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Volume III
Adventure Hooks
Volume III

d66 Tables for Fantasy Roleplaying Games

If you’re a roleplaying game referee, you know that sometimes it’s hard to get
players invested in games. RPGs are about story. Just as a novel author
needs to hook the reader into the plot in the first few pages, your game
needs a strong hook to interest players (and you, for that matter!) in
the story you want to create together. This book is intended to help that
RPG referees (GM, DM, ST, whatever you call yourself) can use the hooks in this book as
creative prompts to flesh out complete adventures. Or if you like improv, roll d66 (more
on that below), choose that hook, and start winging it!
These hooks are fantasy, but the vast majority are usable in multiple genres. Have fun!

Using d66
To generate a d66 result, roll two different six-sided dice. One is tens, the other ones. It’s
like percentile dice, but with six-siders. For example, if the “tens” die comes up 3 and the
“ones” die comes up 4, your result is 34.

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you’d have gotten this book for free long before you could get it elsewhere! Patrons get
early access to our work. You also get exclusive goodies for your games, like magic items
and NPCs, as well as worldbuilding advice and other stuff.

Design: R P Davis
Editing: K A McGann
Executive Producers: Angela Reese & Robin Williams
Cover Image by darksouls1 via Pixabay
Interior Art: Bob Greyvenstein; Some artwork © Grim Press, used with permission. All
rights reserved; Some artwork © 2016 Christina Stiles Presents, used with permission. All
rights reserved; Nathanaël Roux & Barkalot Designs
©2022 Kabouter Games - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without express prior permission in
writing from Kabouter Games or as permitted by law.
Any resemblance or similarity between characters or situations described in this book, and persons living or dead, or any situations in real life, is purely coincidental and completely unintentional.


