 30 ats 0G? 1 7 Gotethenext sep Using an open end socket wrench, open th plug {and cable jnction box, Remove ine power tothe 'ST-47. Remove wires that come tom the cable {and are comocted to terminals 9 and 10. Power the ST-47. Check the vetage at termina 9 (3) ‘and 10) onthe trial Bock found nei. you now read 24 and 30 VOC at taminals 9 and 40, theres a problem inthe cable o wring tothe ‘ground bal plug. Core the problem you etl [Beto voltage reading, oo the next ste Page 13, Self-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System Procedure 2, Step At (Ground Bolt or Ground Ball NOT require) i you do not have @ Sculy Ground Bort or Ground Ball, Using a Mult-Meter set on DC vals measure the voltage between sping plunger contact inside the ‘plug () and ona of the thre contac ger (af ie Ground Ball Connector Plug, Is the voltage between 24 and 30 volts D0? i ___ “Faller grounding system coud be a au Have tank owner chock te instalation or, Contact the Sculy Senice Department for sesistonce 70 Te votage is love o 2ero- Using an open and socket wrench, open te pg and cable [inetion box: Remove ine power tothe ST=7. Remove wire tat come fom the cabo and are Comected fo terminals 9 snd 10, Power the 51-47. Check the votsgs at trina 9 (+) and 40 () atthe terminal Dock founa insite. Pawar the ST-17. you now read 24 and 30 VOC at terminals 8 and 10, Theis aprobiem inthe | € ‘cable or wing to the evel lug. Correct the prodlem I the voltages stil blow its, goto Sep Bt Procedure 2, Stop B {Geound Bot required) Using the correct socket or hex wrench (depends on ST-47 date of ‘manuactur) remove the cover factaners ané open the front cover Using fat bade serewsrver, remove the wies on ininicaly-safetamminals T82 an 3. Attach the green wie ofthe Ground Bott to TB2-3 and th tp ofthe bol (at the end of the threads) to TE2-2 Does the SI-47 Pernt? | There a problem between the STAT TED {arminas and the sanction 69x terminals onset the iting problem es Lo “The ST-A7 cou module defect, Replace ‘he meu wah a raw one or, retum the board fo the Souly Signal Company for ropa or Warranty consiceation. Procedure 2, Stop 81 betwoon terminals TE2-3 (4) and 732) Is the voltage between 24 and 30 vols DO? Using the corect socket or hex wrench (Sepends on S:47 dat of manufacture remove the cover ‘fasteners and open the font cover Using a fa-bade screwctiver, remove the wires on intscally-2fo terminals T32 end 3, Using @ Mut-Meter set on DC volts, measure the DC votage 0 ‘Thos ib a problem between the ST-a7 TB terminals and ine Junction Box terminals CCorect te wing problem. The STAT creat module is defective, Feplace the module wih anew one or, rtum the board to the Souly Signal Company for rear oF Warranty consideration. Page 16, ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual Procedure 1, Step D ‘Using the comet socket or hex wrench (Depends on ST-47 date of manufactur) remove the cover fasteners snd open the front cover. Using @flat-blade sorewdrive, remove the wires onintrnsialy- fate torminale T82-2 and TH2-S, Usng a Mult-Meter eet on DC vats, messi the DC voltage between terminals TB2-3 (and TE2-2). ts the voltage between 24 and 30 volts DC? a wd TTRrsIsa wr potion batwoon he Tw STA oat modus detain Faplace Pes ta Stethas ara incrincton Box | the module wih anew one.r return he board. | femnas Corectine wing pobiam | tothe Sely Sarl Company for ropa or L Waranty consiaeraton. | _.5 Test Procedure 2 - Stand-Alone Applications Only Problem: The Ground Bal lig is connected othe tanker mcunted Scully Ground Verification al ‘and RED non-permit amp stays on, Unit doesnot “permit extemaly connected devices. TIP Ground Ball Connector Plug M: +1) Spring Finger Tension- Older style of the Plug used an Oxng to tension the ripping ingers which gp the base ofthe Ground Bal. The O-ring has been replaced by @ new tensioning ring (part 31673) which provides a more postive grip 2) Contact Plunger Sticking- Severe weather conditions can cause the stinlosssise! contact plunge (a the center, inside the plug) to stick nthe down positon. it sticks it wl ‘make a poor connection tothe head ofthe Ground Ba. Ii sticks, esassembie the plug and ‘apply white lbe to the phage where contacts ts plastic housing. To provide good contact “ith the bat must epring in and ut fooy Procedure 2, Step A ‘Tha sp requires a Scully Ground Bot or Ground Bl for testing you donot have one, Goto ‘Step At, Use a jumper wits to connec the green wie on the bolt tothe cetar pin inside ofthe Plug ‘and connect the body af the bot to one ofthe tres tension fingers inside the plug. Does the ‘5747 Pernt? If you have a Seully Ground Bal, attach the plug to it and touch the green wire to exposed base of he Ground Bal, Dose the S47 Pormit? 18 m0 “Taller rounding system fea Tau. Have | Soe TIP on Ground Bal Plug maintenance, ithe {tank owner check te stallion or, contact_| plug checks OK, go to procedure 2, Step At, ‘he Seull Service Department for assistance. age 14 ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual PES Troubleshooting Models with Deadman Capability 5.61 General Before procescing with this section the ST:47 must be operational I must permit (green lamp) when connected toa Sculy Ground Bal or Ground Bot. Te unt is capable of turing on the green eri amp even i te deadman cicuty i nt functioning propery I te unt wil Not perm, Consul the eater parts o ths troubleshooting ection for acvice on reparing the problem. ‘582 Wire-Through and Stand-Alone Applications Troubleshooting Problam: The ST-47 pari lamp comes on but the ST-47 wilnot activate an extemal devs when the deadman handle is operated, Tum ff the power tthe ST-47 by tring the Bypace switch to ‘the OFF postion (the unit has tis option or tsen power of at the souros, Using the correct Socket or hex wrench (depends on ST-47 date of manufactur) remove the cove fastaners and ‘open the front cover. Remove the fuse frm its holder which Is located a therght end of TE by turing the top on te ight. Rernove the now exposed lass fuse fom the older and check it with a mul-meter st tothe Ohms poston. Do not ely ona visual ngpection as a tet forthe use loth fuse blown? 