Food Diary

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Food diary

Day of recording: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Day of the week: ………………………………..

Meal Time Where eaten/ Food or drink Portion size What was I doing/ How many
If consumed who with? Full description including brand Household measure (e.g. slice, how did I feel? portions of fruit
between meals (e.g. home, cup, teaspoon) or grams/ml) (Watching tv, stressed, and vegetables?
record as work, pub, etc.) relaxed, in a rush,
“snack” tired)
Breakfast 8.30 am Home Quaker Oat so simple microwaveable porridge 1 sachet Preparing for work 2
(kitchen), Whole milk Half a cup (reading emails), rested
alone Banana 1 medium
Cashew nuts (roasted, unsalted) Small handful
Tropicana orange juice Small glass (200ml)

Produced by the Rowett Institute, University of Aberdeen

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