11. The kingdom (duchy, barony, flaming breath. It bonds with them,
republic, etc.) has been taken over by a performing tricks. Of course they adopt
narcissistic autocrat. Tyranny reigns. The it. A few weeks later, however, it matures.
adventurers are discreetly recruited by a From then on, whenever a party member
powerful rival to overthrow the Fearless casts a spell or uses a magical ability, the
Leader. But at what cost? tiny dragon clones itself.
12. One of the adventurers accidentally 23. While a guest at a high-society ball
leaves a very personal item in a public in a wealthy noble’s mansion, one of
place, like a tavern or bookshop. A few the adventurers is accosted by a flower
days later, they find it in their lodgings, arrangement. The whispering orchids
accompanied by a note that reads: “You’re warn of a terrible secret.
exactly who we need.” A meeting and 24. Legend says the dread pirate
location are specified. Black Angie hid a fabulous hoard of
13. That house the adventurers bought? treasure. There’s even a map! While
It’s already inhabited. The ghosts are the adventurers walk along the beach
fairly harmless. They like giving advice, searching for it, Black Angie’s ghostly
and leaving little gifts around. They galleon sails into the same cove — and
guard the place when the party is off on Black Angie doesn’t take well to thieves.
adventures. But now they want something 25. The adventurers are exploring
in return: Vengeance. the tomb of a long-dead adventurer
14. A new tea shop opens. The tea is who notoriously failed to complete an
outstanding, delicious and aromatic. important quest. Behind his sarcophagus
Unfortunately, some people who drink is a mural telling the tale. The adventurers
it see visions of a terrifying future. The are sucked into the painting, and to get
prophets have nothing in common other out again, they have to complete the
than drinking the same tea, and their quest he failed.
vision is horribly uniform. 26. A small child important to the
15. The adventurers are approached by a adventurers proudly tells them she knows
regular patron with an easy and lucrative how to get to the Land of Cake. The Land
mission. Before they can begin, they get of Cake is very real, and she can prove
a message from another patron urging it: she opens a gate to it and takes them
them to decline; the first patron is setting shere. The trouble is King Blancmange
them up to take the fall — or worse — for a doesn’t like grownups at all, and sends his
dastardly crime. Who’s telling the truth? Cupcake Knights to capture and kill them.
16. Traveling through the wilderness, 31. The Old Gods have returned. The
the adventurers set up camp in a grove trouble is the Old Gods are petty,
of trees. The next morning, beyond the vindictive, and stupid. And they walk the
ring of trees there’s ... nothing. Gray mist. earth like mortals, nosing into everyone’s
Trying to walk through it just makes business. For generations, folks have paid
them walk back into the grove from a lip service to the gods. Now people are
different direction. being hacked to pieces or burned at the
21. As thanks for completing a dangerous stake. Someone has to put a stop to it!
quest, the adventurers are given the job of 32. Peculiar things have been happening
guarding the local ruler. It ought to be an at concerts given by an up-and-coming
easy job; the person is popular and in no young bard — at least one member of
overt outside danger. But they’re secretly the audience spontaneously combusts,
an adrenaline junkie who engages in all writhing in screaming agony until
manner of suicidal activities — and the reduced to ash. But that’s not the weird
party have to keep them safe, whole, and part. The weird part is the victim wakes
able to govern. the next morning in their own bed,
22. Traveling in the forest, the perfectly healthy, with no memory of
adventurers meet an adorable, tiny what happened. What the Nine Hells
iridescent dragon, complete with wee is going on?
33. People who have died in the last 44. While on another quest, the
decade have begun to rise from their adventurers encounter a room full of
graves. Most are no more than skeletons. notes, diagrams, and dossiers ... about
They're not evil, though; all they want is them. Nobody’s in the room, but it’s been
to pick up where they left off, as though well used; all their activities are recorded,
they never died. even those as recent as last week. Their
34. Something happened to Sophie most closely-held secrets are revealed in
Snapdragon’s prize herd of cows. They've the dossiers.
grown to giant size overnight! The 45. Walking across the city, the
problem is they're desperate for milking adventurers hear shouts from a nearby
and they’re stampeding, destroying not alley. Therein, a shirtless elf is calmly
just Sophie’s barn but other farms in the poised in a well-practiced combat
area. Sophie barely escaped with her life. stance, rapier on guard. He’s surrounded
35. A new dungeon has been discovered by people known or friendly to the
nearby, the ancient stone walls covered in adventurers — Watch officers or members
carved runes from a dead language no one of the Thieves’ Guild, perhaps. Who is
can speak or read. At least, until a small threatening who?
boy in a nearby town begins scratching 46. A disease is spreading from
the same runes into his own home. somewhere deep in the forest. Plants
36. Last week a few dwarves came are dying and animals are maddened
down from their mountain halls seeking to savagery. Unless something is done
refuge in the city. That’s not unusual. quickly, the blight will soon reach the
But over the next few days many more farms that feed the city where the
arrived, saying a fiery demon has taken adventurers live. There’s a druid who lives
up residence in their mines. Some want to in the mountains in the other direction;
help the dwarves. Others feel the refugees maybe she has the answer.
can find somewhere else to go. 51. The inn where the adventurers have
