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CHAP Plan of Action


Activity Date/Month Objectives Resources Needed Person Responsible Expected Outcome

Distribution of MOA to the July This aims to strengthen the
partner organization support and alliance of the
partner organizations under
the Kalitawhan network here
in the Philippines and;
Be able to create a functional
working group for the
welfare of every Filipino
children and youth in
attaining a safe, healthy, and
sustainable environment for
Orientation with the July Be able to enlighten the
spokesperson per partner primary representative per
organization partner organizations about
the Vision, Mission, and
Goals of CHAP as well as the
responsibilities of every
individual affiliated to this
network as they will be part
of the working committee of
the network.
Capacity Building for partner August This aims to strengthen the
primary representative of the bond and camaraderie of the
partner organizations primary representative of
every organization affiliated
to this network and to be
able to enhance their
capacity as leaders and
catalyst of change.
Childen’s Month Celebration November As a network that stands for
the welfare and betterment
of every children and youth
the network aims to conduct
a Children’s Month
Celebration as to enlighten
and empower every children
and youth about their rights
as an individual and what
they can contribute as a
citizen of the Republic of the
Seminar Workshops on July-December This aims to conduct
different child rights issues seminar/webinar workshop
in every children and youth
with regards the different
issues concerning and rights
and development of every
children and youth.

This will also serve as an

avenue to be able to give
every children and youth the
opportunity to be able to
speak up and to be able to
voice out for their rights.
CHAP Regular meeting Every 2nd and 4th week of the This aims to be able to
month conduct a regular meeting for
the CHAP network as to be
able to have a proper
discussion about the updates
and the future activities to be
conducted by the network.
This aims to have a
sustainable and efficient
community for everyone.

Resolutions to be made:

CHAP regular meeting

Issuance of MOA

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