SITHCCC014 Assessment 2 - Practical Observation

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Assessment Tasks and Instructions

Student Name
Student Number
Course and Code
Unit(s) of Competency and Code(s) SITHCCC014 Prepare meat dishes


Assessment for this Unit of Competency/Cluster Details

Assessment 1 Assignment
Assessment 2 Practical Observation
Assessment 3
Assessment conducted in this instance: Assessment 1 2 3

Reasonable Adjustment
1. Has reasonable adjustment been applied to this assessment?
No No further information required

Yes Complete 2.
2. Provide details for the requirements and provisions for adjustment of assessment:

Student to complete
My assessor has discussed the adjustments with me
I agree to the adjustments applied to this assessment
Signature Date

2nd Assessor to complete

I agree the adjustments applied to this assessment are reasonable

Signature Date
Assessment Guidelines
What will be assessed – Performance Evidence
The purpose of this assessment is to check your ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and
performance criteria of this unit in the context of the job role, and:

 follow standard recipes to prepare meat dishes using each of the following meat items:
o beef
o game:
 kangaroo
 venison
 specialty meats
o lamb
o pork
o veal
o offal:
 kidney
 liver
 use each of the following meat preparation techniques at least once when preparing the above dishes, as
o ageing
o barding
o boning and trimming
o cutting and portioning
o larding
o marinating
o mincing
o rolling
o tenderising
o trussing and tying
o skewering
 prepare the required meat dishes using each of the following cookery methods at least once:
o braising
o frying
o grilling
o roasting
o stewing
 prepare above food for at least six different customers:
o within commercial time constraints and deadlines
o reflecting required quantities to be produced
o following procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing meat
o responding to special customer requests and dietary requirements.
Place/Location where assessment will be conducted
Resource Requirements
Refer to the Assessment conditions attached to the Mapping Document located in the teacher support tools
folder or the “Assessment Conditions” for this unit in the SIT 1.0 Training Package.


Instructions for assessment including WHS requirements

You are required to complete each task for this assessment as outlined below, following the relevant recipes,
Work Place Health and Safety practices and Hygiene procedures as instructed during the training sessions you
have participated for this unit of competency.
Statement of Authenticity
I acknowledge that I understand the requirements to complete the assessment tasks
The assessment process including the provisions for re-submitting and academic appeals were explained
to me and I understand these processes
I understand the consequences of plagiarism and confirm that this is my own work and I have
acknowledged or referenced all sources of information I have used for the purpose of this assessment
Student Signature: Date: / /201

This assessment: First Attempt 2nd Attempt Extension – Date: / /

RESULT OF ASSESSMENT Satisfactory Not Yet Satisfactory

Feedback to Student:

Assessor(s) Signature(s): Date: / /

Student Signature Date: / /

Assessment 2
Your Tasks
Prepare the following dishes to the criteria set out below:

Dish to be prepared Method(s) of cookery applied Meat items used Preparation techniques
braising beef ageing
Dish 1: shallow frying X kangaroo barding
Kangaroo Loin with Warm Bok deep-frying venison boning
Choy Salad X grilling specialty meats trimming
roasting lamb cutting
Recipe Source: stewing pork portioning
recipe book, e-coach recipes veal larding
SITHCCC014 kidney X marinating
liver mincing
No. of serves: rolling
X braising X beef ageing
Dish 2: shallow frying kangaroo barding
Italian Meatballs in Red Wine X deep-frying venison boning
grilling specialty meats trimming
Tomato Sauce
roasting lamb cutting
Recipe Source: stewing pork portioning
recipe book, e-coach recipes veal larding
kidney marinating
liver X mincing
No. of serves: rolling
braising beef ageing
Dish 3: kangaroo barding
shallow frying
Lamb shanks deep-frying venison boning
grilling specialty meats trimming
braised_______________ lamb
roasting cutting
Recipe Source: stewing pork portioning
recipe book, e-coach recipes veal larding
kidney marinating
liver mincing
No. of serves: rolling
braising beef ageing
Dish 4: shallow frying barding
__Beef deep-frying venison boning
grilling specialty meats trimming
goulash_____________ roasting lamb cutting
Recipe Source: stewing pork portioning
recipe book, e-coach recipes veal larding
kidney marinating
liver mincing
No. of serves: rolling
braising beef ageing
Dish 5: shallow frying kangaroo barding
_Grilled lamb deep-frying venison boning
grilling specialty meats trimming
loin_____________ lamb
roasting cutting
Recipe Source: stewing pork portioning
recipe book, e-coach recipes veal larding
SITHCCC014 marinating
No. of serves: mincing
braising beef ageing
Dish 6: barding
shallow frying kangaroo
__Kangaroo fillet with deep-frying venison boning