1 0 ‘The external device ar wring to rmay be shorted. Replace fuse, powerip systom ‘and retest. fuse continu fo low then heck for shorts inthe autput contol wire 10 ‘vice. Repal the problem, replace the fuse ‘sith one thats the same rng and rtest | Replace the use n the ota ‘aa tum onthe ‘owe to the ST-A7. With the cone of the ST-AT ‘pen, locate TBS which isthe two terminal st at ths bottom of the extloson preof housing, Ging alumper wire, stor the ho terminals {ogatheI the axtoraldovce now operates. ‘There ls aproblom with the deacman sultch ce ta wiring tot Ropar tne prose. I the ST-<7 sill does not perm, there coud bea probirn vith the LS. Barr rly that i ocated on the Inside front cover of unt. Consul the Scuny Series Deparment. Page 16, ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual 62 DWG31412- Outline Drawing - Control Unit Enclosure aon ae aia, on voueneuiecenras) czy SA treo oom Nr v8 sesvore2 age 18. 5 Go 8 g 8 2 : 5 6 3 g e é 8 DWC 63039 - Outline Drawing - Sculcon Junction Box 63 “SSIMINEWENISELAATIN UN S340 NSH SHOEI “L ‘sul0N (anne nay) anv inawo> OS NONDONN £2) 9018 sen) eee F L | LT (sav) smauas avaH (559) 4139005 X3H (9) 9¢ od S¥ALNID ONUNTOW wz (001 Lee —| PS ¥OsTION (Zz) 9010 90 we oS eeereetsatnaey Page 19 ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual 64 WG 61441 - Wiring Diagram - Typical Loading Rack Control (ree tori] 5 somo) ny sia NE 0350 HED a ol Page 20, Self-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System Diagram Appen Principle of Overfil Prevention & Grounding [- eu BUIPEOT Jojfe4 40 anu Ue] pepeo7 WoHEG Busoonuen wots 120 Jeubis Anos oy; £q pesmoeynuew axe soye}) ur UmOUS SIUBUEdLIED LORUOAENY ONC ZION Bujpunosy % UORUEAeIg [I1J48AQ JO 21djOUL Page 21 ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Menval PEEL | y9ey BuIpeoT jeu. 10 onus AueL pepeoT WeNoE ] — Ss i onpaid —+3 ma won / | ANOS: yBOupune lS yiazbs 1p our ‘Ryyoey nek uy hyde you Kew pue parseB6ns axe umoys sqvouDdusea jaNlu0d MOLY 2 ‘00 reubis Anos aus Aq pasnjogjnuew eve | du Seeing | 594] UF UMOUS SIUBUEdUIED LOUIS 19RD “L :S@ION ~ Bujpeoyjo ¥ Bulpeo7 yoNPold 40} UO}}9a}01q HuspunosH Wa 61346 - Grounding Protection for Product Loading & Offloading 66 Page 22 — & af cons Pm? sms sae 5 ame 2 L : sh: oH = g seasnson.zrxomo smanwesnen | An: wpe // marsha ays ST-47 Groundhog - Technica! Manual 88 WG 61334 - internal Wiring Diagram ST-47-EL Post Page 24 Selt-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System 69 DWG 61333 - Internal Wiring Diagram ST-47-ELK | mea) srn99n unoun Page 25, ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manval 6.10 DWG 61331 - Internal Wiring Diagram ST-47-EL/D ‘Self-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System 6.11 DWG 61332 internal Wiring Diagram ST-47-ELK/D Fraga snsto ‘ornate (aauTaT) rechnical Manual 6.12 DWG 61121 - Field Wiring Diagram ST-47-115/240 EL(K) Page 28 30-30 Groundhog - Technical Manual 6.14 DWG 61098 - Field Wiring Dia age so. ‘Self-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System 6:15 DWG 61141 - Field Wiring Diagram ST-47-115 EL(K)/D Selt-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System 6.17 DWG 61167 - Field Wiring Diagram ST-15-ELK/D & ST-47 618 DWG 61169 - Field Wiring Diagram ST-35-ELK/D & ST-47 $T-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual age 3. Salf-Proving Vehicle Grounding Verification System 619 DWG 61202 - Replacement Parts for ST-47-115 REPLACEMENT PARTS for ST-47 115VAC Groundhog™ Controller FM Models r epost ats mPa o.oo ow 3 ems Apne , em baa cn 1 m7) Papi tmnt 1s ype : ST-47 Groundhog - Technical Manual 620 DWG 61273 Replacement Parts for ST-47-240 @ REPLACEMENT PARTS for ST-47 240VAC Groundhog” Controller FM Models Prete Mote eslcement ats am Pare. Dern ow 2 osm sara gemeita ‘Siento ' 23st to 1 ‘Scully - Setting Standards in Safety and Dependability since 1996. ‘For over seventy-five years Scully has beon engineering and building products to the highest safety and refiabilty standards. We design and manufacture al of our ystems under one roof to ensure complete qualty control over our manufacturing ‘and testing operations. Scully s ISO certified and all of our products are 100% made inthe U-S.A. In adeition, we beck up our products with the best service in the industy. We have direct sales and service personnel inthe U.S.A. The United ‘Kingdom, and Europe and are represented in over 50 countries. For more information and 24 hour technical assistance, call Scully Signal Company at 1-800-SCULLY (1-800-272-8559). Scully Headquarters in Witmington, MAUS.A. capri 02019 Sly inl Compa MasSt, Scan and Sut ae retared sere seay sant Convery Th anes sd bes te companies mento cn bo waimeras tar repecbe ors Tis ont freemen tno cy ety mates ne wean, expres empl door AIR & esr pecans setpt change wot nt scully|__/, soy, ‘Sut Sis! Comoaey ‘SYSTEMS yi ne Pe Son (GENESIS FVC CONNECTIONS WITH MICROLOAD zaovachuovacnor zaac/novac NevTRAL Trae — 1 ies | ‘ay Halt UPSTREAM SOLENOID VALVE + ‘75 DOWNSTREAM SOLENOD VALVE a meimevoane ea ver GENESIS FYC CONNECTIONS WITH MICROLOAD a ore = ee waa Tomer (GENESIS METER CONNECTIONS WITH MICROLOAD Mati Petroleum Company Limitad Zarqun Gas & Condensate Field sutist ionng sora Actionable Points feel WeAseco wero 1+ |remgoogemtemeain pl br Sty Gone tm nc ny myweb | |traaynTeman i er Maced Contr [sn sna oh tponlton es naer Ope any aad Bering eo furs duo roe ein ls coving seco onch rasecin pump oz anda [sone eare egret to We ASCO oa, ssn a Es re xray nena 2 Jump odersmoanieowrce he cote + feegteematg ade mae rate foes eee fe aoetereoarerrsares }icon aatreaen wen erbypas ep ont ‘youn fatty 2 stones cman $exten ls perecmentcn tte tm tyes? xb fortsematnog ctor mreecieateirecst ots: ‘ree a ea cenpetn sore pont ater ot orequre tun Ws SECO. gis Fess Sere Enger asec /092#-522 777% LE?) ring raccmecon a mel em conmurieacs 8 MPCL nh ed cored he cain ee, Texy wel at Se nar a we 8 eranee fis tom the san rebel package Oc $2445 Ye 20646. 20088 20845). hing and retainer sng and st aside 1a ring onto he NPT teed of he taln rl cousin with e ange lamer ad box se) feng out sma ue sua ft coupng inf the Betton conduit enbance hole othe Svicon housing and tighten te conduit nut '5. Slo Spring and Nut Assam, the blek retainer and he rubber bushing over he enc athe cable 6. Side th cabo into the Suloon housing tough he stain rele coulng 80 tht approximately 1 of te autor cable casing side the Sclean housing, 7. Side the busting up ino te sain rt cauping, slide he black caine ng aginst the bushing ‘and ughten he Spring sd Nut AssomBy ono th ean rl ecuping '8, Connect the cable conducts ote terminal beck aceorng othe appropriate wiring dagran FOR EXACT DETAILS}. TY PLUG AND CABLE WIRING 'SC-GASCULCON PLUG AND CABLE WIRING ‘SC-8W and S¢-6W/D SCULCON EPEEFFEEIE] EE PLUG AND CABLE WIRING ‘8C-6A and SC-6ND SCULCON PLUG AND CABLE WIRING ‘S06 SCULCON I &@ TYP. WIRING (SEE WIRING DIAGRAMS, ‘Suleon wi Deadman (options!) 