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d66 Adventure Hooks

Story Seeds for Roleplaying Games

Design: R P Davis

Editor: K A McGann

Executive Producers: Our Patreon patrons - Angela Reese & Robin Williams

©2022 Kabouter Games - All rights reserved. No part of this

publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, without express
prior permission in writing from Kabouter Games or as
permitted by law.

Any resemblance or similarity between characters or

situations described in this book, and persons living or dead,
or any situations in real life, is purely coincidental and
completely unintentional.

If you’re a roleplaying game referee, you know that sometimes it’s hard to get players invested
in games. RPGs are about story. Just as a novel author needs to hook the reader into the plot
in the first few pages, your game needs a strong hook to interest players (and you, for that
matter!) in the story you want to create together.

This book is intended to help that process.

RPG referees (GM, DM, ST, whatever you call yourself) can use the hooks in this book as
creative prompts to flesh out complete adventures. Or if you like improv, roll d66 (more on
that on the next page), choose that hook, and start winging it!

These hooks are fantasy, but the vast majority are usable in multiple genres. Have fun!

Using d66

To generate a d66 result, roll two different six-sided dice. One is tens, the other ones. It’s like
percentile dice, but with six-siders. For example, if the “tens” die comes up 3 and the “ones”
die comes up 4, your result is 34.

11. A long abandoned fortress to the north has been seen lit up at night by floating blue lights.
A foul air permeates the nearby land. Olivia Stoutheart warns that odd fey creatures live in
the region. Lawson Terryn wouldn't go near the fortress if you paid them.

12. A strange fog has rolled in to cover the landscape. Anyone who ventures into the fog, is
never seen again. Multiple people claim to have seen someone or something moving within
the fog.

13. A ghostly stone tower has appeared in a nearby wood. A ring of spectral knights is keeping
everyone out. An NPC known to the party tried to rush past the ghosts but was thrown back
fifty feet, unharmed but terrified.

14. One of the wagons the adventurers are escorting suspiciously loses a wheel in the middle
of a smooth forest road. The other guards whisper to one another and ready their weapons.
The caravan master was convinced to hire these guards in the previous town and mistrusts

15. A massive storm has been raging for a month. There is no let up, and it appears to stretch
across the continent. Everything is drenched, floods are rampant, and if it doesn’t let up soon
the harvest will be ruined. River Windrunner seems to think the storm is magical in origin
while Fribbington Michaels thinks it's the work of the gods.

16. Goblins have come to town seeking the donation of money and supplies as reparations for
their years of suffering at the hands of the townspeople — and the adventurers the townsfolk
regularly hire to “deal with the goblin threat”. Enzo, influential head of the Carter’s Guild, is
on the goblin's side.

21. The adventurers find a beautifully crafted helmet. One of them puts it on and after a few
moments hears a voice that says, "Yes... let the slaughter begin..." The wearer can’t remove the
helmet. As time goes by, the urge to indiscriminately kill living things gets stronger and

22. A ranger has found a disease deep in the forest which is killing all the vegetation and
turning the animals mad. The spread is spreading — soon it will soon reach the outskirts of a
local city and the farms that feed it.

23. The adventurers enter a city for the first time, and after a few hours wandering about see a
man carrying a particular sword. One of the adventurers recognizes it: it was their father's (or
mother's) sword. The man, Felix Heartpound, has no idea who the adventurer is or what
they’re talking about.

24. Two of the city’s young aristocrats are going to duel to the death for the hand of the
woman each of them loves madly. Neither knows the woman has already married her true
love, who isn’t either of them.

25. The local ruler hired a new jester a few weeks ago. It turns out the jester wasn’t all that
funny — she killed the ruler and legged it.

26. A town of peaceful goblins needs help to protect themselves from humans intent on killing
them all. Two influential NPCs are at odds: Bryce Scott doesn't believe the goblins are
peaceful. Enzo Hawkwing does, and is trying to stop the others from attacking.

31. While deep in a dungeon, the adventurers find a thick, leather-bound tome. The pages
remain blank unless one person only looks at them. Then they appear to tell a story as it
unfolds, albeit a few minutes in the future, and it involves the adventurers arriving at a sticky,
messy, bloody end.

32. The adventurers need to get from Point A to Point B and don’t know the way. The local
sheriff, Rowan Fordragon, offers to lead them, if they help him kill a powerful monster that’s
been attacking the town’s supply lines. Rowan wants to help, but the town must be his
priority. Friedrich Reece doesn't think the sheriff is doing a good job and wants the
adventurers to sabotage the mission to prove his incompetence.