glaze_____________ grilling specialty meats trimming

roasting lamb cutting
Recipe Source: stewing pork portioning
recipe book, e-coach recipes veal larding
SITHCCC014 marinating
liver mincing
No. of serves:
braising beef ageing
Dish 7: shallow frying kangaroo barding
__Lamb Kashmir deep-frying venison boning
grilling specialty meats trimming
style_____________ roasting lamb cutting
Recipe Source: stewing pork portioning
recipe book, e-coach recipes veal larding
kidney marinating
liver mincing
No. of serves:
braising beef ageing
Dish 8: kangaroo barding
shallow frying
_Veal deep-frying venison boning
grilling specialty meats trimming
ragout_____________ lamb
roasting cutting
Recipe Source: pork portioning
recipe book, e-coach recipes veal larding
kidney marinating
liver mincing
No. of serves:
braising beef ageing
Dish 9: shallow frying barding
_Grilled sirloin deep-frying venison boning

streak_____________ grilling specialty meats trimming

roasting lamb cutting
Recipe Source: stewing pork portioning
recipe book, e-coach recipes veal larding
kidney marinating
liver mincing
No. of serves:
braising beef ageing
Dish 10: shallow frying kangaroo barding
_Pot roasted lamb deep-frying venison boning
grilling specialty meats trimming
rump_____________ roasting lamb cutting
Recipe Source: stewing pork portioning
veal larding
recipe book, e-coach recipes marinating
SITHCCC014 mincing
No. of serves: rolling
Dish Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS
1 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from recipes and instructions
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Suitable poultry or cut of poultry
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
The correct quantities required are calculated
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are identified:

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparation method
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
Frozen products are placed on lower shelves, covered and labelled
Ingredients are weighed according to recipe portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe portion requirements
Correct preparation method used for commodities: tick or circle
1. ageing
2. barding
3. boning and trimming
4. cutting and portioning
5. larding
6. marinating
7. mincing
8. rolling
9. tenderising
10. trussing and tying
11. skewering
Meat is portioned correctly according to recipe requirement
Meat is portioned, suitable for cookery method being used
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Kangaroo loin with warm bok choy salad
a) Kangaroo loin is marinated soy, oils and honey
b) Radishes are washed and sliced finely
c) Ginger is sliced into fine julienne
d) Coriander is washed and picked into leaves
e) Bok choy is washed and cut into pieces lengthwise
f) Shallots are peeled, washed and cut into even batons
g) Chilli is sliced finely
h) Coriander seeds are crushed

Element 4: Cook meat dishes Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the dish(es) here:

a. Kangaroo is evenly sealed

b. Cooked to medium rare
c. Coriander and chilli is sweated in oil, shallots and bok choy are added and
d. Sliced radishes, ginger and coriander leaves are added to wilted greens,
combined and seasoned to taste
e. The kangaroo fillet is sliced thinly and arranged next to the salad
f. Suitable garnish
Suitable marinades are selected and prepared/added
The dish is seasoned and adjusted
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable using correct
products and cookery methods
Element 5: Presentation and Storage
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct temperature (hot/cold)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: ________________________
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size
Suitable sauce or complimentary is added correctly (as a mirror or topped)
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.