1. Remove the nut om the right ange sran ele anc cscard 2. Fmove te bushing and retainer rg and set aie, 8. Side the seaing ring onto the NPT tread of te gh angle stan ree! coupling wah ne a ‘date rubber side (marked box ale) fang ov. 4. Intl ho night angle sain relit coupling int the side condi enrance hols and hen ‘he cond rut sich thatthe open end ofthe coupang ie pong down 5. Sido the Spring and Nut Assert the einer ring andthe busting ovr the Deadman cable 6 Side the Deadman cable nto the Secon housing though he right angi en el coupling ‘such hat fhe outer cable case ertere the housing abo 7 Side tho bushing again! he right angle stain reletcoupirg, de the retainer rng agai bushing and igen the Spxing and Nat Assembly onto the right angle tain rel! Souning, {Connect he Deadiran eat conductors tothe appropdate Sculeon termina ack conectons (18 2, ‘CONDUIT NUT. BUSHING ic) SPRING ANO NUT ASSEMBLY STRAIN RELIEF RETAINER ‘COUPLING ING SEALING RING CIN conourr nut SS seancrns — BUSHING ‘SPRING AND NUT ASSEMBLY Sculcon Junction Box é Installation Instruction Mechanica! instalation Fete to Figur 1 ade forthe pial Sculéon junction box ovine agra showing physical ‘mensions. eatin of mounting bolls and cable any location dea When choosing a oeation onthe foaing rack (gant) forthe Seucon plug and cable unt Keep In mind ha the locaton should be as convent and shert ss posse 1 whore the vehicle's ‘cats ocala Te oeaton ofthe Sculeon pug an eae Unt shout ico be chosen rnanize chances angling or damage lo te cable, or erence wih the losing arms and Vapor covery hes. mute pus and cable sys are oe stale, Sout tongly suggaste he use of two Seueon Junto boxes focatd at fast 3 oo (1 meter apart to minimize te anging of he cables. Iwo Scuicon union bores ae hates atthe leading rack (garry), Ney may be eectrealy connected together via condut (cable) such that ony single cond (cable) ls rough bac othe contol Unt. For nstalains of tha typo, use het cdo port (knecout Inthe Seuleonjncton Boe or feiry ofthe second Scuconis conduit Cale). This side erty knockout may Be easly punched cut Ug an appropri too ass lead machined most of the way hough ‘tach the Sculson bo othe losdng rack (gant) using the appropri length hex socket head ap screws or filer head screws. Plase Note: the clameter ofthe four (2) screw wels In {he cornors ofthe Souleonjunaton bax resized such that these are the only two sorew hea styles which wilt nto these wells. "WARNING -The Seuicon junction bor Is Intended tobe used Tor the intinsicaly safe living connections trom the contr unit. Only these inrnslealy safe connections ‘Should be brought into the Sculcan junction box. No othorelectieal connections should be routed through the Sculcon junction Box. ‘This Soucon junction ba dows not have fveaded eos, a euch the appropiate tings must be used connec the Seuleon box othe conc (or cal). Also, sealing washers must be {Used to assure the watortight Intogrty ofthese connections, The folowing tinge are ‘econmansed For connection toi rigid metal condult: Thomas & Bets Corporation, Catalog No, HO7S-TB. (eroquvaint| Fr connection Type-A cable (typical European instalations): Hawkes Cable Glands Lime, Indust Type 111 fer equvalen. For instaations that user conduit. the Sculcon junction tox must be elecricaly bonded {Grounded} tthe const. As auc, pounding yo lock) must be used onthe lsi6e of he ‘Seuleonjuncten boo secure te Condu hud tothe uncon box to assure @ proper metalic bond hen notin use, he Scully lap should Be mung on tbe Rook prowded on sie a he Sculeon Neto box. Seu le offre sia af slorege hangers for storing he sensor plug when not In se, Thave also serve lo prolate lctcal contacts when he plu isnot nus. scully sss rg 10a Way, Wino. MA 188710 eagle Fk Rend Oe ‘We (it eoe diay“ SM2SD Nuno nal eae Poe (17 280m ‘stort Cee CSR UK Inert pa sleaclcomn mr suing tame ae ae 787 Mounting Canter fe eet ae ee 99,4) Hox Socket ay ead Sows ¢ Pace) Sr Sen) — —_= 4 ? vs t | I ab T oo ermmrvene —— obnm ‘Condat Hub (Cable Glan) ay! LE= = (= aoe (88mm) aay (100.0 mm) 1.05" (27 mm) Knockout or Condit Hub (Cable Giana) Figure 1 - _ _ Sculcon For standard Seulcon and Sculoon with Deadman (optional) Sculcon Junction Box Installation Instruction Mechanical instalation lero Figure 1 sie forthe ypeal Sculcon unston box outine diagram shoving physical ‘mension, eaten of mounting bois and cable erty cation deals ‘Wien choosing locaton onthe oseng rack (gant forthe Sculon plug and cable ui, keep ln mind hat he ication spol be as converlent anc shot as pose to where the veces sock) sbcated. Th cation ofthe Soucon plug and cable unt shou alga bo chosen to minimize chences of anging 0” damage tothe calor erlrence win te oedng arms nd Sapor covery nose mute pug and cate styles are to be installed, Scuty strongly suggests the use of wo Soulon |b boxes located at ast 2 eet (1 mar apar to minimze the tanging Mo abi, I two Scaleon uncon bors ars Insts tha eating rack (gary), hey maybe sletreabyeonnacted together va cond (cai) such that enya single cond (eal) is brought back tothe coil Lunt. For salto of ths type, use hel sao port knecout in the Sculcon urcten box or tenty ofthe second Scucons cana cate). Tis de enityknoctout may be easly punched out lng an appropri tel as already machined most ot the way tough ‘tach the Szulon box othe loselng ack gant) using he appropriate length hex socket head ‘ap serows or illate head screws. Please Not: the clameter of the four (3) serow wall In {the comers ofthe Sculcon junction box ae sized such that these aretha only two screw theo style which wil inte these wal, \WARNING ~The Sculcon junction box Is intended fo be used forthe inirineicaly eae ‘ting connections from the contol unit Only those intrinsically sate connections ‘Should be brought into the Seulcen knolion Box. No other electrical connections should be routed through the Suleon junction or. ‘This Sculon junction box dows not have treaded enti, a such the appropri figs must bbe used to connec te Seuleon box othe condut or ea). Also, sealing washers mst be Used To assure the wotertight integrity of theze connections. The obowing inde are ‘coremended For connection to gid metal conduit: Thomee & Bets Corporation, Catalog No, HO7S-TE (or equiaond | For connection Type-A eable (typical European installations): Hawkes