Section A Wanis BGN 273

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4.3.1 Ceramic Roof Tile

Figure 4.3.1: Ceramic roof tile

We can use ceramic roof tile to improve thermal comfort in the case study building. This is
because durability is one of this tile's best qualities. Additionally, it has good fire resistance
qualities and is ideal for adverse weather circumstances. An additional layer of defense is
provided by its water-shedding outer shell. Clay tiles are completely reusable and produced
without the use of any chemical preservatives, making them very environmentally friendly.
Ceramic tile keeps your home cooler in the summer, which might help you use less energy
overall. They even give your house some additional wintertime insulation capabilities.

4.3.2 Shading

Figure 4.3.2: Shading

Utilizing trees to shade buildings is a successful passive sun control strategy. The irradiative
and thermal loads are significantly lower in the shaded sections than in the unprotected areas.
Trees' evaporation can reduce the temperature of the air close to the walls that are shaded.
Lowering emissions due to energy savings and the aesthetic effect of trees on urban
landscapes are additional advantages of using trees as shade devices. Trees improve the
comfort of being outside in cities by blocking hot, dusty air.
4.3.3 Landscape

Figure 4.3.3: Landscape

For this case study, we can offer a landscape with adequate thermal comfort. In order to
decorate the house, we can plant a lot of plants or grass around the house. With the presence
of plants and grass, it can supply oxygen to humans and absorb carbon dioxide. For example,
we can plant small plants in pots around the house to look neater and provide fresh air. In
addition, the house also looks more attractive with the presence of colorful plants. This will
provide comfort to be in the house. In fact, there are various types of herbs that can be grown
as an ornamental tree, thus eaten as a side dish and used as medicine. It may have more
advantages than simply planting decorative trees. Elephant trunk, basil, shattered glass, wake-
up, and pandan leaves are a few of the delicious, widely accessible herbal trees that can be
utilized as traditional medicine.

4.3.4 White Color Painted Wall

Figure 4.3.4: White color painted wall

When decorating the walls of a home, one of the most common colors chosen is white. It is a
color that blends flawlessly with every other tonality and contributes to the home's overall
brightness. For example, your bedroom is too dark because there is not much light coming in,
white color will help you to give more shine. As a result, thermal comfort is also influenced
by the hue of the walls.
4.3.5 Ventilator

Figure 4.3.5: Ventilator

Ventilation is the deliberate entry of outside air into a space. In order to improve thermal
comfort, increase satisfaction with other aspects of the indoor environment, or achieve other
goals, ventilation is primarily used to control indoor air quality by dilution and displacement
of indoor pollutants. It can also be used to control indoor temperature, humidity, and air
motion. As a result, we can employ a wind turbine ventilator. Given that the globe is heading
toward wind-powered energy, this is because a wind turbine ventilator operates without
electricity. It is efficient, free, and clean. A wind turbine ventilator weighing 1.5 kg needs 1.5
km/h of wind to operate, while one weighing 2.5 kg needs 2.5 km/h of wind. By allowing air
to circulate, the turbine will run more effectively if the doors and windows are opened. The
room's crowded air can be forced upward through the ceiling vent, and the heated, filthy air
can be expelled to the roof, where it can be exhausted by a turbine.

4.3.6 Window

Figure 4.3.6: Window

Other than that, we can use window tinted glass to reduce the penetration of UV light through
the windows, the installation of tinted glass on every window and sliding doors can help a lot
in reducing heat entering the house. This is because tinted glass is a block that appears
transparent but inhibits light. It is very efficient and cost effective.

In conclusion, while completing the case study, this report gives us a wealth of
information and experience. For example, we reached a deeper understanding regarding the
topic discussed and focused for this report which is thermal comfort and noise level. For the
thermal comfort, the conclusion that can be made is without the proper air ventilation and
enough natural lighting, the house or building comfort will be dropped significantly and
causing discomfort for the occupants. Therefore, by studying the basic of thermal comfort, it
will help us a lot in understanding what need to be done and fix any problems that occur.

In noise level, we can conclude that noise measurement is very much important
because it helps to identify home locations if there is a noise problem, owner of the house
who may be exposed to noise levels that can cause hearing loss, and where additional noise
measurements need to be made. We discovered various strategies to restrict or prevent sound
from entering the home that violates one's privacy after a brief conversation.

In addition, we also know how to make the calculation of natural lighting and natural
ventilation to the requirements of UBBL. Thus, we can find out the best minimum percentage
for natural is 10% while natural ventilation is 5%. We can also compare the results we made
while doing this case study with DOE guideline which is annex A (schedule 1).

Apart from that, we can also find out the type of good material used in a building and
its disadvantages. In fact, we can also find out the best solution for the thermal comfort of the
building in the case study. For example, we can use ceramic roof tile to improve thermal
comfort in the case study building. This is because, ceramic tile keeps your home cooler in
the summer, which might help you use less energy overall. They even give your house some
additional wintertime insulation capabilities.

This report's whole body of data and explanations were compiled from references
found online and in notes. This written report was completed in the time given for both
sections. The method, findings, and discussion may all be properly understood by finishing
the report. As a result of the case study, we were able to collaborate well and develop a strong
sense of group spirit.

1) House ventilator: Taika Industries Sdn Bhd / turbine ventilator / ventilation fan /
exhaust fan / ventilation system / roof ventilation / ventilation fan supplier in
Malaysia. Taika Industries Sdn Bhd Turbine Ventilator Ventilation Fan Exhaust Fan
Ventilation System Roof Ventilation Ventilation Fan Supplier in Malaysia.
(Jun,26,2013). Retrieved July 15, 2022, from
2) Maria.Kapsalaki. (2022, April 29). What is ventilation? AIVC. Retrieved July 15,
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3) Constro Facilitator. (2021, April 6). Advantages of ceramic tiles over traditional clay
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5) Tinted Glass. Minecraft Wiki. (2015, February,19). Retrieved July 15, 2022, from
6) Abdel-Aziz, D. M. (2014, November 27). Effects of tree shading on building's energy
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