Dish Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

2 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from recipes and instructions
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Suitable poultry or cut of poultry
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
The correct quantities required are calculated
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are identified:

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparation method
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
Frozen products are placed on lower shelves, covered and labelled
Ingredients are weighed according to recipe portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe portion requirements
Correct preparation method used for commodities: tick or circle
1. ageing
2. barding
3. boning and trimming
4. cutting and portioning
5. larding
6. marinating
7. mincing
8. rolling
9. tenderising
10. trussing and tying
11. skewering
Meat is portioned correctly according to recipe requirement
Meat is portioned, suitable for cookery method being used
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Italian Meatballs in Red Wine Tomato Sauce
a) Meat minced to correct size
b) Dry and cooked ingredients combined into farce
c) Produced a sample and checked consistency and flavour
d) Mince rolled into even balls
e) Coated with pepitas, placed on covered tray
f) Onion peeled and finely diced
g) Garlic peeled and finely chopped

Element 4: Cook meat dishes Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the dish(es) here:
a. Onion and garlic sweated in oil without browning
b. Tomato paste is added and roasted without burning
c. Deglazed correctly
d. Tomatoes, purée and herbs are added
e. Simmered to correct consistency and seasoned
f. Meatballs deep-fried at 180 C until golden
g. Drained on absorbent paper
h. Simmered in tomato sauce for ~ 15 minutes
i. Served on tomato sauce on a warmed plate
j. Garnished with fresh herbs and accompaniment: _______________

The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are followed correctly
The cookery method(s) required for the dish are applied correctly
The meat is cooked to the correct degree of doneness
The correct accompaniment is selected for the dish
Suitable marinades are selected and prepared/added
The dish is seasoned and adjusted
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable using correct
products and cookery methods
Element 5: Presentation and Storage
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct temperature (hot/cold)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: ________________________
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size
Suitable sauce or complimentary is added correctly (as a mirror or topped)
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.

Dish Assessment Criteria Comment S NYS S NYS

3 Element 1: Select Ingredients
The food production requirements are identified from recipes and instructions
Ingredients are correctly identified:
 Recipe requirement (suitable for purpose):
 Suitable poultry or cut of poultry
 Suitable ingredients for accompaniments and sauces
 Freshness
 FIFO is applied for selecting ingredients
The correct quantities required are calculated
Spoilage or deterioration of ingredients are checked and identified
Element 2: Select, prepare and use equipment
The correct/suitable equipment required to prepare the dish is/are identified:

Each piece of equipment is checked for cleanliness

Each piece of equipment is assembled according to manufacturer’s instructions
WHS issues are considered:
 Cord:
 Safety Switch provisions:
 Positioning (for example away from moisture):
 Correct use of safety features (feeder, guards)
 Uniform and loose parts are secured from being caught

The correct type of knife is used for the relevant preparation method
The equipment is used correctly and in a safe manner
Element 3: Portion and prepare ingredients
Frozen products are thawed using correct procedures
Frozen products are placed on lower shelves, covered and labelled
Ingredients are weighed according to recipe portion requirements
Ingredients are measured according to recipe portion requirements
Correct preparation method used for commodities: tick or circle
1. ageing
2. barding
3. boning and trimming
4. cutting and portioning
5. larding
6. marinating
7. mincing
8. rolling
9. tenderising
10. trussing and tying
11. skewering
Meat is portioned correctly according to recipe requirement
Meat is portioned, suitable for cookery method being used
Culinary cuts used according to requirement for dish
Adequate storage vessels for prepared product, waste and use-able trimmings
Re-useable product/ingredients identified and saved
Cutting boards are washed and sanitised or replaced for different tasks
Hands are washed between different tasks
Criteria specific for the preparation of the dish:
Italian Meatballs in Red Wine Tomato Sauce
a) Meat minced to correct size
b) Dry and cooked ingredients combined into farce
c) Produced a sample and checked consistency and flavour
d) Mince rolled into even balls
e) Coated with pepitas, placed on covered tray
f) Onion peeled and finely diced
g) Garlic peeled and finely chopped

Element 4: Cook meat dishes Comment S NYS S NYS

Enter the specific criteria relevant for the observation of the dish(es) here:
a. Onion and garlic sweated in oil without browning
b. Tomato paste is added and roasted without burning
c. Deglazed correctly
d. Tomatoes, purée and herbs are added
e. Simmered to correct consistency and seasoned
f. Meatballs deep-fried at 180 C until golden
g. Drained on absorbent paper
h. Simmered in tomato sauce for ~ 15 minutes
i. Served on tomato sauce on a warmed plate
j. Garnished with fresh herbs and accompaniment: _______________