Cable Glands Limo, Incest Type 11 (or equals). Foc installations tht use rgd conduit, te Sculbon junction box rust be electrically bonded (grounded) to th conduit As such, grounding sv lcs) mst be used on te nie of the Sculcn juncion boxe secure he cndut hubs othe jancbon box to atere a proper metalic bond When notin use, te Scuy plug shouldbe hung on the hook provides on side of he Sculeon retlon box. Sel also ofr al ses of storage hangers for storing fw sensor plug when not In use. These algo serve fo protect he elcteal contacts when fe plugs natn use. scully ssi sent rgrereee DindatealW, Wimnglon MACHSST 19 Pepe Park Road One Me GInaDsiNn TSDC Winton ntl Bate oe Grleeees Yesoe! Ladue Beate uniting Centers for fo wie simmer Secet 000m) —| ee ana) — L t ay OD) | woter is _P ore { fA I oe lasgiantaate ecto rea pr ey i —» oad ; f ae 3.94" eae {(100.0mm) 1.0627 me) Koco foe Cond Hb (able Gia) Figure + Sculcon ~ Installation Instruction el Ganda Sion and 5 ‘Slide the seating ring onto the %- NPT throad of the strain ese couping wih te large diameter rubber sido marke bor se) acing ou 4. Intl strain ret coupling ino th betom cond entrance hale of he Sculeonhowsing and Tight the concur ru 5. Side Spang and Nut Assemby, the black rlaner andthe rater bushing ove the end ofthe cape. ‘Sido the cable nto the Sulcon housing though he strain ele coun co that approxmataly ‘othe oute ett casing ensde the Secon housing. 7. Slide the bushing up int he sta rete! coupling de the back retainer cng egainst the bushing land ighten the Spring and Nut Assembly ont the stain eli coupeng, ‘8. Connect the cable conductors oth terminal lock aceon othe aperopriate wiing cag, FOR EXACT DETAILS) DE }oDA TYP WIRING (SEE WIRING AGRA PLUG AND CABLE WIRING ‘SC-8A SCULCON PLUG AND CABLE WIRING ‘SC-EW and SC:6W/D SCULCON PLUG AND CABLE WIRING PLUG AND CABLE WIRING sb-ahand 86680 SCLLOON soe seutcon oH i £ 695 MBPNNE NG BUSTING She Pelee ring and set aside, {3 Sice te sealing ring ono th % NPT tea ol he right angle ean reli couping wah he ete ameter abber side (method box sie) facing ot 4. Intl he right angi stain rl coupling it he sie conduit entance ole and tghtan the concut nut such tat ho open end atte coupling pointing cow. 5. Side the Spring and Nut Assembly, tb retina ing and te bushing over the Deadman cable 6. Sle the Deadman caie rio the Sculeonheueing though the ght angle stain ree! coupling Such thatthe outer ose oat entre the housing about 7. ‘Side the bushing against te right angle stan rl couping, sde he retainer ng agaiet he ‘bushing and hon the Spring and Nut Aeserely ont tert angle stan reli coupling 8. Connect he Deadman cable conductor othe appropri Secon teminal ck conectons (18 2}, OSE ‘CONDUIT NUT BUSHING SPRING AND NUTASSEMBLY STRAINRELIEF RETAINER ‘COUPLING RING. SEALING RING. e CCID coxpur nur SS sean rns ——? il Us BUSHING ‘SPRING AND NUT ASSEMBLY oS, INSTALLATION & WIRING INSTRUCTIONS = 'SC-47 SCULCON® JUNCTION BOX & scully GROUND VERIFICATION CLAMP & CABLE DESCRIPTION “Toad an cate unt used in connson wth be Sy Crosehog™ Mode 7-47-70 goundng veieaton const syst Te S6-47 clap and etl unt eign dante chore oum pon veh, rasa onder ta ie tank inner. The Garp unt is csiped be conoce, iat nce ihe Seay StahoyGoundng eaten stern, When Bechet oar, he yee nal sgl opr an se sg oe TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ete ‘cate SSEATECCLNP uncon Bx wih Clap ad Cie Cle eeu estan, jetta, SCATICLNP Dunston bo win Camp an Sogn Cabs ind sae stneton Box Sirah 20 Fett Fst eried arin erlosre NEMA. IPSS ‘canta strain Re tare: ‘Slane es ‘Aim aor consonant. Stahles secre pots. Sea ge ‘Samies Stee INSTALLATION NOTES ‘Sealer ane ings must be insted win 18 ete ofa xposonoo eneleurln a haraousoeton 2. Wire be 18 AKG (1 7 mnemUm eanded ans ed na ates Wing mua ret aptcable atonal tan lost 2 henna ng ay re ote weds es eh te ST-TAC tose, Unde no leumsences the Groundhog endesufaa be ize ar ajuncon box, Condit) pons on be lp of Grandhoy cose mis bo vest Nea 15 tig Ponar conileuta). The Sraueane ey portal he eter ak sls frre fe wing an rut obo wes for eng S47 jnton toltand Yaredon are aon: INTRINSICALLY SAFE AND NON-NTROSICALLY SAFE WIRING MUST ALWAYS BE KEPT SEPARATE AND RUN INSEPARATE CONOUTS. NO WIRING SHOULD PASS THROUGH THE EXPLOSION PROOF HOUSING 5. Temina2 on TB2'6 ground. Termin! 1 a8 TS. the going manorng sie. (ner Sesan Janeen Soe mode ay be eed. Cara Factor deta cafes | Toe [ES me he sr, | | =e susie aenammer case) | ETT er | at) Bang erate Sige = | Brag to ane 'ene acme ) | | || fpf} | L ne Teal fever are wns ‘The connector cable may be drety connected into he Groundhog explosion proof enclosure, povided local astalaion requremeris sre met. Refer te wig diagram ‘SAUTION: Sau strongly recommends ie use of SC-47 Sceon Junction Box. a junction box’ ot used, a dive ‘vay mishap wil pu cable ou of he exclosion-poot enclosure afeng is safely inogty. Aca, epa acai the ‘pasion proof enclosure would ned tobe opened: whch requzes powet shutdown al te sive Wasi ermioas etch ‘oul aflet operations. Use of he jncton Box 129.08 249 we WHE HON ctl} See eee ot mente Sime Foe ee ama are) | susearas Bice | | (Geren ao Sealy Signal Company Se eee OS Phone: V6I7ER280 tallpeRDDETEAGED ie SPS Sade scully ‘wcll coms slescaycom™ 1549 REVO FM Crechnologies uc aga anctn ore | . | ms _ Cetra Renee Dean eros oes ees ae ‘Separtr sees cttae me fortedct emer hfe rt she ont me "hone assoles mus be retro n poor ante cara Gags fer), lsc bags and ute wap we sccm ma Sou pri rast pon ae soy Eek Sak or Pca a 4. Reuse ot PAC Tomaogs elect able sg conta nd phage seco, “eu Tag PUBHDS2 usb corte Hf nay fo ond races, Socom erecta 9 aca nage Becher emake lect ay eaog compete rere aires, Aaya suru ESD asain precassone wher tng ‘enti ad eonpanent edu |. Shoreasenbes orignal packages, ical cence conan or condi pea ne bees 2 skate vt lactic bees nancng ay secon arenas uring ed ral ot uch he spam nit ‘rosited meshes, T ‘3. Anas hot elecni series by te eds. el aucing be crtacts andconponent 4 Keep gnesting male pepay, cette, cord ty ome won ae Nee aow ting mat contact wth asain 6. Nera orrereve caters azerége nace when poner api. SD lated ures oo mproper handing hy aet coaape nde ena, yo stnage nes see, IU eer Owraycondain Bun Cpr a wy. a 2p cose Patna. at ai a. - eaten Cons Date eat. etaine Dat nats, 5 Da Fata caterer the Eqdpmon wae nites | ow. ate conse Nene a | ee mers Smith Meter™ Valves + MC technologies 200 Series Hydraulic Control Valves ‘Application Bullatin marae ie 4 Table of Contents ect Bek... Mechanica Blase From Ling Presure Ral Pressure Sustning. itera Back Pressure Sutaiing (Chace with Terns Reb, - ‘Two-Stage Hac Hydraue Se Sip wih Flow ing : eeddddd 2 3 Digtal Eco Hyeraute Sot Stop. Page Digtl Eco: Praumate Se Stop. - Page PressueLinting - Page Opens Page ‘ae Futon Cambnatons _ Page ‘Sm Meter Conta Vata Function Imi a) Oar Conigzations Page Maiti of Contin. Page 19 Dense... Page 11 Tis MT ae Ts Meson rn ter™ 200 Series Cora Valve esis hycrulcay operate, Gashragn actuate be valves Let ‘onl acompiehed by using toe pressure ofan exeral presure sores ar scan eee as Features {Compect Design and Mechonica! Simply - Lower naintanace cos ‘n-ne Serviceabity Reduced maintenance tne, *Drp-Tght Closure - Poste vale shut *No Extra! Packing Gland Reduced chance oloskage to atmosphere Basic Application Notes: *Sullabieforhorzontal or vereal spplcations “Maximum Viscosity ‘Alvates wil opr attain upto 200 SSU (AS Pe} vcoy For opraton on higher visoaty roe, Eersultina actor *ElastomerVaive Temperature Limits? ‘Suna Eleslomors. 20% fo SOO (28°C to 85°). ow Swe (5) Buna Elastomer: 20% 6 200% (28°C 0 99°C), ion Elastomers: 20°F m 350% (280 fo VPC ‘Maximum Working Pressure ‘lsotragm ype ave vate (Gas 150 ASME Cast lel 285 pig @ 100° maximum working presse (1,985 KPa @ 36°). ‘las 200 ASME Cast Stet 200 pig @ 10°F maximum warn pressure (26 los @ Sore, ‘Direction of Flow For 20 Sos fate Packages: For Bae ates: Model 20 sf ocedon-ovee-seat ode 202 a lossow oorshezoat. Modal 201s fl-openow-uncertnsot Model 209s fal-porow unre sat Flow Rate Sire a * * o aaa Nominal Few - USGPM (Unin) a Gh em CEE) OO 2 RERIES toe a ee me er etc tay teh mie: ne agen et em 6 ma re bata a os em Pemeensee Electrical Block Used a liciased ayia parmisave fr remote opening or Gos by an elec ewich manual or aul Imtealy stunted yay ued wn the Si ear Moe! Bet Bal Ect ha lose Ne ured oo stom a wiminatar soem eager Flow-Limiting sea pray in syione wih paral meer ane op ‘he maximum numer of eter tune ar opera, OAS Rr Pressure-Sustaining ‘Manians a predetermined rinimur back prasaure when Wisaied dawnaveam Provide rium bsopessure for ine rae ons, Ditferential Back Pressure Sustaining sea i LG meteng sopcaonso maintan system ressure above te roast vapor prassura node’ T0 pe vert fash, sexe ode 257 mp, Camiony vd wl, ede 200-8 as eae ae Tee 021607) (Check with Thermal Relief ‘The chock fares prevens reverse low Soul valve odetprossure oxo Wiel presure The Haal alel feature automata powce ole! upsvaam fr donnatoam Sarma expansion u Two-Stage Electro-Hydraulle Set-Stop with Flow-Limit “Xsetstopvave commonly sed low vicostypeeluroesing a [vane nt mounted aie pl, ppacatona Proddes socal acaied, {wostagectesue wen oereingncanuncon we poste denacoment metre eqzoaed win slaco-machancs! pret counters, Molar protector apart ovtepacd i proaedby alow ning pl sonia pressure rp ress Electro-Hydraulic Set-top. Usea in contrcton wih Sth $51 Centoler, AoclLoad o Nii.oad a provide dlstrealy- eased mal aape ‘osu and ale ow engin ow vscosty nang ck sppocations Works aly wel wth postive space. are OEOT igital Electro-Pneumatic Set-Stop slim conjunction wih 8 Smith Molor= 881 Gonvter, AcmaLaad, or MiLaed prove cloccaly-acuaod rllestage Gomue an rat-ot-ow contol n high Visco taenng appieatens, Exomal a pressures ses TBactuate te opening nc doxng ore ae sean nondead-nd src where ts racesar li dawnateam passa (dring Tow) ope owe! pom: ‘ulated equpmert, This ae was nt designed abe a ayatars tan preseu ea, wl, ode 20.68 or Valve Function Combinations Most Sth 200 Saris Vales are capane of [aw fl fennel ‘ingle valve arrange: mont, or example, Combines an: am anol ith elecial ‘Srangomen fat Soesip val wih Nee serene Ses Sees Toe wakasn tong = Sith Meter Gono Valve Function nome oes gl] |z a) Slo] 4) EE) SlE zi /aya]g]2 ally elalayaa| Ua), a EE Vu PR ale elelala sxe aH dal alajalaalal alii ee Tfa[eieiereletetatstoteeters eee re etetefeteteteterfo te ee Hetero potete feet o fant ofetete Re steteteteretetstetetetetetetete aa tT cfepefefsfe ofan ofetete eo Sigs Se Sw avg sete epee pepe ce tfefefefo pet etetete atenieener Te cLofofetetepelatetetete ‘A-Stndurtuncen C= An 8 ypea! -Nepantie Fron soe Toueer 2 a) Options ‘Sri 200 Saies Cort vaves ae avalato with varey ol oponalsocossonea which are used fo enhance ‘fra valopartarmance, Opens nue opening an losing sped contro, mechanical poston indoor, Position switches, aa. where eppicen,ou-ew alr timers ans prewired junction boxes. Ties 03k Openngriosna Speed Conte ode O4AWecheiel Position Indio ana Stok ‘re Wed Junction Box on Moda 15AK Low Flow Sart Timer oa Sac ve ‘Note Thea procs ae bo eign arnam aptcatons, er cara bsion eal man, Te design th rasta corning huss have ene trl lena epoca apestons ane a ty Bt ‘ir apletons fe ocala lean ean TET SRT ode 20-15-OAI0A Togs 0250F on a Dig Hye a ‘Seri Black wth Opening Speed Caml ede Prema Suing Coa} compen ace araaaaract i ‘Standard Materials of Construction = trough 7 Bay (as Soa ‘Gast Stel 2.cowr Cast Steet ‘Cast Stel 3. Seat 316 Sanlose Stal wih ‘16 Staines Stel wih NeResst NiRosst 4. Spina, Som and Sema Nul| Stale Sco) Staines Soe 5. Diag Low Swat na or Von ‘Low Sa Buna or Vion (Bina Optonal or Low Temperate) | (Buna Optanal or Low Tempore) Diagn Washer Carbon Sta Staness Stes 7. O-Ring Retainer uct ten Dees ron 3. O-Rings ‘ow Swat Bua or Vion ‘ow Swe Bune (Gina Optona for Low Temper) 2. NusSude ‘Ay See! ‘oy See “or Set Bina wala op a ica as ‘Gas 20 SE ‘weight ‘ce a|o | c | wa] s | c a ss | ar | av | a | as | ax eo | am | oo | am | em | oo | oo, ES ro | no | ar | om [one | ar | oe cm | em | om | on | oom | toy | ao, * | em | eo | ir | co | oso | cen | oon ff ere | ee | ceo | cm | ss | eo | aa Note: nce the nas tt (mimes 1 th ase whale mm Ach nent rencianed em raping $a rrr FMC Technologies Serer oi@ ‘The Smith Meter Model 210 Valves pay wsedin Zerjunston hehe ne Sry ater Accu asd ar ‘mcroLoad Preset Gonroters er aed and union) [Truck ck, bok plants or processing staan, Features 1m Simple conto top 1H Cont foop needle valves for tuning 1 Low pressure rep ‘Separate opening and losing speed contr ‘Compound spring Hortrontal or vera appeatons 1 Fullrange a ational contol unetions Optional 18 2" Reduced Port Valve ~ ea for nawabie uae Sending, onotig Yow downto & GP Teseiton ot toys vo ‘Senet Va win wo aolonad cont (see Fa) ‘The normaty-open (NO) and nomaly-cosed (LC) ‘SBerots, atied In the upstem and Somers Dorsons