41. A large unit of soldiers has marched their lodgings has a new guest — a ghost!
into town, looking for a place to rest and The landlord is furious, however, for the
relax for a bit before they go back to the haunt has frightened off Lord Prenderby
front. The trouble is the war they say and his retinue, who were staying for
they’re fighting ended a century ago. The the festival next weekend. All that gold,
soldiers aren’t ghosts; they’re real flesh gone! All that word-of-mouth advertising,
and blood. What happened? up in smoke! Surely such experienced
42. The adventurers come back to adventurers can rid the place of the
town from a dungeon crawl, but as they phantasm. All they need to do is find
walk into the inn where they keep their her bones...
lodgings, the look on the innkeeper’s 52. Peg-Leg Pete spins a yarn about a
face is one of stunned disbelief. She says, hoard of pirate treasure. He was on Black
“ all just went upstairs not Bart’s crew, after all. Pete reckons he can
five minutes ago.” The scullery maid navigate to the archipelago where it’s
swears one of the adventurers snapped an buried. He has a dinghy full of troubles,
order at her for hot bathwater. though: First, the island is protected by
43. Speaking of weird happenings at the sharks of uncanny intelligence (hence
inn, the adventurers are awakened by the the peg leg), and second his tale has
innkeeper, who is pale and trembling. He reached the ears of other interested
leads them to a large, corroded metal door parties who want what’s in Pete’s head.
in the basement wall. He swears it wasn’t Whether or not he’s alive to reveal it is
there yesterday, even though it looks like immaterial to them.
it’s been there for generations. There’s a 53. A thief sold a small gilded statue to
foul smell coming from behind it... the pawnbroker who usually buys the
adventurers’ dungeon loot. He tossed it
on a dusty shelf and forgot about it. That
offended the petty godling that lives in the invited popular brewers from across the
idol. To make matters worse, the party’s land. The day before the fest is to begin,
cleric worships the god’s most hated the Guildmaster is worried; the dwarven
enemy. The next time the adventurers caravan from Sapphire Fermentery is
arrive to sell off loot, all heck breaks loose. several days overdue. Someone has to
54. One of the adventurers has search the road toward the mountains and
contracted a deadly disease that doesn’t see what happened.
respond to normal or magical healing. 63. Widow Adriana has died, and her
It’s killing them, and their time is relatives were cleaning out her home
drawing nigh. The only lead to a cure is a when they found a strange and grotesque
powerful but reclusive elvish healer who painting, covered with a black veil, of
lives deep in the northern wilderness. a thin man with a long, pointy nose.
Her misanthropy runs so deep that They removed the veil, but the painting
she isn’t interested in helping people was stuck on the wall with something a
for any amount of money. But she has crowbar wouldn’t even shift. That same
a little task the adventurers can do in night, a rich city merchant was murdered.
exchange for a cure. The merchant’s butler says he saw a thin
55. An archery contest is being held in man with a long, pointy nose fleeing the
the city. At stake is a staggering prize pot scene of the crime.
(whatever amount of gold tempts your 64. The adventurers are flagged down
players), as well as favors from powerful by a soaking wet boy who begs them for
stakeholders. Someone tried to poison help. He leads them to a nearby pond
Preston Arrias, the local favorite to win. and dives under, leading everyone to
Then someone else (or the same person) an underground cave. The boy says his
tried to run a cart over him. Arrias’s friend Shad disappeared while they were
backers want to hire the adventurers as exploring the cave. The cave wall has
bodyguards. Alternatively, one of the three names carved into it. Shad Taylor,
adventurers might enter; her reputation Laurelia Scoy, and Mariana Mattock.
means she’s the target for nobbling. Investigation reveals Laurelia disappeared
56. A group of scholars from the city’s five years ago, and Mariana five years
university mounted an expedition to a before that. The caves lead to a parallel
temple the adventurers discovered. The world or dimension where all three are
expedition recovered an ancient book. alive and well, but much, much older than
Before they could translate it, every they should be.
single member of the expedition was 65. While perusing a local shop, one of
killed, except for Professor Qualen, who the adventurers is drawn to an old, rusty
was kidnapped. The book remains at the sword. It feels familiar in their hand, and
university under heavy guard. What’s so that character’s name is engraved on the
important about that book? blade. The character has no memory of
61. The adventurers have arrived at a the sword, and the elderly shopkeeper
village. The villagers are quick to welcome swears the sword has been in this shop for
them, feasting them with food, drink, and as long as he can remember. Investigation
a roaring bonfire. At nightfall, a dense reveals the character had an ancestor of
fog rolls in, surrounding the village. The the same name who was a famous duellist.
villagers begin to arm themselves as 66. The adventurers are crossing the
unearthly shrieks echo out of the mist. sea. Aboard is the party; a nobleman with
The mayor, Dael Anwen, apologizes for his wife and beautiful young debutante
the trick but explains how desperately daughter, a handsome rake, the captain
the villagers need help. The shriekers are and crew, a well-known but retired
the restless dead, risen from the barrow- adventurer, and a famous detective.
fields away west. One morning, the nobleman is found
62. The city’s Worshipful Guild of murdered. A party member was the last to
Brewers is having a brewfest! They’ve see him alive. It’s up to you whodunnit.
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