The methods outlined in the recipe for the dish are followed correctly
The cookery method(s) required for the dish are applied correctly
The meat is cooked to the correct degree of doneness
The correct accompaniment is selected for the dish
Suitable marinades are selected and prepared/added
The dish is seasoned and adjusted
Special customer requests are provided for where applicable using correct
products and cookery methods
Element 5: Presentation and Storage
Suitable service ware selected for presentation at correct temperature (hot/cold)
Suitable garnish is used. Specify: ________________________
Garnish is prepared and of proportional size
Suitable sauce or complimentary is added correctly (as a mirror or topped)
The dish is evaluated and adjusted before being served
Accompaniments are suitable and well presented
The dish is free of drips, smears and finger marks
The service for dishes overall for an order is well timed and acceptable
Re-useable ingredients are identified, wrapped, labelled and stored correctly
Waste and perishables are discarded
Food scraps are removed
Equipment is transferred to wash-up area
The workplace is cleaned, using suitable equipment
Suitable cleaning chemicals and sanitisers are used
Cleaning equipment is rinsed, checked, correctly maintained and stored
Maintenance issues are reported as relevant.
Lamb shanks braised

6 lamb shanks
salt and pepper to taste
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 large carrots, cut into 1/4 inch
2 onions, chopped
10 cloves garlic, minced
1 (750 milliliter) bottle red wine
1 (28 ounce) can whole peeled
tomatoes with juice
1 (10.5 ounce) can condensed chicken
1 (10.5 ounce) can beef broth
5 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary
2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme

Serve: 1
Season lamb shanks with salt and pepper.

 Heat oil in a large, heavy pot or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Working in batches, cook
shanks until brown on all sides, about 8 minutes. Transfer shanks to a plate; set aside.

 Add carrots, onions, and garlic to the pot and sauté over medium heat until golden brown, about
10 minutes. Stir in wine, tomatoes, chicken broth, beef broth, rosemary, and thyme.

 Return shanks to the pot, pressing down to submerge. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to
medium-low. Cover and simmer until meat is tender, about 2 hours.

 Remove the lid and simmer to allow flavors to concentrate, about 20 minutes. Transfer shanks to
a platter; cover with foil to keep warm. Continue boiling sauce until thickened, about 15 minutes.
Spoon sauce over shanks before serving.
Beef goulash
Serves: 6
1kg good braising steak, preferably chuck steak
1 tbsp. sunflower oil
3 medium onions, cut into 12 wedges
3 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tsp hot smoked paprika
1 tbsp. paprika
1 beef stock cube (Oxo works well here)
600ml cold water
400g can of chopped tomatoes
2 tbsp. tomato purée
2 bay leaves
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
1 orange pepper
Flaked sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper

 Preheat the oven to 170°C/Fan 150°C/Gas 3½. Trim any hard fat off the beef and cut the meat into
rough 4cm chunks. Season well with salt and freshly ground black pepper.

 Heat the oil in a large flameproof casserole dish. Add the steak and fry over a high heat until nicely
browned all over, turning regularly. Tip the onions into the pan and cook with the beef for 5 minutes
until softened. Add the crushed garlic and cook for a further minute, stirring regularly.

 Sprinkle both paprika over the meat and crumble the beef stock cube on top. Add the water,
tomatoes, tomato purée and bay leaves. Season with salt and pepper, stir well and bring to a simmer.
Cover with a tightly fitting lid and transfer the dish to the oven. Cook for 1½ hours.

 While the beef is cooking, remove the core and seeds from each pepper and chuck them away. Cut
each pepper into chunks of about 3cm. When the beef has cooked for 1½ hours, carefully remove the
dish from the oven. Stir in the peppers, put the lid back on and put the goulash back in the oven for a
further hour or until the beef is meltingly tender.
 Serve with small portions of rice (see pages 178–179) and spoonful’s of soured cream if you like,
but don’t be too generous – soured cream contains less fat than double cream but still has 30 calories
per tablespoon.