ofthe cont xp rospactay. conte op Srabonoevaiv Win eterna energie’ gh Upaeom pressure leaded asowinghe produtn = Smith Meter’ Valves Model 210 Digital Electro-Hydraulic Set- Specifications ‘tan we Conse ae oraiang bon costes man ny deeneang iat Sows nigh uesteom pressure fo cose teva Enesgng the NO. tena ocks hn the valve over ich ls eval poppet na aed postion, ia a xs of rg png tonsa at change Wen operating can {e.presturea change sang ecangscvfow te feta ed valve oping ew ona e: Gutoad or miro) sigs he spproprate Sls {Sopen memensriytoraacht hw tae oacro is ot ‘lon, When te ae te aa shargee (eg. to ow fw ttt high ow int or dul multe valve $huldown) te appre skids Saigo open tail te aso enewsotvlis See igure? fore tyical truck oan ow rate seqeree, Lcatabetween ech sli anda min vee pois Valo response cont deve peal need ale "igre T~ ode 20 Wao Scratie ‘gare 2 Type Lond Oyee Ti Mat Ta Noe Te Masao Tides usd ne un ne crate igt ‘Pavaha, as oe as proving oop satan ‘prance ofsonice Agusan ofthe oven cont tre fow fo the cover chamber, porting adisinoris Votage (Solenoid) Standard 120 Vee /80 Hee 170 Vac! SO He Optonal: 240 Vac 60 Heer 20 Vac 50 He Based on prostwcostos ad pressures Bava (rer votes, consi factory Specifications, Materials of Construction Upto 200 SSU (40 mPa) — ‘hove 200 SSU 40 mPa). consult actor. oven re Sona ‘Preceure Ratin’Connections®* Irena lon Class 150 ASME 265 pl ("9 5b) Eesiinn Reese ‘Giese 200 ASME, 200 pl 207 bay Tomperature Range, =; ism ae ater “pe ae Teta seo son | war ar = = ‘Roan nn Poa) hav egies op hon SOY wane ahe ito ay Trees () ange | Age | tnge_| fs ge | em | ao | oh | i | ci vies | ee | em | tos | dm Ce ae Sane ‘aon 1 omen Spee eee Sitcenies ceeseoaiene See) Sec e ee EE. Ee Eos et ur qotet st wontncecnaogeeconearvanetoiont [SINGLE AND MULTF-POINT SYSTEMS) Part NumberLGSSOZ Chassis Serial No.["_N=A_ Description S27 =2GO ZL E___] Work Order No([X3579O —_} MODULE INFORMATION MODULE PART NUMBER Module No. 1 SIN ‘Modula No. 7 S/N Module No. 2 SIN Module No. 8 SIN Modvie No. 3 SiN Module No. 9 SIN Module No. 4 SIN Module No. 10 SIN Module No, 5 SIN Module No, 11 SIN Module No. 6 SIN Module No. 12 SIN ‘SYSTEM TEST INFORMATION Power vourace-nomna —— L_2@2_——__ vnc ALARM CUTPUT VOLTAGE (ox Ive \s.ourpurvotrace-umwoanen ETE ———]vee ‘TRIP POINT VOLTAGE-UNDER LOAD [KJ=Ae J ve Electrical Inspection Verification Complete Nis Relay Permissive Operation Verification Relay Non-Permissive Operation Verification Bypass Switch Operation Verification Acknowledge Verification Status Lamps Operation Verification Internal Alarm Function Verification SS Relay Function Verified y ; |, |asooeogeR oggog oor Hi-Pot Test Cycle Test = Not Apteabe Tested By LAC Q.A. Approval Date GW Lis | Date He © | sre I se ‘Scully Signal Company, 70 Industrial Way, Wilmingion, MA O1887, U.S.A FM Crechnologies Sut ‘Meter™ icsvrev 02 cea) ‘Smith Meter™ Valves ‘Model 210: Set Installation/Operation Contents Section 1 — General Peco of Eupment Ercrca Section 2— Operation Prince ‘Star-Up and iid Adusimens Section 3 —Troubleshooting Guise Section 4 — Related Pubilations Page 2 - Page 2 Page 8 Page § Page 6 Section 1 — General “Ta Sn Met Nagel 210 Dig Conte! vais oe Iydradony peo dapragr oreo vas, ‘hy useain carneton whether an Az oad MELAS, ‘ra Mado SS Conor win Pret Cour ‘Recelpt of Equipment ‘yen the equipment ie eeelies, the ouece packing {ase shou be checked immediatly fr any sipping ‘damage, Carey remove the unt rom ls pacing ate Sainapetter damaged x mssngpars Fre fae has oosured dung shipment cr parts sre miss ing telcos oma shoutbe noted medatoy aed ‘ten ron show be suum too Customer ‘Senne Dapatant FMC Teanno.opos Measurement Selutons, ne, 8.0, Box 10320, Eve, Pernsyvana 465140820 Prorioinstaton ho uni choulsbe stored (has engna pocong ease and prelaceation eoverse “esther coneton abuse Standard exposon pool solenoids ate Usted and CSA cat fr use in Clas I, Groups Cana, Dison (Gass I, Groups, F, and, Ohison + hazaroous Installation Inge he valet instal wat tow nthe corect ec None rieraedfow recon s sodon Po ses of ‘eva boy. ‘usepreaav ban ees eet ae “The design of the pressure containing housings have ‘adequate mater slowance for pest pevoleu ao ‘tions. Cont the lacy for a appeatens oro ‘Seti ari stowaneos Electrical ‘Weingscoveredin fe spoon contotermanust YMNOS006 Mode! SS1 Cont (10) "MN0e057 Aeso9()| MNos108 Acro) Ms0c005 Mond) aaron SE Section 2 Principle “The Sh etr™ Mode 210 Value gue) inden ta consist a Smit, Met” 200 Sere Va wi 0 felons coals Ava ‘esponse cal deve, ‘aby abalveloested bownen each send rts Tespocsye upstoam or doaetean pat Tis Sven sector ie tis perngtisngrate tee a8 wel as rode contlcoptomton or easier cn oa Serve, Adsimert ofthese dees carol th fou fa fo anion be cover chamber peti ved [simors based on rest vacosi ara press a Py Sar ae AA OS ‘igre — We 30 Valve Schoaie “Tenor opan(N.O) andnamaly closed (NC) cole ‘os nesters ucetea ane Sater pons Ihe conan, respect corrals operation oe ‘ale Wen uth slenols se one, fighupeveam pressgs ie lockod om eachrg fe rave cover the pressure be cover vets a downaeam fowot pressure), andthe vale opens. Convers, whe Soh {olen are dererpzed te dowseam na ops ‘eked anahgh upsteam posse cscs a vale ‘Duin ton, when a LO. ecard energzednie ne NCard dene, presse ls Vane ne ver causing valve goppaabehyeratiaylackod Fatedopen pectin. Tore, a corals Imantshod When cponting evden marge ening 8 hang in fw rata ha ed vane eperng the ow feral ag. Sst, Minaoea cr Aealond) Sra the Seppe sina opener cose money chy. pe ae oe pooner ating a Wane et ow changes (eg. romlow Yow stato Nigh ow itor uring matey valve shown, De |tDpprateeduncde are sale epon andor eco ‘lh low atest ara st au When te Posie davored reaches a record (oe edu Det sagotp) vauein Ye eater vate comreis ‘it. Tho tow contol sigs ha 2i0 Valeo rare {ene Town multe ranner tus preventing ins Sone CCeution: mere must be suicient pump capac fy to nohive tho Now rate ao ha te SST, ‘AccuL.ado MiniLoad ortho valve may close Slowlyresuting ina apt, Fowet—Typal load Oe Wan he pest arity is nay reached (2 ealens ‘eratnng) sina tinpant (ld ajaben conte) Sigal he vaso coe eomeeay assutng. acuta shar of be pcs uary gue 2 owe 9 Ye ot ding tow ie soguotos, ‘Start-Up and Field Adjustments Upon italian saton using ha 20a, came tancod hat oon sep be lowed soe Fate asl ae prep opsraingsyae Sp 1: Frat ar must verted fom cover ran Seros ne man vane, OPenves, vale may Eo ur Stati er sug The ono pressutang