33. The adventurers find a body with a note clutched in its death grip. Trouble is the note is in
some kind of code.

34. The party is meant to meet one of the adventurers’ beloved mentors at an old ruin deep in
the wilderness. The adventurers arrive early and wait for the mentor, who is famous for being
punctual — and the mentor never arrives.

35. A dragon has eaten the king and all his heirs, made a pile of treasure in the throne room,
and demands to rule the kingdom and be called King Cyzzancrunan the First.

36. Everyone in a nearby village has died from a mysterious cause. Their spirits are trapped
there. The spirits want to go on to their eternal reward, have no idea why they’re trapped, and
no idea what killed them.

41, One or more of the adventurers are participating in the grand melee, the premier
competition of the town’s Summer Tournament. In the midst of the mock combat, shouts ring
out from the crowd. The tournament grounds are under real attack! A local lord and his
knights were not invited to the tournament, so they’ve decided to attack with real weapons.

The guard captain, Liara Cruise, has partaken a bit too heavily in complimentary festival wine
and is too drunk to see to the town’s defense.

42. The adventurers find an unconscious man on the side of the road. Shackles hang from his
wrists, and he’s clad only in dirty, raggedy trousers. He claims he has know memory of who he
is, anything about himself, or where he’s come from. The baying of hounds is getting closer…

43. In a wizard’s tower, the adventurers find an old, unbroken mirror. When one of the
adventurers looks into the mirror, her reflection gives her a grave look and speaks: "I have
come to warn you... something is coming and your world is not prepared."

44. A desperate message arrives from a nearby lesser noble. Their fortified manor house is
under siege from an unknown enemy force attacking from the nearby forest. They request aid
from such renowned adventurers. Taylor Wright can guide the adventurers to their
destination for a fee, and will double-cross them, leading them straight into the enemy’s

45. The adventurers have been tasked by a local council of halflings to resolve a dispute before
the different tribes go to war with one another. There was no clear winner in this year's
brewing and pipe-weed growing competition, and it is up to the adventurers, as unbiased
outsiders, to fairly judge the entries. Intrigue abounds as the halflings try to sabotage each
others’ efforts. Muddled confusion abounds as the adventurer judges get deeper into the

46. The Queen has gone insane, and bathes in the blood of attractive people in an effort to
keep herself youthful.

51. The King has declared that all of his subjects are evil and must be put to the sword. The
ensuing blood-drenched mayhem seems to confirm his knights are perfectly willing to do this.

52. A loud ticking, like from a clock, can be heard coming from the forest. What happens when
it stops?

53. A piercing screech of reptilian agony echoed from the nearby mountain a few days ago.
Most people think the dragon is dead, but no one is willing to go and investigate except a rival
band of adventurers. It’s a race!

54. While resting near an ancient standing stone, the adventurers experience a sudden
rumbling, and then a spark of light. After it passes, there is a humanoid woman wearing
strange clothing lying unconscious in the grass at the stone’s base.

55. Whenever a young girl in town has a bad dream, one of the town’s structure’s catches fire.
She can't control it, but having her around is dangerous. Some want to banish the child, some
want to make sure she gets training, while at least a few think maybe something
more…permanent…is in order.

56. The king is frantic! A foul, evil dragon has invaded the princess’s tower and imprisoned
her there. He’s got it backwards, though; she summoned the dragon and has locked it away in
an effort to extort its support in her schemes.

61. An archmage who specializes in crafting wands, rods, and staffs went into the forest to
harvest materials only to discover a circle of druids camped out next to her grove of magical
trees, forbidding her access.

62. The adventurers have established a stronghold, maybe a townhouse or country manor. As
part of their furnishings, they purchased an ornate wooden dining table. Unfortunately, a
century ago two rival wizards suffered a magical mishap during a duel: they were sealed into
the oak tree that is now the adventurers’ table. The wizards want out!

63. Every morning, as regular as the tides, the sun rises. Except this morning. This dawn saw
two suns rise.

64. One of the adventurers finds a ring. Putting it on changes that adventurer’s appearance —
looks, voice, physique, everything — randomly and permanently. Its magic also erases
everyone else’s memory of what the adventurer looked like before; to their friends and
associates, they’ve always looked like they do now.

65. One of the adventurers goes out to run a few errands. When she returns, she swears it’s
been a few months. She has no memory of what happened during that time, but she’s
convinced at least one season has passed, and she experienced monumental, terrible things
that the party has to put right.

66. There’s been a terrible accident at Ebonwood Academy: a rift appeared in the library
(something about a critical black mass forming among the spellbooks) and several students
and faculty were sucked in. Nobody knows where the rift leads, but brave souls are needed to
dive into a rescue mission.

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