Grilled Lamb Loin Chops

Servings: 4

2 tablespoons herbes de Provence
1 ½ tablespoons olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 teaspoons lemon juice
8 (5 ounce) lamb loin chops
salt and ground black pepper to taste

1. Combine herbes de Provence, oil, garlic, and lemon juice in a small bowl. Rub mixture over lamb
chops; cover and refrigerate for at least 1 hour, or up to 4 hours for maximum flavor.
2. Preheat an outdoor grill for medium-high heat and lightly oil the grate.
3. Season chops with salt and pepper.
4. Place chops on the preheated grill and cook until browned on the outside and an instant-read
thermometer inserted into the center reads at least 125 degrees F (52 degrees C) for medium-rare, 3
to 4 minutes per side.
5. Transfer chops to an aluminum foil-covered plate; let rest for 5 minutes before serving.
Kangaroo fillet with glaze

Serving: 4
2 x tbsp. chopped Shallots, raw
2 x 1 cup Coliban Potatoes
1 x ounce Broccoli, cooked, boiled, drained,
without salt
2 x ounce Raspberries, frozen, red, sweetened
1 x tsp Oil, olive, salad or cooking
4 x 1 fillet Kangaroo Fillets
1.5 x tbsp. Vinegar, red wine
1 x ounce Trappist Red Raspberry Jam
1X serving 1 container CAMPBELL'S
If required: CAMPBELL'S Low Sodium Soups,
Chicken Broth

1. Place potato in a steamer that is placed over a pan containing simmering water. Cover and steam
until the potato becomes tender.
2. In the meantime, season both sides of the kangaroo fillets with black pepper. Heat a little oil in a pan
over medium heat. Cook kangaroo fillets on both sides for a couple of minutes. Now reduce heat and
continue to cook the fillets for a couple of more minutes. Transfer the fillets onto a plate and keep it
aside for about 3 minutes.
3. Add chicken broth, raspberry jam and the shallot in a pan that is placed over high heat. Cook the
ingredients until the jam dissolves and gets reduced slightly. Add raspberries and vinegar. Crush the
raspberries while allowing the mixture to simmer until it gets reduced by half.
4. Cut the kangaroo in thick slices across the grain. Drizzle over the raspberry glaze. Serve with
broccoli and potato.

Kashmiri Lamb
Serving: 6
4 dried red chile peppers (such as cayenne)
3 long, green fresh chile peppers (such as Indian
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon Kashmiri garam masala
1 (1 inch) piece fresh ginger root, peeled and grated
5 cloves garlic, crushed
¼ cup dried unsweetened coconut
3 tomatoes, chopped
6 tablespoons vegetable oil
2 large onions, thinly sliced
2 pounds lamb meat, cut into 1 1/2-inch cubes
salt to taste
½ teaspoon ground turmeric
1 cup plain yogurt
½ teaspoon saffron threads
20 whole blanched almonds
¼ cup chopped fresh cilantro

 Place red chiles, green chiles, cumin seeds, garam masala, ginger, garlic, grated coconut, and
tomatoes into a blender; pulse several times to chop, then blend into a smooth paste.

 Heat vegetable oil in a large skillet or Dutch oven over medium heat. Stir in onion; cook and stir until
the onion has softened and turned translucent, about 5 minutes. Reduce heat to medium-low, and
continue cooking and stirring until the onion is very tender and golden brown, 10 to 15 minutes more.

 Stir the spice paste into the onion and cook and stir until the oil separates from the mixture, about 3

 Stir in lamb pieces and salt. Cook, stirring frequently over medium-high heat, until the lamb pieces
are browned on all sides, about 8 minutes.

 Mix in yogurt, saffron, and blanched almonds until well combined.

 Reduce the heat to low and simmer, covered, until the meat is tender and the gravy is thick, about 1

 Garnish the curry with chopped cilantro before serving.