be sy {om snd notenng he gst wet ug me save over a isexpened ates neaain orzo ‘ts usualy suorateay exe al ofthe arom me oer chamber arn ha actors eae. ‘Stop 2 Be coins tow aes propery satin cool fg, SS, Aeon, MriLiaé ) 20 ‘mer specie tam averapacag an fo aes ‘Mati canon owe ‘Step 3: Betorsenegenghescleratst apn ne vate Comply coe Ne dowatoar snc com op cision ta ave. Tne prevents ne 210 abe om ping Aso ast he upeteam sora cata ‘Site lve about open “se ‘St «van ne he eadng poston fom fe pump pe highest vate et presse prensa cman vce Sha creme te ve sleade Ss nomaly wous be fore osteo Step 5: Sony open ne domsteam al vale ue the ‘ab avecpe dow ba amone ord mamas ow ity ening” exon). Sip 6; Alba normal preset shuliown.ebsenea the ‘he denn speed snd fow sabmy ng he Te Soe ston Section 2 ‘Step 7 he shutdown spend ao stay as pb, poo he nan sep. aber unacspae, Stust he usea ball vate (urbe oes fr dowet ‘ah shutonn and beta ow Sabi. rer open Torte vate scour), rset ames ancs cach tia, repeating Steps an 6 unl eattcay vane per. femanee oti Step 6: Preseta smal eater ig ow rach, treagrou ates Sop ara bacne ‘hate esewas oxeanoine shock Fane eck nas ‘Srcesse, coset oateam sano eoatonber ve Sie turers slow be ve obere ae Pepa is Bp uri exesshetneshoccs otmnatad Step 8: poste, wih a ether oad postions rom the pump open fewos! valve mit press). pace & [al tne edn opening sped sot ase, por the cownstuam bah and sbsove normal vate Sperry an cag paar, Sra Supe So Gee Nite) \Yogorng spedis nt ozepale, open the couse ‘ienod laton al vee ae emer Repo He ‘sep ul ancepane opening spood stained Stop 10: losing sped unacceptable, acute et Slog ip vl ie pest aura ae set {> esau veating tr sep ow por te tral sage tipo preset coum (See Nae). Slop 1: Corduct an Stop test as Stop 8H the Velie iougout shor flaten of & Stone eat tran te vue eto lr oc copartne' aor 3 ghee sensor ian © Sp (pray ona ery (2) goons fers gaoinewenspon) a ecson must bt yous wocher to Speedup tafe cose sd eect tome ine shox aitngh wel preseire (as oe ‘bd poston eooftra), or accepts sower han ioe ‘ave desu on Sup alow ave hel prstue ee, Lad posto ort) ‘Step 12: a meriiatng pressure pt was supped on ‘Raval, shuldhavnteen aco setertne ected ino pressure (eg. 4A plot ela 35 ps maxern Operation (continued) ev ute pessue 223 BP pt a a 1S pine ‘avo ot resi). Opon Pe aon bal vate) om {he pressure plot op, causa te ress pct (e, Nose 64) ocorwol ava aduasng mec ves inn Sr cn eal a ‘Seam of pressure plt unl stabs ro Sow srg 210 Valve opratons cane Usng apressre gee, fhecktnbo aur bo pressure plot esto conta at Sosred pressure Austitasrqured. ee A. Ite not posse conse Sipe 8,10 and 1 0) ‘ioaspotons operating, compromise yang a inary lad postons a pessble ooeraing. Then Irate De flow ahaad of tho meter wth 2 mara) valve unt he 270 Vat isnot ing fow La not ‘odang Ths ocurs whan he fow rat lee {han te igh fo rat rt st ro contol by ‘mer than the ow ental nd wih og 22 pak [Broior me S81 Conley) |B. The pup shouts be wid rama an fora ast ‘ne (seconds fy Ep fs nated assist te dose Ite ratio Baween te highest and te lovee 210 leo the puro tbe aang poston. ° by Iepacrg he 0 Vaver am a epred ets Van ©. It becomes necessary ous the cnt oc bail Vales frp! eater 2. oe sepa or lace apt witout aap aown te yar) De ‘Sur toma oer postin’ proce 6 pert 255) coeg ster he par comet. Section 3 — Troubleshooting Guide Problem Cause Remedy 1) Lom orm tow No pump press. ‘tan pune Upsoam lock vate closed pen va. Improper wang Cheek wig, eyo 02 Ba Va on pen a3 Ve seconde S81 Contato Replace se Broken 210 Vahe phragm, ‘heck saphagm. Impepor ud conecton wk pan dy break coustng. ‘cou.0ad or SSI Conte laylated, Testboa” Une sine clogged aay heck rest Courter swish no wong Veta chock NC. Solooitaedcosed Testandreplce 2) improper oranatchigh ow. Fuldpressue oar, Stbize stm Improper pressure regu plo stings, Adjustsetngs AeziLoad S81 Canter HiFlew ——Coreetsoting ting nosect Wig cormactons ose, Fepairas aque. ‘881 ope! ewch nein Feposton soto skin SS1~ Solenoid wing rovers Core No.8 ¢oonnedon, 2) Ecosse high. Manual overidevatve open ese ave Improper wn, ‘oheck win, NO. Salen teso open, Testandrepiace NC. Soteadtiated a cos, Testendrepiace Contamination 210 lt oop ean er rela PoaulcadorSS1 Cantar HiFew —Coreetsatng seting resect. Pulse wansmiteror 1 sated ek Repoatonantghien* kote anata 4) Valvo shuts down ar. 2a0 ajusment to ea. Readst Zeon Preset Counter + NO. Saleadeaing Test and repose ‘AccuL.nad or 851 boar elective, Testandrepoc, Leaking aphagm, Replace diaphragm. ia ‘Section 3— Troubleshooting Guide (continued) Problem 5) Vat shuts downinta 1) Vato as shut 7 Une sheck on sttown, 9) Dosteamerton peste pee Soe ee eee Seas ‘cause Upsteam 034 Bae nes oosed. Improper smc soto igh ow. Frat rp toate on Preset Cove. nal zeo ausing oot, Manual everige vate coe, Upstear 024 Bat Vatve closed. NO. Slo sedto open, NC. Solenoisaesto dose Fl aes on Preset Courter. Aeodond or SS toad deco \Vave ene oad 210 Vale closing to fst. 210 Valera. Remedy ‘open sn Vane tunher. Adjt Preset Counter i.e Adst rest Count tip+ React Zao on Prasat Counter ose ate, (pen 03A Va Test andrepiace, Testendrepace, Replace ores. Test ondrepioce* check anor Great se upebuam O04 Vabe, Repalasrequred. nS anes Prana, ‘Section 4— Related Publications The flbuing erste can be bland tom FAC Tethalogies Measurrent Sos, re, Lire Fuimont t phrotgeres como ere al nctecrges ‘tra Furtmont please fernca ho aproptebulein number anes Model 210 DigtlEecvo Hyer Set tp Vv Spcitatons arg inact n mae. 021101 ‘toe REE fi mz a2 - a commesssreenisouos. When requeing eras or a tour web ww inclecmetoges com Sogntrget rare cross ‘Smith Meter™ PD Meter FM Crechnologies Genesis” Series 2" & 3" Steel Meters Installation/Operation mone oe Contents Section 1-Prinepte of Operation... Pago 2 Section 2 Inaallatin ss Page ‘Section 3— Operation rage § ‘tarp Procedures cnn PAGES ‘General Operating Information Pas ‘caution: ‘Read insvuctions cartuly betore attempting fo operae. Claims for damage caused by at, line Contamination, or pressure chock waves Gurng start-up wil ol be accepted by PLC Technologioe ‘Measurement Sottons, ne. Th a Trad Naa Tees ¢ 4 Section 1 The Smith Mate Gancla™ Meter fe a singe-ca, _Srajgrtvough ype etary vane posit elecement ‘mata The Gane str deaignod ut ahnorizoral ‘hats ean easly be tated other hreortal ot ‘oral ping Th Securaaly maces housing con. {tin arotrwoch oot on caer hyd besos {nd cars wo evnepaced Blades. As qd Hows {freug the moter, te andbaces rece about {tad ar casing the ads fo rcprocste. The Sus {Geese movment of tha Bedea forme 2 messee hamber of procse volume betwoon fo bo Eades ‘hrator he towan thebetor snatetop cores A ‘ortuoue series fase coed chambersepoauced 43'he rotor rewohos, Nether tages nor ror conact ‘fo staonary wal ofthe measuing chamber. (Qne of ho ousting lates of ie Seah Meter ‘Genesis Saris Netorpmeilts hl how vanctons ‘roomy trough he meet whl t's beng motored ergy snot wai by wnacessaryhyraule beng tings rinciple of Operation “Tne oor and blades have made ore sigh oven. Bade sy enced Slade D pana anna {and he oppose ond lags 8s Hang extend ‘A quatrrouton nas been made, Pads ana 8 ‘clay ezendeganaposdes CandDaroreated An ‘ractinown volume new iqudie now nthemessueg ‘chamber lomed between pales hana ‘Unmeesured qui (stad ares shown antec ae heme folr and aces om counter ose Wise Bade pades 8 and Cero lly rovaced while {he oppoto onde, paddles Mand D ar uly etn, ‘Semin the measuring camber Figure 4 ‘One-ighth fa revolt ater, hemeesurediqud wi ‘han meve ou ofthe tor Slade Al eect on he ‘480 si an passe Cl sat elon which wil Capture the nod succescve measured volume whch ‘fom between pases B and Cass ol aan ‘none rvotors, two messurng harbars haus fermed and the tras tring. Ths eye repeated slong as ieud Pons ‘The rlaton ofthe ft Isearvrted ino elecvone plkesby means ofa magnet hat otto wt te tor nd is senaoa by Mhvresolaionhalatoctsoncor Tecate ne over The eter pce cup per wt of ‘elums(beto opcode ctomer nen ba Tetris purnasod Once the mates purchase ls ot posse to change re Kfar va aOR ‘Section 2 ~ Installation 1. The meters a precsion insrunant ara shoud be 5. Protect be meters sytem aginst eet ot lrenod necro Proto ietalnton, hshoisd thermal expenalen wih s elt va. Bepectected rom adverse weater condone ard 6. Whorenscsaary a ager oralmnal: shoul ‘Seddena abuse [etna kao ar and vapor cute a mat 2, Aaquats pipe suport most be provides close 7. AN pling shaud be ntmasy ane Deore the {he metar because ho meter suppres oy he melrle pte operation. flanges. png must ot proaice an unde stra Fuge dit woldng shot, and che frlgn mei nthe meter ‘must be removed comity. ‘iensionaloutinecawings ofthemtorareavat- remove the moor and sal & pod pice if the axe. Sjstam Isto be pressuretasea wih wale oF 3. Whanistaingthemeteracarpentors cl sould Sebel abe fushes fom the stm. ‘be ute on aft sursca ofthe mater housing (Tha matrsnoubeprcectadby alae a 40-nesh ‘rare. on he over on To ramplat pad) © hain ‘ensure the roars eve £8, Whore necossary, a fowtimitng vahe should be Tatmpwortooan enna * ease etme ee “ Sopraramiatsteeay + Ratesheet marae Seite vorrei wa 1." rca mr tow eer etn a paaene (lorward and reverse). " " ramleowam rash atin fotenen eee torts ene Siena | Semmens Wire Connections CLT Section 2 ‘The HRE ort board (Hal Rotary Enood) ake he ‘oiton ofthe magnelcaly coupled PD meter and os: ‘ronialy sence he roiaton fo progure cup pees Tegeoacr cmp maui stand eagretcay cole ng tao sata ‘Upon ncaa, be suo that aor screws at nasa TR HE Coad are fly sontod ara tho bora eed Fat and centered on he Standley he aneton bo CAUTION: vnen hanaing he HE oar, Si ent present morro prevent ‘e prevent tamage tothe Boor improper handing lind sate clecharg wl exe fare ‘neous Terminal Connections: CN1 Terminal Terminal 2 Termin 3 Terminal ¢ Terminal § 410-90 vee "8 Sina Leading) "Boral Lappea) {Loge Common (Grew) Perel aD pie ey Power (nge fom 1490 AWG depending on eal) Fuses 1824 ANG min stand copper (Geen Number 98, 8404 or equvaont manson ray pon e60 ctrl pats ‘2c Power Range: Sorecever Input Curent hese Curent NoLoad: 208 @ 10Ver, mA ‘9 265,15 mA 20Vee utp Signat 10Vae input Power Supy: Notoss'87 =03Vpp spare ave 2700. Lox 76 =0:3¥ppsmare weve rinirum) 26cm Power Supp: No loss 257 03 epemare wae 2700. Love. 16:03 Nop sae wave firimu) 50 Vent Powe Sup Noloet 7203 ppade wae 2700. Lose 21-03 Vp-p anise wove (rin) Output Source Current (A & 8 @ 270 Lose: ‘TO mA @ 10 Vie, 1 mA @ 24 Ve, 160mA @ 30Vee uput Curent par Channa (A 8 8: Marimum Sink Curet 00 mA @ 20 vee Masur Seice Caren 80m @ 20Vee> 5 Section 3 ~ Operation ‘Arrangement \Whan a etrstistnstaed nie ner anacs thevaa: Te arise sora tna fo wa ou Eth mat [lanjesed totyeute co curng he vursrabe re, ‘eyaey corey mn Peon as ‘Seaton inca recor we ay ‘iposeia, gravy has ehet be use iy the reat avr om pore r 2 Cossheupsreominksonavesrdoreqz Pepe. {Sony pene upcam sion vaio ue mate srallowconrdvabo ar tprecuraod Neiroarert athe upeoar vate boteary open ensue hat ‘eit wb para tery owe 4. at ow tow ew meter Spectr) a he ‘Serene pete 5. Vertairtomahigh poet venture isn sano ng eriet (00sec mor} REMEMBER a ‘SSpped st flr od hes te be par {5 Greatly open the alain yah and nt ne peat ‘Thi postu shoul be used whenever a has been eT General Operating Information |. Tomato wih ersene ec aa riclngeaiy waberacsedte re Oi. ‘isons ood eno opostevaseey ge) 2. To astan maim sve to FMC Teco ‘eiggsiog rat aod rocods be martes Datsuns rl seal canbe oper, yet Froaic maar detancey meds mo {Er end ober pein risration sab nome ‘Sh tama ean oxen? gale sehossng 8 Frosne arenance sem Reference Publications Dern Peaaum ste 2ToT Sheet Norma, Washegte, Oo 257 Mars of Pool Measurement Saas, ‘APL Crapar Prov Sytem A! Ghaplor 8, Secten §2— Mossurment of gud Fyrocabens by Dosacement Mat Syms [AP Crap 12, Socon 2 als Mandal ~ Instone 1 Sen uc Feu Orie Wound TORS Reta imate Di umats tains guace SOETS A TE sn ‘Eres spe orate aaron Setetbmresierstparyreson See Seo aoe tour wae at mcm camtnanurmentione FMC Technologies ‘Smith Meter PD Meter Genesis™ Series 2" & 3" Steel Meters ecfications. ‘sve 05 2 FUG Teetnobgies Smith Meter Genesis” Series 2 ands: POmeterisa ange case pose apcarant Fotary vane rte’ signed for accra and relay for todays custody tansy marke. Rabing on noah ‘Boantryofesperorce nthe potrcum massuremart Wo. FHC Tecrnotogiss hae designed tho Geress Sores PO meters orboue boning ander ined rosets ctr angen an ppteaton esa at Sitmoasurostheconpeaton Same markt aptcaions Inauae gasoine and oxygonaes,efanalbodese! raat fick, Features 1 Improved Flow Range ~ Sardar nearpefomence {FT sour enopsna ST tanony whch Imatoe te Gonass Saves alr trmnal ending Eraiow tow apteains 1 Integrated Electronic Output ~ Motors character. Ine rom he factor sown or proves nes Sesrepredy acne aptten ange nih Long Service Lite~ Horizons shat dsion with

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