Veal ragout
Serving: 4

1. ⁄2lb veal, for braising a) Brown piece of veal in butter.
2. ⁄2cup ground veal b) Add water, salt, whole vegetables, herbs and seasonings and
braise until the veal is tender- about 45 minutes.
3. 2cups water c) Add the meatballs to the broth and simmer for ten minutes
after the temperature returns to the simmer point.
4. 1teaspoon salt d) Remove solids with a slotted spoon.
5. 1onion e) Discard vegetables, herbs, and seasonings.
6. 1large carrot f) Slice the veal into small bite size pieces.
7. 1⁄2cup fresh parsley g) Make sauce- melt butter, add flour and stir constantly for a
few minutes.
8. ⁄2teaspoon thyme (preferably h) Gradually add broth.
fresh branch or two)
9. 1bay leaf i) Add meatballs and veal pieces back to the sauce.
10. 1pinch mace j) Add lemon, stir.
11. 6peppercorns k) Add cream, stir.
12. SAUCE l) Serve over rice, pasta or mashed potatoes.
13. 2cups broth, from braising the
14. 3tablespoons butter
15. 4tablespoons flour
16. 1tablespoon lemon juice
17. 2tablespoons cream

Grilled sirloin streak

1 Grill or grill pan
Two 8 ounce sirloin steaks
Salt and pepper to taste
Sirloin Steak Marinade
2 limes for juicing - approximately 4
Tablespoons lime juice
1 teaspoon fish sauce
1 teaspoon garlic ginger paste
See our Beef Temperature Chart for
helpful tips on cooking any cut of beef

 In a small dish, make the steak marinade by mixing together lime juice, fish sauce, and garlic ginger
 Season the steak with salt and pepper to taste, set them in a bowl or deep plate, then pour the steak
marinade over top. Cover, and allow to soak for at least 20 minutes.
 Place a griddle pan or skillet over medium heat, or an outdoor grill over direct medium-high heat (350°F-
400°F). When hot, carefully add the marinated steaks. Cook on each side for 3 to 4 minutes for a pink
 Remove the steaks from the pan or grill, and wrap them loosely in foil to rest for at least 8 minutes.
Slice thinly against the grain to serve using a sharp knife.

Pot roasted lamb rump

4 x 300 gram Lamb mini rumps (fat trimmed) Orange and herb couscous:
80 milliliter Olive oil (1/3 cup)  200 gram Instant couscous (1 cup)
1 large Red onion (thinly sliced)  250 milliliter Vegetable or chicken stock (1
2 clove Garlic (bruised) cup)
2 Cinnamon quills  Orange (zested, peeled, cut into thin
3 Star anise wedges)
5 sprig Thyme  tablespoon Flat-leaf parsley (finely
2 Bay leaves chopped)
85 gram Seeded prunes (½ cup)  2 tablespoon Mint (finely chopped)
125 milliliter White wine (½ cup)
500 milliliter Good-quality beef stock (2 cups,
plus 2 tbsp. extra stock)
1 tablespoon Corn flour

 To make lamb pot roast, heat 2 tbsp. oil in a large heavy-based ovenproof saucepan over high
heat. Add lamb and cook, turning frequently, for 7 minutes or until browned all over. Transfer
lamb to a plate and drain of any oil from pan. Return pan to heat.
 Preheat oven to 180⁰C. Add remaining oil to pan with onion garlic, spices and herbs. Cook,
stirring occasionally, for 5 minutes or until onions have softened. Stir in wine, scraping the
bottom of the pan to dislodge any caramelised meat. When wine has reduced by half stir in
prunes, return lamb to pan and pour over stock. Bring stock to the boil, cover loosely with foil
and roast, turning occasionally, for 2½ hours or until lamb is tender.
 Meanwhile, to make orange and herb couscous, place couscous in a large heat proof bowl, bring
stock to the boil and stir into couscous. Cover and stand for 10 minutes. Using a fork, gradually
loosen couscous then stir in remaining ingredients. Season to taste.
 When lamb is ready, remove lamb from pan and place on a plate loosely covered with foil for 10
minutes before carving to serve. Leave braising liquid on heat and increase heat to medium.
Skim of any fat that comes to the surface. Place extra stock and flour in a small bowl and stir
until combined. Stir flour mixture into braising liquid and simmer for 5 minutes or until
thickened. Season taste. To serve, divide couscous among four plates, top with carved lamb and
spoon over sauce.

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